def find_missing_draw(days_till_expiration, days_till_urgent, code): current_time = results_expiration = current_time - datetime.timedelta( days=days_till_expiration) warn_missing = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=days_till_urgent) critically_missing = warn_missing - datetime.timedelta(days=2) missing_draw = Session.query( models.Result).filter(models.Result.site_code == code).filter( models.Result.draw_date == None).filter( models.Result.test_date > warn_missing).all() warn_missing_draw = Session.query( models.Result).filter(models.Result.site_code == code).filter( models.Result.draw_date == None).filter( models.Result.test_date > critically_missing).filter( models.Result.test_date <= warn_missing).all() critically_missing_draw = Session.query( models.Result).filter(models.Result.site_code == code).filter( models.Result.draw_date == None).filter( models.Result.test_date <= critically_missing).filter( models.Result.test_date > results_expiration).all() return missing_draw, warn_missing_draw, critically_missing_draw
def setup(self): Session.remove() self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.configfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'config') self.datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') self.homedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.tempdir) config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() config.add_section('settings') config.set('settings', 'dir.raw', os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'raw')) config.set('settings', 'dir.web', os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'web')) config.set('settings', 'sqlalchemy.url', 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'db')) config.set('settings', 'gpg.home', self.homedir) config.set('settings', 'gpg.passphrase', 'secret') config.set('settings', 'gpg.binary', 'gpg') config.set('settings', 'mail.on', 'True') config.set('settings', '', 'proc@localhost') config.set('settings', 'notify.error', 'foo@localhost') config.set('settings', 'notify.999X.dhiv', 'foo@localhost') config.set('settings', 'notify.999X.dhcv', 'foo@localhost') config.set('settings', 'notify.999X.dhbv', 'foo@localhost') config.set('settings', 'notify.diagnostic', 'foo@localhost') self.config = config with open(self.configfile, 'w+') as fp: config.write(fp) sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile] scripts.initdb.main() self.passphrase = 'secret', gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=self.homedir) self.gpg = gpg # persist the keys so the function properly reload them with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.homedir) as fp: key = gpg.gen_key(gpg.gen_key_input()) fp.write(gpg.export_keys(str(key))) fp.write(gpg.export_keys(str(key), True)) self.key = key # The database will be reconfigured with the commannd, so make sure # it is not bound to a database Session.remove()
def test_DrawDateSync_ResultHasNoCorrespondingDrawDateInDrawTable_ResultDrawDateIsNone( self): """ Result draw dates should be None if no available corresponding draw date in Draw table Sync code is in """ site_code = '999X' reference_number = '12345' gpg = self.gpg datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '999X 12345 P N N N' # NOQA io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, datafile] scripts.parse.main() result = Session.query(models.Result)\ .filter(models.Result.site_code == site_code)\ .filter(models.Result.reference_number == reference_number).first() # Is there a draw date? assert not result.draw_date
def test_dry(self): """ Ensure --dry option doesn't affect the file system and database """ config = self.config gpg = self.gpg datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '076C 12345 P' io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, '--dry', datafile] scripts.parse.main() eq_(0, Session.query(models.Result).count()) assert not os.path.exists( os.path.join(config.get('settings', 'dir.web'), '76C.html')) assert not os.path.exists( os.path.join(config.get('settings', 'dir.web'), '76C.xls'))
def test_duplicate(self): """ Ensure we get notified if a duplicate entry is attempted """ gpg = self.gpg datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '076C 12345 P' io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, datafile] scripts.parse.main() Session.remove() io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '076C 12345 N' io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() try: sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, datafile] scripts.parse.main() Session.remove() except: # the command will re-raise the exception, suppress it so we # can read the email pass emails = turbomail.interface.manager.transport.get_sent_mails() eq_(1, len(emails)) email_content = emails.pop() expected = 'Already exists: 76C12345' assert expected in email_content
def find_missing_draw(days_till_expiration, code): current_time = results_expiration = current_time - datetime.timedelta( days=days_till_expiration) missing_draw = Session.query( models.Result).filter(models.Result.site_code == code).filter( models.Result.draw_date == None).filter( models.Result.test_date > results_expiration).all() return missing_draw
