Beispiel #1
    def Insert(self, distance, currentTime):
		distanceData = Entity()
		distanceData.PartitionKey = 'sensorKey'
		distanceData.RowKey = str(uuid.uuid1())
		distanceData.distance = str(distance)
		distanceData.time = str(currentTime)
		self._tableService.insert_entity('sensordata', distanceData)
    def batch(self):
        table_name = self._create_table()

        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = 'batch'
        entity.test = True

        # All operations in the same batch must have the same partition key but different row keys
        # Batches can hold from 1 to 100 entities
        # Batches are atomic. All operations completed simulatenously. If one operation fails, they all fail.
        # Insert, update, merge, insert or merge, insert or replace, and delete entity operations are supported

        # Context manager style
        with self.service.batch(table_name) as batch:
            for i in range(0, 5):
                entity.RowKey = 'context_{}'.format(i)

        # Commit style
        batch = TableBatch()
        for i in range(0, 5):
            entity.RowKey = 'commit_{}'.format(i)
        self.service.commit_batch(table_name, batch)

 def _create_random_base_entity_class(self):
     Creates a class-based entity with only pk and rk.
     partition = self.get_resource_name('pk')
     row = self.get_resource_name('rk')
     entity = Entity()
     entity.PartitionKey = partition
     entity.RowKey = row
     return entity
    def test_batch_update(self):
        # Arrange

        # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = '001'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_update'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')
        entity.test5 = datetime.utcnow()
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)

        entity = self.ts.get_entity(self.table_name, '001', 'batch_update')
        self.assertEqual(3, entity.test3)
        entity.test2 = 'value1'

        batch = TableBatch()
        resp = self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)

        # Assert
        entity = self.ts.get_entity(self.table_name, '001', 'batch_update')
        self.assertEqual('value1', entity.test2)
        self.assertEqual(resp[0], entity.etag)
    def test_batch_too_many_ops(self):
        # Arrange
        entity = self._create_default_entity_dict('001', 'batch_negative_1')
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)

        # Act
        with self.assertRaises(AzureBatchValidationError):
            batch = TableBatch()
            for i in range(0, 101):
                entity = Entity()
                entity.PartitionKey = 'large'
                entity.RowKey = 'item{0}'.format(i)
            self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)
    def test_query_entities_large(self):
        # Arrange
        table_name = self._create_query_table(0)
        total_entities_count = 1000
        entities_per_batch = 50

        for j in range(total_entities_count // entities_per_batch):
            batch = TableBatch()
            for i in range(entities_per_batch):
                entity = Entity()
                entity.PartitionKey = 'large'
                entity.RowKey = 'batch{0}-item{1}'.format(j, i)
                entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
                entity.test2 = 'hello world;' * 100
                entity.test3 = 3
                entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')
                entity.test5 = datetime(2016, 12, 31, 11, 59, 59, 0)
            self.ts.commit_batch(table_name, batch)

        # Act
        start_time =
        entities = list(self.ts.query_entities(table_name))
        elapsed_time = - start_time

        # Assert
        print('query_entities took {0} secs.'.format(elapsed_time.total_seconds()))
        # azure allocates 5 seconds to execute a query
        # if it runs slowly, it will return fewer results and make the test fail
        self.assertEqual(len(entities), total_entities_count)
    def test_batch_too_many_ops(self):
        # Arrange
        entity = self._create_default_entity_dict('001', 'batch_negative_1')
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)

