Beispiel #1
def from_frag(xyz, bas, frags, chgs, spins, cycle=2, xc=None, verbose=4):
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.atom = xyz
    mol.basis = bas
    mol.verbose = 4
    mol.charge = sum(chgs)
    t1 = time.time() 
    dm, mo, occ = guess_frag(mol, frags, chgs, spins)
    print('Frag guess orb alpha')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, mo[0])
    print('Frag guess orb beta')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, mo[1])
    if xc is None:
        mf = scf.UHF(mol)
        mf = dft.UKS(mol)
        mf.xc = xc
    mf.verbose = verbose
    #mf.conv_tol = 1e-2
    mf.max_cycle = cycle
    mf.kernel(dm0 = dm)
    ss, s = mf.spin_square()
    if s < 0.1:
        print('Warning: S too small, symmetry breaking may be failed')
    t2 = time.time()
    print('time for guess: %.3f' % (t2-t1))
    return mf
Beispiel #2
def get_uno(mf, st='st2', uks=False, thresh=1.98):
    mol = mf.mol
    mo = mf.mo_coeff
    S = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
    na, nb = mf.nelec
    nopen = na - nb
    if st == 'st1':
        # deprecated
        mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
        unos, noon, nacto = get_uno_st1(mo, mo_occ, S)
    elif st == 'st2':
        dm = mf.make_rdm1()
        unos, noon = get_uno_st2(dm[0] + dm[1], S)
        nacto, ndb, nex = check_uno(noon, thresh)
    print('UNO ON:', noon)
    #ndb, nocc, nopen = idx
    #nacto = nocc - ndb
    nacta = (nacto + nopen) // 2
    nactb = (nacto - nopen) // 2
    print('nacto, nacta, nactb: %d %d %d' % (nacto, nacta, nactb))
    if uks:
        mf = mf.to_rks()
        mf = mf.to_rhf()
    mf.mo_coeff = unos
    mf.mo_occ = mf.mo_occ[0] + mf.mo_occ[1]
    #mf.mo_occ = noon
    print('UNO in active space')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, unos[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    return mf, unos, noon, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, nex
Beispiel #3
def do_gvb_qchem(mf, npair):
    mo = mf.mo_coeff
    basename = str(os.getpid())
    bridge.py2qchem(mf, basename)
    #os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/qchem/' + basename)
    #os.system('cp test.q53 /tmp/qchem/test_qc/53.0
    os.system('qchem %s.qout %s' % (basename, basename, basename))
    gvbno = bridge.qchem2py(basename)[0]
    mf.mo_coeff = gvbno
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, gvbno, ncol=10)
    return mf, gvbno, npair
Beispiel #4
def get_locorb(mf, localize='pm', pair=True):
    mol = mf.mol
    mo = mf.mo_coeff
    nbf = mf.mo_coeff.shape[0]
    nif = mf.mo_coeff.shape[1]
    mol2 = mf.mol.copy()
    mol2.basis = 'sto-6g'
    mf2 = scf.RHF(mol2)
    mf2.max_cycle = 150
    #dm = mf2.from_chk('loc_rhf_proj.chk')
    mo2 = mf2.mo_coeff
    #nbf2 = mf2.mo_coeff.shape[0]
    #nif2 = mf2.mo_coeff.shape[1]
    idx = np.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ)
    cross_S = gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp', mol, mol2)
    print(idx, mo.shape, mo2.shape, cross_S.shape)
    vir_cross = einsum('ji,jk,kl->il', mo[:, idx:], cross_S, mo2[:, idx:])

    u, s, v = scipy.linalg.svd(vir_cross)
    print('SVD', s)
    projmo =[:, idx:], u)
    mf.mo_coeff[:, idx:] = projmo

