Beispiel #1
def buildCollection(dbh, p, collectionName):
    ''' Build the collection specified'''

    # Create the collection
        if p.dropCollection==True:
            if p.verbose==True:
                print "---- Dropping Collection."
            print "---- Creating Collection."
    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)
def mongoUpdate(p, collection, word, slang):
    """ Inserts the word and its phonetic representation into a new mongo document. """

    # The query condition for the update
    q = {"word": word, "wordlen": len(word)}

    # Just in case the word doesn't already exist, create a new dictionary item with it, so that it maps to the emoticon/slang
        exists = collection.find(q).count()
        if exists == 0:

    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)
def main(configFile):
    ''' Holds it all together '''
    # Get the config information into a single object. p also gets passed into the listener
    p = getConfigParameters(configFile)

    # Handle the mongo connection and authentication
    c, dbh, collection, emoCollection = getMongoHandles(p)

    # Open the english dictionary file and loop it
        f = open(os.path.join(p.sourcePath, p.enPlainFile), 'r')
    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)
Beispiel #4
def buildIndexes(p, collection, collHandle):
    ''' Build the indexes specified'''
    # Create indexes
        if p.verbose==True:
            print "---- Create Plain Indexes."
        for index in collection['plain']:
            collHandle.create_index([(index, ASCENDING)])
            if p.verbose==True:
                print "---- Index Created On: %s." %index

    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)
def mongoInserter(p, collection, word, pho):
    ''' Inserts the word and its phonetic representation into a new mongo document. '''
    record = {'word'    : word,
              'pho'     : pho,
              'wordlen' : len(word),
              'pholen'  : len(pho)}
        if collection.find(record).count() > 0:
            res = 0
            res = collection.insert(record)
    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)
        res = None
def main(configFile, file="norm"):
    """ Holds it all together """

    # Get the config information into a single object. p also gets passed into the listener
    p = getConfigParameters(configFile)

    # Handle the mongo connection and authentication
    c, dbh, collection, emoCollection = getMongoHandles(p)

    if file == "norm":
        fileToProcess = p.enNormalisedFile
    elif file == "slang":
        fileToProcess = p.slangFile

    # Open the english dictionary file and loop it
        f = open(os.path.join(p.sourcePath, fileToProcess), "r")
    except Exception, e:
        print e
        handleErrors(p, e)
Beispiel #7
                print "---- Index Created On: %s." %index

    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)

    # Create compound indexes
        if p.verbose==True:
            print "---- Create Compound Indexes."
        for index in collection['compound']:
            if p.verbose==True:
                print "---- Index Created On: %s." %index

    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)


def buildCollection(dbh, p, collectionName):
    ''' Build the collection specified'''

    # Create the collection
        if p.dropCollection==True:
            if p.verbose==True:
                print "---- Dropping Collection."
            print "---- Creating Collection."
    except Exception, e:
Beispiel #8
        exists = collection.find(q).count()
        if exists == 0:
    except Exception, e:
        handleErrors(p, e)   
    # Adds to the list if slang isn't already present
    up = {'$addToSet':{'emo':token}}
        response = collection.update(q, up)
    except Exception, e:
        response = None
        handleErrors(p, e)

    return response


def getDespaced(slang):
    ''' Removes spaces and returns slang(s) as a list'''

    # Add the existing slang to a list
    slangs = [slang]
    # Remove all spaces from the slang term and add that to the list too
    while slang.find(' ') >= 0:
        slang = slang.replace(' ', '')