Beispiel #1
def test_recv_0deg_newfld():
    # test recv with 0deg nodes; the reducer also creates a new field
    g = dgl.graph([(0,1)])
    def _message(edges):
        return {'m' : edges.src['h']}
    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h1' :['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h1' :['h1'] * 2}
    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)
    # test#1: recv both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h1')
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv([0, 1], _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h1')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, dtype=F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: recv only 0deg node
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.ndata['h1'] = F.full((2, 5), -1, F.int64)  # this is necessary
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv(0, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h1')
    # 0deg check: fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, -2, F.int64))
    # non-0deg check: not changed
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.full_1d(5, -1, F.int64))
Beispiel #2
def test_pull_0deg(index_dtype):
    g = dgl.graph([(0, 1)], index_dtype=index_dtype)

    def _message(edges):
        return {'m': edges.src['h']}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h':['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h':['h'] * 2}

    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)

    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    # test#1: pull both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.pull([0, 1], _message, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, dtype=F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: pull only 0deg node
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.pull(0, _message, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new[0], 2 * old[0])
    # non-0deg check: not touched
    assert F.allclose(new[1], old[1])
Beispiel #3
def test_recv_0deg():
    # test recv with 0deg nodes;
    g = dgl.graph([(0,1)])
    def _message(edges):
        return {'m' : edges.src['h']}
    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h' :['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h' :['h'] * 2}
    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)
    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    # test#1: recv both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv([0, 1], _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: recv only 0deg node is equal to apply
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv(0, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: equal to apply_nodes
    assert F.allclose(new[0], 2 * old[0])
    # non-0deg check: untouched
    assert F.allclose(new[1], old[1])