    npair = np.sum(mf2.mo_occ == 0)
    print('npair', npair)
    idx2 = np.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ)
    ncore = chemcore(mol)
    idx1 = min(idx2 - npair, ncore)
    idx3 = idx2 + npair
    print('MOs after projection')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, idx1:idx3], ncol=10)
    occ_idx = slice(idx1, idx2)
    vir_idx = slice(idx2, idx3)
    if localize:
        mf = loc(mf, occ_idx, vir_idx, localize)
    if pair:
        mo_dipole = dipole_integral(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
        #ncore = idx1
        nopen = np.sum(mf.mo_occ == 1)
        nalpha = idx2
        #nvir_lmo = npair
        alpha_coeff = pair_by_tdm(ncore, npair, nopen, nalpha, npair, nbf, nif,
                                  mf.mo_coeff, mo_dipole)
        mf.mo_coeff = alpha_coeff.copy()
        print('MOs after pairing')
        ncore = idx2 - npair
        dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, idx1:idx3], ncol=10)
    return mf, mf.mo_coeff, npair, ncore
Beispiel #5
def get_gvbno(thenof, mf, thresh=1.98):
    mol = mf.mol
    mo = thenof.mo_coeff
    S = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
    na, nb = thenof.nelecas
    nopen = na - nb
    dm = thenof.make_rdm1()
    no, noon = get_uno_st2(dm, S)
    nacto, ndb, nex = check_uno(noon, thresh)
    print('GVBNO ON:', noon)
    #ndb, nocc, nopen = idx
    #nacto = nocc - ndb
    nacta = (nacto + nopen) // 2
    nactb = (nacto - nopen) // 2
    print('nacto, nacta, nactb: %d %d %d' % (nacto, nacta, nactb))
    mf.mo_coeff = no
    #mf.mo_occ = noon
    print('GVBNO in active space')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, no[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    return mf, no, noon, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, nex
Beispiel #6
def do_suhf(mf):
    from pyphf import suscf
    mol = mf.mol
    #mo = mf.mo_coeff
    #S = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
    na, nb = mf.nelec
    nopen = na - nb
    mf2 = suscf.SUHF(mf)
    no = mf2.natorb[2]
    noon = mf2.natocc[2]
    nacto, ndb, nex = check_uno(noon)
    #ndb, nocc, nopen = idx
    #nacto = nocc - ndb
    nacta = (nacto + nopen) // 2
    nactb = (nacto - nopen) // 2
    print('nacto, nacta, nactb: %d %d %d' % (nacto, nacta, nactb))
    mf = mf.to_rhf()
    mf.mo_coeff = no
    print('UNO in active space')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, no[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    return mf, no, noon, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, nex
Beispiel #7
def loc_asrot(mf, nacto, nelecact, ncore, localize='pm'):
    #idx2 = idx[0] + npair - 1
    #idx3 = idx2 + idx[2]
    #npair = min(npair,3)
    #idx1 = idx2 - npair
    #idx4 = idx3 + npair
    mol = mf.mol
    na, nb = nelecact
    nopen = na - nb
    npair = (nacto - nopen) // 2
    occ_idx = slice(ncore, ncore + npair)
    vir_idx = slice(ncore + nacto - npair, ncore + nacto)
    """nbf = mf.mo_coeff.shape[0]
    S = mf.get_ovlp()
    occ_loc_orb = pm(mol.nbas,mol._bas[:,0],mol._bas[:,1],mol._bas[:,3],mol.cart,nbf,npair,mf.mo_coeff[:,occ_idx],S,'mulliken')
    vir_loc_orb = assoc_rot_py(mf.mo_coeff[:,occ_idx], occ_loc_orb, mf.mo_coeff[:,vir_idx])
    mf.mo_coeff[:,occ_idx] = occ_loc_orb.copy()
    mf.mo_coeff[:,vir_idx] = vir_loc_orb.copy()"""
    mf = loc(mf, occ_idx, vir_idx, localize=localize)
    print('MOs after assoc_rot')
    dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, ncore:ncore + nacto], ncol=10)
    #vir_loc_orb2 = assoc_rot(nbf, npair, mf.mo_coeff[:,occ_idx], occ_loc_orb, mf.mo_coeff[:,vir_idx])
    #dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol,vir_loc_orb2, ncol=10)
    return mf, npair
Beispiel #8
def loc(mf, occ_idx, vir_idx, localize='pm'):
    mol = mf.mol
    if localize == 'pm1':
        from lo import pm
        S = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
        nbf = mf.mo_coeff.shape[0]
        nif = mf.mo_coeff.shape[1]
        npair = len(occ_idx)
        occ_loc_orb = pm(mol.nbas, mol._bas[:, 0], mol._bas[:, 1],
                         mol._bas[:, 3], mol.cart, nbf, npair,
                         mf.mo_coeff[:, occ_idx], S, 'mulliken')
        vir_loc_orb = pm(mol.nbas, mol._bas[:, 0], mol._bas[:, 1],
                         mol._bas[:, 3], mol.cart, nbf, npair,
                         mf.mo_coeff[:, vir_idx], S, 'mulliken')
    elif localize == 'pm':
        occ_loc_orb = PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, occ_idx], mf).kernel()
        vir_loc_orb = PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, vir_idx], mf).kernel()
    mf.mo_coeff[:, occ_idx] = occ_loc_orb.copy()
    mf.mo_coeff[:, vir_idx] = vir_loc_orb.copy()
    print('MOs after PM localization')
                     mf.mo_coeff[:, slice(occ_idx.start, vir_idx.stop)],
    return mf
Beispiel #9
for r in np.arange(1.4, 1.45, 0.1):
    output = 'c2_%.1f.out' % r
    os.system("echo '\n' > %s" % output)
    print('scan %.1f' % r)
    with open(output, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
            xyz = '''C 0.0 0.0 0.0; C 0.0 0.0 %f''' % r
            mol = gto.M(atom=xyz, basis='cc-pvtz')
            mf = scf.RHF(mol)

            mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 8, (4, 4))
            mc.fcisolver.nroots = 3
            mc = mc.state_specific_(0)

            dump_mat.dump_mo(mol, mc.mo_coeff[:, :12])

