Beispiel #1
def stat(Db,
    ## 日期	用户ID 自己抽水 1级代理抽水 2级代理抽水 3级代理抽水
    TJ_PUMP = {}

    ## 如果是传统代理模式 那就不用再跑数据了
    sql = 'select val from admin_system_parameter where name = "agent_pattern" '
    stype = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)[0][0]
    if int(stype) != 1:

    sql = '''
        select pid, sum(pump), sum(stake_coin - output_coin)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by pid
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(start_time), start_time,
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for pid, pump, win in Result:
        if pump == 0 and win == 0:

        if not TJ_PUMP.has_key(pid):
            TJ_PUMP[pid] = init_player_agent(cursor, pid)

        ## 遍历该玩家的所有上级代理 给他的每个代理增加业绩
        for agent_id, agent_coin in TJ_PUMP[pid]["agent"].items():
            if not TJ_PUMP.has_key(agent_id):
                TJ_PUMP[agent_id] = init_player_agent(cursor, agent_id)
            TJ_PUMP[agent_id]["pump"] += pump
            TJ_PUMP[agent_id]["win"] += win

    tjdate = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(start_time)))
    cursor.execute("delete from t_agent_day where time = %d" % tjdate)
    for pid, data in TJ_PUMP.items():
        sql = '''
            insert into t_agent_day
                (`time`, `pid`, `pump`, `win`)
                (%d, %d, %d, %d)
        ''' % (tjdate, pid, data["pump"], data["win"])

        if cursor._result.warning_count > 0:
            print "sql err...", sql
            raise "sql err"

    print "agent_stat succ:", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
Beispiel #2
def stat(Db,
    D = {}

    sql = '''
        select gameid, roomtype, count(1), sum(pump), sum(stake_coin), sum(output_coin)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by gameid, roomtype
        ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_subgame(start_time), start_time,

    tjdate = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(start_time)))
    cursor.execute("delete from t_subgame where time = %d" % tjdate)
    for gameid, roomtype, game_times, pump, stake_coin, \
        output_coin in base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql):
        ## 查询该游戏活跃人数
        sql = '''
            select count(distinct pid)
            from %s
            where gameid = %d
            and time >= %d and time < %d
        ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(start_time), gameid,
               start_time, end_time)
        print sql
        active_count = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)[0][0]

        sql = '''
            insert into t_subgame
                (time, gameid, active_count, total_game_times, total_stake_coin, 
                total_output_coin, pump, roomtype)
                (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d,
                %d, %d, %d)
        ''' % (tjdate, gameid, active_count, game_times, stake_coin,
               output_coin, pump, roomtype)

        if cursor._result.warning_count > 0:
            print "sql err...", sql
            raise "sql err"

    print "subgame_stat succ:", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
Beispiel #3
def check_player_stake_coin(cursor, alarm_val, last_check_time):
    tab = base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(last_check_time)
    sql = '''
        select pid, gameid, time, stake_coin, (select ifnull(max(auto_id), 0) from %s)
        from %s a
        where time >= %d 
        and stake_coin >= %d
        and auto_id > (select ifnull(max(relate_id), 0) from admin_game_alarm where stype = %d)
    ''' % (tab, tab, last_check_time, alarm_val, ALARM_PLAYER_STAKE_COIN)
    for pid, gameid, time, stake_coin, auto_id in base_stat.fetchall(
            cursor, sql):
        if not pid:
        sql = '''
            insert into admin_game_alarm (id, pid, time, stype, val, state, relate_id) 
            values (0, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d)
        ''' % (pid, time, ALARM_PLAYER_STAKE_COIN,
               join([gameid, stake_coin, alarm_val]), STATE_UNREAD, auto_id)
Beispiel #4
def check_player_output_coin_today(cursor, alarm_val, last_check_time):
    sql = '''
        select pid, val
            (select pid, sum(output_coin - stake_coin) as val
            from %s 
            where time >= %d
            and pid not in 
                (select distinct pid from admin_game_alarm where time >= %d and stype == %d)
            group by pid) t
        where val >= %d        
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(
        now_sec()), base_stat.today0(), base_stat.today0(),
           ALARM_PLAYER_OUTPUT_COIN_TODAY, alarm_val)
    for pid, win_coin in base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql):
        sql = '''
            insert into admin_game_alarm (id, pid, time, stype, val, state, relate_id) 
            values (0, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, 0)
        ''' % (pid, time, ALARM_PLAYER_OUTPUT_COIN_TODAY,
               join([win_coin, alarm_val]), STATE_UNREAD)
Beispiel #5
def stat(Db, start_time, end_time, cursor=None, Host="localhost", User="******", Passwd="123456"):
    # 日期	平台 
    # 注册人数	活跃人数	登陆次数	充值人数 大额充值次数
    # 日充值人数 新增充值人数 今日总充值 大额充值总额 充值产出金币
    # 今日提现 破产人数  破产次数 游戏总盈利 游戏总抽水 
    # 日人均线时长    最高在线人数 赠送次数 赠送总金币 赠送总抽水 
    # 赠送人数  收到赠送人数 2日留存 3日留存    7日留存
    # 15日留存	30日留存	

