Beispiel #1
def prepare_homogenous_transition(p, m_dot, steps, fp: FluidProperties):
    x = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=steps) # [-] Vapour quality range
    ## NOTE: subscript sat for sat has been dropped for readability
    # Calculate saturation parameters at edges
    T_sat = fp.get_saturation_temperature(p=p) # [K] Saturation temperature
    rho_l = fp.get_liquid_density_at_psat(p_sat=p) # [kg/m^3]
    rho_g = fp.get_vapour_density_at_psat(p_sat=p) # [kg/m^3] Gas saturation density

    # Void fraction is precalculated because it allow for simple evaluation of velocity when geometry changes
    alpha = tp.homogenous_void_fraction(x=x, rho_g=rho_g, rho_l=rho_l) # [-] Void fraction
    rho = tp.mixture_density(alpha=alpha, rho_g=rho_g, rho_l=rho_l) # [kg/m^3] Mixture density of two-phase flow

    # Mean viscosity has no obvious way to be calculated and as such, a relation must simply be chosen [10.42] from Carey2008 is used.
    mu_l = fp.get_liquid_saturation_viscosity(p_sat=p) # [Pa*s]
    mu_g = fp.get_gas_saturation_viscosity(p_sat=p) # [Pa*s]
    mu = tp.mean_viscosity(mu_g=mu_g, mu_l=mu_l, rho_l=rho_l, rho_g=rho_g, x=x) # [Pa*s]

    # Thermal conductivity at saturation
    kappa_l = fp.get_liquid_saturation_conductivity(p_sat=p) # [W/(m*K)]
    kappa_g = fp.get_gas_saturation_conductivity(p_sat=p) # [W/(m*K)]
    # Mean conductivity
    kappa = tp.mean_conductivity(kappa_g=kappa_g, kappa_l=kappa_l, rho_l=rho_l, rho_g=rho_g, x=x) # [W/(m^2*K)]
    # Prandtl numbers at saturation,
    Pr_l = fp.get_saturation_Prandtl_liquid(p_sat=p) # [-]
    Pr_g = fp.get_saturation_Prandtl_gas(p_sat=p) # [-]
    # Mean Prandtl
    Pr = tp.mean_Prandtl(Pr_g=Pr_g, Pr_l=Pr_l, rho_l=rho_l, rho_g=rho_g, x=x) # [-]


    # Saturation enthalpies
    h_sat_liquid = fp.get_saturation_enthalpy_liquid(p=p) # [J/kg]
    h_sat_gas = fp.get_saturation_enthalpy_gas(p=p) # [J/kg]
    # Enthalpy as function of vapour quality x
    h = h_sat_liquid + (h_sat_gas-h_sat_liquid) * x # [J/kg] Saturation enthalpy as flow quality increases
    delta_h = delta_enthalpy_per_section(h=h) # [J/kg] Enthalpy difference per section
    Q_dot = required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h) # [W] Heating power required to increase enthalpy in each sections

    return {
        'x': x,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'T_sat': T_sat,
        'rho': rho,
        'rho_l': rho_l,
        'rho_g': rho_g,
        'mu': mu,
        'mu_l': mu_l,
        'mu_g': mu_g,
        'Pr_l': Pr_l,
        'Pr_g': Pr_g,
        'Pr': Pr,
        'kappa_l': kappa_l,
        'kappa_g': kappa_g,
        'kappa': kappa,
        'h': h,
        'Q_dot': Q_dot,
Beispiel #2
    def test_simple_input(self):
        m_dot = 1
        delta_h = 1

        exp = 1
        res = chamber.required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h)
        self.assertEqual(exp, res)

        m_dot = 2
        exp = 2
        res = chamber.required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h)
        self.assertEqual(exp, res)

        delta_h = 0.5
        exp = 1
        res = chamber.required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h)
        self.assertEqual(exp, res)
Beispiel #3
def prepare_single_phase_liquid(T_inlet, steps, p_ref, m_dot, fp: FluidProperties):
    """ Prepare numpy arrays for calculating channel length in a liquid single-phase section of a channel.
    NOTE: This is done to avoid recalculating arrays that are not dependent on channel geometry, therefore speeding up optimizations.\
        After all, during optimization the geometry is what varies.\
        Also it also ensure that temperature endpoint and enthalpy cleanly match with saturation temperature in the correct phase

