def test_less_simple(self):
     d = {"zzz": "bar", "aaa": "blam", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv": "someothervalue"}
     res = dict2cols(d)
     assert (
         == ""
         + "aaa                     blam\n"
         + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv  someothervalue\n"
         + "zzz                     bar\n"
Beispiel #2
 def test_less_simple(self):
     d = {
         'zzz': 'bar',
         'aaa': 'blam',
         'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv': 'someothervalue',
     res = dict2cols(d)
     assert res == '' + \
         'aaa                     blam\n' + \
         'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv  someothervalue\n' + \
         'zzz                     bar\n'
Beispiel #3
 def test_empty(self):
     d = {}
     res = dict2cols(d)
     assert res == ''
Beispiel #4
 def test_separator(self):
     d = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'blam'}
     res = dict2cols(d, spaces=4, separator='.')
     assert res == 'baz....blam\\n'
Beispiel #5
 def test_spaces(self):
     d = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'blam'}
     res = dict2cols(d, spaces=4)
     assert res == 'baz    blam\nfoo    bar\n'
Beispiel #6
 def test_simple(self):
     d = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'blam'}
     res = dict2cols(d)
     assert res == 'baz  blam\nfoo  bar\n'
Beispiel #7
    def test_verify_limits(self, checker_args, creds_type, service_name,
                           use_ta, expect_api_source, allow_endpoint_error):
        This essentially replicates what's done when awslimitchecker is called
        from the command line with ``-l``. This replicates some of the internal
        logic of :py:class:`~awslimitchecker.runner.Runner`.

        The main purpose is:

        1. to allow passing in an existing
           :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` instance for testing
           the various authentication options, and,
        2. to verify that at least some limits are found

        This method is largely a duplication of

        :param checker_args: dict of kwargs to pass to
          :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` constructor
        :type checker_args: dict
        :param creds_type: Type of credentials to use; 'normal', 'sts', or
        :type creds_type: str
        :param service_name: the Service name to test limits for; if None,
            check for all.
        :type service_name: str
        :param use_ta: whether or not to use TrustedAdvisor
        :type use_ta: bool
        :param expect_api_source: whether or not to expect a limit with an
          API source
        :type expect_api_source: bool
        :param allow_endpoint_error: passed on to
        :type allow_endpoint_error: bool
        # destroy boto3's session, so it creates a new one
        boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION = None
        # set the env vars to the creds we want
        if creds_type == 'normal':
            creds = self.normal_creds()
        elif creds_type == 'sts':
            creds = self.sts_creds()
        elif creds_type == 'sts_mfa':
            creds = self.sts_mfa_creds()
            checker_args['mfa_serial_number'] = creds[2]
            raise RuntimeError("unknown creds type: '%s'" % creds_type)
        os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = creds[0]
        os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = creds[1]

        # this has to be generated inside the method, not in the method that
        # yields it
        if 'mfa_token' in checker_args:
            checker_args['mfa_token'] = self.totp_code(creds[3])

        # pytest-capturelog looked good, but won't work with our yielded
        # test functions, per
        with LogCapture() as l:
            checker = AwsLimitChecker(**checker_args)
            limits = checker.get_limits(use_ta=use_ta, service=service_name)
        logs = LogRecordHelper(l)

        have_api_source = False
        data = {}
        for svc in sorted(limits.keys()):
            for lim in sorted(limits[svc].keys()):
                src_str = ''
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_API:
                    have_api_source = True
                    src_str = ' (API)'
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_TA:
                    src_str = ' (TA)'
                data["{s}/{l}".format(s=svc, l=lim)] = '{v}{t}'.format(
                    v=limits[svc][lim].get_limit(), t=src_str)
        # check that we connected to the right region
        logs.verify_region(checker_args.get('region', REGION))
        # this is the normal Runner output
        if expect_api_source:
            assert have_api_source is True
        # ensure we didn't log anything at WARN or above, except possibly
        # a TrustedAdvisor subscription required message
        records = logs.unexpected_logs(
        assert len(records) == 0, "awslimitchecker emitted unexpected log " \
            "messages at WARN or higher: \n%s" % "\n".join(records)
        polls = logs.num_ta_polls
        assert polls == 0, "awslimitchecker should have polled Trusted " \
            "Advisor ZERO times, but polled %s times" % polls
    def verify_limits(self, checker_args, creds, service_name, use_ta,
        This essentially replicates what's done when awslimitchecker is called
        from the command line with ``-l``. This replicates some of the internal
        logic of :py:class:`~awslimitchecker.runner.Runner`.

