Beispiel #1
    def test_add_same(self):
        Try to add two objects with the same ID.
        # Instantiate a Leonard.
        leo = getLeonard()

        # Convenience.
        id_1 = '1'

        # The number of bodies in Leonard must be zero.
        assert len(leo.allBodies) == 0

        # Create three bodies.
        body_1 = getRigidBody(imass=1)
        body_2 = getRigidBody(imass=2)
        body_3 = getRigidBody(imass=3)

        # The command queue for spawning objects must be empty.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok and (['spawn'] == [])

        # Spawn the first object, then attempt to spawn another with the same
        # objID *before* Leonard gets around to add even the first one --> this
        # must fail and not add anything.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_1)]).ok
        assert not leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_2)]).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        spawn =['spawn']
        assert ret.ok and (len(spawn) == 1) and (spawn[0]['objID'] == id_1)

        # Similar test as before, but this time Leonard has already pulled id_1
        # into the simulation *before* we (attempt to) spawn another object
        # with the same ID. The 'addSpawnCmd' must succeed because it cannot
        # reliably verify if Leonard has an object id_1 (it can only verify if
        # another such request is in the queue already -- see above). However,
        # Leonard itself must ignore that request. To verify this claim we will
        # now spawn a new object with the same id_1 but a different state data,
        # let Leonard process the queue, and then verify that it did not
        # add/modify the object with id_1.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_1)]).ok
        assert leo.allBodies[id_1] == body_1

        # Spawn anoter object with id_1 but different state data and verify
        # that Leonard did not modify the original body.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_3)]).ok
        assert leo.allBodies[id_1] == body_1
Beispiel #2
    def test_add_same(self):
        Try to add two objects with the same ID.
        # Instantiate a Leonard.
        leo = getLeonard()

        # Convenience.
        id_1 = 1

        # The number of bodies in Leonard must be zero.
        assert len(leo.allBodies) == 0

        # Create three bodies.
        body_1 = getRigidBody(imass=1)
        body_2 = getRigidBody(imass=2)
        body_3 = getRigidBody(imass=3)

        # The command queue for spawning objects must be empty.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok and (['spawn'] == [])

        # Spawn the first object, then attempt to spawn another with the same
        # objID *before* Leonard gets around to add even the first one --> this
        # must fail and not add anything.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_1)]).ok
        assert not leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_2)]).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        spawn =['spawn']
        assert ret.ok and (len(spawn) == 1) and (spawn[0]['objID'] == id_1)

        # Similar test as before, but this time Leonard has already pulled id_1
        # into the simulation *before* we (attempt to) spawn another object
        # with the same ID. The 'addSpawnCmd' must succeed because it cannot
        # reliably verify if Leonard has an object id_1 (it can only verify if
        # another such request is in the queue already -- see above). However,
        # Leonard itself must ignore that request. To verify this claim we will
        # now spawn a new object with the same id_1 but a different state data,
        # let Leonard process the queue, and then verify that it did not
        # add/modify the object with id_1.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_1)]).ok
        assert leo.allBodies[id_1] == body_1

        # Spawn anoter object with id_1 but different state data and verify
        # that Leonard did not modify the original body.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(id_1, body_3)]).ok
        assert leo.allBodies[id_1] == body_1
Beispiel #3
    def test_commandQueue(self):
        Add-, query, and remove commands from the command queue.
        # Convenience.
        body_1 = getRigidBody()
        body_2 = {'imass': 2, 'scale': 3}
        id_1, id_2 = '0', '1'

        # The command queue must be empty for every category.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert['spawn'] == []
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # Spawn two objects with id_1 and id_2.
        tmp = [(id_1, body_1), (id_2, body_1)]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn(tmp).ok

        # Verify that the spawn commands were added.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        spawn =['spawn']
        assert {spawn[0]['objID'], spawn[1]['objID']} == {id_1, id_2}
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # De-queuing the commands once more must not return any results because
        # they have already been removed.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert['spawn'] == []
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # Modify state variable for body with id_1.
        newSV = {'imass': 10, 'position': [3, 4, 5]}
        assert leoAPI.addCmdModifyBodyState(id_1, newSV).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        modify =['modify']
        assert ret.ok and len(modify) == 1
        assert modify[0]['objID'] == id_1
        assert modify[0]['rbs'] == newSV
        del newSV

