Beispiel #1
 def test_is_unknown(self):
     """Tests unknown value when a string value contains only backspace characters or empty"""
     # Unknown values
     for i in range(10):
         self.assertTrue(core.is_unknown("/" * i))
     # Full or partially known values
     for value in ("abc", "/bc", "a/c", "ab/", "a//", "/b/", "//c"):
     # Bad type
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Beispiel #2
def sanitize_report_list(wxdata: [str],
                         remove_clr_and_skc: bool = True) -> [str]:
    Sanitize wxData

    We can remove and identify "one-off" elements and fix other issues before parsing a line
    for i, item in reversed(list(enumerate(wxdata))):
        ilen = len(item)
        # Remove elements containing only '/'
        if is_unknown(item):
        # Remove empty wind /////KT
        if item.endswith("KT") and is_unknown(item[:-2]):
        # Remove RE from wx codes, REVCTS -> VCTS
        if ilen in [4, 6] and item.startswith("RE"):
            wxdata[i] = item[2:]
        # Fix a slew of easily identifiable conditions where a space does not belong
        elif i and extra_space_exists(wxdata[i - 1], item):
            wxdata[i - 1] += wxdata.pop(i)
        # Remove spurious elements
        elif item in ITEM_REMV:
        # Remove 'Sky Clear' from METAR but not TAF
        elif remove_clr_and_skc and item in ["CLR", "SKC"]:
        # Replace certain items
        elif item in ITEM_REPL:
            wxdata[i] = ITEM_REPL[item]
        # Remove amend signifier from start of report ('CCA', 'CCB',etc)
        elif ilen == 3 and item.startswith("CC") and item[2].isalpha():
        # Fix inconsistent 'P6SM' Ex: TP6SM or 6PSM -> P6SM
        elif ilen > 3 and item[-4:] in VIS_PERMUTATIONS:
            wxdata[i] = "P6SM"
        # Fix misplaced KT 22022KTG40
        elif ilen == 10 and "KTG" in item and item[:5].isdigit():
            wxdata[i] = item.replace("KTG", "G") + "KT"
        # Fix backwards KT Ex: 06012G22TK
        if (ilen >= 7 and (item[:3].isdigit() or item[:3] == "VRB")
                and item.endswith("TK")):
            wxdata[i] = item[:-2] + "KT"
        # Fix gust double G Ex: 360G17G32KT
        elif ilen > 10 and item.endswith("KT") and item[3] == "G":
            wxdata[i] = item[:3] + item[4:]
        # Fix leading character mistypes in wind
        elif (ilen > 7 and not item[0].isdigit() and not item.startswith("VRB")
              and item.endswith("KT") and not item.startswith("WS")):
            while not item[0].isdigit() and not item.startswith("VRB"):
                item = item[1:]
            wxdata[i] = item
        # Fix non-G gust Ex: 14010-15KT
        elif ilen == 10 and item.endswith("KT") and item[5] != "G":
            wxdata[i] = item[:5] + "G" + item[6:]
        # Fix leading digits on VRB wind Ex: 2VRB02KT
        elif (ilen > 7 and item.endswith("KT") and "VRB" in item
              and item[0].isdigit() and "Z" not in item):
            while item[0].isdigit():
                item = item[1:]
            wxdata[i] = item
        # Fix wind T
        elif not item.endswith("KT") and (
            (ilen == 6 and item[5] in ["K", "T"] and
             (item[:5].isdigit() or
              (item.startswith("VRB") and item[:3].isdigit()))) or
            (ilen == 9 and item[8] in ["K", "T"] and item[5] == "G" and
             (item[:5].isdigit() or item.startswith("VRB")))):
            wxdata[i] = item[:-1] + "KT"
        # Fix joined TX-TN
        elif ilen > 16 and len(item.split("/")) == 3:
            if item.startswith("TX") and "TN" not in item:
                tn_index = item.find("TN")
                wxdata.insert(i + 1, item[:tn_index])
                wxdata[i] = item[tn_index:]
            elif item.startswith("TN") and item.find("TX") != -1:
                tx_index = item.find("TX")
                wxdata.insert(i + 1, item[:tx_index])
                wxdata[i] = item[tx_index:]
        # Fix situations where a space is missing
        sep = extra_space_needed(item)
        if sep:
            wxdata.insert(i + 1, item[sep:])
            wxdata[i] = item[:sep]
    wxdata = dedupe(wxdata, only_neighbors=True)
    return wxdata