        The main purpose is:

        1. to allow passing in an existing
           :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` instance for testing
           the various authentication options, and,
        2. to verify that at least some limits are found

        This method is largely a duplication of

        :param checker_args: dict of kwargs to pass to
          :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` constructor
        :type checker_args: dict
        :param creds: AWS access key ID and secret key
        :type creds: tuple
        :param service_name: the Service name to test limits for; if None,
            check for all.
        :type service_name: str
        :param use_ta: whether or not to use TrustedAdvisor
        :type use_ta: bool
        :param expect_api_source: whether or not to expect a limit with an
          API source
        :type expect_api_source: bool
        # clear the Connectable credentials
        Connectable.credentials = None
        # destroy boto3's session, so it creates a new one
        boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION = None
        # set the env vars to the creds we want
        os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = creds[0]
        os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = creds[1]

        # this has to be generated inside the method, not in the method that
        # yields it
        if 'mfa_token' in checker_args:
            checker_args['mfa_token'] = self.totp_code(creds[3])

        # pytest-capturelog looked good, but won't work with our yielded
        # test functions, per
        with LogCapture() as l:
            checker = AwsLimitChecker(**checker_args)
            limits = checker.get_limits(use_ta=use_ta, service=service_name)
        logs = LogRecordHelper(l)

        have_api_source = False
        data = {}
        for svc in sorted(limits.keys()):
            for lim in sorted(limits[svc].keys()):
                src_str = ''
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_API:
                    have_api_source = True
                    src_str = ' (API)'
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_TA:
                    src_str = ' (TA)'
                data["{s}/{l}".format(s=svc, l=lim)] = '{v}{t}'.format(
        # this is the normal Runner output
        if expect_api_source:
            assert have_api_source is True
        # ensure we didn't log anything at WARN or above, except possibly
        # a TrustedAdvisor subscription required message
        records = logs.unexpected_logs()
        assert len(records) == 0, "awslimitchecker emitted unexpected log " \
            "messages at WARN or higher: \n%s" % "\n".join(records)
    def verify_usage(self, checker_args, creds, service_name, expect_usage,
        This essentially replicates what's done when awslimitchecker is called
        from the command line with ``-u``. This replicates some of the internal
        logic of :py:class:`~awslimitchecker.runner.Runner`.

        The main purpose is:

        1. to allow passing in an existing
           :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` instance for testing
           the various authentication options, and,
        2. to verify that at least some usage is found

        This method is largely a duplication of

        :param checker_args: dict of kwargs to pass to
          :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` constructor
        :type checker_args: dict
        :param creds: AWS access key ID and secret key
        :type creds: tuple
        :param service_name: the Service name to test usage for; if None,
            check for all.
        :type service_name: str
        :param expect_usage: whether or not to expect non-zero usage
        :type expect_usage: bool
        :param allow_endpoint_error: passed on to
        :type allow_endpoint_error: bool
        # clear the Connectable credentials
        Connectable.credentials = None
        # destroy boto3's session, so it creates a new one
        boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION = None
        # set the env vars to the creds we want
        os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = creds[0]
        os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = creds[1]

        # this has to be generated inside the method, not in the method that
        # yields it
        if 'mfa_token' in checker_args:
            checker_args['mfa_token'] = self.totp_code(creds[3])