        T_inlet (K): Inlet temperature
        steps (-): Amount steps of dT taken to reach saturation temperature T_sat (dT = (T_sat-T_inlet)/2)
        p_ref (Pa): Pressure assumed constant along channel, equal to inlet pressure
        m_dot (kg/s): Mass flow
        fp (FluidProperties): Object to access propellant properties with
    T_sat = fp.get_saturation_temperature(p=p_ref) # [K] Saturation temperature
    assert ( T_inlet < T_sat) # Check input
    assert (steps > 1)

    # Temperature and other intermediate variable in channel section i=0...n
    T, dT = np.linspace(start=T_inlet, stop=T_sat, num=steps,retstep=True) # [K] Temperature T_i (also returns steps between sections)
    # The reference temperature for heat transfer calculations
    # The first value [0] should not be important. The heat transfer calculated at i is between i-1 and i
    #  So, from T[i-1] to T[i]. So, if there reference temperature is the average dT/2 must SUBTRACTED
    #T_ref = T - dT/2 # [K] Reference temperature for heat transfer calculations

    ## Get all thermodynamic values that can be precalculated
    # NOTE: all last values must be replaced with the correct values for the saturated liquid state
    # Before the values are replaced, sometimes an error is thrown because the values are close to the saturation point
    # That, or NaNs and infinites show up. This shouldn't be a problem, unless the second-to-last points also start getting close to the saturation point
    # Enthalpy 
    h = fp.get_enthalpy(T=T, p=p_ref) # [J/kg] Enthalpy
    h[-1] = fp.get_saturation_enthalpy_liquid(p=p_ref) # [J/kg] Saturation enthalpy at T_n = T_sat
    # Heating power required in section to increase temp by dT. Use enthalpy difference
    delta_h = delta_enthalpy_per_section(h=h) # [J/kg] Enthalpy difference per section
    Q_dot = required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h) # [W]

    # Density
    rho = fp.get_density(T=T, p=p_ref) # [kg/m^3] Density
    rho[-1] = fp.get_liquid_density_at_psat(p_sat=p_ref) # [kg/m^3] Saturation density
    # Prandtl number
    Pr = fp.get_Prandtl(T=T, p=p_ref) # [-] Prandtl number
    Pr[-1] = fp.get_saturation_Prandtl_liquid(p_sat=p_ref) # [-] Saturation Prandtl
    # Thermal conductivity 
    kappa = fp.get_thermal_conductivity(T=T, p=p_ref) # [W/(m*K)] Conductivity
    kappa[-1] = fp.get_liquid_saturation_conductivity(p_sat=p_ref) # [W/(m*K)] Saturation conductivity
    # Viscosity
    mu = fp.get_viscosity(T=T, p=p_ref) # [Pa*s] Viscosity
    mu[-1] = fp.get_liquid_saturation_viscosity(p_sat=p_ref) # [Pa*s] Saturation viscosity
    return {\
        "T":T, # [K]
        "dT": dT, # [K]
        "rho": rho, # [kg/m^3]
        "h": h, # [J/kg]
        "Q_dot": Q_dot, # [W]
        "Pr": Pr, # [-]
        "kappa": kappa, # [W/(m*K)]
        "mu": mu, # [Pa*s]
Beispiel #4
def prepare_single_phase_gas(T_outlet, steps, p_ref, m_dot, fp: FluidProperties):

    T_sat = fp.get_saturation_temperature(p=p_ref) # [K] Saturation temperature
    assert (T_outlet > T_sat)
    assert (steps > 1)

    # Temperature and other intermediate variable in channel section i=0...n
    T, dT = np.linspace(start=T_sat, stop=T_outlet, num=steps, retstep=True) # [K] Temperature T_i
    # The reference temperature for heat transfer calculations
    # The first value [0] should not be important. The heat transfer calculated at i is between i-1 and i
    #  So, from T[i-1] to T[i]. So, if there reference temperature is the average dT/2 must SUBTRACTED
    #T_ref = T - dT/2 # [K] Reference temperature for heat transfer calculations

    ## Get all thermodynamic values that can be precalculated
    # NOTE: all first values must be replaced with the correct values for the saturated gas state
    # Before the values are replaced, sometimes an error is thrown because the values are close to the saturation point
    # That, or NaNs and infinites show up. This shouldn't be a problem, unless the second-to-last points also start getting close to the saturation point
    # Enthalpy 
    h = fp.get_enthalpy(T=T, p=p_ref) # [J/kg] Enthalpy
    h[0] = fp.get_saturation_enthalpy_gas(p=p_ref) # [J/kg] Saturation enthalpy at T_n = T_sat
    # Heating power required in section to increase temp by dT. Use enthalpy difference
    delta_h = delta_enthalpy_per_section(h=h) # [J/kg] Enthalpy difference per section
    Q_dot = required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h) # [W]

