Beispiel #1
def instant_n_plot(samples, path):
    for file in samples:
        name = file.split('-')[0]
        xaxis, yaxis, n_tot_list = instantanous_n(file)
        data_section = add_columns_plastic_strain(file)
        data_section_tot = add_columns_total_strain(file)
        front = basic_functions.front_or_back('front', path)
        condition = front.loc[front['sample'] == int(name)]

        PT = int(condition['partitioning temperature °C'])
        QT = int(condition['quenching temperature °C'])
        Pt = int(condition['partitioning time (min)'])
        t = int(condition['Thickness (mm)'])
        PLM = float(condition['P(L.M.)'])
        f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7), dpi=200)
        ax.set_title('Thickness = {}mm'.format(t), fontsize=12)
        ax.plot(xaxis * 100,
                label='QT = {}°C\nPT = {}°C\nPt = {}min'.format(QT, PT, Pt))
        #ax.plot(xaxis, n_list,linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label = 'n_plastic')
        #ax.plot(xaxis, n_tot_list,linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label = 'n_total')
        #ax.plot(data_section['Strain (in/in)'], data_section['Stress (ksi)'],linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label = 'engineering')
        #ax.plot(data_section['true_plastic_strain'], data_section['true_stress(ksi)'],linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label = 'true plastic')

        #ax.plot(data_section['true_strain'], data_section['true_stress(ksi)'],linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label = 'true total')

        plt.legend(loc='upper right', title='condition')
def plot_PT_12mm(variable,path,legend_loc = 2):
    front = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)
    back = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)
    x_f = front[front['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][front['quenching temperature °C']< 210]['partitioning temperature °C']
    y_f = front[front['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][front['quenching temperature °C']< 210][variable]
    x_b = back[back['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][front['quenching temperature °C']< 210]['partitioning temperature °C']
    y_b = back[back['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][front['quenching temperature °C']< 210][variable]
    text_f = front[front['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][front['quenching temperature °C']< 210]['partitioning time (min)']
    text_b = back[back['Thickness (mm)'] == 12.7][back['quenching temperature °C']< 210]['partitioning time (min)']
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7), dpi=200)
    ax.plot(x_f,y_f, 'o', label='front',alpha = 0.7)
    ax.plot(x_b,y_b, 'o', color ='#ff7f0e', label='back',alpha = 0.7)
    ax.legend(loc =legend_loc)
    ax.set_xlabel('partitioning temperature °C')
    for i,j,text in zip(list(x_f),list(y_f),list(text_f)):
        ax.text(i + 1,j-0.001,s = str(int(text))+ 'min',  fontsize = 8)
    for i,j,text in zip(list(x_b),list(y_b),list(text_b)):
        ax.text(i + 1,j-0.001,s = str(int(text))+ 'min',  fontsize = 8)
def two_var_fb_subplot(xaxis,yaxis,path, fit = 'n', r2 = 0.7,temper = 'n'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,5, figsize=(15, 6), sharex=True, sharey = True)
    for t,j in zip([6,10,12.7,16,19],range(0,5)):
        column_names = list(basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path).columns[2:])
        values_Df,values_Df_both = corr_f_and_b_thickness(var= column_names,path = path,thickness = t)
        all_indexes = pd.DataFrame(values_Df_both.columns, columns = ['var'])
        idx = []
        for i in range (0,len(all_indexes),4):
        indexes = all_indexes.iloc[idx]  
        possible_x = indexes.index[indexes['var'] == xaxis].tolist()
        all_y = []
        for x in possible_x: 
            if x+1 in indexes.index.values.tolist() and indexes['var'].loc[x+1] == yaxis:
                i = x
        if len(all_y) == 0:
            print('The y variable you chose is designed to be on the xaxis.\ntry to exchange  x and y')