def test_DrawDateSync_ResultHasCorrespondingDrawDateInDrawTable_ResultDrawDateIsSynced( self): """ Should sync draw dates from Draw table to results in Result table """ # Add draw date to draw table first site_code = '999X' reference_number = '12345' # Add draw date to Draw table Session.add( models.Draw(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number, transaction.commit() gpg = self.gpg datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '999X 12345 P N N N' # NOQA io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, datafile] scripts.parse.main() result = Session.query(models.Result)\ .filter(models.Result.site_code == site_code)\ .filter(models.Result.reference_number == reference_number).first() # Is there a draw date? assert result.draw_date
def test_parsefp_duplicate_result(): """ Ensure we can detect duplicates """ site_code = 'XXXX' reference_number = 'YYYYY' # Create a pre-existing result Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number, nat='N', file='oldfile.txt')) Session.flush() fp = StringIO() print >> fp, 'Line 1' print >> fp, (site_code + ' ' + reference_number).ljust(80) results, duplicates = parser.parsefp(fp) eq_(len(results), 0) eq_(len(duplicates), 1)
def from_file(file): """ Custom argument parser type for configuration files. Reads configuration file and initializes dependent utilities """ config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() try: # setup logging (this is optional) logging.config.fileConfig(file) except configparser.NoSectionError: pass settings = dict(config.items('settings')) # Database Session.configure(bind=engine_from_config(settings)) # Email turbomail.interface.start(settings) return settings
def test_main(self): gpg = self.gpg datafile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') io = StringIO() print >> io, 'Has 1 result' print >> io, '076CX 12345 P' io.flush() gpg.encrypt_file(io, str(self.key), passphrase=self.passphrase, output=datafile) io.close() sys.argv = ['', '-c', self.configfile, datafile] scripts.parse.main() eq_(1, Session.query(models.Result).count())
def bucketize_results(): """ Returns a dictonary of buckets which has site_codes as keys and list of results as values""" buckets = {} try: all_results = Session.query(models.Result) site_codes = [] for result in all_results: try: if result.site_code not in site_codes: site_codes.append(result.site_code) buckets[result.site_code] = [] buckets[result.site_code].append( str(result.site_code) + str(result.reference_number)) except: pass except Exception as e: log.critical(traceback.format_exc()) return buckets
def test_FindMissingDraw_AllResultsMoreThan6MonthsOldAndAllMissingDrawDates_ReturnEmptyListOfResults( self): """ Should return an empty list of results because all results' test date is older than 180 days. All results are missing draw dates. """ missing_draw = [] current_time = date1 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=190) date2 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=200) date3 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=250) date4 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=300) date5 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=350) # Add 5 unique results where 5 results are missing their draw date and # 5 are more than 6 months old site_code = '99X' reference_number1 = '11111' reference_number2 = '22222' reference_number3 = '33333' reference_number4 = '44444' reference_number5 = '55555' Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number1, test_date=date1, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number2, test_date=date2, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number3, test_date=date3, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number4, test_date=date4, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number5, test_date=date5, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) transaction.commit() missing_draw = scripts.parse.find_missing_draw() # Correct number of missing draw date cases? assert len(missing_draw) == 0
def sync_sql_result(buckets, settings): """ Parameters: buckets: Dict of site codes and list of Results for that site as key, value pairs settings: A dictionary of settings specified in the configuration file Returns None """ try:"Synchronization Routine Started") #only two attributes could have been updated Draw Date or Location #Result should not be modified in the RedCAP directly rcs = json.loads(open(settings['redcap_json'], 'r').read()) # Days after which results become invalid days_till_expiration = int(settings['days.tillexpiration']) # Days after which results can be published to patients days_till_notify = int(settings['days.tillnotify']) # Days after which tester should definitely act ASAP on CRF's or redcap entries days_till_urgent = int(settings['days.tillurgent']) pk_sites = settings.get('pk_site').split() redcap = RCProject(buckets.keys(), rcs) for key, value in buckets.iteritems(): ctsrecords = [] # These malformed draw