Beispiel #1
    async def record_wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        test_id = get_test_id()
        recording_id = start_record_or_playback(test_id)

        def transform_args(*args, **kwargs):
            copied_positional_args = list(args)
            request = copied_positional_args[1]

            transform_request(request, recording_id)

            return tuple(copied_positional_args), kwargs

        trimmed_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
        trim_kwargs_from_test_function(func, trimmed_kwargs)

        original_func = AioHttpTransport.send

        async def combined_call(*args, **kwargs):
            adjusted_args, adjusted_kwargs = transform_args(*args, **kwargs)
            return await original_func(*adjusted_args, **adjusted_kwargs)

        AioHttpTransport.send = combined_call

        # call the modified function.
            value = await func(*args, **trimmed_kwargs)
            AioHttpTransport.send = original_func
            stop_record_or_playback(test_id, recording_id)

        return value
Beispiel #2
    async def record_wrap(*args, **kwargs):

        def transform_args(*args, **kwargs):
            copied_positional_args = list(args)
            request = copied_positional_args[1]

            transform_request(request, recording_id)

            return tuple(copied_positional_args), kwargs

        trimmed_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
        trim_kwargs_from_test_function(test_func, trimmed_kwargs)

        if is_live_and_not_recording():
            return await test_func(*args, **trimmed_kwargs)

        test_id = get_test_id()
        recording_id, variables = start_record_or_playback(test_id)
        original_transport_func = AioHttpTransport.send

        async def combined_call(*args, **kwargs):
            adjusted_args, adjusted_kwargs = transform_args(*args, **kwargs)
            result = await original_transport_func(*adjusted_args, **adjusted_kwargs)

            # make the x-recording-upstream-base-uri the URL of the request
            # this makes the request look like it was made to the original endpoint instead of to the proxy
            # without this, things like LROPollers can get broken by polling the wrong endpoint
            parsed_result = url_parse.urlparse(result.request.url)
            upstream_uri = url_parse.urlparse(result.request.headers["x-recording-upstream-base-uri"])
            upstream_uri_dict = {"scheme": upstream_uri.scheme, "netloc": upstream_uri.netloc}
            original_target = parsed_result._replace(**upstream_uri_dict).geturl()

            result.request.url = original_target
            return result

        AioHttpTransport.send = combined_call

        # call the modified function
        # we define test_output before invoking the test so the variable is defined in case of an exception
        test_output = None
                test_output = await test_func(*args, variables=variables, **trimmed_kwargs)
            except TypeError:
                logger = logging.getLogger()
                    "This test can't accept variables as input. The test method should accept `**kwargs` and/or a "
                    "`variables` parameter to make use of recorded test variables."
                test_output = await test_func(*args, **trimmed_kwargs)
        except ResourceNotFoundError as error:
            error_body = ContentDecodePolicy.deserialize_from_http_generics(error.response)
            message = error_body.get("message") or error_body.get("Message")
            error_with_message = ResourceNotFoundError(message=message, response=error.response)
            raise error_with_message from error
            AioHttpTransport.send = original_transport_func
            stop_record_or_playback(test_id, recording_id, test_output)

        return test_output
Beispiel #3
    async def record_wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        test_id = get_test_id()
        recording_id, variables = start_record_or_playback(test_id)

        def transform_args(*args, **kwargs):
            copied_positional_args = list(args)
            request = copied_positional_args[1]

            transform_request(request, recording_id)

            return tuple(copied_positional_args), kwargs

        trimmed_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
        trim_kwargs_from_test_function(test_func, trimmed_kwargs)

        original_transport_func = AioHttpTransport.send

        async def combined_call(*args, **kwargs):
            adjusted_args, adjusted_kwargs = transform_args(*args, **kwargs)
            return await original_transport_func(*adjusted_args,

        AioHttpTransport.send = combined_call

        # call the modified function
        # we define test_output before invoking the test so the variable is defined in case of an exception
        test_output = None
            test_output = await test_func(*args,
        except TypeError:
            logger = logging.getLogger()
                "This test can't accept variables as input. The test method should accept `**kwargs` and/or a "
                "`variables` parameter to make use of recorded test variables."
            test_output = await test_func(*args, **trimmed_kwargs)
            AioHttpTransport.send = original_transport_func
            stop_record_or_playback(test_id, recording_id, test_output)

        return test_output
Beispiel #4
 def run(test_class_instance, *args, **kwargs):
     trim_kwargs_from_test_function(test_fn, kwargs)
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
     return loop.run_until_complete(test_fn(test_class_instance, **kwargs))