Beispiel #1
    def add_epoch_receiver(
            self, consumer_group, partition, epoch, prefetch=300,
            operation=None, keep_alive=30, auto_reconnect=True):
        Add a receiver to the client with an epoch value. Only a single epoch receiver
        can connect to a partition at any given time - additional epoch receivers must have
        a higher epoch value or they will be rejected. If a 2nd epoch receiver has
        connected, the first will be closed.

        :param consumer_group: The name of the consumer group.
        :type consumer_group: str
        :param partition: The ID of the partition.
        :type partition: str
        :param epoch: The epoch value for the receiver.
        :type epoch: int
        :param prefetch: The message prefetch count of the receiver. Default is 300.
        :type prefetch: int
        :operation: An optional operation to be appended to the hostname in the source URL.
         The value must start with `/` character.
        :type operation: str
        :rtype: ~azure.eventhub.receiver.Receiver
        path = self.address.path + operation if operation else self.address.path
        source_url = "amqps://{}{}/ConsumerGroups/{}/Partitions/{}".format(
            self.address.hostname, path, consumer_group, partition)
        handler = Receiver(
            self, source_url, prefetch=prefetch, epoch=epoch,
            keep_alive=keep_alive, auto_reconnect=auto_reconnect)
        return handler
Beispiel #2
    def add_receiver(
            self, consumer_group, partition, offset=None, prefetch=300,
            operation=None, keep_alive=30, auto_reconnect=True):
        Add a receiver to the client for a particular consumer group and partition.

        :param consumer_group: The name of the consumer group.
        :type consumer_group: str
        :param partition: The ID of the partition.
        :type partition: str
        :param offset: The offset from which to start receiving.
        :type offset: ~azure.eventhub.common.Offset
        :param prefetch: The message prefetch count of the receiver. Default is 300.
        :type prefetch: int
        :operation: An optional operation to be appended to the hostname in the source URL.
         The value must start with `/` character.
        :type operation: str
        :rtype: ~azure.eventhub.receiver.Receiver
        path = self.address.path + operation if operation else self.address.path
        source_url = "amqps://{}{}/ConsumerGroups/{}/Partitions/{}".format(
            self.address.hostname, path, consumer_group, partition)
        handler = Receiver(
            self, source_url, offset=offset, prefetch=prefetch,
            keep_alive=keep_alive, auto_reconnect=auto_reconnect)
        return handler