dates need to be handled offline. This script will only be # reporting such entries malformed_draw = [] # Unmindful check. This line is mostly a deadcode, I guess. if key not in redcap.project.keys(): continue print 'key' print key #fields = ['visit_date','test_site'] # we pass the 'label' flag to get the location value as string instead numeric values records = [] if redcap.project[key].is_longitudinal( ) == True or key in pk_sites: print 'is logitudinal' print key l_records = redcap.project[key].export_records() records = list(x for x in l_records if x['rc_id'] in value) else: records = redcap.project[key].export_records( records=value, fields=redcap.nat_fields, raw_or_label='label') ctsrecord = redcap.project['CTS'].export_records( records=value, fields='rec_status') for each in ctsrecord: new_ctsrecord = {} new_ctsrecord['rc_id'] = each['rc_id'] new_ctsrecord['rec_status'] = 1 ctsrecords.append(new_ctsrecord) # RCIDs for which we have new results will be in push records push_records = [] for record in records: sql_row = Session.query(models.Result)\ .filter(models.Result.site_code == key)\ .filter(models.Result.reference_number == record['rc_id'][-5:]).first() # Visit/Draw date update in SQL DB if 'visit_date' in record.keys( ) and record['visit_date'] != '': visit_date = dt.strptime(record['visit_date'], "%Y-%m-%d").date() if sql_row.site_code == 'SDPT': print 'dates not equal' print sql_row.draw_date print visit_date if sql_row.draw_date != visit_date: if sql_row.test_date >= visit_date: print 'update visit date' sql_row.draw_date = visit_date min_visit_date = sql_row.test_date - datetime.timedelta( days=int(settings['result_buffer'])) if visit_date < min_visit_date: malformed_draw.append(record['rc_id']) # The malformed draw dates are the ones that don't fall in to the # accepted window for results. Just report them, nothin more. else: malformed_draw.append(record['rc_id']) # Location update in SQL DB if 'test_site' in record.keys() and record['test_site'] != '': rc_location = '' if redcap.project[key].is_longitudinal() == True: labeled_recs = redcap.project[key].export_records( raw_or_label='label') fil_rec = list(x for x in labeled_recs if x['rc_id'] == record['rc_id'])[0] rc_location = fil_rec['test_site'] else: rc_location = record['test_site'] if sql_row.location != rc_location: sql_row.location = rc_location # Keep track for bulk update in RedCAP later if 'nat_result_date' in record.keys(): if record['nat_result_date'] == '': push_records.append( update_result_redcap(record, sql_row)) else: if 'nat_test_complete' in record.keys() and \ record['nat_test_complete'] == "Incomplete": new_record = {} new_record['rc_id'] = record['rc_id'] new_record['nat_test_complete'] = 2 push_records.append(new_record) Session.commit() # Make the bulk update for every 'key' and 'site' value = redcap.project[key].import_records(push_records) redcap.project['CTS'].import_records(ctsrecords) # The following lines form the sophisticated email system ;-P. Well we again # ask the human to help. malformed_draw_count = len(malformed_draw) # Get list of results with missing draw dates missing_draw, warn_draw, critical_draw = find_missing_draw( days_till_expiration, days_till_urgent, key) missing_draw_count = len(missing_draw) warn_draw_count = len(warn_draw) critical_draw_count = len(critical_draw) weekday = if warn_draw_count != 0 and time_in_range( and weekday == 5: #Special notifications when draw dates are missing for days_till_urgent # This notification is sent on Fridays(5) report_date = warn_draw report_date_count = warn_draw_count level = 1 notify = settings.get('notify.%s.action' % key.lower()).split() turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject= '[RedCAP Sync Update]: Prolonged Missing RedCAP Entries for (%s)' % key, plain=lookup.get_template('email/date.mako').render( **{ 'timestamp':, 'report_date': report_date, 'report_date_count': report_date_count, 'level': level, 'days_till_urgent': days_till_urgent, 'code': key }))) if critical_draw_count != 0: # Very critical draw date events emailed everyday # Between 8-9am time_now = if time_in_range(time_now): "Some of the draw dates are missing for over %d days" % (int(days_till_urgent) + 2)) report_date = critical_draw report_date_count = critical_draw_count level = 2 notify = settings.get('notify.%s.action' % key.lower()).split() turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject= '[RedCAP Sync]: Action Required in RedCAP Entries for (%s)!' % key, plain=lookup.get_template( 'email/date.mako').render( **{ 'timestamp':, 'report_date': report_date, 'report_date_count': report_date_count, 'level': level, 'days_till_urgent': days_till_urgent, 'code': key }))) # Get list of draw dates with missing Red Cross results that are more than 7 days old missing_results = find_missing_results(days_till_notify, days_till_expiration, redcap, key) missing_results_count = len(missing_results) shouldNotify = False # Notify recipients if there is anything to notify about only if its a Monday if missing_results_count > 0 or missing_draw_count > 0 and ).weekday() == 1: shouldNotify = True if shouldNotify and time_in_range( notify = settings.get('notify.