            #mc2 = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 8, (4,4))
            #mc2.fcisolver.nroots = 3

            e_corr = mrpt.NEVPT(mc).kernel()
            e_tot = mc.e_tot + e_corr
            print('Total energy of ground state', e_tot)
Beispiel #10
from automr import guess, dump_mat
from automr.autocas import get_uno
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lo import PM


xyz = '''Cr .0 .0 .0; V .0 .0 2.0'''
bas = 'def2-svp'
mf = guess.gen(xyz, bas, 0, 9, xc='pbe')

mf, unos, noon, nacto, nelecact, ncore, _ = get_uno(mf, thresh=1.98)

act_idx = range(ncore, ncore+nacto)
loc_orb = PM(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:,act_idx], mf).kernel()
dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, loc_orb, ncol=10)
#mf.mo_coeff[:, act_idx] = loc_orb.copy()

import numpy as np
def mulliken(mol, mo):
    atm_loc = {}
    S = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
    theta = lib.einsum('ai, ab, bi -> ia', mo, S, mo)
    for i in range(theta.shape[0]):
        print('LMO %d' %i, end='')
        chg = np.zeros(mol.natm)
        for a, s in enumerate(mol.ao_labels(fmt=None)):
            chg[s[0]] += theta[i,a]
        if chg.max() > 0.65:
            max_idx = chg.argmax()
            if max_idx in atm_loc:
Beispiel #11
def cas(mf,
        no=(None, None),
        mf: RHF/UHF object
        lmo: False, 
             'pm',  # PM from pyscf
             'pm1'  # PM from mokit
    is_uhf, mf = check_uhf(mf)
    if no[0] is not None:
        mo_coeff, noon = no
        nacto, ndb, nex = check_uno(noon)
        nopen = mf.nelec[0] - mf.nelec[1]
        nacta = (nacto + nopen) // 2
        nactb = (nacto - nopen) // 2
        mf = mf.to_rhf()
        mf.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
        dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    elif is_uhf:
        if suhf:
            mf, unos, unoon, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, nex = do_suhf(mf)
            mf, unos, unoon, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, nex = get_uno(mf)
        if lmo:
            mf, npair = loc_asrot(mf, nacto, (nacta, nactb), ndb, localize=lmo)
            if gvb:
                if nacta - nactb != 0:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'GVB for nopen > 0 not implemented')
                nacto0 = nacto
                mf, gvbno, noon, npair = do_gvb(mf, npair, ndb)
                nacto = npair * 2
                nacta = nactb = npair
        if lmo:
            mf, lmos, npair, ndb = get_locorb(mf, localize=lmo)
            if gvb:
                #nacto0 = npair*2
                mf, gvbno, noon, npair = do_gvb(mf, npair, ndb)
                print('''Warning: LMO obtained but no GVB performed. 
                                  That's not reliable usually.''')
            nacto = npair * 2
            nacta = nactb = npair
            print('Warning: no lmo step so no special actions on RHF orbitals')
        #    ndb = np.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ) - nacto//2

    if act_user is not None:
        print('Warning: using user defined active space')
        if is_uhf:
            if act_user[0] > nacto0:
                    'Warning: User defined active space larger than UNO-determined space.'
            elif gvb and act_user[0] > nacto:
                    'Warning: User defined active space larger than GVB-determined space.'
            if gvb and act_user[0] > nacto:
                    'Warning: User defined active space larger than GVB-determined space.'
        nacto = act_user[0]
        nacta, nactb = act_user[1]
        print('user-defined guess orbs')
        if not is_uhf and not lmo:
            ndb = np.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ) - nacto // 2
            if sort is not None:
                mf = sort_mo(mf, sort, ndb)
        dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    nopen = nacta - nactb

    if symmetry is not None:
    mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, nacto, (nacta, nactb))
    mc.fcisolver.max_memory = max_memory // 2
    mc.max_memory = max_memory // 2
    mc.max_cycle = 200
    mc.fcisolver.spin = nopen
    if crazywfn:
        mc.fcisolver.level_shift = 0.2
        mc.fcisolver.pspace_size = 1200
        mc.fcisolver.max_space = 100
        mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 300
        mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 100
    mc.natorb = natorb
    mc.verbose = 4
    #if not is_uhf and sort is not None:
    #    mo = mc.sort_mo(sort)
    #    mf.mo_coeff = mo
    if dry:
        return mc
    if natorb:
        print('Natrual Orbs')
        dump_mat.dump_mo(mf.mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, ndb:ndb + nacto], ncol=10)
    return mc