        if t != 10:
            x_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:,i]
            y_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:,i+1]
            x_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:,i+2]           
            y_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:,i+3]
            slope_f, intercept_f, r_value_f, p_value_f, std_err_f = stats.linregress(x_f,y_f)
            slope_b, intercept_b, r_value_b, p_value_b, std_err_b = stats.linregress(x_b,y_b)
            ax = ax.ravel()
            ax[j].plot(x_f,y_f, 'o', label='front')
            ax[j].plot(x_b,y_b, 'o', color ='#ff7f0e', label='back')
        if t == 10 and temper == 'y':
            x_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i]
            y_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+1]
            x_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+2]           
            y_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+3]
            slope_f, intercept_f, r_value_f, p_value_f, std_err_f = stats.linregress(x_f,y_f)
            slope_b, intercept_b, r_value_b, p_value_b, std_err_b = stats.linregress(x_b,y_b)
            ax = ax.ravel()
            ax[j].plot(x_f,y_f, 'o', label='front')
            ax[j].plot(x_b,y_b, 'o', color ='#ff7f0e', label='back')
            ax[j].plot(values_Df_both.iloc[-1,i],values_Df_both.iloc[-1,i+1], 'o', c = '#124365' , label = 'temper_f')
            ax[j].plot(values_Df_both.iloc[-1,i+2],values_Df_both.iloc[-1,i+3], 'o', c = '#89460C' , label = 'temper_b')
        elif t == 10 and temper =='n':
            x_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i]
            y_f = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+1]
            x_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+2]           
            y_b = values_Df_both.iloc[:-1,i+3]
            slope_f, intercept_f, r_value_f, p_value_f, std_err_f = stats.linregress(x_f,y_f)
            slope_b, intercept_b, r_value_b, p_value_b, std_err_b = stats.linregress(x_b,y_b)
            ax = ax.ravel()
            ax[j].plot(x_f,y_f, 'o', label='front')
            ax[j].plot(x_b,y_b, 'o', color ='#ff7f0e', label='back')
        if (r_value_f**2) > r2 and fit =='y':
            ax[j].plot(x_f, intercept_f + slope_f*x_f, '#1f77b4',linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6, label = '')
        if (r_value_b**2) > r2 and fit =='y':
            ax[j].plot(x_b, intercept_b + slope_b*x_b, '#ff7f0e',linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6, label = '')
        ax[j].set_title('{} mm'.format(t))
        plt.suptitle('{} vs. {}'.format(,,  fontsize=20,x = 0.5, y = 0.65)
        for axis in ax.flat:
        #setting only one xlabel for the subplots 1,5
        ax[2].set_xlabel(, fontsize = 12)
        ax[0].set_ylabel(, fontsize = 12)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.070, right=0.96, top=0.555, bottom=0.105,wspace = 0.080,hspace =0.245 )   
def plot_3D(variables,path):
    cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['#58FF33', '#336EFF','#FF3333'])
    norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    for cl in variables: 
    #finding the min and max of each variable for using in z-axis
        var_min = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)[cl].min()
        if basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)[cl].min() <var_min:
            var_min = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)[cl].min()
        var_max = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)[cl].max()
        if basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)[cl].max() >var_max:
            var_max = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)[cl].max()
    #plotting the figure for each varible or column        
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10))
        for t,j in zip([19,16,12.7,10,6],reversed(range(1,6))):  #the subplots are being plotted in a reverse order because\
            #the 20min partitioning time is not applicable for the thicker samples.
            back_results = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)[basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)['Thickness (mm)'] == t] 
            front_results = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)[basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)['Thickness (mm)'] == t] 
            x_axis_f = front_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['quenching temperature °C']
            y_axis_f = front_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['partitioning temperature °C']
            color_axis_f = front_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['partitioning time (min)']
            z_axis_f = front_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50][cl]
            x_axis_b = back_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['quenching temperature °C']
            y_axis_b = back_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['partitioning temperature °C']
            color_axis_b = back_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50]['partitioning time (min)']
            z_axis_b = back_results[front_results['quenching temperature °C']>50][cl]
            ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,j, projection='3d')
            ax.set_xlabel('quenching temperature °C',fontsize = 12)
            ax.set_ylabel('partitioning temperature °C',fontsize = 12)
            ax.set_zlabel(cl, fontsize = 12)
            scatter_plot_f = ax.scatter(x_axis_f, y_axis_f, z_axis_f, s=100,c=color_axis_f, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, \
                                       alpha = 0.8)
            scatter_plot_b = ax.scatter(x_axis_b, y_axis_b, z_axis_b, s=100,c=color_axis_b, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, \
                                    edgecolor='black', hatch = '////', alpha = 0.8)
            ax.set_title('{} mm'.format(t),x = 0.7, y=0.95, fontsize = 15)
            # position of colorbar, where arg is [left, bottom, width, height]
        cax_f = fig.add_axes([0.8,0.15, 0.01,0.2])
        cbar_f = plt.colorbar(scatter_plot_f ,cmap=cmap, norm=norm, boundaries=bounds, ticks=[20, 30, 40],
                              shrink=0.5, aspect=15, cax = cax_f)[]) 
        cbar_f.set_label('            partitioning time (min)\n\n  front', labelpad=-25, y=1.3, rotation=0,fontsize = 12)
        cax_b = fig.add_axes([0.82,0.15, 0.01,0.2])
        cbar_b = plt.colorbar(scatter_plot_b ,cmap=cmap, norm=norm, boundaries=bounds, ticks=[20, 30, 40],
                              shrink=0.5, aspect=15, cax = cax_b)['20', '30', '45']) 
        cbar_b.set_label('\n\n   back', labelpad=-25, y=1.3, rotation=0, fontsize = 12)
        fig.patches.extend([plt.Rectangle((0.82,0.15),0.01,0.2,fill=False, hatch = '////', alpha=0.5, zorder=1000,
                                          transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig)])
        plt.tight_layout(pad=4, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=1.0)
def corr_f_and_b_thickness(var,path, thickness = 'all' ,fit = 'n',r2 = 0.7, plot = 'n'):
    #get the initial data from basic_functions
    back_results = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path) 
    front_results = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)
    #if we chose a thickness other than all the thicknesses together
    if thickness != 'all':
        back_results = back_results[back_results['Thickness (mm)']== thickness].reset_index(drop = True)
        front_results = front_results[front_results['Thickness (mm)']== thickness].reset_index(drop = True)
    back_results = back_results[back_results.columns[2:]].astype(float)
    front_results = front_results[front_results.columns[2:]].astype(float)
    all_values = []
    # values_Df_both is to be used in another function
    values_Df_both = pd.DataFrame()
    #this part gets one variable as the x axis and plots all the other varibales as y axis vs the chosen x axis
    for col in var:
        idx = back_results.columns.get_loc(col)+1
        while idx <len(back_results.columns):
            var1_b = back_results[col]
            var2_b = back_results[back_results.columns[idx]]
            var1_f = front_results[col]
            var2_f = front_results[front_results.columns[idx]]
            new_df_f = pd.concat([var1_f, var2_f], axis=1).dropna(how = 'any')
            new_df_b =  pd.concat([var1_b, var2_b], axis=1).dropna(how = 'any')
            b_f_DF = pd.concat([new_df_f,new_df_b],axis=1)
            #first 2columns for front, second 2 columns for back for each two variables
            values_Df_both = pd.concat([values_Df_both,b_f_DF],axis=1)
            if (new_df_f.empty == True) | (new_df_b.empty == True):
                idx += 1
            #get the statistical data for each two correlations
            slope_f, intercept_f, r_value_f, p_value_f, std_err_f = stats.linregress(new_df_f.iloc[:-1,0],new_df_f.iloc[:-1,1])
            slope_b, intercept_b, r_value_b, p_value_b, std_err_b = stats.linregress(new_df_b.iloc[:-1,0],new_df_b.iloc[:-1,1])
            values_b = ['back',col,back_results.columns[idx],slope_b, intercept_b, r_value_b,r_value_b**2, p_value_b, std_err_b]
            values_f = ['front',col,front_results.columns[idx],slope_f, intercept_f, r_value_f,r_value_f**2, p_value_f, std_err_f]
            idx += 1
            #if the plotting was chosen as 'y' then it plots the results in one plot
            if plot == 'y':
                x_f = new_df_f.iloc[:-1,0]
                y_f = new_df_f.iloc[:-1,1]
                x_b = new_df_b.iloc[:-1,0]
                y_b = new_df_b.iloc[:-1,1]
                f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7), dpi=200)
                ax.plot(x_f,y_f, 'o', label='front')
                ax.plot(x_b,y_b, 'o', color ='#ff7f0e', label='back')
                ax.plot(new_df_b.iloc[-1,0],new_df_b.iloc[-1,1], 'o', c = '#89460C' , label = 'temper_b')   
                ax.plot(new_df_f.iloc[-1,0],new_df_f.iloc[-1,1], 'o', c = '#124365' , label = 'temper_f')
                #if it was chosen to have the fitted line plotted as well        
                if fit == 'y' :
                    if (r_value_f**2) >r2:
                        ax.plot(x_f, intercept_f + slope_f*x_f, '#1f77b4',linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label='fitted line: y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope_f,intercept_f))
                        ax.plot([], [], ' ', label='$R^2$ = {:.2f}'.format(r_value_f**2))
                    if (r_value_b**2) >r2:
                        ax.plot(x_b, intercept_b + slope_b*x_b, '#ff7f0e',linewidth=1,alpha = 0.6,label='fitted line: y={:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(slope_b,intercept_b))
                        ax.plot([], [], ' ', label='$R^2$ = {:.2f}'.format(r_value_b**2))
                #add legend and labels and title
                ax.set_title('{} vs. {}'.format(new_df_b.columns[1],new_df_b.columns[0]))
    #this DF will be passed to the other functions            
    values_Df = pd.DataFrame(all_values, columns = ['location','var1','var2','slope','intercept','r_value',\
                                                    'r^2 value','p_value','std-err'])
    return (values_Df,values_Df_both)
def plot_QT_PT(variables, path):

    front = basic_functions.front_or_back('front',path)
    back = basic_functions.front_or_back('back',path)
    m = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== 6]['partitioning temperature °C'].tolist()
    m = [round(x,2) for x in m if pd.notnull(x)]
    m = list(sorted(set(m)))
    mapping = {m[0]:"s",m[1]:"v",m[2]:"o",m[3]:"^",m[4]:"P",m[5]:"*",m[6]:"D"}
    mapping_cf = {m[0]:"#FFB2B2",m[1]:"#D18681",m[2]:"#CC4C4C",m[3]:"#CC0000",m[4]:"#990000",m[5]:"#4D0808",\
    mapping_cb = {m[0]:"#B2B2FF",m[1]:"#7F7FFF",m[2]:"#6666FF",m[3]:"#3333FF",m[4]:"#0000E5",m[5]:"#00007F",\
    for cl in variables:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,5, figsize=(15, 6),sharex=True, sharey = True)
        for t,j in zip([6,10,12.7,16,19],range(0,5)):
            PT = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== t]['partitioning temperature °C'].tolist()
            PT = [x for x in PT if pd.notnull(x)]
            PT_unique = set(PT)
            ax = ax.ravel()
            for temp in sorted(PT_unique):
                x_f = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== t][front['partitioning temperature °C']== temp][front['quenching temperature °C']> 50]['quenching temperature °C']
                y_f = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== t][front['partitioning temperature °C']== temp][front['quenching temperature °C']> 50][cl]
                x_b = back[back['Thickness (mm)']== t][back['partitioning temperature °C']== temp][front['quenching temperature °C']> 50]['quenching temperature °C']
