def getAWSPolicyDocument(ctx, policyName):
    meta = aws_policies.getPolicyMeta(ctx, policyName)
    if meta == None:
        ctx.log('AWS policy %s was not found' % policyName)
        policyDoc = aws_policies.getDefaultPolicyVersion(ctx, policyName)
        return policyDoc
Beispiel #2
def detachPolicy(ctx, roleName, policyName):
    iam = ctx.iam
    meta = aws_policies.getPolicyMeta(ctx, policyName)
    if meta == None:
        ctx.log("detachPolicy: Error- %s does not exist in cached AWS policies" % policyName)
    policyArn = meta["Arn"]
    if ctx.dry_run:
        ctx.log("iam.detach_role_policy(RoleName=%s, PolicyArn=%s)" % (roleName, policyArn))
        msp = iam.detach_role_policy(RoleName=roleName, PolicyArn=policyArn)
        ctx.audit("Detached policy %s from role %s" % (policyName, roleName))
def comparePolicy(ctx, policyName, no_diff, diff_type, context_lines, offset):
    ctx.log('%s%-43s' % (offset, policyName),nl=False)
    meta = aws_policies.getPolicyMeta(ctx, policyName)
    if meta == None:
            ctx.log(' not found at AWS!', fg='cyan')
    matched, diff = compareModel2AWS(ctx,policyName, meta, diff_type, context_lines)
    if matched:
        ctx.log(' MATCHED')
        ctx.log(' NOT MATCHED', fg='cyan')
        if not no_diff and diff != None:
            ctx.log('%sDiff output...' % offset, fg='cyan')
            for line in diff:
                ctx.log('%s   %s' % (offset, line), fg='cyan')
def createPolicy(ctx, targetRegion, targetEnv, targetService, targetPolicy):
    policies = ctx.modelPolicies
    ctx.vlog('createPolicy(targetRegion: %s targetEnv: %s targetService: %s targetPolicy: %s)' % (targetRegion, targetEnv, targetService, targetPolicy))
    for policyName in ctx.modelPolicies:
        if isValidTarget(ctx,policyName, targetRegion, targetEnv, targetService, targetPolicy) == False:
        # See if this policy is already in aws
        if aws_policies.getPolicyMeta(ctx,policyName) != None:
            ctx.log('%s already exists' % policyName)
        modelPolicy = getModelPolicyDocument(ctx, policyName)
        if modelPolicy == None:
            ctx.log('Error: %s does not exist in the model' % policyName)
        policyDocument = json.dumps(modelPolicy, indent=4)
        ctx.log('Creating policy : %s' % policyName)
        aws_policies.createPolicy(ctx, policyName, policyDocument)
def updatePolicies(ctx, targetRegion, targetEnv, targetService, targetPolicy, constrainToModel, force):
    for policyName in ctx.modelPolicies:
        if isValidTarget(ctx,policyName, targetRegion, targetEnv, targetService, targetPolicy) == False:
        meta = aws_policies.getPolicyMeta(ctx, policyName)
        if meta == None:
            ctx.log('Adding model policy not found in AWS: %s' % policyName)
            createPolicy(ctx, None, None, None, policyName)

        ctx.log('Model policy found in AWS: %s.  Comparing policy document' % policyName)
        policyArn = meta['Arn']

        if force:
            ctx.log('Forcing an update.  No compare necessary.')
            matched, diff = compareModel2AWS(ctx,policyName, meta,'unified',0)
            if matched:
                ctx.log('%s: MATCHED.  Noting to update.' % policyName)

        ctx.log('%s: DID NOT MATCH' % policyName)
        if force or constrainToModel:
            # Need to update the policy.  Get the number of
            versions = aws_policies.getPolicyVersions(ctx,meta['Arn'])
            if len(versions) >= 5:
                # Too many versions, gotta delete 1
                defaultVersionId = meta['DefaultVersionId']
                for version in versions:
                    if version != defaultVersionId:
                        aws_policies.deletePolicyVersion(ctx,policyArn, version)
            modelPolicy = getModelPolicyDocument(ctx, policyName)
            policyDocument = json.dumps(modelPolicy,indent=4)
            aws_policies.createPolicyVersion(ctx, policyArn, policyDocument)