Beispiel #1
    def childParentJoint( self, t, alphas, betas, xs=None ):
        alpha = np.broadcast_to( alphas[ t ], ( self.K, self.K ) ).T
        transition = self.transitionProb( t, t + 1, forward=False )
        beta = np.broadcast_to( betas[ t + 1 ], ( self.K, self.K ) )
        emission = self.emissionProb( t + 1, forward=False, xs=xs )

        return self.multiplyTerms( ( alpha, transition, beta, emission ) )
Beispiel #2
    def childParentJoint( self, t, alphas, betas, ys=None ):
        # P( x_t+1, x_t, Y ) = P( y_t+1 | x_t+1 ) * P( y_t+2:T | x_t+1 ) * P( x_t+1 | x_t ) * P( x_t, y_1:t )

        alpha = np.broadcast_to( alphas[ t ], ( self.K, self.K ) ).T
        transition = self.transitionProb( t, t + 1, forward=False )
        beta = np.broadcast_to( betas[ t + 1 ], ( self.K, self.K ) )
        emission = self.emissionProb( t + 1, forward=False, ys=ys )

        return self.multiplyTerms( ( alpha, transition, beta, emission ) )
Beispiel #3
    def nail_positions(self, theta, level=None, nail=None):
        if level is None or nail is None:
            level = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(self.n_rows), (self.n_nails, self.n_rows)).T
            nail = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(self.n_nails), (self.n_rows, self.n_nails))

        level_rel = 1. * level / (self.n_rows - 1)
        nail_rel = 2. * nail / (self.n_nails - 1) - 1.

        nail_positions = ((1. - np.sin(np.pi * level_rel)) * 0.5
                          + np.sin(np.pi * level_rel) * sigmoid(10 * theta * nail_rel))

        return nail_positions
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, args=None):
     self.env = topopogy1.Environment(args)
     form = (1, self.env.args['nely'], self.env.args['nelx'])
     layer = np.broadcast_to(args['volfrac'], form)
     self.layer = tf.Variable(layer, trainable=True)
     self.args = args
def physical_density(x, args, volume_contraint=False, cone_filter=True):
    shape = (args['nely'], args['nelx'])
    assert x.shape == shape or x.ndim == 1
    x = x.reshape(shape)
    if volume_contraint:
        mask = np.broadcast_to(args['mask'], x.shape) > 0
        x_designed = sigmoid_with_constrained_mean(x[mask], args['volfrac'])
        x_flat = autograd_lib.scatter1d(
            x_designed, np.flatnonzero(mask), x.size)
        x = x_flat.reshape(x.shape)

        v = np.sum(x) / args['nely'] / args['nelx']

        if args['volfrac'] > 0.9:
            args['volfrac'] = max(v * (1 - 0.02), 0.9)
        elif args['volfrac'] > 0.8:
            args['volfrac'] = max(v * (1 - 0.02), 0.8)
        elif args['volfrac'] > 0.7:
            args['volfrac'] = max(v * (1 - 0.02), 0.7)
        elif args['volfrac'] > 0.6:
            args['volfrac'] = max(v * (1 - 0.02), 0.6)
            args['volfrac'] = max(v * (1 - 0.02), 0.5)
        print("v = ", v ,", volfrac = ", args['volfrac'])
        x = x * args['mask']
    if cone_filter:
        x = autograd_lib.cone_filter(x, args['filter_width'], args['mask'])
    return x
Beispiel #6
def condition(args, to_shape=None):
    """Condition n-d args for PyCO2SYS.
    If NumPy can broadcast the args together, they are a valid combination, and they
    will be combined following NumPy broadcasting rules.

