def u_i_rename_generators(A):
    new_generators = AttrDict({})
    i = 0
    for gen in A.gen_by_name.values():
        new_generators["u_" + str(i)] = Generator(name="u_" + str(i),
        i += 1

    new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows({})
    for action in A.a_inf_actions:
        new_action = ()
        for el in action:
            new_action = new_action + (next(gen
                                            for gen in new_generators.values()
                                            if gen.aux_info == el), )
        new_A_inf_actions[new_action] += 1

    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(new_generators, + '_renamed',
def algebra_from_mor_spaces_of_left_D_structures(*D_structures):
    A = D_structures[0].left_algebra

    # want name
    algebra_name = 'Morphism algbebra on D-structures'
    for D in D_structures:
        algebra_name = algebra_name + ' ' +

    a_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows()
    # want gen_by_name
    algebra_gen_by_name = AttrDict({})
    for D1 in D_structures:
        for D2 in D_structures:
            mor_space = morphism_space_for_left_D_structures(D1, D2)
            a_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows(a_inf_actions + mor_space.arrows)

    # want higher a_inf_actions (multiplication only, since A in the beginning was dg-algebra)
    for mor1 in algebra_gen_by_name.values():
        for mor2 in algebra_gen_by_name.values():
            f1 = mor1.aux_info
            f2 = mor2.aux_info
            if not left_d_out_mod_gen(f1) == left_d_in_mod_gen(f2): continue
            a_new = A.multiply(left_d_out_alg_gen(f1), left_d_out_alg_gen(f2))
            if a_new:
                a_inf_actions[(mor1, mor2, algebra_gen_by_name[str(
                    (left_d_in_mod_gen(f1), a_new,
                     left_d_out_mod_gen(f2)))])] += 1


    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(algebra_gen_by_name, algebra_name,
def opposite_algebra(A_inf):
    gen_by_name = AttrDict({})
    for gen in A_inf.genset:
        gen_by_name[ + '*'] = Generator( + '*')

    new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows([])

    for action in A_inf.a_inf_actions:
        new_action = ()
        for element in action:
            new_action = new_action + (gen_by_name[ + '*'], )
        new_A_inf_actions[new_action[:-1][::-1] + (new_action[-1], )] += 1

    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(gen_by_name, 'opposite of ' +,
def rename_generators(A, list_of_tuples_to_rename):
    new_generators = AttrDict({})
    # for t in list_of_tuples_to_rename:
    #     new_generators[t[1]]=Generator(name=t[1], aux_info=A.gen_by_name[t[0]])

    for gen in A.gen_by_name.values():
        if in [t[0] for t in list_of_tuples_to_rename]:
            t = next(t for t in list_of_tuples_to_rename if t[0] ==
            new_generators[t[1]] = Generator(name=t[1],
            new_generators[] = Generator(, aux_info=gen)

    new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows({})
    for action in A.a_inf_actions:
        new_action = ()
        for el in action:
            new_action = new_action + (next(gen
                                            for gen in new_generators.values()
                                            if gen.aux_info == el), )
        new_A_inf_actions[new_action] += 1

    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(new_generators, + '_renamed',
def act_by_G2(B, G2, max_a_infty_action=15):  # check Seidel's paper on quartic
    # form generators as a new dictionary
    B_new_gen_by_name = AttrDict(dict(B.gen_by_name))

    #form old differentials
    new_B_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows()