    # Density
    rho = fp.get_density(T=T, p=p_ref) # [kg/m^3] Density
    rho[0] = fp.get_vapour_density_at_psat(p_sat=p_ref) # [kg/m^3] Saturation density
    # Prandtl number
    Pr = fp.get_Prandtl(T=T, p=p_ref) # [-] Prandtl number
    Pr[0] = fp.get_saturation_Prandtl_gas(p_sat=p_ref) # [-] Saturation Prandtl
    # Thermal conductivity 
    kappa = fp.get_thermal_conductivity(T=T, p=p_ref) # [W/(m*K)] Conductivity
    kappa[0] = fp.get_gas_saturation_conductivity(p_sat=p_ref) # [W/(m*K)] Saturation conductivity
    # Viscosity
    mu = fp.get_viscosity(T=T, p=p_ref) # [Pa*s] Viscosity
    mu[0] = fp.get_gas_saturation_viscosity(p_sat=p_ref) # [Pa*s] Saturation viscosity
    return {\
        "T":T, # [K]
        "dT": dT, # [K]
        "rho": rho, # [kg/m^3]
        "h": h, # [J/kg]
        "Q_dot": Q_dot, # [W]
        "Pr": Pr, # [-]
        "kappa": kappa, # [W/(m*K)]
        "mu": mu, # [Pa*s]
Beispiel #5
def two_phase_single_channel(T_wall,
                             fp: FluidProperties,
    """ Function that calculates the total power consumption of a specific chamber, in order to optimize the chamber

        T_wall (K): Wall temperature
        w_channel (m): Channel width
        Nu_func_gas (-): Nusselt function for gas phase
        Nu_func_liquid (-) Nusselt function for liquid phase
        T_inlet (K): Chamber inlet temperature
        T_chamber (K): Chamber outlet temperature (same as T_c in IRT)
        p_ref (Pa): Reference pressure for the Nusselt relation and flow similary parameters (same as inlet pressure as no pressure drop is assumed)
        m_dot (kg/s): Mass flow
        h_channel (m): Channel height
        w_channel_margin (m): The amount of margin around the chamber for structural reasons. Important because it also radiates heat
        fp (-  ): [description]
        print_info(Bool): for debugging purposes

    # Calculate saturation temperature, to determine where transition from gas to liquid occurs
    T_sat = fp.get_saturation_temperature(p=p_ref)  # [K]
    # Sanity check on input
    assert (T_chamber > T_sat)
    assert (T_wall > T_chamber)

    # Calculate the two reference temperatures for the separated phases
    T_bulk_gas = (T_sat + T_chamber) / 2  # [K] Bulk temperature gas phase
    T_bulk_liquid_multi = (
        T_inlet +
        T_sat) / 2  # [K] Bulk temperature of liquid and multi-phase flow
    # Calculate the density at these reference points
    rho_bulk_gas = fp.get_density(T=T_bulk_gas, p=p_ref)  # [kg/m^3]
    rho_bulk_liquid_multi = fp.get_density(T=T_bulk_liquid_multi,
                                           p=p_ref)  # [kg/m^3]

    # Channel geometry
    A_channel = w_channel * h_channel  # [m^2] Area through which the fluid flows
    wetted_perimeter = wetted_perimeter_rectangular(
        w_channel=w_channel, h_channel=h_channel
    )  # [m] Distance of channel cross-section in contact with fluid
    D_hydraulic = hydraulic_diameter_rectangular(
        w_channel=w_channel, h_channel=h_channel)  # [m] Hydraulic diameter

    # Flow similarity parameters (for debugging and Nu calculatoin purposes)
    Re_bulk_gas = fp.get_Reynolds_from_mass_flow(
        m_dot=m_dot, p=p_ref, T=T_bulk_gas, L_ref=D_hydraulic,
        A=A_channel)  # [-] Bulk Reynolds number in the gas phase
    Re_bulk_liquid_multi = fp.get_Reynolds_from_mass_flow(
        A=A_channel)  # [-] Bulk Reynolds number in the liquid/multi-phase
    Pr_bulk_gas = fp.get_Prandtl(
        T=T_bulk_gas, p=p_ref)  # [-] Prandtl number in the gas phase
    Pr_bulk_liquid_multi = fp.get_Prandtl(
        p=p_ref)  # [-] Prandtl number in liquid/multi-phase
    Bo_sat = fp.get_Bond_number(
        p_sat=p_ref, L_ref=D_hydraulic
    )  # [-] Bond number at saturation pressure (assumed to be p_ref)