    D = {}

    # d_click = get_click_num(Db)
    # up_data(D, 1, "url_click", d_click["android"])
    # up_data(D, 2, "url_click", d_click["ios"])
    up_data(D, 1, "url_click", 0)
    up_data(D, 2, "url_click", 0)

    # 注册人数
    regCountSql = '''
        select os, count(1)
        from log_role_reg
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, regCountSql)
    for os, num in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "reg_count", num)

    ## 新增设备数
    sql = '''
        select ifnull(sum(if(device = "ios", 1, 0)), 0), ifnull(sum(if(device = "ios", 0, 1)), 0)
        from player
        where reg_time >= %d and reg_time < %d
        and did not in 
        (select distinct did from player where reg_time < %d)
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time)
    ios, android = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)[0]
    up_data(D, 2, "new_device", ios)
    up_data(D, 1, "new_device", android)

    # 活跃人数 登录次数统计
    activeCountSql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid), count(pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, activeCountSql)
    for os, activenum, loginnum in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "active_count", activenum)
        up_data(D, os, "login_count", loginnum)

    ## 游戏活跃人数统计
    sql = '''
        select count(distinct pid)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(start_time), start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for count, in Result:
        up_data(D, 1, "game_active_count", int(count))
        up_data(D, 2, "game_active_count", 0)

    # todo	日破产人数	日破产次数	

    ## 提现总额
    sql = '''
        select ifnull(sum(withdraw_deposit_money), 0), count(distinct pid)
        from admin_withdraw
        where application_time >= %d and application_time < %d
        and status = 1
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for total, count in Result:
        up_data(D, 1, "withdraw_count", int(count))
        up_data(D, 1, "withdraw", int(total))
        up_data(D, 2, "withdraw_count", 0)
        up_data(D, 2, "withdraw", 0)

    ## 赠送
    sql = '''
        select if(give_agent = 0, 'p', 'a'), if(recv_agent = 0, 'p', 'a'), count(1), 
                ifnull(sum(money), 0), ifnull(sum(pump), 0), 
            count(distinct give_id), count(distinct recv_id)
        from log_bank_give
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by give_agent, recv_agent
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for give_agent, recv_agent, give_times, give_coin, give_pump, \
        give_player_num, recv_coin_player_num in Result:
        Data = {
            "give_times":int(give_times), "give_coin":int(give_coin), 
            "give_pump":int(give_pump), "give_player_num":int(give_player_num), 
        up_data(D, 1, "give_coin_%s2%s" % (give_agent, recv_agent), json.dumps(Data))

    # 游戏抽水
    gameWinSql = '''
        select ifnull(sum(pump), 0)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_subgame(start_time), start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, gameWinSql)
    for count, in Result:
        up_data(D, 1, "pump", int(count))
        up_data(D, 2, "pump", 0)

    ## 赠送抽水
    sql = '''
        select ifnull(sum(pump), 0)
        from log_bank_give
        where time >= %d and time < %d
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for count, in Result:
        up_data(D, 1, "give_pump", int(count))

    ## 新增充值人数
    newRechargeSql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from admin_recharge
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and state = 1
        and pid not in
            select distinct pid
            from admin_recharge
            where time < %d
            and state = 1
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, regCountSql)
    for os, num in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "new_recharge_count", num)

