def load_graph_laplacian(coo, wfunc=np.ones_like):

    if len(coo.shape) < 2:
        coo = np.reshape(coo, (-1, 3))
    if coo.shape[0] <= 1:
        return np.array([[1.0]])

    coo = coo[coo[:, 0] != 0.0, :]

    row = coo[:, 1].astype('int')
    col = coo[:, 2].astype('int')

    data = wfunc(coo[:, 0].astype('float'))

    aapr = coo_matrix((data, (row, col))).todense()

    aa = np.triu(aapr, k=1)
    aa += aa.T

    dd = np.diagflat(np.sum(np.abs(aa), axis=-1))
    ll = aa - dd

    return ll
Beispiel #2
def random_posdef(d, mu, L):
    Ort = ortho_group.rvs(d)
    D = np.diagflat(np.random.uniform(low=mu, high=L, size=d))
    return Ort @ D @ Ort.T
Beispiel #3
def random_mat(d, mu, L):
    Ort1 = ortho_group.rvs(d)
    Ort2 = ortho_group.rvs(d)
    D = np.diagflat(np.random.uniform(low=mu, high=L, size=d))
    return Ort1 @ D @ Ort2.T
import hmc
import autograd.numpy as np

# Generate random precision and mean parameters for a Gaussian
n_dim = 50
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=1234)
rnd_eigvec, _ = np.linalg.qr(rng.normal(size=(n_dim, n_dim)))
rnd_eigval = np.exp(rng.normal(size=n_dim) * 2)
prec = (rnd_eigvec / rnd_eigval) @ rnd_eigvec.T
mean = rng.normal(size=n_dim)

# Eigenvalue decomposition
w, v = np.linalg.eig(prec)
prec = np.diagflat(w)

# Deine potential energy (negative log density) for the Gaussian target
# distribution (gradient will be automatically calculated using autograd)
def pot_energy(pos):
    pos_minus_mean = pos - mean
    return 0.5 * pos_minus_mean @ prec @ pos_minus_mean

# Specify Hamiltonian system with isotropic Gaussian kinetic energy
system =

# H = 0.5 * mom @ inv(prec) @ mom + 0.5 * pos_minus_mean @ prec @ pos_minus_mean
# metric = hmc.metrics.DenseEuclideanMetric(prec)
# system =, metric)

# Hamiltonian is separable therefore use explicit leapfrog integrator
Beispiel #5
    def boosting(self,F,y,its):
        boosting for classification

        # settings 
        N = np.shape(F)[1]                      # length of weights
        w = np.zeros((N,1))              # initialization
        epsilon = 10**(-8)
        w_history = [copy.deepcopy(w)]     # record each weight for plotting

        # pre-computations for more effecient run
        y_diag = np.diagflat(y)
        M =,F)
        F_2 = F**2
        c =,w)

        # outer loop - each is a sweep through every variable once
        for i in range(its):
            # inner loop
            cost_vals = []
            w_vals = []
            for t in range(N):
                w_temp = copy.deepcopy(w)
                w_t = copy.deepcopy(w[t])

                # create 'a' vector for this update
                m_t = M[:,t]
                m_t.shape = (len(m_t),1)
                temp_t = m_t*w_t
                c = c - temp_t
                a_t = np.exp(-c)

                # create first derivative via components
                exp_t = np.exp(temp_t)
                num = a_t*m_t            
                den = exp_t + a_t     
                dgdw = - sum([e/r for e,r in zip(num,den)])

                # create second derivative via components
                f_t = F_2[:,t]
                f_t.shape = (len(f_t),1)
                num = a_t*f_t*exp_t
                den = den**2
                dgdw2 = sum([e/r for e,r in zip(num,den)])

                # take newton step
                w_t = w_t - dgdw/(dgdw2 + epsilon)

                # temp history
                w_temp[t] = w_t
                val = self.softmax(w_temp)

                # update computation                        
                temp_t = M[:,t]*w_t
                temp_t.shape = (len(temp_t),1)
                c = c + temp_t

            # determine biggest winner
            ind_win = np.argmin(cost_vals)
            w_win = w_vals[ind_win]
            w[ind_win] += copy.deepcopy(w_win)

            # update computation
            temp_t = M[:,ind_win]*w_win
            temp_t.shape = (len(temp_t),1)
            c = c + temp_t

            # record weights at each step for kicks

            # update counter and tol measure
        return w_history
Beispiel #6
def initial_momentum(state):
    n = len(state)
    mu = np.zeros(n)
    cov = np.diagflat(np.ones(n))
    new = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
    return new