log.info("%s%s%s%s (approx. %d%%)%s" % ("|", bar_char * bar, " " * (size - bar - 2), "|", agent_level, color)) color = '' if use_colors: color = log.codes['reset'] log.info(("-" * size) + color) log.set_module('hp-levels') try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, )) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS, extra_options=[ ("Bar graph size:", "-s<size> or --size=<size> (current default=%d)" % DEFAULT_BAR_GRAPH_SIZE, "option", False), ("Use colored bar graphs:", "-c or --color (default is colorized)", "option", False), ("Bar graph character:", "-a<char> or --char=<char> (default is '/')", "option", False) ]) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, lang = \
from base import utils, device, tui, module from prnt import cups log.set_module('hp-print') try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError as e: log.debug(e) from base.utils import dyn_import_mod as import_module app = None printdlg = None mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (GUI_MODE, ), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5)) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS | module.USAGE_FLAG_FILE_ARGS, see_also_list=['hp-printsettings']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts() sts, printer_name, device_uri = mod.getPrinterName(printer_name, device_uri) if not sts: sys.exit(1) if ui_toolkit == 'qt3': if not utils.canEnterGUIMode(): log.error(
("1. If no serial number, USB ID, IP, or device node is specified, the USB and parallel busses will be probed for devices.", "", 'note', False), ("2. Using 'lsusb' to obtain USB IDs: (example)", "", 'note', False), (" $ lsusb", "", 'note', False), (" Bus 003 Device 011: ID 03f0:c202 Hewlett-Packard", "", 'note', False), (" $ hp-setup --auto 003:011", "", 'note', False), (" (Note: You may have to run 'lsusb' from /sbin or another location. Use '$ locate lsusb' to determine this.)", "", 'note', True), ("3. Parameters -a, -f, -p, or -t are not valid in GUI (-u) mode.", "", 'note', True), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_SEEALSO, ("hp-makeuri", "", "seealso", False), ("hp-probe", "", "seealso", False), ] mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5), run_as_root_ok=True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('axp:P:f:t:b:d:rq', ['ttl=', 'filter=', 'search=', 'find=', 'method=', 'time-out=', 'timeout=', 'printer=', 'fax=', 'type=', 'port=', 'auto', 'device=', 'rm', 'remove'], handle_device_printer=False) selected_device_name = None printer_name = None fax_name = None bus = None setup_print = True
def do_about(self, args): utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) def status_callback(src, trg, size): if size == 1: print() print(log.bold("Copying %s..." % src)) else: print("\nCopied %s to %s (%s)..." % (src, trg, utils.format_bytes(size))) mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (GUI_MODE, INTERACTIVE_MODE, NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, ), False, False, True) mod.setUsage( module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS, extra_options= [("Output directory:", "-o<dir> or --output=<dir> (Defaults to current directory)(Only used for non-GUI modes)", "option", False)], see_also_list=['hp-toolbox']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('o', ['output=']) from pcard import photocard
else: log.note(msg) log.info("Press enter 'q' to quit or <enter> to do a level 3 cleaning.") log.warn("Level 3 uses a lot of ink.") return CleanUIx(3) def CleanUI3(msg =""): if msg: log.info(msg) else: log.info("\nLevel 3 cleaning complete. Check this page to see if the problem was fixed. If the test page was not printed OK, replace the print cartridge(s).") try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT4,)) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS, see_also_list=['hp-align', 'hp-clean', 'hp-linefeedcal', 'hp-pqdiag']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, lang = \ mod.parseStdOpts() device_uri = mod.getDeviceUri(device_uri, printer_name, filter={'clean-type': (operator.ne, CLEAN_TYPE_NONE)}) if mode == GUI_MODE: if not utils.canEnterGUIMode4(): log.error("%s -u/--gui requires Qt4 GUI support. Entering interactive mode." % __mod__) mode = INTERACTIVE_MODE
try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError as e: log.debug(e) from base.utils import dyn_import_mod as import_module username = prop.username faxnum_list = [] recipient_list = [] group_list = [] prettyprint = False mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (GUI_MODE, NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5)) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS | module.USAGE_FLAG_SUPRESS_G_DEBUG_FLAG, extra_options=[ ("Specify the fax number(s):", "-f<number(s)> or --faxnum=<number(s)> or --fax-num=<number(s)> or --num=<number(s)>(-n only)", "option", False), ("Specify the recipient(s):", "-r<recipient(s)> or --recipient=<recipient(s)> (-n only)", "option", False), ("Specify the groups(s):", "--group=<group(s)> or --groups=<group(s)> (-n only)", "option", False) ], see_also_list=['hp-faxsetup', 'hp-fab']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('f:r:g:', ['faxnum=', 'fax-num=', 'recipient=', 'group=', 'groups=', 'gg'], supress_g_debug_flag=True)
