Beispiel #1
# To avoid a delay caused by node map creation in StartGrabbing() you have the option to create
# a static pool of node maps once before grabbing.

if cam.get_node_map().is_available("ChunkModeActive"):
    cam.get_node_map()["ChunkModeActive"] = True
    raise Exception("The camera doesn't support chunk features")

counter = 0

#Enable time stamp chunks.
cam.get_node_map()['ChunkSelector'] = "Timestamp"
cam.get_node_map()['ChunkEnable'] = True
cam.get_node_map()['ChunkSelector'] = "PayloadCRC16"
cam.get_node_map()['ChunkEnable'] = True

grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()

while cam.is_grabbing():
    cam.retrieve_result(500, grabResult)
    print("GrabSucceeded: " + str(grabResult.grab_succeeded()))
    print("SizeX: " + str(grabResult.width))
    print("SizeY: " + str(grabResult.height))
    ###need to implment mroe method here

cam.get_node_map()["ChunkModeActive"] = True

#to release resource, this function must be called
if cam.get_node_map().is_available("EventSelector"):

    #Enable the sending of Exposure End events.
        # Select the event to be received.
    cam.get_node_map()["EventSelector"] = "ExposureEnd"
    cam.get_node_map()["EventNotification"] = "On"

    #Enable the sending of Frame Start Overtrigger events.
    if cam.get_node_map().is_available("FrameStartOvertrigger"):
        cam.get_node_map()["EventSelector"] = "FrameStartOvertrigger"
        cam.get_node_map()["EventNotification"] = "On"

    #Start the grabbing of c_countOfImagesToGrab images.
        # The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which
        # sets up free-running continuous acquisition.
    grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()
    counter = 0

    #Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method
        # when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved.
    while cam.is_grabbing():
        #Retrieve grab results and notify the camera event and image event handlers.
	    cam.retrieve_result(500, grabResult)
        #Nothing to do here with the grab result, the grab results are handled by the registered event handlers.

    #Disable the sending of Exposure End events.
    cam.get_node_map()["EventSelector"] = "ExposureEnd"
    cam.get_node_map()["EventNotification"] = "Off"

    #Disable the sending of Frame Start Overtrigger events.
    #advance on Frame End to initial set,
    )["SequencerSetNext"] = curSet + incSet  #terminates sequence definition

    #full height
    )["Height"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Height").inc * (increments)

    # Enable the sequencer feature.
    # From here on you cannot change the sequencer settings anymore.
    cam.get_node_map()["SequencerConfigurationMode"] = "Off"
    cam.get_node_map()["SequencerMode"] = "On"

    # Start the grabbing of images.
    grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()
    counter = 0

    #Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method
    # when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved.
    while cam.is_grabbing():
        if (cam.wait_for_frame_trigger_ready(
                500, enum.TimeoutHandling_ThrowException)):
        cam.retrieve_result(500, grabResult)
        if grabResult.grab_succeeded():
            counter = counter + 1
            print("SizeX: " + str(grabResult.width))
            print("SizeY: " + str(grabResult.height))
Beispiel #4
    cam = BaslerUsbInstantCamera.BaslerUsbInstantCamera.create_cam(
    print("Using device " + cam.device_info.model_name)

    # The parameter MaxNumBuffer can be used to control the count of buffers
    # allocated for grabbing. The default value of this parameter is 10.
    cam.get_node_map()["MaxNumBuffer"] = 5

    #Start the grabbing of c_countOfImagesToGrab images.
    # The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which
    # sets up free-running continuous acquisition.

    grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()

    #Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method
    # when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved.
    while cam.is_grabbing():
        cam.retrieve_result(500, grabResult)
        if grabResult.grab_succeeded():
            #grabResult.save_image(ImageFileFormat_Bmp, str(counter) + "your_file.bmp")
            print("SizeX: " + str(grabResult.width))
            print("SizeY: " + str(grabResult.height))
            print("Error: " + grabResult.error_code + " " +
def AutoWhiteBalance(cam):
    # Check whether the Balance White Auto feature is available.
    if not cam.get_node_map().is_writable("BalanceWhiteAuto"):
        print("The camera does not support Balance White Auto.")