%s.action' % key.lower()).split() # Notify appropriate people if notify is set to true turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject= '[RedCAP Sync]: Synchronization Status Check (%s)' % key, plain=lookup.get_template('email/rcap.mako').render( **{ 'timestamp':, 'results_count': 0, 'missing_draw_count': missing_draw_count, 'missing_draw': missing_draw, 'missing_results_count': missing_results_count, 'missing_results': missing_results, 'days_till_notify': days_till_notify, 'days_till_urgent': days_till_urgent, 'code': key, 'malformed_draw_count': malformed_draw_count, 'malformed_draw': malformed_draw }))) except: turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=settings['notify.error'].split(), subject='[The Early Test]:Exception in matching visit dates!', plain=traceback.format_exc()))
def setup_module(): engine = create_engine('sqlite://') models.Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine) Session.configure(bind=engine)
def teardown_module(): Session.remove()
def teardown(): Session.rollback()
def teardown(self): # reset the temporary directory to system default shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) turbomail.interface.stop(force=True) turbomail.interface.config = {'mail.on': False} Session.remove()
def main(): args = cli.parse_args() settings = args.settings days_till_expiration = int(settings['days.tillexpiration']) days_till_notify = int(settings['days.tillnotify']) try: results = sync_redcap.get_cts_results(settings) if not args.dry: Session.add_all(results) Session.commit() else:'Dry run, not commiting changes') sync_site_codes = settings.get('').split() ucsd_site_codes = settings.get('').split() emory_site_codes = settings.get('').split() gwu_site_codes = settings.get('').split() rcs = json.loads(open(settings['redcap_json'], 'r').read()) redcap = RCProject(sync_site_codes, rcs) # Refresh results for site_code in sync_site_codes: print 'site code' print site_code for type_ in models.TYPES: #notify = settings.get('notify.%s.%s' % (site_code.lower(), type_.lower()), '').split() notify = [] print type_ pnt = list( r for r in results if r.check(type_) is True and r.site_code == site_code) neg = [ r for r in results if r.check(type_) is False and r.site_code == site_code ] odd = [ r for r in results if r.check(type_) is None and r.site_code == site_code ] if not (pnt): continue 'clear' if type_ == 'dhiv': notify = get_receipients(redcap, 'hiv_pos', site_code, ucsd_site_codes, emory_site_codes, gwu_site_codes) t_type = 'HIV' elif type_ == 'dhcv': notify = get_receipients(redcap, 'hcv_pos', site_code, ucsd_site_codes, emory_site_codes, gwu_site_codes) t_type = 'HCV' elif type_ == 'dhbv': notify = get_receipients(redcap, 'hbv_pos', site_code, ucsd_site_codes, emory_site_codes, gwu_site_codes) t_type = 'HBV' print notify if not notify: continue turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject='New %s+ NAT' % t_type, plain=lookup.get_template('email/parse.mako').render( **{ 'timestamp':, 'type_': t_type, 'site_code': site_code, 'pnt': pnt, 'neg': neg, 'odd': odd })))'Notified %s mailing lists of results for "%s"' % (site_code, type_)) for code in sync_site_codes: results_count = 0 shouldNotify = False # Get number of site specific results in this upload for r in results: if r.site_code == code.upper(): results_count += 1 # Get list of results with missing draw dates missing_draw = find_missing_draw(days_till_expiration, code) missing_draw_count = len(missing_draw) # Get list of draw dates with missing Red Cross results that are more than 7 days old missing_results = find_missing_results(days_till_notify, days_till_expiration, redcap, code) missing_results_count = len(missing_results) # Notify recipients if there is anything to notify about if results_count > 0 or missing_results_count > 0 or missing_draw_count > 0: shouldNotify = True if shouldNotify: #notify = settings.get('notify.%s.sync' % code.lower()).split() notify = get_receipients(redcap, 'date_missing', code, ucsd_site_codes, emory_site_codes, gwu_site_codes) # Notify appropriate people about missing draw dates and Red Cross results turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject= '[The Early Test]: Red Cross Synchronize Report (%s)' % code, plain=lookup.get_template('email/sync.mako').render( **{ 'timestamp':, 'results_count': results_count, 'missing_draw_count': missing_draw_count, 'missing_draw': missing_draw, 'missing_results_count': missing_results_count, 'missing_results': missing_results, 'days_till_notify': days_till_notify, 'code': code }))) 'Notified mailing lists of %s for missing draw dates' % (code)) 'Notified mailing lists of %s diagnostic for missing Red Cross results' % (code)) except: # If an unexpected error occurs, let the developers know turbomail.send( turbomail.Message( to=settings['notify.error'].split(), subject='[The Early Test]: Parser failed execution', plain=traceback.format_exc())) raise