#Std Lib import sys import re import getopt import time import operator import os # Local from base.g import * from base import device, utils, maint, tui, module from prnt import cups try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (GUI_MODE,), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT4,), False, False, True) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS, see_also_list=['hp-align', 'hp-clean', 'hp-colorcal', 'hp-linefeedcal']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, lang = \ mod.parseStdOpts() device_uri = mod.getDeviceUri(device_uri, printer_name) if not device_uri: sys.exit(1) log.info("Using device : %s\n" % device_uri) if not utils.canEnterGUIMode4(): log.error("%s -u/--gui requires Qt4 GUI support. Exiting." % __mod__)
(__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: %s [MODE] [OPTIONS]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), utils.USAGE_MODE, utils.USAGE_INTERACTIVE_MODE, utils.USAGE_LANGUAGE, utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, utils.USAGE_HELP, utils.USAGE_SPACE, ] mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, ), run_as_root_ok=True) mod.setUsage(module.USAGE_FLAG_NONE, extra_options=[ utils.USAGE_SPACE, ("[OPTIONS] (General)", "", "header", False), ("PolicyKit version:", "-v<version> or --version=<version>", "option", False) ]) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('v:', ["version="]) user_pkit_version = None
(__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, utils.USAGE_HELP, utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_SEEALSO, ("hp-plugin", "", "seealso", False), ("hp-setup", "", "seealso", False), ("hp-firmware", "", "seealso", False), ] mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4), True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts( handle_device_printer=False) plugin_path = None install_mode = PLUGIN_REQUIRED plugin_reason = PLUGIN_REASON_NONE if mode == GUI_MODE: if ui_toolkit == 'qt3': log.error("Unable to load Qt3. Please use Qt4") else: #qt4 if not utils.canEnterGUIMode4():
"example", False), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_NOTES, ("1. Example using 'lsusb' to obtain USB bus ID and USB device ID (example only, the values you obtain will differ) :", "", 'note', False), (" $ lsusb", "", 'note', False), (" Bus 003 Device 011: ID 03f0:c202 Hewlett-Packard", "", 'note', False), (" $ hp-makeuri 003:011", "", 'note', False), (" (Note: You may have to run 'lsusb' from /sbin or another location. Use '$ locate lsusb' to determine this.)", "", 'note', True), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_SEEALSO, ("hp-setup", "", "seealso", False), ] mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, ), None, True, True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, lang = \ mod.parseStdOpts('p:csf', ['port', 'cups', 'sane', 'fax'], handle_device_printer=False) try: cups_quiet_mode = False sane_quiet_mode = False fax_quiet_mode = False jd_port = 1 for o, a in opts: if o in ('-c', '--cups'): cups_quiet_mode = True
__title__ = 'Model Query Utility' __mod__ = 'hp-query' __doc__ = "Query a printer model for static model information. Designed to be called from other processes." # Std Lib import sys # Local from base.g import * from base import device, models, module try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE, ), quiet=True) mod.setUsage( 0, extra_options=[ ("Specify model by device URI:", "-d<device_uri> or --device=<device_uri>", "option", False), ("Specify normalized model name:", "-m<model_name> or --model=<model_name> (normalized models.dat format)", "option", False), ("Specify raw model name:", "-r<model_name> or --raw=<model_name> (raw model name from MDL: field of device ID)", "option", False), ("Specify key to query:",
try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError as e: log.debug(e) from base.utils import dyn_import_mod as import_module try: restrict = True devid_mode = '--id' in sys.argv # hack if devid_mode: log.set_level("none") mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, None, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5), False, devid_mode) mod.setUsage( module.USAGE_FLAG_DEVICE_ARGS, extra_options= [("Device ID mode:", "--id (prints device ID only and exits.) (interactive (-i) mode only.)", "option", False), ("Allow device URIs of uninstalled printers:", "-x (interactive (-i) mode only.)", "option", False)], see_also_list=['hp-toolbox']) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, lang = \ mod.parseStdOpts('x', ['id'])