        # Act
        with self.assertRaises(AzureBatchValidationError):
            batch = TableBatch()
            for i in range(0, 101):
                entity = Entity()
                entity.PartitionKey = 'large'
                entity.RowKey = 'item{0}'.format(i)
            self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)
Beispiel #8
def addCar(rowKey, make, model, year, color, price):
    car = Entity()
    car.PartitionKey = 'cardealership'
    car.RowKey = str(rowKey)
    car.make = make
    car.model = model
    car.year = year
    car.color = color
    car.price = price
    table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
    print('Created entry for car ' + make + ' ' + model)
Beispiel #9
 def UpdateState(self, newstate):
     #update the status of this node
     self.State = newstate'STATUS CHANGE: ' + self.State)
     status = Entity()
     status.PartitionKey = self.Pool
     status.RowKey = self.Name
     status.Command = ""
     status.State = self.State
     status.IP = self.IP
     status.OS = self.OS
     status.Size = self.Size
     temp = tablesvc.insert_or_replace_entity(Tables.NodeTable, status)
def post_table_log(json_str):
    from import TableService, Entity
    table_service = TableService(account_name=pkey.azure_storage_id, account_key=pkey.azure_storage_key)

    def get_table_timestamp_key():
        import time
        current_time = time.gmtime()
        start = time.mktime(current_time)
        last = time.mktime(time.struct_time((2070,1,1,0,0,0,3,100,-1)))
        return str(int(last - start))

    task = Entity()
    task.PartitionKey = 'feedlog'
    task.RowKey = get_table_timestamp_key()
    task.json = json_str
    table_service.insert_entity('facebooklog', task)
Beispiel #11
def addCoffee(rowKey, brand, flavor, size, price):
    coffee = Entity()
    coffee.PartitionKey = 'coffeeshop'
    coffee.RowKey = str(rowKey)
    coffee.brand = brand
    coffee.flavor = flavor
    coffee.size = size
    coffee.price = price
    table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', coffee)
    print('Created entry for coffee ' + brand + ' ' + flavor)
Beispiel #12
def importALotOfRows():
    for a in range(1,1100):
        task = Entity()
        task.PartitionKey = 'participant'
        task.RowKey = "participant_" + str(a)
        task.userID = a
        task.datetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        task.version = a
        table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('participants', task)
Beispiel #13
 def UpdateState(self, newstate):"Execution status update: " + newstate)
     self.State = newstate
     execrec = Entity()
     execrec.PartitionKey = self.Command.RowKey
     execrec.RowKey = self.Command.PartitionKey
     execrec.Executable = self.Command.CommandLine
     execrec.State = self.State
     execrec.Output = self.Output
     temp = tablesvc.insert_or_replace_entity(Tables.ExecTable, execrec)
    def put(self):

        userModel = json.loads(
        userName = str(userModel['userName'])

        #save to table
        task = Entity()
        task.PartitionKey = 'f6dcfcfe-169e-4731-a589-2f8c6c75768a'  #self.partition_name
        task.RowKey = userModel['userName']
        task.FirstName = userModel['firstName']
        task.LastName = userModel['lastName']
        task.EmailAddress = userModel['emailAddress']
        task.CellNo = userModel['cellNo']
        table_service.update_entity(tablename, task, if_match='*')
Beispiel #15
        async def go():
            entity = Entity()
            entity.Foo = 'Foo'
            entity.Ufo = 'Ufo'
            entity.Number = 1
            entity.PartitionKey = 'app'
            entity.RowKey = '2'

            data = await'versions', entity)

 def dictToEntity(self, dic):
     entity = Entity()
     if dic['camera']['isActive'] == "True":
         entity.PartitionKey = self.PARTITION_ACTIVATION
         entity.PartitionKey = self.PARTITION_DEACTIVATION
     entity.RowKey = str(dic['camera']['timestamp']) = dic['camera']['id']
     entity.street = dic['camera']['street'] = dic['camera']['city']
     entity.speedLimit = dic['camera']['speedLimit']
     entity.rate = dic['camera']['rate']
     if self.dump:
         print ""
         print "Partition Key = %s" % entity.PartitionKey
         print "Row Key = %s" % entity.RowKey
         print "Camera Id = %s" %
         print "Street = %s" % entity.street
         print "City = %s" %
         print "Speed Limit = %d" % entity.speedLimit
         print "Rate = %d" % entity.rate
         print ""
     return entity
Beispiel #17
def sendLocationToStorageReturnId(markers):
    table_service = getTableService()
    """ Generate partition and row keys based on current time """
    year = - 2000
    partitionKey = str(year) +"%m%d")
    rowKey ="%H%M%S") + str(random.randint(0, 99))
    """ Create entity send to Azure Storage Table. PartitionKey and RowKey make up composite key """
    entity = Entity();
    entity.PartitionKey = partitionKey
    entity.RowKey = rowKey