    # max_a_infty_action is the maximum a inf action we are computing

    new_mu = [Bunch_of_arrows([]) for i in range(max_a_infty_action)]
    new_mu[1] = Bunch_of_arrows([
        translate_arrow(B_new_gen_by_name, ar) for ar in B.a_inf_actions
        if (len(ar) == 2)
    new_mu[2] = Bunch_of_arrows([
        translate_arrow(B_new_gen_by_name, ar) for ar in B.a_inf_actions
        if (len(ar) == 3)
    new_mu[3] = Bunch_of_arrows([
        translate_arrow(B_new_gen_by_name, ar) for ar in B.a_inf_actions
        if (len(ar) == 4)
    for gauge in G2:
        a1 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[0].name]
        a2 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[1].name]
        a3 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[2].name]
        for action in [act for act in new_mu[2] if act[2] == a1]:
            new_mu[3][action[:-1] + (a2, a3)] += 1
        for action in [act for act in new_mu[2] if act[2] == a2]:
            new_mu[3][(a1, ) + action[:-1] + (a3, )] += 1
    for action in new_mu[2]:
        for gauge in G2:
            a1 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[0].name]
            a2 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[1].name]
            a3 = B_new_gen_by_name[gauge[2].name]

            if a3 == action[0]:
                new_mu[3][(a1, a2, action[1], action[2])] += 1
            if a3 == action[1]:
                new_mu[3][(action[0], a1, a2, action[2])] += 1

    new_B_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows(new_B_inf_actions + new_mu[1] +
                                        new_mu[2] + new_mu[3])
    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(B_new_gen_by_name, + '_gauged',
def base_change_AA_from_fuk(Fuk, generators, left_dg_algebra,
    def check_validity(x, action):
        if action[:-1].count(x) == 1 and (action[-1] in generators):
            index_of_x = action[:-1].index(x)
            for el in action[:index_of_x]:
                if not in left_dg_algebra.gen_by_name.keys():
                    return False
            for el in action[index_of_x + 1:-1]:
                if not in right_dg_algebra.gen_by_name.keys():
                    return False
            return True
            return False

    gen_by_name = AttrDict({})
    for x in generators:
        gen_by_name['' + + ''] = Generator('' + + '')
        # gen_by_name[''''].add_idems(x.idem.left, x.idem.right)

        # adding idempotents
        for action in [
                act for act in Fuk.a_inf_actions if (len(act) == 3 and (
                    act[0].name in left_dg_algebra.idem_by_name.keys()) and (
                        x == act[1]) and (x == act[-1]))
            left_idem = left_dg_algebra.idem_by_name[action[0].name]
        for action in [
                act for act in Fuk.a_inf_actions if (len(act) == 3 and (
                    act[1].name in right_dg_algebra.idem_by_name.keys()) and (
                        x == act[0]) and (x == act[-1]))
            right_idem = right_dg_algebra.idem_by_name[action[1].name]
        gen_by_name['' + + ''].add_idems(left_idem, right_idem)

    arrows = Bunch_of_arrows([])
    for y in generators:
        for action in Fuk.a_inf_actions:
            if (len(action) == 3
                    and (action[0].name in left_dg_algebra.idem_by_name.keys())
                    and (y == action[1]) and (y == action[-1])):
            if (len(action) == 3 and
                (action[1].name in right_dg_algebra.idem_by_name.keys())
                    and (y == action[0]) and (y == action[-1])):
            if check_validity(y, action):
                index_of_y = action[:-1].index(y)
                tuple_from_left = tuple([
                    (lambda z: left_dg_algebra.gen_by_name[])(z)
                    for z in action[:index_of_y]
                tuple_from_right = tuple([
                    (lambda z: right_dg_algebra.gen_by_name[])(z)
                    for z in action[index_of_y + 1:-1]
                arrows[(tuple_from_left, gen_by_name['' + + ''],
                        gen_by_name['' + action[-1].name + ''])] += 1

    return AA_bimodule(gen_by_name,
def perturb_algebra(A_old, pure_action, max_a_infty_action=25):
    x = pure_action[0]
    y = pure_action[1]

    # change of basis
    for action in [
            action for action in A_old.a_inf_actions
            if (len(action) == 2 and action[1] == y and action[0] != x)
        A_old = change_of_basis(A_old, action[0], x)

    for action in [
            action for action in A_old.a_inf_actions
            if (len(action) == 2 and action[0] == x and action[1] != y)
        A_old = change_of_basis(A_old, y, action[1])
    A_cb = A_old

    # form generators as a new dictionary
    A_new_gen_by_name = AttrDict(dict(A_cb.gen_by_name))

    del A_new_gen_by_name[]
    del A_new_gen_by_name[]

    #form old differentials
    new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows()

    # max_a_infty_action this is the maximum a inf action we are computing

    I = [Bunch_of_arrows([]) for i in range(max_a_infty_action)]
    I[1] = Bunch_of_arrows([(gen, A_cb.gen_by_name[])
                            for gen in A_new_gen_by_name.values()])

    new_mu = [Bunch_of_arrows([]) for i in range(max_a_infty_action)]
    new_mu[1] = Bunch_of_arrows([
        translate_arrow(A_new_gen_by_name, ar) for ar in A_cb.a_inf_actions
        if (len(ar) == 2 and ar != (x, y))
    new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows(new_A_inf_actions + new_mu[1])

    all_I = I[1]

    # max_length_action=max_a_infty_action([len(action) for action in A_cb.a_inf_actions ])

    for k in range(max_a_infty_action)[2:]:
        # Тут интересно, надо композицию наборов стрелок
        # искать в обратном порядке, тогда будет эффективно!

        # Вычисляем I[max_a_infty_action]
        # пример: I[3](a1,a2,a3)=H ( old_mu( I[2](a1,a2), I[1](a3) ) )
        old_mu_incoming_possibilities = [
            action[:-1] for action in A_cb.a_inf_actions
            if (action[-1] == y and len(action) <= k + 1)
        for old_mu_incoming_action in old_mu_incoming_possibilities:
            list_of_lists_of_i_possibilities = []
            for target_for_i in old_mu_incoming_action:
                    [i_k for i_k in all_I if (i_k[-1] == target_for_i)])

            resulting_i_actions = [
                p for p in product(*list_of_lists_of_i_possibilities) if sum(
                    len(ar) for ar in p) == k + len(old_mu_incoming_action)
            for set_of_i_actions in resulting_i_actions:
                i_k_action = ()
                for ar in set_of_i_actions:
                    i_k_action = i_k_action + ar[:-1]
                i_k_action = i_k_action + (x, )
                I[k][i_k_action] += 1

        # Вычисляем new_mu[max_a_infty_action]
        # пример: new_mu[3](a1,a2,a3)=P ( old_mu( I[2](a1,a2), I[1](a3) ) )
        old_mu_incoming_possibilities = [
            action for action in A_cb.a_inf_actions
            if (action[-1] != y and action[-1] != x and len(action) <= k + 1)
        for old_mu_incoming_action in old_mu_incoming_possibilities:
            list_of_lists_of_i_possibilities = []
            for target_for_i in old_mu_incoming_action[:-1]:
                    [i_k for i_k in all_I if (i_k[-1] == target_for_i)])

            resulting_i_actions = [
                p for p in product(*list_of_lists_of_i_possibilities) if sum(
                    len(ar) for ar in p) == k + len(old_mu_incoming_action) - 1

            for set_of_i_actions in resulting_i_actions:
                new_mu_k_action = ()
                for ar in set_of_i_actions:
                    new_mu_k_action = new_mu_k_action + ar[:-1]
                new_mu_k_action = new_mu_k_action + (
                    A_new_gen_by_name[old_mu_incoming_action[-1].name], )
                new_mu[k][new_mu_k_action] += 1

        all_I = Bunch_of_arrows(all_I + I[k])
        new_A_inf_actions = Bunch_of_arrows(new_A_inf_actions + new_mu[k])
    debug("maximum length of I is " + str(max([len(a) - 1 for a in all_I])))
    debug("maximum length of mu is " +
          str(max([len(a) - 1 for a in new_A_inf_actions])))
    return simpler_A_inf_Algebra(A_new_gen_by_name, + '_pert',