        # Set the direct force and torque for id_2.
        force, torque = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdDirectForce(id_2, force, torque).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        fat =['direct_force']
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(fat) == 1
        assert fat[0]['objID'] == id_2
        assert fat[0]['force'] == force
        assert fat[0]['torque'] == torque

        # Set the booster force and torque for id_1.
        force, torque = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdBoosterForce(id_1, force, torque).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        fat =['booster_force']
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(fat) == 1
        assert fat[0]['objID'] == id_1
        assert fat[0]['force'] == force
        assert fat[0]['torque'] == torque

        # Remove an object.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdRemoveObject(id_1).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok and['remove'][0]['objID'] == id_1

        # Add commands for two objects (it is perfectly ok to add commands for
        # non-existing body IDs since this is just a command queue - Leonard
        # will skip commands for non-existing IDs automatically).
        force, torque = [7, 8, 9], [10, 11.5, 12.5]
        for objID in (id_1, id_2):
            assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(objID, body_1)]).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdModifyBodyState(objID, body_2).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdRemoveObject(objID).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdDirectForce(objID, force, torque).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdBoosterForce(objID, force, torque).ok

        # De-queue all commands.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(['spawn']) == 2
        assert len(['remove']) == 2
        assert len(['modify']) == 2
        assert len(['direct_force']) == 2
        assert len(['booster_force']) == 2
Beispiel #4
    def test_commandQueue(self):
        Add-, query, and remove commands from the command queue.
        # Convenience.
        body_1 = getRigidBody()
        body_2 = {'imass': 2, 'scale': 3}
        id_1, id_2 = 0, 1

        # The command queue must be empty for every category.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert['spawn'] == []
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # Spawn two objects with id_1 and id_2.
        tmp = [(id_1, body_1), (id_2, body_1)]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn(tmp).ok

        # Verify that the spawn commands were added.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert['spawn'][0]['objID'] == id_1
        assert['spawn'][1]['objID'] == id_2
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # De-queuing the commands once more must not return any results because
        # they have already been removed.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert['spawn'] == []
        assert['remove'] == []
        assert['modify'] == []
        assert['direct_force'] == []
        assert['booster_force'] == []

        # Modify state variable for body with id_1.
        newSV = {'imass': 10, 'position': [3, 4, 5]}
        assert leoAPI.addCmdModifyBodyState(id_1, newSV).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        modify =['modify']
        assert ret.ok and len(modify) == 1
        assert modify[0]['objID'] == id_1
        assert modify[0]['rbs'] == newSV
        del newSV

        # Set the direct force and torque for id_2.
        force, torque = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdDirectForce(id_2, force, torque).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        fat =['direct_force']
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(fat) == 1
        assert fat[0]['objID'] == id_2
        assert fat[0]['force'] == force
        assert fat[0]['torque'] == torque

        # Set the booster force and torque for id_1.
        force, torque = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]
        assert leoAPI.addCmdBoosterForce(id_1, force, torque).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        fat =['booster_force']
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(fat) == 1
        assert fat[0]['objID'] == id_1
        assert fat[0]['force'] == force
        assert fat[0]['torque'] == torque

        # Remove an object.
        assert leoAPI.addCmdRemoveObject(id_1).ok
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok and['remove'][0]['objID'] == id_1

        # Add commands for two objects (it is perfectly ok to add commands for
        # non-existing body IDs since this is just a command queue - Leonard
        # will skip commands for non-existing IDs automatically).
        force, torque = [7, 8, 9], [10, 11.5, 12.5]
        for objID in (id_1, id_2):
            assert leoAPI.addCmdSpawn([(objID, body_1)]).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdModifyBodyState(objID, body_2).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdRemoveObject(objID).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdDirectForce(objID, force, torque).ok
            assert leoAPI.addCmdBoosterForce(objID, force, torque).ok

        # De-queue all commands.
        ret = leoAPI.dequeueCommands()
        assert ret.ok
        assert len(['spawn']) == 2
        assert len(['remove']) == 2
        assert len(['modify']) == 2
        assert len(['direct_force']) == 2
        assert len(['booster_force']) == 2