Beispiel #1
def skip_on_centos7():
    """Decorator to allow selective skipping of test"""
    dist = distro.linux_distribution()
    if dist[0] == 'CentOS Linux' and dist[1] == '7':
        return skip('Newer software distribution needed')

    def _do(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return _do
Beispiel #2
def skipForTicket(ticket):
    """Skip a test with a comment about a ticket."""
    return skip("Skipping until {} is fixed.".format(ticket))
Beispiel #3
def skipForTicket(ticket):
    ''' Skip a test with a comment about a ticket'''
    return skip("Skipping until {} is fixed.".format(ticket))