    # Calculate Nusselt number in both sections
    args_gas = {
        'Re': Re_bulk_gas,  # Arguments for Nusselt function (gas phase) 
        'Pr': Pr_bulk_gas,
        'Bo': Bo_sat,

    args_liquid_multi = { # Arguments for Nusselt function (liquid/multi phase)
        'Re': Re_bulk_liquid_multi,
        'Pr': Pr_bulk_liquid_multi,
        'Bo': Bo_sat,

    Nu_gas = Nu_func_gas(args=args_gas)
    Nu_liquid_multi = Nu_func_liquid(args=args_liquid_multi)
    # Calculate Stanton number in both sections
    St_gas = Stanton_from_Nusselt_and_velocity(
        fp=fp)  # [-] Stanton number in gas phase
    St_liquid_multi = Stanton_from_Nusselt_and_velocity(
        fp=fp)  # [-] Stanton number in liquid phase
    # Calculate velocity for convection parameter (bulk temp used as reference for phase)
    u_bulk_gas = velocity_from_mass_flow(
        A=A_channel, m_dot=m_dot,
        rho=rho_bulk_gas)  # [m/s] Velocity at the gas bulk reference state
    u_bulk_liquid_multi = velocity_from_mass_flow(
        A=A_channel, m_dot=m_dot, rho=rho_bulk_liquid_multi
    )  # [m/s] Velocity at the liquid/multi-phase bulk reference state
    # Convective parameter
    h_conv_gas = h_conv_from_Stanton(
        Stanton=St_gas, u=u_bulk_gas, T_ref=T_bulk_gas, p_ref=p_ref, fp=fp
    )  # [W/(m^2*K)] Convective heat transfer coefficient at bulk gas state
    h_conv_liquid_multi = h_conv_from_Stanton(
    )  # [W/(m^2*K)] Convective heat transfer coefficient at bulk liquid/multi-phase state
    # Required specific enthalpy change for heating the separate sections
    h_outlet = fp.get_enthalpy(
        T=T_chamber, p=p_ref)  # [J/kg] Specific enthalpy at the outlet
    h_sat_gas = fp.get_saturation_enthalpy_gas(
        p=p_ref)  # [J/kg] Specific enthalpy of saturated gas
    h_inlet = fp.get_enthalpy(T=T_inlet, p=p_ref)  # [J/kg]
    # Required specific enthalpy increases
    delta_h_gas = h_outlet - h_sat_gas  # [J/kg] Enthalpy increase needed to go from saturated gas to outlet enthalpy
    delta_h_liquid_multi = h_sat_gas - h_inlet  # [J/k] Enthalpy increase needed to go from inlet enthalpy to saturated gas
    # Required power for those enthalpy changes at the given mass flow
    Q_dot_gas = required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h_gas)  # [W]
    Q_dot_liquid_multi = required_power(m_dot=m_dot,
                                        delta_h=delta_h_liquid_multi)  # [W]
    # Required heater area to achieve the required power
    A_heater_gas = required_heater_area(Q_dot=Q_dot_gas,
                                        T_ref=T_bulk_gas)  # [m^2]
    A_heater_liquid_multi = required_heater_area(
        T_ref=T_bulk_liquid_multi)  # [m^2]
    # Required length to achieve desired area
    L_channel_gas = A_heater_gas / wetted_perimeter  # [m] Length of channel after gas is saturated
    L_channel_liquid_multi = A_heater_liquid_multi / wetted_perimeter  # [m] Length of channel after heater
    L_channel = L_channel_gas + L_channel_liquid_multi  # [m]
    L_hydrodynamic_entrance = D_hydraulic * Re_bulk_liquid_multi * 0.04  # [m] Hydrodynamic entrance to estimate if the flow is fully developed

    assert (h_outlet > h_sat_gas)
    assert (h_sat_gas > h_inlet)

    if (print_info):
        print("h_outlet: {:4.3f} J/kg".format(h_outlet))
        print("h_sat_gas: {:4.3f} J/kg".format(h_sat_gas))
        print("h_inlet: {:4.3f} J/kg".format(h_inlet))

        print("\n --- REQUIRED POWER ---")
        print("Q_dot_gas: {:2.5f} W".format(Q_dot_gas))
        print("Q_dot_liquid_multi: {:2.5f} W".format(Q_dot_liquid_multi))

