Beispiel #1
    'rb': {
        'options': {
            'nargs': 1
        'params': ['force']
    'website': {
        'options': {
            'nargs': 1
        'params': ['index-document', 'error-document'],
        'command_class': WebsiteCommand


# This is a dictionary useful for keeping track of the parameters passed to
# add_argument when the parameter is added to the parser.  The documents
# key is a description of what the parameter does and is used for the help
# command and doc generation.
    'dryrun': {
        'options': {
            'action': 'store_true'
    'delete': {
        'options': {
            'action': 'store_true'
Beispiel #2
    'mb': {
        'options': {
            'nargs': 1
        'params': []
    'rb': {
        'options': {
            'nargs': 1
        'params': ['force']

This is a dictionary useful for keeping track of the parameters passed to
add_argument when the parameter is added to the parser.  The documents
key is a description of what the parameter does and is used for the help
command and doc generation.
params_dict = {
    'dryrun': {
        'options': {
            'action': 'store_true'
    'delete': {
        'options': {
            'action': 'store_true'
Beispiel #3
                                'sse', 'storage-class', 'content-type',
                                'cache-control', 'content-disposition',
                                'content-encoding', 'content-language',
                                'expires', 'size-only']},
            'ls': {'options': {'nargs': '?', 'default': 's3://'},
                   'params': ['recursive'], 'default': 's3://',
                   'command_class': ListCommand},
            'mb': {'options': {'nargs': 1}, 'params': []},
            'rb': {'options': {'nargs': 1}, 'params': ['force']},
            'website': {'options': {'nargs': 1},
                        'params': ['index-document', 'error-document'],
                        'command_class': WebsiteCommand},


# This is a dictionary useful for keeping track of the parameters passed to
# add_argument when the parameter is added to the parser.  The documents
# key is a description of what the parameter does and is used for the help
# command and doc generation.
PARAMS_DICT = {'dryrun': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'delete': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'quiet': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'force': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'no-guess-mime-type': {'options': {'action': 'store_false',
                                                  'dest': 'guess_mime_type',
                                                  'default': True}},
               'content-type': {'options': {'nargs': 1}},
               'recursive': {'options': {'action': 'store_true',
Beispiel #4
                   'params': ['dryrun', 'quiet', 'recursive',
                              'include', 'exclude', 'acl']},
            'rm': {'options': {'nargs': 1},
                   'params': ['dryrun', 'quiet', 'recursive',
                              'include', 'exclude']},
            'sync': {'options': {'nargs': 2},
                     'params': ['dryrun', 'delete', 'exclude',
                                'include', 'quiet', 'acl',
            'ls': {'options': {'nargs': '?', 'default': 's3://'},
                   'params': [], 'default': 's3://'},
            'mb': {'options': {'nargs': 1}, 'params': []},
            'rb': {'options': {'nargs': 1}, 'params': ['force']}


This is a dictionary useful for keeping track of the parameters passed to
add_argument when the parameter is added to the parser.  The documents
key is a description of what the parameter does and is used for the help
command and doc generation.
params_dict = {'dryrun': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'delete': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'quiet': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'force': {'options': {'action': 'store_true'}},
               'no-guess-mime-type': {'options': {'action': 'store_false',
                                                  'dest': 'guess_mime_type',
                                                  'default': True}},