    All array-like args will be broadcast into the same shape.
    Any scalar args will be left as scalars.
    try:  # check all args can be broadcast together
        args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v is not None}
        args_broadcast = broadcast1024(*args.values())
        if to_shape is not None:
            try:  # check args can be broadcast to to_shape, if provided
                broadcast1024(np.ones(to_shape), np.ones(args_broadcast.shape))
                args_broadcast_shape = to_shape
            except ValueError:
                print("PyCO2SYS error: args are not broadcastable to to_shape.")
            args_broadcast_shape = args_broadcast.shape
        # Broadcast the non-scalar args to a consistent shape
        args_conditioned = {
            k: np.broadcast_to(v, args_broadcast_shape) if not np.isscalar(v) else v
            for k, v in args.items()
        # Convert to float, where needed
        args_conditioned = {
            k: np.float64(v) if k in input_floats else v
            for k, v in args_conditioned.items()
    except ValueError:
        print("PyCO2SYS error: input shapes cannot be broadcast together.")
    return args_conditioned
 def draw_z_column(self, k):
     # Because the z columns are inter-dependent, only draw one column at a time.
     assert k < self.k_approx
     z_cond_params = self.get_z_cond_params(self.z)
     z_logsumexp = sp.misc.logsumexp(z_cond_params, 1)
     z_logsumexp = np.broadcast_to(z_logsumexp, (self.k_approx, self.x_n)).T
     z_means = np.exp(z_cond_params - z_logsumexp)
     self.z[:, k] = vi.draw_z(z_means, 1)[0, :, k].astype(float)
Beispiel #8
    def emissionProb( self, t, forward=False, ys=None ):

        if( ys is None ):
            emiss = self.L[ t ]
            emiss = self._L.T[ ys[ :, t ] ].sum( axis=0 )

        return emiss if forward == True else np.broadcast_to( emiss, ( self.K, self.K ) )
Beispiel #9
def taylor_approx(target, stencil, values):
    """Use taylor series to approximate up to second order derivatives.

    target: An array of shape (..., n), a batch of n-dimensional points
      where one wants to approximate function value and derivatives.
    stencil: An array of shape broadcastable to (..., k, n), for each target
      point a set of k = triangle(n + 1) points to use on its approximation.
    values: An array of shape broadcastable to (..., k), the function value at
      each of the stencil points.

    An array of shape (..., k), for each target point the approximated
    function value, gradient and hessian evaluated at that point (flattened
    and in the same order as returned by derivative_names).
    # Broadcast arrays to their required shape.
    batch_shape, ndim = target.shape[:-1], target.shape[-1]
    stencil = np.broadcast_to(stencil,
                              batch_shape + (triangular(ndim + 1), ndim))
    values = np.broadcast_to(values, stencil.shape[:-1])

    # Subtract target from each stencil point.
    delta_x = stencil - np.expand_dims(target, axis=-2)
    delta_xy = np.matmul(np.expand_dims(delta_x, axis=-1),
                         np.expand_dims(delta_x, axis=-2))
    i = np.arange(ndim)
    j, k = np.triu_indices(ndim, k=1)

    # Build coefficients for the Taylor series equations, namely:
    #   f(stencil) = coeffs @ [f(target), df/d0(target), ...]
    coeffs = np.concatenate(
            np.ones(delta_x.shape[:-1] + (1, )),  # f(target)
            delta_x,  # df/di(target)
            delta_xy[..., i, i] / 2,  # d^2f/di^2(target)
            delta_xy[..., j, k],  # d^2f/{dj dk}(target)

    # Then: [f(target), df/d0(target), ...] = coeffs^{-1} @ f(stencil)
    return np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(coeffs), values[...,
Beispiel #10
def LKJ_to_beta_pars(eta, d):
    Transform LKJ distribution with parameter eta for matrix of dimension d
    to vector of beta distribution parameters:
    p_{i >= 1, j>i; 1...i-1} ~ Beta(b_i, b_i)
    b_i = eta + (d - 1 - i)/2
    idxmat = np.broadcast_to((d - 1 - np.arange(d)) / 2., (d, d)).T
    bmat = eta + idxmat
    return U_to_vec(bmat)  # only upper triangle, flattened
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, name='', length=1, matrix_size=2, diag_lb=0.0, val=None): = name
     self.__matrix_size = int(matrix_size)
     self.__matrix_shape = np.array([ int(matrix_size), int(matrix_size) ])
     self.__length = int(length)
     self.__shape = np.append(self.__length, self.__matrix_shape)
     # vec_size is the size of a single matrix in vector form.
     self.__vec_size = int(matrix_size * (matrix_size + 1) / 2)
     self.__diag_lb = diag_lb
     assert diag_lb >= 0
     if val is None:
         default_val = np.diag(np.full(self.__matrix_size, diag_lb + 1.0))
         self.__val = np.broadcast_to(default_val, self.__shape)
def physical_density(x, args, volume_contraint=False, cone_filter=True):
    shape = (args['nely'], args['nelx'])
    assert x.shape == shape or x.ndim == 1
    x = x.reshape(shape)
    if volume_contraint:
        mask = np.broadcast_to(args['mask'], x.shape) > 0
        x_designed = sigmoid_with_constrained_mean(x[mask], args['volfrac'])
        x_flat = autograd_lib.scatter1d(x_designed, np.flatnonzero(mask),
        x = x_flat.reshape(x.shape)
        x = x * args['mask']
    if cone_filter:
        x = autograd_lib.cone_filter(x, args['filter_width'], args['mask'])
    return x
Beispiel #13
    def emissionProb( self, t, forward=False, ys=None ):

