def analyze_image(self):

        # record time
        now = time.time()

        # capture vehicle position
        self.vehicle_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(

        # capture vehicle attitude in buffer

        # get delayed attitude from buffer
        veh_att_delayed = self.att_hist.get_attitude(now - self.attitude_delay)

        # get new image from camera
        f = self.get_frame()

        # look for balloon in image using blob detector
        self.balloon_found, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(f)

        # add artificial horizon
        balloon_finder.add_artificial_horizon(f, veh_att_delayed.roll,

        if self.balloon_found:
            # record time balloon was found
            self.last_spotted_time = now

            # convert x, y position to pitch and yaw direction (in radians)
            self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(
                xpos, ypos, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch,
            self.balloon_pitch = math.radians(self.balloon_pitch)
            self.balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch + balloon_video.pixels_to_angle_y(
                size)  # add balloon radius so we aim for top of balloon
            self.balloon_heading = math.radians(self.balloon_heading)

            # get distance
            self.balloon_distance = get_distance_from_pixels(
                size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)

            # updated estimated balloon position
            self.balloon_pos = balloon_finder.project_position(
                self.vehicle_pos, self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading,

        # save image for debugging later
        if not self.writer is None:

        # increment frames analysed for stats
        self.num_frames_analysed += 1
        if self.stats_start_time == 0:
            self.stats_start_time = time.time()
Beispiel #2
    def main(self):

        # set home to tridge's home field (absolute alt = 270)
            LocationGlobal(-35.362938, 149.165085, 0))

        # calculate balloon position
        fake_balloon_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(

        # vehicle attitude and position
        veh_pos = PositionVector(0, 0, fake_balloon_pos.z)  # at home location
        veh_roll = math.radians(0)  # leaned right 10 deg
        veh_pitch = math.radians(0)  # pitched back at 0 deg
        veh_yaw = PositionVector.get_bearing(
            veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)  # facing towards fake balloon

        # display positions from home
        print "Vehicle %s" % veh_pos
        print "Balloon %s" % fake_balloon_pos

        # generate simulated frame of balloon 10m north, 2m above vehicle
        img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

        while (True):
            # move vehicle towards balloon
            veh_pos = veh_pos + (fake_balloon_pos - veh_pos) * 0.01

            # regenerate frame
            img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch,

            # look for balloon in image using blob detector
            found_in_image, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(

            # display actual vs real distance
            dist_actual = PositionVector.get_distance_xyz(
                veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)
            dist_est = balloon_utils.get_distance_from_pixels(
                size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)
            print "Dist Est:%f  Act:%f   Size Est:%f  Act:%f" % (
                dist_est, dist_actual, size, self.last_balloon_radius)

            # show image
            cv2.imshow("fake balloon", img)

            # wait for keypress
            k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
            if k == 27:

        # destroy windows
    def analyze_image(self):

        # record time
        now = time.time()

        # capture vehicle position
        self.vehicle_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)

        # capture vehicle attitude in buffer

        # get delayed attitude from buffer
        veh_att_delayed = self.att_hist.get_attitude(now - self.attitude_delay)

        # get new image from camera
        f = self.get_frame()

        # look for balloon in image using blob detector        
        self.balloon_found, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(f)

        # add artificial horizon
        balloon_finder.add_artificial_horizon(f, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch)

        if self.balloon_found:
            # record time balloon was found
            self.last_spotted_time = now
            # convert x, y position to pitch and yaw direction (in radians)
            self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(xpos, ypos, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch, veh_att_delayed.yaw)
            self.balloon_pitch = math.radians(self.balloon_pitch)
            self.balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch + balloon_video.pixels_to_angle_y(size)  # add balloon radius so we aim for top of balloon
            self.balloon_heading = math.radians(self.balloon_heading)

            # get distance
            self.balloon_distance = get_distance_from_pixels(size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)

            # updated estimated balloon position
            self.balloon_pos = balloon_finder.project_position(self.vehicle_pos, self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading, self.balloon_distance)

        # save image for debugging later
        if not self.writer is None:

        # increment frames analysed for stats
        self.num_frames_analysed += 1
        if self.stats_start_time == 0:
            self.stats_start_time = time.time()
    def main(self):

        # set home to tridge's home field (absolute alt = 270)

        # calculate balloon position
        fake_balloon_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.fake_balloon_location)

        # vehicle attitude and position
        veh_pos = PositionVector(0,0,fake_balloon_pos.z) # at home location
        veh_roll = math.radians(0)     # leaned right 10 deg
        veh_pitch = math.radians(0)     # pitched back at 0 deg
        veh_yaw = PositionVector.get_bearing(veh_pos,fake_balloon_pos)  # facing towards fake balloon

        # display positions from home
        print "Vehicle %s" % veh_pos
        print "Balloon %s" % fake_balloon_pos

        # generate simulated frame of balloon 10m north, 2m above vehicle
        img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

            # move vehicle towards balloon
            veh_pos = veh_pos + (fake_balloon_pos - veh_pos) * 0.01

            # regenerate frame
            img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

            # look for balloon in image using blob detector        
            found_in_image, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(img)

            # display actual vs real distance
            dist_actual = PositionVector.get_distance_xyz(veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)
            dist_est = balloon_utils.get_distance_from_pixels(size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)
            print "Dist Est:%f  Act:%f   Size Est:%f  Act:%f" % (dist_est, dist_actual, size, self.last_balloon_radius) 

            # show image
            cv2.imshow("fake balloon", img)

            # wait for keypress 
            k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
            if k == 27:

        # destroy windows