Beispiel #1
	def __call__(self, **kwargs) :
		# input : {axisName: condition, ...}
		# standardize the axisNames
		for axisName, condition in kwargs.iteritems() :
			del kwargs[axisName]
			if type(condition) == tuple :
				condition = tuple(sorted(condition[:2]))+condition[2:]
			kwargs[Axes.standardize(axisName)] = condition
		output = self.extract_data(**kwargs)
		# do we need to interpolate along an axis ?
		for axisName, condition in kwargs.iteritems() :
			# did we ask for a single value for an axis
			# yet still have this axis in the output variable ?
			# this signifies extract_data returned the neighbouring points
			# because this single value is not on the grid
			if type(condition) != tuple and axisName in output.axes : # kludge for grib files
				firstSlice = [slice(None)]*len(output.shape)
				secondSlice = [slice(None)]*len(output.shape)
				firstSlice[output.axes.index(axisName)] = 0
				secondSlice[output.axes.index(axisName)] = 1
				# linear interpolation !
				try :
					output = \
						(output[secondSlice] - output[firstSlice])/\
								(output.axes[axisName].data[1] - \
							*(condition - output.axes[axisName].data[0]) \
						+ output[firstSlice]
				except IndexError :
					# sometimes, due to rounding errors, extract_data will return one
					# value when two were expected, thus output...[1] fails
					output = output[firstSlice]
				output.metadata[axisName] = condition
		return output
Beispiel #2
	def mean(self, axisNames) :
		# input can either either be like 'zy' or like ['lev', 'lat']
		# turn the 'zy' into ['z', 'y']
		axisNames = list(axisNames)
		for i in range(len(axisNames)) :
			axisNames[i] = Axes.standardize(axisNames[i])
			# levels must be averaged first
			# 'level' must be at the top of the list
			if axisNames[i] == 'level' :
				del axisNames[i]
				axisNames = ['level'] + axisNames
		return self.averager(axisNames)