def list_deleted_certificates(self, **kwargs: "**Any") -> AsyncIterable[DeletedCertificate]:
        """Lists the deleted certificates in the specified vault currently
        available for recovery.

        Retrieves the certificates in the current vault which are in a deleted
        state and ready for recovery or purging. This operation includes
        deletion-specific information. This operation requires the certificates/get/list
        permission. This operation can only be enabled on soft-delete enabled vaults.

        :keyword bool include_pending: Specifies whether to include certificates which are
         not completely deleted.
        :return: An iterator like instance of DeletedCertificate
        :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError`

            .. literalinclude:: ../tests/
                :start-after: [START list_deleted_certificates]
                :end-before: [END list_deleted_certificates]
                :language: python
                :caption: List all the deleted certificates
                :dedent: 8
        max_page_size = kwargs.pop("max_page_size", None)

        return self._client.get_deleted_certificates(
            cls=lambda objs: [DeletedCertificate._from_deleted_certificate_item(x) for x in objs],
    async def delete_certificate(self, name: str, **kwargs: "**Any") -> DeletedCertificate:
        """Delete all versions of a certificate. Requires certificates/delete permission.

        If the vault has soft-delete enabled, deletion may take several seconds to complete.

        :param str name: The name of the certificate.
        :returns: The deleted certificate
        :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.certificates.models.DeletedCertificate
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the certificate doesn't exist,
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors

            .. literalinclude:: ../tests/
                :start-after: [START delete_certificate]
                :end-before: [END delete_certificate]
                :language: python
                :caption: Delete a certificate
                :dedent: 8
        polling_interval = kwargs.pop("_polling_interval", None)
        if polling_interval is None:
            polling_interval = 2
        deleted_cert_bundle = await self._client.delete_certificate(
            vault_base_url=self.vault_url, certificate_name=name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs
        deleted_certificate = DeletedCertificate._from_deleted_certificate_bundle(deleted_cert_bundle)
        sd_disabled = deleted_certificate.recovery_id is None
        command = partial(self.get_deleted_certificate, name=name, **kwargs)

        delete_certificate_poller = DeleteAsyncPollingMethod(
            initial_status="deleting", finished_status="deleted", sd_disabled=sd_disabled, interval=polling_interval
        return await async_poller(command, deleted_certificate, None, delete_certificate_poller)
    async def get_deleted_certificate(self, name: str, **kwargs: "**Any") -> DeletedCertificate:
        """Retrieves information about the specified deleted certificate.

        Retrieves the deleted certificate information plus its attributes,
        such as retention interval, scheduled permanent deletion, and the
        current deletion recovery level. This operation requires the certificates/
        get permission.

        :param str name: The name of the certificate.
        :return: The deleted certificate
        :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.certificates.models.DeletedCertificate
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the certificate doesn't exist,
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors

            .. literalinclude:: ../tests/
                :start-after: [START get_deleted_certificate]
                :end-before: [END get_deleted_certificate]
                :language: python
                :caption: Get a deleted certificate
                :dedent: 8
        bundle = await self._client.get_deleted_certificate(
            vault_base_url=self.vault_url, certificate_name=name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs
        return DeletedCertificate._from_deleted_certificate_bundle(deleted_certificate_bundle=bundle)
Beispiel #4
    async def delete_certificate(self, name: str,
                                 **kwargs: "**Any") -> DeletedCertificate:
        """Deletes a certificate from the key vault.

        Deletes all versions of a certificate object along with its associated
        policy. Delete certificate cannot be used to remove individual versions
        of a certificate object. This operation requires the
        certificates/delete permission.

        :param str name: The name of the certificate.
        :returns: The deleted certificate
        :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.certificates.models.DeletedCertificate
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the certificate doesn't exist,
            :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors

            .. literalinclude:: ../tests/
                :start-after: [START delete_certificate]
                :end-before: [END delete_certificate]
                :language: python
                :caption: Delete a certificate
                :dedent: 8
        bundle = await self._client.delete_certificate(
        return DeletedCertificate._from_deleted_certificate_bundle(