        if( ys is None ):
            emiss = self.L[ t ]
            emiss = np.zeros( self.K )

            for k in range( self.K ):

                n1 = self.n1Emiss[ k ]
                n2 = self.n2Emiss[ k ]

                emiss += Normal.log_likelihood( ys[ :, t ], nat_params=( n1, n2 ) ).sum( axis=0 )

        return emiss if forward == True else np.broadcast_to( emiss, ( self.K, self.K ) )
Beispiel #14
    def emissionProb( self, t, forward=False, xs=None ):
        if( xs is None ):
            emiss = self.L[ t - 1 ]

            emiss = np.zeros( self.K )

            for i, ( n1, n2, n3 ) in enumerate( zip( self.n1Trans, self.n2Trans, self.n3Trans ) ):

                def ll( _x ):
                    x, x1 = np.split( _x, 2 )
                    return Regression.log_likelihood( ( x, x1 ), nat_params=( n1, n2, n3 ) )

                emiss[ i ] = np.apply_along_axis( ll, -1, np.hstack( ( xs[ :-1, t ], xs[ 1: , t ] ) ) )

        return emiss if forward == True else np.broadcast_to( emiss, ( self.K, self.K ) )
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, name='', array_shape=(1), matrix_size=2, diag_lb=0.0, val=None): = name
     self.__matrix_size = int(matrix_size)
     self.__matrix_shape = np.array([ int(matrix_size), int(matrix_size) ])
     self.__array_shape = array_shape
     self.__array_ranges = [ range(0, t) for t in self.__array_shape ]
     self.__array_length =
     self.__shape = np.append(self.__array_shape, self.__matrix_shape)
     # __vec_size is the size of a single matrix in vector form.
     self.__vec_size = int(matrix_size * (matrix_size + 1) / 2)
     self.__diag_lb = diag_lb
     assert diag_lb >= 0
     if val is None:
         default_val = np.diag(np.full(self.__matrix_size, diag_lb + 1.0))
         self.__val = np.broadcast_to(default_val, self.__shape)
Beispiel #16
    def multiplyTerms(cls, terms):
        # Basically np.einsum but in log space

        assert isinstance(terms, Iterable)

        # Remove the empty terms
        terms = [t for t in terms if > 1]

        ndim = max([len(term.shape) for term in terms])

        axes = [[i for i, s in enumerate(t.shape) if s != 1] for t in terms]

        # Get the shape of the output
        shape = np.ones(ndim, dtype=int)
        for ax, term in zip(axes, terms):
            shape[np.array(ax)] = term.squeeze().shape

        total_elts =
        if (total_elts > 1e8):
            assert 0, 'Don\'t do this on a cpu!  Too many terms: %d' % (

        # Build a meshgrid out of each of the terms over the right axes
        # and sum.  Doing it this way because np.einsum doesn't work
        # for matrix multiplication in log space - we can't do np.einsum
        # but add instead of multiply over indices

        ans = np.zeros(shape)
        for ax, term in zip(axes, terms):

            for _ in range(ndim - term.ndim):
                term = term[..., None]

            ans += np.broadcast_to(term, ans.shape)