        print("\n --- BULK GAS PHASE PARAMETERS --- ")
        print("u: {:3.2f} m/s".format(u_bulk_gas))
        print("Nu: {}".format(Nu_gas))
        print("Re: {}".format(Re_bulk_gas))
        print("Pr: {}".format(Pr_bulk_gas))
        print("St: {}".format(St_gas))
        print("Bo_sat: {}".format(Bo_sat))

        print("\n --- BULK LIQUID/MULTI-PHASE PARAMETERS ---")
        print("u: {:3.4f} m/s".format(u_bulk_liquid_multi))
        print("Nu: {}".format(Nu_liquid_multi))
        print("Re: {}".format(Re_bulk_liquid_multi))
        print("Pr: {}".format(Pr_bulk_liquid_multi))
        print("St: {}".format(St_liquid_multi))

        print("\n --- CHARACTERISTIC GEOMETRIC VALUES --- ")
        print("Hydrodynamic entance length: {:3.3f} micron".format(
            L_hydrodynamic_entrance * 1e6))
        print("Hydraulic diameter: {:3.3f} micron".format(D_hydraulic * 1e6))
        print("L/D: {:4.2f} ".format(L_channel / D_hydraulic))
        print("L/X_T {:4.2f}".format(L_channel / L_hydrodynamic_entrance))

        print("\n --- RESULTING GEOMETRY ---")
        print("Total length: {:3.3f} mm".format(L_channel * 1e3))
        print("Length (liquid/multi): {:3.3f} mm".format(
            L_channel_liquid_multi * 1e3))
        print("Length (gas): {:3.4f} mm".format(L_channel_gas * 1e3))
        print("Relative length (gas) {:3.3f} \%".format(L_channel_gas /
                                                        L_channel * 100))

        ## Return a dictionary with results and interesting intermediate values
    res = {
        "L_channel": L_channel,  # [m] Total length of channel
        "D_hydraulic": D_hydraulic,  # [m] Hydraulic diameter of channel
        Nu_liquid_multi,  # [-] Nusselt number of liquid/multi-phase flow
        Pr_bulk_liquid_multi,  # [-] Prandlt number of liquid/multi-phase flow
        Re_bulk_liquid_multi,  # [-] Reynolds number of liquid/multi-phase flow
        St_liquid_multi,  # [-] Stanton number of liquid/multi-phase flow
        h_conv_liquid_multi,  # [W/(m^2*K)] Heat transfer coefficient
        A_heater_liquid_multi,  # [m^2] Required heater area for liquid/multi-phase flow
        L_channel_liquid_multi,  # [m] Length of channel to get required heater area
        u_bulk_liquid_multi,  # [m/s] Bulk flow velocity of liquid/multi-phase flow
        rho_bulk_liquid_multi,  # [kg/m^3] Bulk density of liquid/multi-phase flow
        T_bulk_liquid_multi,  # [K] Bulk temperature of liquid/multi-phase flow
        delta_h_liquid_multi,  # [J/kg] Enthalpy change from inlet to saturated gas
        Q_dot_liquid_multi,  # [W] Power required for enthalpy change
        ## Same thing but for gas values
        "Nu_gas": Nu_gas,  # [-]
        "Pr_bulk_gas": Pr_bulk_gas,  # [-]
        "Re_bulk_gas": Re_bulk_gas,  # [-]
        "St_gas": St_gas,  # [-]
        "h_conv_gas": h_conv_gas,  # [W/(m^2*K)]
        "A_heater_gas": A_heater_gas,  # [m^2]
        "L_channel_gas": L_channel_gas,  # [m]
        "u_bulk_gas": u_bulk_gas,  # [m/s]
        "rho_bulk_gas": rho_bulk_gas,  # [kg/m^3]
        "T_bulk_gas": T_bulk_gas,  # [K]
        "delta_h_gas": delta_h_gas,  # [J/kg]
        "Q_dot_gas": Q_dot_gas,  # [W]
    return res
Beispiel #6
def chamber_performance_from_Nu(Nu_func, T_inlet, T_chamber, T_ref, T_wall,
                                p_ref, m_dot, A_channel, L_ref,
                                fp: FluidProperties):
    """ Function that calculates the power consumption and heating area for a specific chamber

