Beispiel #1
def add_html_doc(req, ensemble_id):
    import base.models as M
    user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False)
    if user is None:
        redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed")
    addform = forms.Html5Form()
    if req.method == 'POST':
        addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST)
        if addform.is_valid():
            source = M.Source()
            source.numpages = 1
            source.w = 0
            source.h = 0
            source.rotation = 0
            source.version = 0
            source.type = 4
            source.submittedby = user
            source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title']
            ownership = M.Ownership()
            ownership.source = source
            ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id
            info = M.HTML5Info()
            info.source = source
            info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url']
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
    return render_to_response("web/add_html_doc.html", {"form": addform})
Beispiel #2
def add_youtube_doc(req, ensemble_id): 
    import base.models as M
    from apiclient.discovery import build
    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
    import re
    re_iso8601 = re.compile("PT(?:(?P<hours>\d+)H)?(?:(?P<minutes>\d+)M)?(?:(?P<seconds>\d+)S)?")
    youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=settings.GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_KEY)
    user       = UR.getUserInfo(req, False)
    if user is None:
        redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed")
    addform = forms.YoutubeForm()
    if req.method == 'POST':
        addform = forms.YoutubeForm(req.POST)
        if addform.is_valid():             
            source = M.Source()
            source.numpages = 1
            source.w = 0
            source.h = 0
            source.rotation = 0
            source.version = 0
            source.type = 2
            ownership = M.Ownership()
            ownership.source = source
            ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id
            info = M.YoutubeInfo()
            info.source = source
            url = addform.cleaned_data['url']
            result = urlparse(url)
            key = parse_qs(result.query)["v"][0]
            info.key = key
            ginfo = youtube.videos().list(part="id,contentDetails,snippet", id=key).execute()
            source.title = ginfo["items"][0]["snippet"]["title"]
            matches_dict = re_iso8601.match(ginfo["items"][0]["contentDetails"]["duration"]).groupdict()
            numsecs = 0
            if matches_dict["hours"] is not None: 
                numsecs += int(matches_dict["hours"])*3600
            if matches_dict["minutes"] is not None: 
                numsecs += int(matches_dict["minutes"])*60
            if matches_dict["seconds"] is not None: 
                numsecs += int(matches_dict["seconds"])
            source.numpages = numsecs #we use 1/100 sec precision. 

            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")         
    return render_to_response("web/add_youtube_doc.html", {"form": addform})
Beispiel #3
def add_html_doc(req, ensemble_id):
    import base.models as M
    user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False)
    if user is None:
        redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
    if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed")
    addform = forms.Html5Form()
    if req.method == 'POST':
        addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST)
        if addform.is_valid():
            source = M.Source()
            source.numpages = 1
            source.w = 0
            source.h = 0
            source.rotation = 0
            source.version = 0
            source.type = 4
            source.submittedby = user
            source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title']
            ownership = M.Ownership()
            ownership.source = source
            ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id
            info = M.HTML5Info()
            info.source = source
            # trailing slash is sometimes added by server redirects
            # but person specifying upload url may not realize this
            # so remove trailing slash as well as hash part of the URL
            info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url'].partition("#")[0].rstrip(
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
    return render_to_response("web/add_html_doc.html", {"form": addform})