        # pytest-capturelog looked good, but won't work with our yielded
        # test functions, per
        with LogCapture() as l:
            checker = AwsLimitChecker(**checker_args)
            limits = checker.get_limits(service=service_name)
        logs = LogRecordHelper(l)

        have_usage = False
        data = {}
        for svc in sorted(limits.keys()):
            for lim in sorted(limits[svc].keys()):
                limit = limits[svc][lim]
                    l=lim)] = '{v}'.format(v=limit.get_current_usage_str())
                for usage in limit.get_current_usage():
                    if usage.get_value() != 0:
                        have_usage = True
        # this is the normal Runner command line output
        if expect_usage:
            assert have_usage is True
        # ensure we didn't log anything at WARN or above, except possibly
        # a TrustedAdvisor subscription required message
        records = logs.unexpected_logs(
        assert len(records) == 0, "awslimitchecker emitted unexpected log " \
            "messages at WARN or higher: \n%s" % "\n".join(records)
 def test_simple(self):
     d = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "blam"}
     res = dict2cols(d)
     assert res == "baz  blam\nfoo  bar\n"
 def test_separator(self):
     d = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "blam"}
     res = dict2cols(d, spaces=4, separator=".")
     assert res == "baz....blam\\n"
 def test_spaces(self):
     d = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "blam"}
     res = dict2cols(d, spaces=4)
     assert res == "baz    blam\nfoo    bar\n"
    def test_verify_limits(self, checker_args, creds_type, service_name, use_ta,
                           expect_api_source, allow_endpoint_error):
        This essentially replicates what's done when awslimitchecker is called
        from the command line with ``-l``. This replicates some of the internal
        logic of :py:class:`~awslimitchecker.runner.Runner`.

        The main purpose is:

        1. to allow passing in an existing
           :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` instance for testing
           the various authentication options, and,
        2. to verify that at least some limits are found

        This method is largely a duplication of

        :param checker_args: dict of kwargs to pass to
          :py:class:`awslimitchecker.checker.Checker` constructor
        :type checker_args: dict
        :param creds_type: Type of credentials to use; 'normal', 'sts', or
        :type creds_type: str
        :param service_name: the Service name to test limits for; if None,
            check for all.
        :type service_name: str
        :param use_ta: whether or not to use TrustedAdvisor
        :type use_ta: bool
        :param expect_api_source: whether or not to expect a limit with an
          API source
        :type expect_api_source: bool
        :param allow_endpoint_error: passed on to
        :type allow_endpoint_error: bool
        # destroy boto3's session, so it creates a new one
        boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION = None
        # set the env vars to the creds we want
        if creds_type == 'normal':
            creds = self.normal_creds()
        elif creds_type == 'sts':
            creds = self.sts_creds()
        elif creds_type == 'sts_mfa':
            creds = self.sts_mfa_creds()
            checker_args['mfa_serial_number'] = creds[2]
            raise RuntimeError("unknown creds type: '%s'" % creds_type)
        os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = creds[0]
        os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = creds[1]

        # this has to be generated inside the method, not in the method that
        # yields it
        if 'mfa_token' in checker_args:
            checker_args['mfa_token'] = self.totp_code(creds[3])

        # pytest-capturelog looked good, but won't work with our yielded
        # test functions, per
        with LogCapture() as l:
            checker = AwsLimitChecker(**checker_args)
            limits = checker.get_limits(use_ta=use_ta, service=service_name)
        logs = LogRecordHelper(l)

        have_api_source = False
        data = {}
        for svc in sorted(limits.keys()):
            for lim in sorted(limits[svc].keys()):
                src_str = ''
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_API:
                    have_api_source = True
                    src_str = ' (API)'
                if limits[svc][lim].get_limit_source() == SOURCE_TA:
                    src_str = ' (TA)'
                data["{s}/{l}".format(s=svc, l=lim)] = '{v}{t}'.format(
        # check that we connected to the right region
        logs.verify_region(checker_args.get('region', REGION))
        # this is the normal Runner output
        if expect_api_source:
            assert have_api_source is True
        # ensure we didn't log anything at WARN or above, except possibly
        # a TrustedAdvisor subscription required message
        records = logs.unexpected_logs(
        assert len(records) == 0, "awslimitchecker emitted unexpected log " \
            "messages at WARN or higher: \n%s" % "\n".join(records)
        polls = logs.num_ta_polls
        assert polls == 1, "awslimitchecker should have polled Trusted " \
            "Advisor once, but polled %s times" % polls