        return ans
Beispiel #17
def broadcast_to(a: Numeric, *shape: Int):
    return anp.broadcast_to(a, shape)
Beispiel #18
 def backwardStep( self, t, beta ):
     # Write P( y_t+2:T | x_t+1 ) in terms of [ x_t+1, x_t ]
     _beta = np.broadcast_to( beta, ( self.K, self.K ) )
     return super( CategoricalHMM, self ).backwardStep( t, _beta )
Beispiel #19
 def forwardStep( self, t, alpha ):
     # Write P( y_1:t-1, x_t-1 ) in terms of [ x_t, x_t-1 ]
     _alpha = np.broadcast_to( alpha, ( self.K, self.K ) )
     return super( CategoricalHMM, self ).forwardStep( t, _alpha )
Beispiel #20
def multivariate_normal_logpdf(data, mus, Sigmas, mask=None):
    Compute the log probability density of a multivariate Gaussian distribution.
    This will broadcast as long as data, mus, Sigmas have the same (or at
    least compatible) leading dimensions.
    data : array_like (..., D)
        The points at which to evaluate the log density
    mus : array_like (..., D)
        The mean(s) of the Gaussian distribution(s)
    Sigmas : array_like (..., D, D)
        The covariances(s) of the Gaussian distribution(s)
    mask : array_like (..., D) bool
        Optional mask indicating which entries in the data are observed
    lps : array_like (...,)
        Log probabilities under the multivariate Gaussian distribution(s).
    # Check inputs
    D = data.shape[-1]
    assert mus.shape[-1] == D
    assert Sigmas.shape[-2] == Sigmas.shape[-1] == D

    # If there's no mask, we can just use the standard log pdf code
    if mask is None:
        return _multivariate_normal_logpdf(data, mus, Sigmas)

    # Otherwise we need to separate the data into sets with the same mask,
    # since each one will entail a different covariance matrix.
    # First, determine the output shape. Allow mus and Sigmas to
    # have different shapes; e.g. many Gaussians with the same
    # covariance but different means.
    shp1 = np.broadcast(data, mus).shape[:-1]
    shp2 = np.broadcast(data[..., None], Sigmas).shape[:-2]
    assert len(shp1) == len(shp2)
    shp = tuple(max(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(shp1, shp2))

    # Broadcast the data into the full shape
    full_data = np.broadcast_to(data, shp + (D, ))

    # Get the full mask
    assert mask.dtype == bool
    assert mask.shape == data.shape
    full_mask = np.broadcast_to(mask, shp + (D, ))

    # Flatten the mask and get the unique values
    flat_data = flatten_to_dim(full_data, 1)
    flat_mask = flatten_to_dim(full_mask, 1)
    unique_masks, mask_index = np.unique(flat_mask,

    # Initialize the output
    lls = np.nan * np.ones(flat_data.shape[0])

    # Compute the log probability for each mask
    for i, this_mask in enumerate(unique_masks):
        this_inds = np.where(mask_index == i)[0]
        this_D = np.sum(this_mask)
        if this_D == 0:
            lls[this_inds] = 0

        this_data = flat_data[np.ix_(this_inds, this_mask)]
        this_mus = mus[..., this_mask]
        this_Sigmas = Sigmas[np.ix_(
            *[np.ones(sz, dtype=bool) for sz in Sigmas.shape[:-2]], this_mask,

        # Precompute the Cholesky decomposition
        this_Ls = np.linalg.cholesky(this_Sigmas)

        # Broadcast mus and Sigmas to full shape and extract the necessary indices
        this_mus = flatten_to_dim(np.broadcast_to(this_mus, shp + (this_D, )),
        this_Ls = flatten_to_dim(
            np.broadcast_to(this_Ls, shp + (this_D, this_D)), 2)[this_inds]

        # Evaluate the log likelihood
        lls[this_inds] = _multivariate_normal_logpdf(this_data,

    # Reshape the output
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(lls))
    return np.reshape(lls, shp)
Beispiel #21
    def _simulate_transmission(self, theta, rng, return_history=False):

        # Track log p(x, z) (to calculate the score later)
        logp_xz = 0.

        # Initial state
        if self.initial_infection:
            dice = rng.rand(self.n_individuals, self.n_strains)
            threshold = np.broadcast_to(self.overall_prevalence,
                                        (self.n_individuals, self.n_strains))
            state = (dice < threshold)
            state = np.zeros((self.n_individuals, self.n_strains),

        # Track state history
        if return_history:
            history = [state]

        # Time steps
        n_time_steps = int(round(self.end_time / self.delta_t))

        for i in range(n_time_steps):
            # Random numbers
            dice = rng.rand(self.n_individuals, self.n_strains)