        Azure storage is not able to serialize lists so store as JSON string. Also convert decimals to string as
        python Decimal object cannot be encoded to JSON.
    entity.markers = json.dumps([{"lat": str(m["lat"]), "lng": str(m["lng"])} for m in markers])

    table_service.insert_entity('maps', entity)

    """ Make a final key, consisting of partitionKey and rowKey suitable for use inside URL """
    finalId = partitionKey + "A" + rowKey
    return finalId
Beispiel #18
    def test_batch_insert(self):
        # Arrange

        # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = '001'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_insert'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')
        entity.test5 = datetime.utcnow()

        batch = TableBatch()
        resp = self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)

        # Assert
        result = self.ts.get_entity(self.table_name, '001', 'batch_insert')
        self.assertEqual(resp[0], result.etag)
Beispiel #19
def insert_entry_to_azure(table_service, rowKey, entry, table_name='test', partitionKey='default'):
    takes table service
    Takes a list 
    Uploads to azure table storage 
    segment = Entity()
    segment.PartitionKey = partitionKey
    segment.RowKey = str(rowKey).zfill(8)
    segment.latA = str(entry['latA'])
    segment.longA = str(entry['longA'])
    segment.latB = str(entry['latB'])
    segment.longB = str(entry['longB'])
    segment.colorKey = str(entry['color'])

    print segment
    table_service.insert_entity(table_name, segment)
Beispiel #20
def insert_entry_to_azure(table_service,
    takes table service
    Takes a list 
    Uploads to azure table storage 
    segment = Entity()
    segment.PartitionKey = partitionKey
    segment.RowKey = str(rowKey).zfill(8)
    segment.latA = str(entry['latA'])
    segment.longA = str(entry['longA'])
    segment.latB = str(entry['latB'])
    segment.longB = str(entry['longB'])
    segment.colorKey = str(entry['color'])

    print segment
    table_service.insert_entity(table_name, segment)
Beispiel #21
    def writePropertyValue(self, entity: Entity):
        if self.propertyName in entity.keys():
            if self._needToWriteToBlob(entity[self.propertyName]):
                valueIdentifier = self.blobBackend.getValueReference(
                value = entity[self.propertyName]
                self.blobBackend.setValueForReference(valueIdentifier, value)
                entity[self.propertyName] = valueIdentifier
                propertyBlobStatus = True if self.propertyBlobStatusName is not None else None
                propertyBlobStatus = False if self.propertyBlobStatusName is not None else None

            if propertyBlobStatus is not None:
                entity[self.propertyBlobStatusName] = propertyBlobStatus
Beispiel #22
def addReferralToMainUser(id, referralLink):
        task = Entity()
        task.PartitionKey = 'referral_' + referralLink
        task.RowKey = "referral_" + str(id)
        task.userID = id
        task.referral = referralLink
        task.datetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        task.version = 1
        table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('participantReferrer', task)

        #update participant
        item = table_service.get_entity('participants', 'participant', "participant_" + str(id))
        item.isConfirmed = True
        item.isCompleted = True
        item.invitedReferralLink = referralLink
        table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('participants', item)

    except Exception as e:
 def insert_or_replace_entity_to_azure(self, rowKey, entry, t_name=DEFAULT_TABLE):
     takes table service
     Takes a list 
     Uploads to azure table storage 
     segment = Entity()
     segment.PartitionKey = self.default_partition
     segment.RowKey = str(rowKey).zfill(8)
     segment.latA = str(entry['latA'])
     segment.longA = str(entry['longA'])
     segment.latB = str(entry['latB'])
     segment.longB = str(entry['longB'])
     segment.colorKey = str(entry['color'])
     #print segment.colorKey 
     if == 'nt':
         self.table_service.insert_or_replace_entity(t_name, self.default_partition, str(rowKey).zfill(8), segment)
         self.table_service.insert_or_replace_entity(t_name, segment) 
Beispiel #24
    def test_batch_inserts(self):
        # Arrange

        # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = 'batch_inserts'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')

        batch = TableBatch()
        for i in range(100):
            entity.RowKey = str(i)
        self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)

        entities = list(
                                   "PartitionKey eq 'batch_inserts'", ''))

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(100, len(entities))
    def test_batch_inserts(self):
        # Arrange

        # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = 'batch_inserts'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')

        batch = TableBatch()
        for i in range(100):
            entity.RowKey = str(i)
        self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)

        entities = list(self.ts.query_entities(self.table_name, "PartitionKey eq 'batch_inserts'", ''))

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(100, len(entities))
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '001'
pizza.description = 'Pepperoni'
pizza.cost = 18
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for pepperoni...')

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '002'
pizza.description = 'Veggie'
pizza.cost = 15
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for veggie...')
Beispiel #27

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first car with  the make, model, year, color and price
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'Cardealership'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Ford'
car.model = 'Explorer'
car.year = '2017'
car.color = 'Red'
car.price = 30000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Ford Explorer...')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'Cardealership'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'Toyota'
car.model = 'Sienna'
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add five entries for cars with five pieces of data: 1) make, 2) model, 3) year, 4) color, 5) price
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'car_selections'
cars.RowKey = '001'
cars.make = 'Volkswagen'
cars.model = 'Jetta'
cars.year = 2010
cars.color = 'silver'
cars.price = 13300
table_service.insert_entity('htangitemstable', cars)
print('Created entry for Volkswagen/Jetta...')

cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'car_selections'
cars.RowKey = '002'
cars.make = 'Ford'
cars.model = 'Focus'
Beispiel #29

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '001'
pizza.description = 'Pepperoni'
pizza.cost = 18
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for pepperoni...')

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '002'
pizza.description = 'Veggie'
pizza.cost = 15
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for veggie...')
Beispiel #30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct 09 16:47:26 2015

@author: justin.malinchak

from import TableService, Entity
table_service = TableService(account_name='portalvhdss5m831rhl98hj', account_key='Z1MliCYE7p9Ks9kYQoGeM4V99hODtiJL82BVi/zIm06jLYh7n0tV8YaZHzITKixMwUUmjJ1Vp05XrgHG+gXFlg==')

task = {'PartitionKey': 'tasksSeattle', 'RowKey': '1', 'description' : 'Take out the trash', 'priority' : 200}
table_service.insert_entity('tasktable', task)

task = Entity()
task.PartitionKey = 'tasksSeattle'
task.RowKey = '2'
task.description = 'Wash the car'
task.priority = 100
table_service.insert_entity('tasktable', task)
task = {'description' : 'Take out the garbage', 'priority' : 250}
table_service.update_entity('tasktable', 'tasksSeattle', '1', task)
task = {'description' : 'Take out the garbage again', 'priority' : 250}
table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('tasktable', 'tasksSeattle', '1', task)

task = {'description' : 'Buy detergent', 'priority' : 300}
table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('tasktable', 'tasksSeattle', '3', task)
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first car with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carcatalog'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Chevrolet'
car.model = 'Blazer'
car.year = 2000
car.color = 'Black'
car.price = 24000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Chevy Blazer ...')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carcatalog'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'Ford'
car.model = 'Explorer'
    def test_batch_reuse(self):
        # Arrange

        table2 = self._get_table_reference('table2')

         # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = '003'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-1'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')
        entity.test5 = datetime.utcnow()

        batch = TableBatch()
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-2'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-3'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-4'

        self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)
        self.ts.commit_batch(table2, batch)

        batch = TableBatch()
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-1'
        batch.delete_entity(entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey)
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-2'
        entity.test3 = 10
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-3'
        entity.test3 = 100
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-4'
        entity.test3 = 10
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-5'

        self.ts.commit_batch(self.table_name, batch)
        resp = self.ts.commit_batch(table2, batch)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(6, len(resp))
        entities = list(self.ts.query_entities(self.table_name, "PartitionKey eq '003'", ''))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(entities))
    def test_batch_all_operations_together_context_manager(self):
        # Arrange

         # Act
        entity = Entity()
        entity.PartitionKey = '003'
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-1'
        entity.test = EntityProperty(EdmType.BOOLEAN, 'true')
        entity.test2 = 'value'
        entity.test3 = 3
        entity.test4 = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT64, '1234567890')
        entity.test5 = datetime.utcnow()
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-2'
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-3'
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)
        entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-4'
        self.ts.insert_entity(self.table_name, entity)

        with self.ts.batch(self.table_name) as batch:
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together'
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-1'
            batch.delete_entity(entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey)
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-2'
            entity.test3 = 10
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-3'
            entity.test3 = 100
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-4'
            entity.test3 = 10
            entity.RowKey = 'batch_all_operations_together-5'

        # Assert
        entities = list(self.ts.query_entities(self.table_name, "PartitionKey eq '003'", ''))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(entities))
Beispiel #34
def save_image(img: Image, crs, lat, long, height, stats, ptime):
    table_service = TableService(account_name=_LOGS_ACCOUNT_NAME,
    task = Entity()
    task.PartitionKey = img.instrument.NAME
    task.RowKey = img.observation_set
    task.processing_time = ptime
    task.cr_count = len(crs)
    task.latitude = str(lat)
    task.longitude = str(long)
    task.height = str(height)
    task.image_type = img.file_type
    task.observation_date = str(img.observation_date)
    task.observation_start_time = str(img.observation_start_time)
    task.equinox = str(img.equinox)
    task.exposition_duration = str(img.exposition_duration)
    task.gain = str(img.gain)
    task.proposal_id = str(img.proposal_id)
    task.position_angle = str(img.position_angle)
    task.right_ascension = str(img.right_ascension)
    task.right_ascension_target = str(img.right_ascension_target)
    task.declination = str(img.declination)
    task.declination_target = str(img.declination_target)

    if img.aperture is not None:
        task.aperture = str(img.aperture)
        task.ecliptic_lon = str(img.ecliptic_lon)
        task.ecliptic_lat = str(img.ecliptic_lat)
        task.galactic_lon = str(img.galactic_lon)
        task.galactic_lat = str(img.galactic_lat)

    task.moon_angle = str(img.moon_angle)
    task.sun_angle = str(img.sun_angle)
    task.sun_altitude = str(img.sun_altitude)
    task.wcs_axes = img.wcs_axes

    for idx in range(1, img.wcs_axes + 1):
        task['wcs_crpix_%d' % idx] = str(img.wcs_crpix(idx))
        task['wcs_crval_%d' % idx] = str(img.wcs_crval(idx))
        task['wcs_ctype_%d' % idx] = str(img.wcs_ctype(idx))
        for part in [1, 2]:
            task['wcs_cd_%d_%d' % (idx, part)] = str(img.wcs_cd(idx, part))
        task['wcs_ltv_%d' % idx] = str(img.wcs_ltv(idx))
        task['wcs_ltm_%d' % idx] = str(img.wcs_ltm(idx))

    task.wcs_pa_aper = str(img.wcs_pa_aper)
    task.wcs_va_factor = str(img.wcs_va_factor)
    task.wcs_orientation = str(img.wcs_orientation)
    task.wcs_ra_aperture = str(img.wcs_ra_aperture)
    task.wcs_dec_aperture = str(img.wcs_dec_aperture)

