def test_create_host_splitting(self) -> None:
     parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
     ping = Ping.create("name", parser["section"])
     assert ping._hosts == ["a", "b", "c"]
    def test_smoke(self, mocker) -> None:
        mock = mocker.patch("")
        mock.return_value = 1

        hosts = ["abc", ""]

        assert Ping("name", hosts).check() is None

        assert mock.call_count == len(hosts)
        for (args, _), host in zip(mock.call_args_list, hosts):
            assert args[0][-1] == host
    def test_smoke(self, mocker):
        mock = mocker.patch('')
        mock.return_value = 1

        hosts = ['abc', '']

        assert Ping('name', hosts).check() is None

        assert mock.call_count == len(hosts)
        for (args, _), host in zip(mock.call_args_list, hosts):
            assert args[0][-1] == host
 def test_create_missing_hosts(self) -> None:
     parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
     with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError):
         Ping.create("name", parser["section"])
 def test_matching(self, mocker) -> None:
     mock = mocker.patch("")
     mock.return_value = 0
     assert Ping("name", ["foo"]).check() is not None
 def create_instance(self, name):
     return Ping(name, "")
 def test_create_host_splitting(self):
     parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
     ping = Ping.create('name', parser['section'])
     assert ping._hosts == ['a', 'b', 'c']
 def test_create_missing_hosts(self):
     parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
     with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError):
         Ping.create('name', parser['section'])
 def test_matching(self, mocker):
     mock = mocker.patch('')
     mock.return_value = 0
     assert Ping('name', ['foo']).check() is not None