def test_FindMissingDraw_MixedResultsMoreAndLessThan6MonthsOldAndAllMissingDrawDates_ReturnListOfValidResults( self): """ Should return 3 results out of 5 in a list. These 3 results' test date are less than 180 days. All results are missing draw dates. """ missing_draw = [] current_time = date1 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=30) date2 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=60) date3 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=90) # Older than 180 days date4 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=200) date5 = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=300) # Add 5 unique results where 5 results are missing their draw date and # 3 are less than 6 months old. The other 2 are more than 6 months old. site_code = '99X' reference_number1 = '11111' reference_number2 = '22222' reference_number3 = '33333' reference_number4 = '44444' reference_number5 = '55555' Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number1, test_date=date1, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number2, test_date=date2, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number3, test_date=date3, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number4, test_date=date4, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) Session.add( models.Result(site_code=site_code, reference_number=reference_number5, test_date=date5, nat='P', dhiv='N', file='results.txt')) transaction.commit() missing_draw = scripts.parse.find_missing_draw() # Correct number of missing draw date cases? assert len(missing_draw) == 3 # Are they really missing draw dates? for x in missing_draw: assert not x.draw_date results_expiration = current_time - datetime.timedelta(days=180) # Are their test dates under 180 days for x in missing_draw: assert x.test_date > results_expiration
def main(): args = cli.parse_args() settings = args.settings days_till_expiration = int(settings['days.tillexpiration']) days_till_notify = int(settings['days.tillnotify']) try:'Called on %s' % args.srcfile) results, duplicates = parser.parse(args.srcfile, settings) if not args.dry: if duplicates: raise Exception('\n'.join( ['Already exists: %s%s' % (r.site_code, r.reference_number) for r in duplicates])) # Archive processed file shutil.move(args.srcfile, settings['dir.raw'])'Moved encrypted file to %s' % settings['dir.raw']) # Commit all changes now that we've successfully processed the file map(lambda r: setattr(r, 'file', os.path.basename(args.srcfile)), results) Session.add_all(results) Session.commit() else:'Dry run, not commiting changes') sync_site_codes = settings.get('').split() rcs = json.loads(open(settings['redcap_json'], 'r').read()) redcap = RCProject(sync_site_codes, rcs) # Refresh results for site_code in sync_site_codes: for type_ in models.TYPES: notify = settings.get('notify.%s.%s' % (site_code.lower(), type_.lower()), '').split() if not notify: continue pnt = [r for r in results if r.check(type_) is True and r.site_code == site_code] neg = [r for r in results if r.check(type_) is False and r.site_code == site_code] odd = [r for r in results if r.check(type_) is None and r.site_code == site_code] if not (pnt or odd): continue turbomail.send(turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject='[The Early Test]: New Records Notification (%s)' % type_, plain=lookup.get_template('email/parse.mako').render(**{ 'timestamp':, 'type_': type_, 'site_code': site_code, 'pnt': pnt, 'neg': neg, 'odd': odd})))'Notified %s mailing lists of results for "%s"' % (site_code, type_)) for code in sync_site_codes: results_count = 0 shouldNotify = False # Get number of site specific results in this upload for r in results: if r.site_code == code.upper(): results_count += 1 # Get list of results with missing draw dates missing_draw = find_missing_draw(days_till_expiration, code) missing_draw_count = len(missing_draw) # Get list of draw dates with missing Red Cross results that are more than 7 days old missing_results = find_missing_results(days_till_notify, days_till_expiration, redcap, code) missing_results_count = len(missing_results) # Notify recipients if there is anything to notify about if results_count > 0 or missing_results_count > 0 or missing_draw_count > 0: shouldNotify = True if shouldNotify: notify = settings.get('notify.%s.sync' % code.lower()).split() # Notify appropriate people about missing draw dates and Red Cross results turbomail.send(turbomail.Message( to=notify, subject='[The Early Test]: Red Cross Synchronize Report (%s)' % code, plain=lookup.get_template('email/sync.mako').render(**{ 'timestamp':, 'results_count': results_count, 'missing_draw_count': missing_draw_count, 'missing_draw': missing_draw, 'missing_results_count': missing_results_count, 'missing_results': missing_results, 'days_till_notify': days_till_notify, 'code': code})))'Notified mailing lists of %s for missing draw dates' % (code))'Notified mailing lists of %s diagnostic for missing Red Cross results' % (code)) except: # If an unexpected error occurs, let the developers know turbomail.send(turbomail.Message( to=settings['notify.error'].split(), subject='[The Early Test]: Parser failed execution', plain=traceback.format_exc())) raise