    # Add stats
    for key, value in stats.items():
        task['stat_%s' % key] = str(value)

    table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('imagestable', task)
    # for chunk in chunks(crs, 100):
    #    batch = TableBatch()
    if __SAVE_CR_SEPARATELY_:'Done inserting image at {} '.format('Started cr individual inserts')
        for cr in crs:
            cr_task = {'PartitionKey': img.observation_set, 'RowKey': cr.label}

            for prop in cr:
                cr_task[prop] = str(cr[prop])

Beispiel #35

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first car with following pieces of data - make, model, year, color and price.
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carmenu'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Ford'
car.model = 'Taurus'
car.year = 1994
car.color = 'White'
car.price = 5000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Ford Taurus...')

#add an entry for coffee with following pieces of data - brand, flavor, size and price
coffee = Entity()
coffee.PartitionKey = 'coffeemenu'
coffee.RowKey = '1001'
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '001'
pizza.description = 'Pepperoni'
pizza.cost = 18
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for pepperoni...')

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '002'
pizza.description = 'Veggie'
pizza.cost = 15
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for veggie...')
Beispiel #37
# pizza.description = 'Veggie'
# pizza.cost = 15
# table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
# print('Created entry for veggie...')

# pizza = Entity()
# pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
# pizza.RowKey = '003'
# pizza.description = 'Hawaiian'
# pizza.cost = 12
# table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
# print('Created entry for Hawaiian...\n')

# Shailesh Beri - Add code here to populate partition with cars using dealership scenario and with characteristics [make, model, year, color and price] instead of Pizza

cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'carstype'
cars.RowKey = '001'
cars.make = 'BMW'
cars.model = 'X3'
cars.year = 2017
cars.color = 'Red'
cars.price = 51000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', cars)
print('Created entry for BMW X3...')

cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'carstype'
cars.RowKey = '002'
cars.make = 'Audi'
cars.model = 'Q5'
Beispiel #38
def insert_or_replace_entity_from_pi_azure_raw_accel(table_service, rowKey, entry, table_name='test', partitionKey='default'):
    takes table service
    Takes a list 
    Uploads to azure table storage 
    segment = Entity()
    segment.PartitionKey = partitionKey
    segment.RowKey = str(rowKey).zfill(8)
    segment.latA = str(entry['latA'])
    segment.longA = str(entry['longA'])
    segment.latB = str(entry['latB'])
    segment.longB = str(entry['longB'])
    segment.colorKey = str(entry['color'])
    if entry['x']:
        segment.x = str(entry['x'])
        segment.y = str(entry['y'])
        segment.z = str(entry['z'])
    print segment
    table_service.insert_or_replace_entity(table_name, segment) 

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '001'
pizza.description = 'Pepperoni'
pizza.cost = 18
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for pepperoni...')

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '002'
pizza.description = 'Veggie'
pizza.cost = 15
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for veggie...')
response = table_service.create_table('itemstable')
if response == True:
print('Storage Table: itemstable created successfully.\n')
print('Error creating Storage Table.\n')
## Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore.’)
print(‘ This is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')
# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first cars with data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.
cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'carsmenu'
cars.RowKey = '001'
cars.make = 'Tayota'
cars.model = 'Camrey'
cars.year = '2016'
cars.color = 'Blue'
cars.price = 18000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', cars)
print('Created entry for camrey...')
cars = Entity()
cars.PartitionKey = 'carsmenu'
cars.RowKey = '002'
cars.make = 'Tayota'
cars.model = 'Carolla'
cars.year = '2017'
Beispiel #41

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carinfo'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Honda'
car.model = 'Odyssey'
car.price = '$20,000'
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Honda Odyssey')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carinfo'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'Toyota'
car.model = 'Corolla'
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '001'
pizza.description = 'Pepperoni'
pizza.cost = 18
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for pepperoni...')