    # 大额充值金额
    rechargeSql = '''
        select os, count(1), sum(cost), sum(coin), count(distinct pid), 
            sum(if(cost > %d, 1, 0)), sum(if(cost > %d, cost, 0))
        from admin_recharge
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and state = 1
        group by os
    ''' % (BIGGER_RECHARGE, BIGGER_RECHARGE, start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, rechargeSql)
    for os, rechargenum, rechargemoney, rechargecoin, recharge_player_num, \
        bigger_times, bigger_recharge in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "recharge_count", rechargenum)
        up_data(D, os, "total_recharge", rechargemoney)
        up_data(D, os, "recharge_coin", rechargecoin)
        up_data(D, os, "recharge_player_count", recharge_player_num)
        up_data(D, os, "bigger_recharge_count", bigger_times)
        up_data(D, os, "bigger_recharge", bigger_recharge)

    ## 当日注册充值情况统计
    recharge_count_reg = 0
    total_recharge_reg = 0
    recharge_count2_reg = 0
    sql = '''
        select pid, sum(cost), count(1)
        from admin_recharge a, player p
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and state = 1
        and =
        and p.reg_time >= %d
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time)
    for pid, cost, num in base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql):
        if not pid:
        recharge_count_reg += 1
        total_recharge_reg += cost
        if num > 1:
            recharge_count2_reg += 1
    up_data(D, 1, "recharge_count_reg", recharge_count_reg)
    up_data(D, 1, "total_recharge_reg", total_recharge_reg)
    up_data(D, 1, "recharge_count2_reg", recharge_count2_reg)
    up_data(D, 2, "recharge_count_reg", 0)
    up_data(D, 2, "total_recharge_reg", 0)
    up_data(D, 2, "recharge_count2_reg", 0)

    # 游戏总盈亏
    gameWinSql = '''
        select os, -sum(val)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and log_type >= 80000
        group by os
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_coin(start_time), start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, gameWinSql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "game_win", int(count))

    # 2日留存	3日留存	7日留存	15日留存	30日留存
    Day2Sql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and pid in
            (select distinct pid
            from log_role_reg
            where time >= %d and time < %d)
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time - 86400, start_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, Day2Sql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "day2", count)

    Day3Sql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and pid in
            (select distinct pid
            from log_role_reg
            where time >= %d and time < %d)
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time - 2 * 86400, start_time - 86400)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, Day3Sql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "day3", count)

    Day7Sql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and pid in
            (select distinct pid
            from log_role_reg
            where time >= %d and time < %d)
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time - 6 * 86400, start_time - 86400 * 5)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, Day7Sql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "day7", count)

    Day15Sql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and pid in
            (select distinct pid
            from log_role_reg
            where time >= %d and time < %d)
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time - 14 * 86400, start_time - 86400 * 13)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, Day15Sql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "day15", count)

    Day30Sql = '''
        select os, count(distinct pid)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and pid in
            (select distinct pid
            from log_role_reg
            where time >= %d and time < %d)
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time, start_time - 29 * 86400, start_time - 86400 * 28)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, Day30Sql)
    for os, count in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "day30", count)

    onlineTimeSql = '''
        select os, sum(online_time)
        from log_account_login
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        and opt = "account_logout"
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, onlineTimeSql)
    for os, totaltime in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "total_online_time", int(totaltime))

    # 最高在线人数
    onlineMaxSql = '''
        select os, max(num)
        from log_online
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by os
    ''' % (start_time, end_time)
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, onlineMaxSql)
    for os, max_player_num in Result:
        up_data(D, os, "max_online_num", max_player_num)

    tjdate = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(start_time)))
    cursor.execute("delete from t_system where time = %d" % tjdate)
    for os, v in D.items():
        v["time"] = tjdate
        v["os"] = os

