Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, inboxer=Inboxer(), docker_agent=None):
        self.inboxer = inboxer
        self.inboxer.on("received", self.__handle_inbox_received_event)
        self.docker_agent = docker_agent
        self.id_to_cpu = {}
        self.id_to_metadata = {}
        if self.docker_agent is None:
            self.docker_agent = DockerAgent()

        # Setup pending queue
        self.pending = {}
        self.pending_thread = Thread(target=self.__process_pending)
        self.pending_thread.daemon = True
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, inboxer=Inboxer(), docker_agent=None):
        self.inboxer = inboxer
        self.inboxer.on("received", self.__handle_inbox_received_event)
        self.docker_agent = docker_agent
        self.id_to_cpu = {}
        self.id_to_metadata = {}
        if self.docker_agent is None:
            self.docker_agent = DockerAgent()

        # Setup pending queue
        self.pending = {}
        self.pending_thread = Thread(target=self.__process_pending)
        self.pending_thread.daemon = True
Beispiel #3
class Orchestrator(object):
    def __init__(self, inboxer=Inboxer(), docker_agent=None):
        self.inboxer = inboxer
        self.inboxer.on("received", self.__handle_inbox_received_event)
        self.docker_agent = docker_agent
        self.id_to_cpu = {}
        self.id_to_metadata = {}
        if self.docker_agent is None:
            self.docker_agent = DockerAgent()

        # Setup pending queue
        self.pending = {}
        self.pending_thread = Thread(target=self.__process_pending)
        self.pending_thread.daemon = True

    # Clean up the id_to_cpu dict
    def __clean_container(self, container_id):
        if container_id in self.id_to_metadata:
            meta = self.id_to_metadata[container_id]
                         duration=(int(time() * 1000) - meta['timestamp']))
            del self.id_to_metadata[container_id]
        if container_id in self.id_to_cpu:
            del self.id_to_cpu[container_id]

    # Save stat to database
    def __handle_stat(self, stat, id, topic, container_name):
            read_dt = parser.parse(stat['read'])
            timestamp = int((time.mktime(read_dt.timetuple()) +
                             (read_dt.microsecond / 1000000.0)) * 1000)
            memory_usage = float(stat['memory_stats']['usage']) / float(

            # Calculate CPU usage. The docker API returns the number of cycles consumed
            # by the container and the number of cycles consumed by the system. We need
            # to take the difference over time and divide them to retrieve the usage
            # percentage.
            total_usage = float(stat['cpu_stats']['cpu_usage']['total_usage'])
            system_usage = float(stat['cpu_stats']['system_cpu_usage'])
            if id in self.id_to_cpu:
                usage_diff = total_usage - self.id_to_cpu[id]['total']
                system_diff = system_usage - self.id_to_cpu[id]['system']
                if usage_diff >= 0:
                    usage_pct = usage_diff / system_diff
                    usage_pct = 0.0
            self.id_to_cpu[id] = {'total': total_usage, 'system': system_usage}
            # We don't want to kill the stat thread, and we don't really mind
            # if some statistics aren't saved properly

    # Get listing of registered containers filtered by topic
    def __get_registered_containers(self, topic):
        return resolve_query(
   == topic))

    # Clear the pending queue of a specific topic
    def __clear_pending(self, topic, container_name):
        if topic is not None and topic in self.pending:
            if container_name is not None and container_name in self.pending[
                del self.pending[topic][container_name]

    # Iterate through the self.pending queue and act on anything queued
    # that has passed its timer
    def __process_pending(self):
        while (True):
            for_process = []
            for topic in self.pending:
                for container in self.pending[topic]:
                    if self.__get_current_time_in_seconds(
                    ) > self.pending[topic][container]:
                        # It's go time! Pop into array so we can run after the loop
                        # Otherwise modiying the dictionary during runtime is bad (item is
                        # removed from pending immediately upon start of processing)
                            "topic": topic,
                            "container": container

            # Iterate the array and run the things inside
            for process in for_process:
                self.__process(process["topic"], process["container"])

            del for_process[:]
            except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def __process(self, topic, container_name):
            container_name)  # Clear the topic so this isn't hit multiple times

        # Promote all files in the inbox, delineated by topic, to a directory for
        # a container to mount; returns a list of created inboxes
        container_inboxes = self.inboxer.promote_to_container_inbox(
            topic, str(uuid4()))

        if container_inboxes is None or len(container_inboxes) == 0:
            print "There are no container inboxes available for the event run; did something weird happen?"
            return None

        for container_inbox in container_inboxes:
            # container_inbox is the path inboxer promoted to be mounted in the docker container
            container_id = self.docker_agent.start_container(
            self.id_to_metadata[container_id] = {
                'topic': topic,
                'container': container_name,
                'timestamp': int(time() * 1000)
            self.docker_agent.stats(container_id, topic, container_name,

    # Get the current time, in seconds, since epoch
    def __get_current_time_in_seconds(self):
        return timegm(gmtime())

    # This event handler is executed every time a file is put into the master inbox
    # The data argument includes a property specify the topic that was appended to
    def __handle_inbox_received_event(self, data):
        topic = data["topic"]
        count = self.inboxer.get_inbox_count(topic)
        # Get a list of all files in the inbox delineated by the topic in the event
        inbox_list = self.inboxer.get_inbox_list(topic)

        # If there are no items in the inbox then there is literally nothing to do
        if count == 0:
            return None

        container_infos = self.__get_registered_containers(data["topic"])

        # We have no container infos! :(
        if container_infos is None:
            print "Container for topic not found; doing nothing..."
            return None

        for container_info in container_infos:
            container = container_info["container"]
            # If the count has reached the threshold then it's time to execute!
            threshold = container_info["threshold"] if container_info[
                "threshold"] is not None else 1
            if count >= threshold:
                self.__process(topic, container)
                # We haven't hit the threshold so we need to start counting down
                # Set the current time
                if topic not in self.pending:
                    self.pending[topic] = {}
                self.pending[topic][container] = (
                    self.__get_current_time_in_seconds() +
Beispiel #4

# Setup authorization plugin
token_secret = app.config.get('token_secret', 'password')
auth_plugin = TokenAuthorizationPlugin(token_secret)

count = AtomicLong(0)
inbox = Inboxer(atomic_counter=count,
                    'inbox.containers', DEFAULT_CONTAINER_INBOXES))
docker_agent = DockerAgent(registry_host=app.config.get("", None),
                           username=app.config.get("registry.username", None),
                           password=app.config.get("registry.password", None),
                           docker_timeout=app.config.get("docker.timeout", 2))

orchestrator = Orchestrator(inboxer=inbox, docker_agent=docker_agent)

# Accepts a multipart form
# Field 'topic' -> The topic for the attached file(s)
# Field * -> Any field name that is a UploadFile object'/event')
def post_event():
    topic = request.forms.get("topic")
    successfully_queued = []
    # Bottle default way of accessing files doesn't seem to like multiple files
    # which use the same form name (which is standard practice). So let's
    # access them manually. Muwhahahahaha.
Beispiel #5
class Orchestrator(object):
    def __init__(self, inboxer=Inboxer(), docker_agent=None):
        self.inboxer = inboxer
        self.inboxer.on("received", self.__handle_inbox_received_event)
        self.docker_agent = docker_agent
        self.id_to_cpu = {}
        self.id_to_metadata = {}
        if self.docker_agent is None:
            self.docker_agent = DockerAgent()

        # Setup pending queue
        self.pending = {}
        self.pending_thread = Thread(target=self.__process_pending)
        self.pending_thread.daemon = True

    # Clean up the id_to_cpu dict
    def __clean_container(self, container_id):
        if container_id in self.id_to_metadata:
            meta = self.id_to_metadata[container_id]
                duration=(int(time() * 1000) - meta["timestamp"]),
            del self.id_to_metadata[container_id]
        if container_id in self.id_to_cpu:
            del self.id_to_cpu[container_id]

    # Save stat to database
    def __handle_stat(self, stat, id, topic, container_name):
            read_dt = parser.parse(stat["read"])
            timestamp = int((time.mktime(read_dt.timetuple()) + (read_dt.microsecond / 1000000.0)) * 1000)
            memory_usage = float(stat["memory_stats"]["usage"]) / float(stat["memory_stats"]["limit"])
            Metric.create(topic=topic, container=container_name, timestamp=timestamp, name="memory", value=memory_usage)

            # Calculate CPU usage. The docker API returns the number of cycles consumed
            # by the container and the number of cycles consumed by the system. We need
            # to take the difference over time and divide them to retrieve the usage
            # percentage.
            total_usage = float(stat["cpu_stats"]["cpu_usage"]["total_usage"])
            system_usage = float(stat["cpu_stats"]["system_cpu_usage"])
            if id in self.id_to_cpu:
                usage_diff = total_usage - self.id_to_cpu[id]["total"]
                system_diff = system_usage - self.id_to_cpu[id]["system"]
                if usage_diff >= 0:
                    usage_pct = usage_diff / system_diff
                    usage_pct = 0.0
                Metric.create(topic=topic, container=container_name, timestamp=timestamp, name="cpu", value=usage_pct)
            self.id_to_cpu[id] = {"total": total_usage, "system": system_usage}
            # We don't want to kill the stat thread, and we don't really mind
            # if some statistics aren't saved properly

    # Get listing of registered containers filtered by topic
    def __get_registered_containers(self, topic):
        return resolve_query( == topic))

    # Clear the pending queue of a specific topic
    def __clear_pending(self, topic, container_name):
        if topic is not None and topic in self.pending:
            if container_name is not None and container_name in self.pending[topic]:
                del self.pending[topic][container_name]

    # Iterate through the self.pending queue and act on anything queued
    # that has passed its timer
    def __process_pending(self):
        while True:
            for_process = []
            for topic in self.pending:
                for container in self.pending[topic]:
                    if self.__get_current_time_in_seconds() > self.pending[topic][container]:
                        # It's go time! Pop into array so we can run after the loop
                        # Otherwise modiying the dictionary during runtime is bad (item is
                        # removed from pending immediately upon start of processing)
                        for_process.append({"topic": topic, "container": container})

            # Iterate the array and run the things inside
            for process in for_process:
                self.__process(process["topic"], process["container"])

            del for_process[:]
            except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def __process(self, topic, container_name):
        self.__clear_pending(topic, container_name)  # Clear the topic so this isn't hit multiple times

        # Promote all files in the inbox, delineated by topic, to a directory for
        # a container to mount; returns a list of created inboxes
        container_inboxes = self.inboxer.promote_to_container_inbox(topic, str(uuid4()))

        if container_inboxes is None or len(container_inboxes) == 0:
            print "There are no container inboxes available for the event run; did something weird happen?"
            return None

        for container_inbox in container_inboxes:
            # container_inbox is the path inboxer promoted to be mounted in the docker container
            container_id = self.docker_agent.start_container(
                host_inbox=container_inbox, image_name=container_name, on_terminate=self.__clean_container, topic=topic
            self.id_to_metadata[container_id] = {
                "topic": topic,
                "container": container_name,
                "timestamp": int(time() * 1000),
            self.docker_agent.stats(container_id, topic, container_name, self.__handle_stat)

    # Get the current time, in seconds, since epoch
    def __get_current_time_in_seconds(self):
        return timegm(gmtime())

    # This event handler is executed every time a file is put into the master inbox
    # The data argument includes a property specify the topic that was appended to
    def __handle_inbox_received_event(self, data):
        topic = data["topic"]
        count = self.inboxer.get_inbox_count(topic)
        # Get a list of all files in the inbox delineated by the topic in the event
        inbox_list = self.inboxer.get_inbox_list(topic)

        # If there are no items in the inbox then there is literally nothing to do
        if count == 0:
            return None

        container_infos = self.__get_registered_containers(data["topic"])

        # We have no container infos! :(
        if container_infos is None:
            print "Container for topic not found; doing nothing..."
            return None

        for container_info in container_infos:
            container = container_info["container"]
            # If the count has reached the threshold then it's time to execute!
            threshold = container_info["threshold"] if container_info["threshold"] is not None else 1
            if count >= threshold:
                self.__process(topic, container)
                # We haven't hit the threshold so we need to start counting down
                # Set the current time
                if topic not in self.pending:
                    self.pending[topic] = {}
                self.pending[topic][container] = self.__get_current_time_in_seconds() + container_info["timeout"]