pizza = Entity()
pizza.PartitionKey = 'pizzamenu'
pizza.RowKey = '002'
pizza.description = 'Veggie'
pizza.cost = 15
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', pizza)
print('Created entry for veggie...')
# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
    'Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.'
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'.
# Here, we add an entry for first pizza with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'Cargallery'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Jeep'
car.model = 'Wrangler JK Altitude'
car.year = '2018'
car.color = 'White'
car.price = 38190.00
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Jeep...')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'Cargallery'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'Toyota'
car.model = 'Highlander'
    def create_entity_class(self):
        Creates a class-based entity with fixed values, using all of the supported data types.
        entity = Entity()

        # Partition key and row key must be strings and are required
        entity.PartitionKey= 'pk{}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', ''))
        entity.RowKey = 'rk{}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')) 

        # Some basic types are inferred
        entity.age = 39 # EdmType.INT64
        entity.large = 933311100 # EdmType.INT64 = 'male' # EdmType.STRING
        entity.married = True # EdmType.BOOLEAN
        entity.ratio = 3.1 # EdmType.DOUBLE
        entity.birthday = datetime(1970, 10, 4) # EdmType.DATETIME

        # Binary, Int32 and GUID must be explicitly typed
        entity.binary = EntityProperty(EdmType.BINARY, b'xyz')
        entity.other = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT32, 20)
        entity.clsid = EntityProperty(EdmType.GUID, 'c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833')
        return entity
Beispiel #45

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first car with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carmenu'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Peugot'
car.year = 1989
car.color = 'white'
car.price = 18000
car.model = 'TR7'
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for Peugot...')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'carmenu'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'Cadillac'
car.year = 1990
 def _create_random_entity_class(self, pk=None, rk=None):
     Creates a class-based entity with fixed values, using all
     of the supported data types.
     partition = pk if pk is not None else self.get_resource_name('pk')
     row = rk if rk is not None else self.get_resource_name('rk')
     entity = Entity()
     entity.PartitionKey = partition
     entity.RowKey = row
     entity.age = 39 = 'male' = 'John Doe'
     entity.married = True
     entity.deceased = False
     entity.optional = None
     entity.evenratio = 3.0
     entity.ratio = 3.1
     entity.large = 933311100
     entity.Birthday = datetime(1973, 10, 4)
     entity.birthday = datetime(1970, 10, 4)
     entity.binary = EntityProperty(EdmType.BINARY, b'binary')
     entity.other = EntityProperty(EdmType.INT32, 20)
     entity.clsid = EntityProperty(
         EdmType.GUID, 'c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833')
     return entity
Beispiel #47

# Use the Azure Storage Storage SDK for Python to create some entries in the Table
print('Now let\'s add some entries to our Table.\nRemember, Azure Storage Tables is a NoSQL datastore, so this is similar to adding records to a database.')
raw_input('Press Enter to continue...')

# Each entry in a Table is called an 'Entity'. 
# Here, we add an entry for first car with two pieces of data - the name, and the cost
# A partition key tracks how like-minded entries in the Table are created and queried.
# A row key is a unique ID for each entity in the partition
# These two properties are used as a primary key to index the Table. This makes queries much quicker.

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'cars'
car.RowKey = '001'
car.make = 'Ford'
car.model = 'Edge'
car.year = '2007'
car.color = 'Gray'
car.price = 32000
table_service.insert_entity('itemstable', car)
print('Created entry for 2007 Ford Edge...')

car = Entity()
car.PartitionKey = 'cars'
car.RowKey = '002'
car.make = 'GMC'
car.model = 'Acadia'
Beispiel #48
def addNewParticipant(id, address, ownReferralLink, isConfirmed, isCompleted = False, invitedReferral = ''):
        task = Entity()
        task.PartitionKey = 'participant'
        task.RowKey = "participant_" + str(id)
        task.userID = id
        task.ethereumAddress = address
        task.referral = ownReferralLink
        task.invitedReferralLink = invitedReferral
        task.isConfirmed = isConfirmed
        task.isCompleted = isCompleted
        task.datetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        task.version = 1
        table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('participants', task)
    except Exception as e: