def test_get_data(self):

        # without renaming data should remain as is
        experiment = basico.get_data_from_experiment(0, rename_headers=False)
            '# Time', 'Values[F16BP_obs]', 'Values[Glu_obs]',
            'Values[Pyr_obs]', '[Glc(ext)]_0', 'Unnamed: 5'
        ], list(experiment.columns))
        self.assertEqual((101, 6), experiment.shape)

        # data should be renamed as expected, and unassigned columns dropped
        experiment = basico.get_data_from_experiment(0, rename_headers=True)
            'Time', '[Fru1,6-P2]', '[Glc(int)]', '[pyruvate]', '[Glc(ext)]_0'
        ], list(experiment.columns))
        self.assertEqual((101, 5), experiment.shape)
        self.assertEqual(0, experiment.iloc[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(2, experiment.iloc[100][0])

        # now simulate
        exp, sim = basico.get_simulation_results()
        self.assertTrue(len(exp) == len(sim) == 2)

        # ensure that simulations are different
            float(((sim[0][['Fru1,6-P2']] - sim[1][['Fru1,6-P2']])**2).sum()),
Beispiel #2
    def simulate_without_noise(self):
        """Simulate the PEtab problem.

        This is an abstract method that should be implemented with a simulation
        package. Examples of this are referenced in the class docstring.

            Simulated data, as a PEtab measurements table, which should be
            equivalent to replacing all values in the `petab.C.MEASUREMENT`
            column of the measurements table (of the PEtab problem supplied to
            the `__init__` method), with simulated values.

        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame


        simulation_results = basico.get_simulation_results(
            values_only=True, solution=self.evaluate())

        return create_simulation_df(self.petab_problem.measurement_df,
Beispiel #3
def evaluate_model(test_model, evaluation=default_evaluation, temp_dir=None, delete_temp_files=True,
                   sim_dfs=None, sol_dfs=None, temp_files=None):
    """evaluates the given test model and updates it with the calculated metrics and estimated parameters

    :param test_model: the model to test
    :type test_model: petab_select.Model
    :param evaluation: optional function to evaluate the test model with. defaults to func:`.default_evaluation`
    :type evaluation: () -> pandasDataFrame
    :param temp_dir: optional temp directory to store the files in (otherwise the os temp dir will be used)
    :type temp_dir: str or None
    :param delete_temp_files: boolean indicating whether temp files should be deleted
    :type delete_temp_files: bool
    :param sim_dfs: optional array, in which simulation data frames will be returned
    :type sim_dfs: [] or None
    :param sol_dfs: optional array in which found parameters will be returned
    :type sol_dfs: [] or None
    :param temp_files: optional array that returns filenames of temp files created during the run
    :type temp_files: [] or None
    :return: COPASI objective value of the evaluation
    :rtype: float
    # create petab problem
    pp = test_model.to_petab()['petab_problem']

    created_temp_dir = False
    if temp_dir is None:
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        created_temp_dir = True

    if not os.path.exists(temp_dir):
        os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True)

    model_id = test_model.model_id
    files = core.write_problem_to(pp, temp_dir, model_id)

    # load into basico
    out_name = 'cps_{0}'.format(model_id)
    cps_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, out_name + '.cps')
    core.load_petab(files['problem'], temp_dir, out_name)

    files = list(files.values())

    files = files + basico.get_experiment_filenames()

    # run parameter estimation
    sol = evaluation()
    if sol_dfs:

    simulation_results = basico.get_simulation_results(values_only=True, solution=sol)
    sim_df = basico.petab.create_simulation_df(pp.measurement_df, simulation_results)
    if sim_dfs:

    # compute metrics
    llh = basico.petab.petab_llh(pp, sim_df)
    test_model.set_criterion(Criterion.LLH, llh)

    task = basico.get_current_model().getTask("Parameter Estimation")
    prob = task.getProblem()
    obj = prob.getSolutionValue()


    # update estimated parameters
    for param_id in test_model.parameters:
        value = test_model.parameters[param_id]
        if str(value) != 'estimate':  # not isnan(value):  # we only want to include what we estimated
        name = 'Values[{0}]'.format(param_id)
        if name in sol.index:
            test_model.estimated_parameters[param_id] = sol.loc[name].sol

    # write result for testing
    result_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'result_{0}.yaml'.format(model_id))

    # delete temp files if needed
    if delete_temp_files:
        for file in files:
        if created_temp_dir:
            # since we created the temp dir, lets get rid of it
    elif temp_files is not None:
        # add temp files to the list of temp files:
        temp_files = temp_files + files

    return obj
 def test_get_plotting_data(self):
     exp, sim = basico.get_simulation_results()
     self.assertTrue(len(exp) == len(sim))
     exp, sim = basico.get_simulation_results(values_only=True)
 def test_current_solution(self):
     result = basico.get_simulation_results()
     self.assertTrue(len(result) == 2)
     self.assertTrue(len(result[0]) == len(result[0]))
Beispiel #6
 def test_get_plotting_data(self):
     exp, sim = basico.get_simulation_results()
     self.assertTrue(len(exp) == len(sim))