        sql = '''
            replace into t_system
                (`time`, `os`, `reg_count`, `active_count`, `login_count`, 
                `recharge_count`, `bigger_recharge_count`, `recharge_player_count`, 
                    `new_recharge_count`, `total_recharge`, 
                `bigger_recharge`, `recharge_coin`, `withdraw`, `bankrupt_player_count`, `bankrupt_count`, 
                `game_win`, `pump`, `total_online_time`, `max_online_num`, `give_coin_a2a`, 
                `give_coin_a2p`, `give_coin_p2a`, `give_coin_p2p`, `day2`, `day3`, 
                `day7`, `day15`, `day30`, `give_pump`, `game_active_count`,
                `new_device`, `url_click`, `withdraw_count`, `recharge_count_reg`,`total_recharge_reg`,
                (%(time)d, %(os)d, %(reg_count)d, %(active_count)d, %(login_count)d, 
                %(recharge_count)d, %(bigger_recharge_count)d, %(recharge_player_count)d,
                    %(new_recharge_count)d, %(total_recharge)d, 
                %(bigger_recharge)d, %(recharge_coin)d, %(withdraw)d, 
                    %(bankrupt_player_count)d, %(bankrupt_count)d, 
                %(game_win)d, %(pump)d, %(total_online_time)d, %(max_online_num)d, '%(give_coin_a2a)s', 
                '%(give_coin_a2p)s', '%(give_coin_p2a)s', '%(give_coin_p2p)s', %(day2)d, %(day3)d, 
                %(day7)d, %(day15)d, %(day30)d, %(give_pump)d, %(game_active_count)d,
                %(new_device)d, %(url_click)d, %(withdraw_count)d, %(recharge_count_reg)d, %(total_recharge_reg)d,
            ''' % v
        print sql

        if cursor._result.warning_count > 0:
            print "sql err...", sql
            raise "sql err"
    print "game_system succ:", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time())))
Beispiel #6
def stat(Db,
    ## 日期	用户ID 自己抽水 1级代理抽水 2级代理抽水 3级代理抽水
    TJ_PUMP = {}

    ## 如果是传统代理模式 那就不用再跑数据了
    sql = 'select val from admin_system_parameter where name = "agent_pattern" '
    stype = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)[0][0]
    if int(stype) != 2:

    ## 查询有多少级返利
    sql = 'select commission_section from admin_distribution_config'
    commission_len = len(json.loads(base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)[0][0]))

    sql = '''
        select pid, sum(pump), sum(stake_coin - output_coin)
        from %s
        where time >= %d and time < %d
        group by pid
    ''' % (base_stat.get_table_log_player_subgame(start_time), start_time,
    Result = base_stat.fetchall(cursor, sql)
    for pid, pump, win in Result:
        pump = int(pump)
        win = int(win)
        if pump == 0 and win == 0:

        if not TJ_PUMP.has_key(pid):
            TJ_PUMP[pid] = init_player_data(cursor, pid, commission_len)

        ## 遍历该玩家可以享受分佣的上级代理 给该玩家的各个上级加上该玩家的业绩
        for k, pre_pid in TJ_PUMP[pid]["agent"].items():
            ## 判断是否已经有该玩家上线的数据 如果没有则初始化该上线玩家的数据
            if not TJ_PUMP.has_key(pre_pid):
                TJ_PUMP[pre_pid] = init_player_data(cursor, pre_pid,

            ## 给该上线玩家加上该玩家的贡献度
            TJ_PUMP[pre_pid]["pump_detail"][k][pid] = pump
            TJ_PUMP[pre_pid]["win_detail"][k][pid] = win

            TJ_PUMP[pre_pid]["pump"][k] += pump
            TJ_PUMP[pre_pid]["win"][k] += win

    tjdate = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(start_time)))
    cursor.execute("delete from t_distribution_day where time = %d" % tjdate)
    for pid, data in TJ_PUMP.items():
        if pid == 0:
        sql = '''
            insert into t_distribution_day
                (`time`, `pid`, `pump`, `pump_detail`, `win`, 
                (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')
        ''' % (tjdate, pid, json.dumps(data["pump"]),
               json.dumps(data["pump_detail"]), json.dumps(
                   data["win"]), json.dumps(data["win_detail"]))

        if cursor._result.warning_count > 0:
            print "sql err...", sql
            raise "sql err"

    print "player_pump_stat succ:", time.strftime(
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(time.time())))