        Nu_func (-): Nusselt function, that implement the emperical relation of choice
        T_inlet (K): Chamber inlet temperature
        T_chamber (K): Chamber outlet temperature (same as T_chamber for IRT)
        T_ref (K): Reference temperature for the Nusselt relation and flow similary parameters
        T_wall (K): Wall temperature
        p_ref (Pa): Chamber pressure (no pressure drop assumed)
        m_dot (kg/s): Mass flow
        A_channel (m^2): Cross-sectional area of the chamber, through which the fluid flows
        L_ref (m): Reference length for Nusselt relation and flow similarty parameters
        fp (FluidProperties): Object from which Fluid Properties are determined

        dictionary with heater area, power required to heat up flow and Nusselt number
    ## Make sure all parameters are calculated at the same reference state (including velocity!)
    # Pr and Re parameters needed for most Nusselt relation
    rho_ref = fp.get_density(T=T_ref, p=p_ref)  # [kg/m^3] Reference density
    u_ref = velocity_from_mass_flow(
        A=A_channel, m_dot=m_dot,
        rho=rho_ref)  # [m/s] Speed at reference state
    print("u_ref {} m/s".format(u_ref))
    Re_ref = fp.get_Reynolds_from_mass_flow(
        T=T_ref, p=p_ref, L_ref=L_ref, m_dot=m_dot,
        A=A_channel)  # [-] Reynolds number at reference state
    Pr_ref = fp.get_Prandtl(T=T_ref,
                            p=p_ref)  # [-] Prandtl number at reference state
    # Now the Nusselt can be determined
    Nusselt = Nu_func(args={
        'Re': Re_ref,
        'Pr': Pr_ref
    })  # [-] Nusselt number at given state (used for plotting purposes)
    Stanton = Stanton_from_Nusselt_func_and_velocity(
        fp=fp)  # [-] Stanton number at reference state
    h_conv = h_conv_from_Stanton(Stanton=Stanton,
    # Now determine how much energy must be convected
    delta_h = ideal_enthalpy_change(T_inlet=T_inlet,
                                    fp=fp)  # [J/kg]
    Q_dot = required_power(
        m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h)  # [W] Required power to achieve delta_h
    A_heater = required_heater_area(Q_dot=Q_dot,
                                    T_ref=T_ref)  # [m^2]
    assert (A_heater > 0)
    # Return a dictionary with interesting values
    return {
        'A_heater': A_heater,
        'Q_dot': Q_dot,
        'Nusselt': Nusselt,
        'Re_ref': Re_ref,
        'Pr_ref': Pr_ref
Beispiel #7
from thermo.prop import FluidProperties
from basic.chamber import ideal_enthalpy_change, required_power

fp = FluidProperties("water")

T_in = 300  # [K]
T_out = 450  # [K]
p_in = 5e5  # [Pa]

m_dot = 1.6667e-6  # [kg/s]

delta_h = ideal_enthalpy_change(T_inlet=T_in,
                                fp=fp)  # [J/kg]
Q_dot = required_power(m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h)

rho_out = fp.get_density(T=T_out, p=p_in)

print("Density out: {:3.3f} kg/m^3".format(rho_out))
print("Required power: {}".format(Q_dot))
Beispiel #8
        fp=fp)  # [-]
    h_conv[it_T.index, :] = h_conv_from_Stanton(Stanton=Stanton[it_T.index, :],
                                                u=u_bulk[it_T.index, :],
                                                fp=fp)  # [W/(m^2*K)]
    # Know we must know how much energy is convected, we can determine the required heater area and channel length
    delta_h = ideal_enthalpy_change(
        fp=fp)  # [J/kg] Specific enthalpy change of the channel
    Q_dot = required_power(
        m_dot=m_dot, delta_h=delta_h
    )  # [W] Power that must go into the flow to achieve delta_h
    A_heater[it_T.index, :] = required_heater_area(
        Q_dot=Q_dot, h_conv=h_conv[it_T.index, :], T_wall=T,
        T_ref=T_bulk)  # [m^2] Required area to deliver power Q_dot
    L_channel[it_T.index, :] = A_heater[
        index, :] / w_channel  # [m] With this length , the required heater area is obtained for the given channel width
    # Estimated power loss through radation
    # Under the simple assumption that the heater only loses power through radiation, the power loss is calculated
    P_radiation_loss[it_T.index, :] = radiation_loss(
        T=float(T), A=A_heater[it_T.index, :], emmisivity=emmisivity
    )  # [W] Radiation from single-sided heater surface
    P_total[it_T.index, :] = P_radiation_loss[it_T.index, :] + Q_dot