            # Exposure
            exposure = (
                state / (self.n_individuals - 1.) *
                np.broadcast_to(1. / np.sum(state, axis=1),
                                (self.n_strains, self.n_individuals)).T)
            exposure[np.invert(np.isfinite(exposure))] = 0.
            exposure = np.sum(exposure, axis=0)
            exposure = np.broadcast_to(exposure,
                                       (self.n_individuals, self.n_strains))

            # Prevalence of each strain
            prevalence = np.broadcast_to(self.overall_prevalence,
                                         (self.n_individuals, self.n_strains))

            # Individual infection status
            any_infection = (np.sum(state, axis=1) > 0)
            any_infection = np.broadcast_to(
                any_infection, (self.n_strains, self.n_individuals)).T

            # Infection threshold
            probabilities_infected = (
                np.invert(state) *
                (any_infection * theta[1] + np.invert(any_infection)) *
                (theta[0] * exposure + self.fixed_lambda * prevalence) *
                self.delta_t + state * (1. - self.fixed_gamma * self.delta_t))

            # Update state
            state = (dice < probabilities_infected)

            # Accumulate probabilities
            log_p_this_decision = state * probabilities_infected + (
                1 - state) * (1. - probabilities_infected)
            logp_xz = logp_xz + np.sum(np.log(log_p_this_decision))

            # Track state history
            if return_history:

        if return_history:
            return logp_xz, (state, history)

        return logp_xz, state
Beispiel #22
    def multiplyTerms(cls, terms):
        # Basically np.einsum but in log space

        assert isinstance(terms, Iterable)

        # Check if we should use the multiply for fbsData or for regular data
        fbs_data_count, non_fbs_data_count = (0, 0)
        for t in terms:
            if (isinstance(t, fbsData)):
                fbs_data_count += 1
                non_fbs_data_count += 1

        # Can't mix types
        if (not (fbs_data_count == 0 or non_fbs_data_count == 0)):
            print('fbs_data_count', fbs_data_count)
            print('non_fbs_data_count', non_fbs_data_count)
            for t in terms:
                if (isinstance(t, fbsData)):
                    print('this ones good', t, type(t))
                    print('this ones bad', t, type(t))
            assert 0

        # Use the regular multiply if we don't have fbs data
        if (fbs_data_count == 0):
            return GraphHMM.multiplyTerms(terms)

        # Remove the empty terms
        terms = [t for t in terms if > 1]

        if (len(terms) == 0):
            return fbsData(np.array([]), 0)

        # Separate out where the feedback set axes start and get the largest fbs_axis.
        # Need to handle case where ndim of term > all fbs axes
        # terms, fbs_axes_start = list( zip( *terms ) )
        fbs_axes_start = [term.fbs_axis for term in terms]
        terms = [ for term in terms]

        if (max(fbs_axes_start) != -1):
            max_fbs_axis = max([
                ax if ax != -1 else term.ndim
                for ax, term in zip(fbs_axes_start, terms)

            if (max_fbs_axis > 0):
                # Pad extra dims at each term so that the fbs axes start the same way for every term
                for i, ax in enumerate(fbs_axes_start):
                    if (ax == -1):
                        for _ in range(max_fbs_axis - terms[i].ndim + 1):
                            terms[i] = terms[i][..., None]
                        for _ in range(max_fbs_axis - ax):
                            terms[i] = np.expand_dims(terms[i], axis=ax)
            max_fbs_axis = -1

        ndim = max([len(term.shape) for term in terms])

        axes = [[i for i, s in enumerate(t.shape) if s != 1] for t in terms]

        # Get the shape of the output
        shape = np.ones(ndim, dtype=int)
        for ax, term in zip(axes, terms):
            shape[np.array(ax)] = term.squeeze().shape

        total_elts =
        if (total_elts > 1e8):
            assert 0, 'Don\'t do this on a cpu!  Too many terms: %d' % (

        # Build a meshgrid out of each of the terms over the right axes
        # and sum.  Doing it this way because np.einsum doesn't work
        # for matrix multiplication in log space - we can't do np.einsum
        # but add instead of multiply over indices
        ans = np.zeros(shape)
        for ax, term in zip(axes, terms):

            for _ in range(ndim - term.ndim):
                term = term[..., None]

            ans += np.broadcast_to(term, ans.shape)

        return fbsData(ans, max_fbs_axis)