                y_b = back[back['Thickness (mm)']== t][back['partitioning temperature °C']== temp][front['quenching temperature °C']> 50][cl]
                ax[j].plot(x_f,y_f,'o',label=round(temp,2),color =  mapping_cf[round(temp,2)],alpha = 0.8, marker = mapping[round(temp,2)])
                ax[j].plot(x_b,y_b,'o',label=round(temp,2),color = mapping_cb[round(temp,2)],alpha = 0.5, marker = mapping[round(temp,2)])
                ax[j].set_title('{} mm'.format(t), fontsize = 15)
                plt.suptitle('{} vs. {}'.format(cl,'quenching temperature °C'),fontsize=20,x = 0.5, y = 0.68)
#            if cl == 'retained austenite %' and t == 6:
#                xf = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== t]['quenching temperature °C']
#                yf = front[front['Thickness (mm)']== t][cl]
#                xb = back[back['Thickness (mm)']== t]['quenching temperature °C']
#                yb = back[back['Thickness (mm)']== t][cl]
#                pf = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xf, yf, 3)) 
#                pb = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xb, yb, 3)) 
#                xf_new = np.linspace(120,240, 100)
#                xb_new = np.linspace(xb.min(), xb.max(), 100)
#                yf_new = pf(xf_new)
#                yb_new = pb(xb_new)
#                ax[j].plot(xf_new,yf_new,'r--',alpha = 0.4)
#                ax[j].plot(xb_new,yb_new,'b--',alpha = 0.4)
        for axis in ax.flat:
        #setting only one xlabel for the subplots 1,5
        ax[2].set_xlabel(xlabel='quenching temperature °C', fontsize = 12)
        ax[0].set_ylabel(ylabel=cl, fontsize = 12)
        def is_inlist(handle, handles):
            for h in handles:
                if h.get_color() == handle.get_color():
                    return True
            return False
        scatters_b = []
        labels_f =[]
        labels_b = ['','','','','','','']
        for i in range(0,5):
            h, l = ax[i].get_legend_handles_labels()
            for hi, li, n in zip(h,l,range(1,15)):
                if not is_inlist(hi, scatters_f) and (n%2 != 0):
                elif not is_inlist(hi, scatters_b) and  (n%2 == 0):
        first_legend = fig.legend(handles=scatters_f,labels=labels_f,loc =(0.8,0.62), fontsize = 12, \
                                  title = 'partitioning Temperature °C \n\n             front')
        fig.legend(handles=scatters_b, labels=labels_b, loc=(0.8,0.62), fontsize = 12,frameon=False,title = 'back') 
        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.070, right=0.96, top=0.555, bottom=0.105,wspace = 0.080,hspace =0.245 )   
Beispiel #7
import basic_functions
import instant_n
import weld_hardness_contour
import os

#you can change the path to wherever the main excel file is
#make sure that when you are changing the path, you are usign '/', not '\'
path = 'J:/nxtehr/My study/complete_data.xlsx'
'''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''
'''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''
'''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''
'''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''
'''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ''
#get the possible variables
variables = list(basic_functions.front_or_back('front', path).columns[2:])
variables = pd.Series(variables)
#look at the printed variables and choose the index of any variable you want to plot
#the variable you choose will be as x axis and all the other variabels will be its y axis in different plots
#for example number 3 corresponds to P(L.M)
#you can choose more than one variable at the same time
desired_variables = [variables[17]]

#you can change the arguments in the function based on you needs. read below for detailed explanations of arguments
'''desired_corr_names = the varibale you chose as the xaxis
   thickness = 'all' for all the plots to be plotted in the same plot. you can choose between 6,10,12.7,16,19 to have the other thicknesses
   fit = if you want to have the fitted line on the plot
   r2 = if you chose to have the fitted line, you can choose the min R2 value that is accepted to you (default is 0.7 now)
   plot = this plot is generating data for other functions so there are some cases that we just want to have the 
          data and not the plots. if you want to plot the results, the plot argument should be "y"'''