Beispiel #1
def _convert_etree_element_to_rule(entry_element):
    ''' Converts entry element to rule object.

    The format of xml for rule:
<entry xmlns=''>
<content type='application/xml'>
    <Filter i:type="SqlFilterExpression">
    <Action i:type="SqlFilterAction">
        <SqlExpression>set MyProperty2 = 'ABC'</SqlExpression>
    rule = Rule()

    rule_element = entry_element.find('./atom:content/sb:RuleDescription',
    if rule_element is not None:
        filter_element = rule_element.find('./sb:Filter',
        if filter_element is not None:
            rule.filter_type = filter_element.attrib.get(
                                         'type'), None)
            sql_exp_element = filter_element.find('./sb:SqlExpression',
            if sql_exp_element is not None:
                rule.filter_expression = sql_exp_element.text

        action_element = rule_element.find('./sb:Action',
        if action_element is not None:
            rule.action_type = action_element.attrib.get(
                                         'type'), None)
            sql_exp_element = action_element.find('./sb:SqlExpression',
            if sql_exp_element is not None:
                rule.action_expression = sql_exp_element.text

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of rule.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
            entry_element, True, '/rules').items():
        setattr(rule, name, value)

    return rule
Beispiel #2
def _convert_etree_element_to_rule(entry_element):
    ''' Converts entry element to rule object.

    The format of xml for rule:
<entry xmlns=''>
<content type='application/xml'>
    <Filter i:type="SqlFilterExpression">
    <Action i:type="SqlFilterAction">
        <SqlExpression>set MyProperty2 = 'ABC'</SqlExpression>
    rule = Rule()

    rule_element = entry_element.find('./atom:content/sb:RuleDescription', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
    if rule_element is not None:
        filter_element = rule_element.find('./sb:Filter', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
        if filter_element is not None:
            rule.filter_type = filter_element.attrib.get(
                _make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_sb_feed_namespaces['i'], 'type'), None)
            sql_exp_element = filter_element.find('./sb:SqlExpression', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
            if sql_exp_element is not None:
                rule.filter_expression = sql_exp_element.text

        action_element = rule_element.find('./sb:Action', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
        if action_element is not None:
            rule.action_type = action_element.attrib.get(
                _make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_sb_feed_namespaces['i'], 'type'), None)
            sql_exp_element = action_element.find('./sb:SqlExpression', _etree_sb_feed_namespaces)
            if sql_exp_element is not None:
                rule.action_expression = sql_exp_element.text

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of rule.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True, '/rules').items():
        setattr(rule, name, value)

    return rule
def _convert_etree_element_to_entity(entry_element):
    ''' Convert xml response to entity.

    The format of entity:
    <entry xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">
      <title />
        <name />
      <id />
      <content type="application/xml">
          <d:Address>Mountain View</d:Address>
          <d:Age m:type="Edm.Int32">23</d:Age>
          <d:AmountDue m:type="Edm.Double">200.23</d:AmountDue>
          <d:BinaryData m:type="Edm.Binary" m:null="true" />
          <d:CustomerCode m:type="Edm.Guid">c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833</d:CustomerCode>
          <d:CustomerSince m:type="Edm.DateTime">2008-07-10T00:00:00</d:CustomerSince>
          <d:IsActive m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsActive>
          <d:NumOfOrders m:type="Edm.Int64">255</d:NumOfOrders>
          <d:Timestamp m:type="Edm.DateTime">0001-01-01T00:00:00</d:Timestamp>
    entity = Entity()

    properties = entry_element.findall('./atom:content/m:properties', _etree_entity_feed_namespaces)
    for prop in properties:
        for p in prop:
            name = _get_etree_tag_name_without_ns(p.tag)
            value = p.text or ''
            mtype = p.attrib.get(_make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_entity_feed_namespaces['m'], 'type'), None)
            isnull = p.attrib.get(_make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_entity_feed_namespaces['m'], 'null'), None)

            # if not isnull and no type info, then it is a string and we just
            # need the str type to hold the property.
            if not isnull and not mtype:
                _set_entity_attr(entity, name, value)
            elif isnull == 'true':
                if mtype:
                    property = EntityProperty(mtype, None)
                    property = EntityProperty('Edm.String', None)
            else:  # need an object to hold the property
                conv = _ENTITY_TO_PYTHON_CONVERSIONS.get(mtype)
                if conv is not None:
                    property = conv(value)
                    property = EntityProperty(mtype, value)
                _set_entity_attr(entity, name, property)

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of
    # rule.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True).items():
        if name in ['etag']:
            _set_entity_attr(entity, name, value)

    return entity
Beispiel #4
def _convert_etree_element_to_entity(entry_element):
    ''' Convert xml response to entity.

    The format of entity:
    <entry xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">
      <title />
        <name />
      <id />
      <content type="application/xml">
          <d:Address>Mountain View</d:Address>
          <d:Age m:type="Edm.Int32">23</d:Age>
          <d:AmountDue m:type="Edm.Double">200.23</d:AmountDue>
          <d:BinaryData m:type="Edm.Binary" m:null="true" />
          <d:CustomerCode m:type="Edm.Guid">c9da6455-213d-42c9-9a79-3e9149a57833</d:CustomerCode>
          <d:CustomerSince m:type="Edm.DateTime">2008-07-10T00:00:00</d:CustomerSince>
          <d:IsActive m:type="Edm.Boolean">true</d:IsActive>
          <d:NumOfOrders m:type="Edm.Int64">255</d:NumOfOrders>
          <d:Timestamp m:type="Edm.DateTime">0001-01-01T00:00:00</d:Timestamp>
    entity = Entity()

    properties = entry_element.findall('./atom:content/m:properties', _etree_entity_feed_namespaces)
    for prop in properties:
        for p in prop:
            name = _get_etree_tag_name_without_ns(p.tag)
            value = p.text or ''
            mtype = p.attrib.get(_make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_entity_feed_namespaces['m'], 'type'), None)
            isnull = p.attrib.get(_make_etree_ns_attr_name(_etree_entity_feed_namespaces['m'], 'null'), None)

            # if not isnull and no type info, then it is a string and we just
            # need the str type to hold the property.
            if not isnull and not mtype:
                _set_entity_attr(entity, name, value)
            elif isnull == 'true':
                if mtype:
                    property = EntityProperty(mtype, None)
                    property = EntityProperty('Edm.String', None)
            else:  # need an object to hold the property
                conv = _ENTITY_TO_PYTHON_CONVERSIONS.get(mtype)
                if conv is not None:
                    property = conv(value)
                    property = EntityProperty(mtype, value)
                _set_entity_attr(entity, name, property)

    # extract id, updated and name value from feed entry and set them of
    # rule.
    for name, value in _ETreeXmlToObject.get_entry_properties_from_element(
        entry_element, True).items():
        if name in ['etag']:
            _set_entity_attr(entity, name, value)

    return entity