def test_find_ignore(tmp):
    # first do a control to make sure we find 'sub2'
    res = find('data', item_type='both', direction='down', path='tests/',
               regex=True, first_only=False)

    ok = False
    for path in res:
        if re.match('(.*)sub2(.*)', path):
            ok = True
    assert ok is True

    # then try and ignore it

    res = find('data', item_type='both', direction='down', path='tests/',
               regex=True, first_only=False, ignore=['(.*)sub2(.*)'])
    assert isinstance(res, list)

    for path in res:
        assert not re.match('(.*)sub2(.*)', path)

    ok = True
    for path in res:
        if re.match('(.*)sub2(.*)', path):
            ok = False
    assert ok is True

    # coverage

    res = find('data', item_type='both', direction='down', path='tests/',
               first_only=True, ignore=['(.*)data(.*)'])
    assert res is None
def test_find_item_type(tmp):
    # item_type file
    res = find('data', item_type='file', direction='both', path='tests/')
    assert os.path.isfile(res)

    # item_type directory
    res = find('data', item_type='directory', direction='both', path='tests')
    assert os.path.isdir(res)

    # item_type both
    res = find('data', item_type='both', first_only=False, direction='both',

    found_a_file = False
    found_a_dir = False
    for item in res:
        if os.path.isfile(item):
            found_a_file = True
        elif os.path.isdir(item):
            found_a_dir = True

    assert found_a_file
    assert found_a_dir

    # same thing with first_only true (coverage)
    res = find('data', item_type='both', first_only=True, direction='down',

    # direction bogus (raises error)
    msg = "Argument 'item_type' must be one of"
    with raises(BackpedalArgumentError, match=msg):
        res = find('data', item_type='bogus')
def test_find_regex(tmp):
    res = find('dat', direction='down', path='tests/', regex=False)
    assert res is None

    res = find('(.*)dat(.*)', direction='down', path='tests/', regex=True,
    assert isinstance(res, list)
    for path in res:
        assert re.match('(.*)data', path)

    # coverage
    res = find('(.*)dat(.*)', direction='down', path='tests/', regex=True)
    re.match('(.*)data/sub2/data', res)
def test_find_first_only(tmp):
    # first_only True
    res = find('', first_only=True, path='tests/data/sub1/a')
    assert re.match('(.*)data/sub1/a/', res)

    # first_only False
    res = find('', first_only=False, path='tests/data/sub1/a')
    assert isinstance(res, list)
    for path in res:
        assert re.match('(.*)', path)

    # first_only bogus
    msg = "Argument 'first_only' must be one of"
    with raises(BackpedalArgumentError, match=msg):
        res = find('', first_only='bogus')
def test_find_direction(tmp):
    # direction up
    res = find('', direction='up', path='tests/data/sub1/a')
    assert re.match('(.*)data/sub1/a/', res)

    # direction down
    res = find('', direction='down', path='tests/data')
    assert re.match('(.*)data/sub1/a/', res)

    # direction both
    res = find('', direction='both', path='tests/data')
    assert re.match('(.*)', res)

    # direction bogus (raises error)
    msg = "Argument 'direction' must be one of"
    with raises(BackpedalArgumentError, match=msg):
        res = find('', direction='bogus')
Beispiel #6
import backpedal
backpedal.DEBUG = True

def log(msg):
    print('-' * 78)
    print('-' * 78)

log('Find the first matching file starting from `.`')
res = backpedal.find('')
print('RES > %s' % res)

log('Find all matching files starting from sub1/a/b/c:')
res = backpedal.find('', path='sub1/a/b/c', first_only=False)
print('RES > %s' % res)

log('Look for directory but peddle down instead of up')
res = backpedal.find('data', direction='down', item_type='directory')
print('RES > %s' % res)

log('Look for files and directories in both directions')
res = backpedal.find('data',
print('RES > %s' % res)
def test_find(tmp):
    res = find('')
    assert re.match('(.*)', res)
def test_find_none(tmp):
    res = find('bogus_file_does_not_exist')
    assert res is None