    # Maximize the grabbed image area of interest (Image AOI).
    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetX"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetX"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetY"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetY"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    cam.get_node_map()["Width"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Width").max
    cam.get_node_map()["Height"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Height").max

    if cam.get_node_map().is_available("AutoFunctionROISelector"):
        # Set the Auto Function ROI for luminance statistics.
        # We want to use ROI2 for gathering the statistics
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI1"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = False  # ROI 1 is used for brightness control
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI2"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = True  # ROI 2 is not used for brightness control

        # Set the Auto Function AOI for white balance statistics.
        # Currently, AutoFunctionROISelector_ROI2 is predefined to gather
        # white balance statistics.
        )["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI2"  # configure ROI 1
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetX"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetY"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIWidth"] = cam.get_node_map(
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIHeight"] = cam.get_node_map(

    print("Trying 'BalanceWhiteAuto = Once'.")
    print("Initial balance ratio: ")

    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Red"
    print("R = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))
    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Green"
    print("G = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))
    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Blue"
    print("B = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))

    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceWhiteAuto"] = "Once"

    # When the "once" mode of operation is selected,
    # the parameter values are automatically adjusted until the related image property
    # reaches the target value. After the automatic parameter value adjustment is complete, the auto
    # function will automatically be set to "off" and the new parameter value will be applied to the
    # subsequently grabbed images.
    n = 0
    while cam.get_node_map()["BalanceWhiteAuto"] == "Off":
        grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()
        cam.grab_one(5000, grabResult)
        n += 1
        if n > 100:
            raise Exception(
                "The adjustment of auto white balance did not finish.")

    print("BalanceWhiteAuto went back to 'Off' after " + str(n) + " frames")
    print("Final balance ratio: ")
    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Red"
    print("R = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))
    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Green"
    print("G = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))
    cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatioSelector"] = "Blue"
    print("B = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["BalanceRatio"]))
def AutoGainOnce(cam):
    #Check whether the gain auto function is available
    if not cam.get_node_map().is_writable("GainAuto"):
        print("The camera does not support Gain Auto.")

    #Maximize the grabbed image area of interest (Image AOI).
    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetX"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetX"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetY"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetY"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    cam.get_node_map()["Width"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Width").max
    cam.get_node_map()["Height"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Height").max

    if cam.get_node_map().is_available("AutoFunctionROISelector"):
        # Set the Auto Function ROI for luminance statistics.
        #We want to use ROI1 for gathering the statistics
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI1"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = True  #ROI 1 is used for brightness control
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI2"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = False  #ROI 2 is not used for brightness control

        #Set the ROI (in this example the complete sensor is used)
        )["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI1"  # configure ROI 1
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetX"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetY"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIWidth"] = cam.get_node_map(
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIHeight"] = cam.get_node_map(

    #Set the target value for luminance control.
    # A value of 0.3 means that the target brightness is 30 % of the maximum brightness of the raw pixel value read out from the sensor.
    # A value of 0.4 means 40 % and so forth.
    cam.get_node_map()["AutoTargetBrightness"] = 0.3

    #We are going to try GainAuto = Once.
    print("Trying 'GainAuto = Once'.")
    print("Initial Gain = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["Gain"]))

    #Set the gain ranges for luminance control.
    cam.get_node_map()["AutoGainLowerLimit"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(
    cam.get_node_map()["AutoGainUpperLimit"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    cam.get_node_map()["GainAuto"] = "Once"

    #When the "once" mode of operation is selected,
    # the parameter values are automatically adjusted until the related image property
    # reaches the target value. After the automatic parameter value adjustment is complete, the auto
    # function will automatically be set to "off" and the new parameter value will be applied to the
    # subsequently grabbed images.

    n = 0
    while cam.get_node_map()["GainAuto"] == "Off":
        grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()
        cam.grab_one(5000, grabResult)
        n += 1
        if n > 100:
            raise Exception("The adjustment of auto gain did not finish.")

    print("GainAuto went back to 'Off' after ")
    print("Initial Gain = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["Gain"]))
def AutoExposureContinuous(cam):
    # Check whether the ExposureAuto function is available
    if not cam.get_node_map().is_writable("ExposureAuto"):
        print("The camera does not support ExposureAuto.")

    # Maximize the grabbed image area of interest (Image AOI).
    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetX"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetX"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    if cam.get_node_map().is_writable("OffsetY"):
        cam.get_node_map()["OffsetY"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node(

    cam.get_node_map()["Width"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Width").max
    cam.get_node_map()["Height"] = cam.get_node_map().get_node("Height").max

    if cam.get_node_map().is_available("AutoFunctionROISelector"):
        # Set the Auto Function ROI for luminance statistics.
        # We want to use ROI1 for gathering the statistics
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI1"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = True  # ROI 1 is used for brightness control
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI2"
        )["AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness"] = False  # ROI 2 is not used for brightness control

        # Set the ROI (in this example the complete sensor is used)
        )["AutoFunctionROISelector"] = "ROI1"  # configure ROI 1
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetX"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIOffsetY"] = 0
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIWidth"] = cam.get_node_map(
        cam.get_node_map()["AutoFunctionROIHeight"] = cam.get_node_map(

    # Set the target value for luminance control.
    # A value of 0.3 means that the target brightness is 30 % of the maximum brightness of the raw pixel value read out from the sensor.
    # A value of 0.4 means 40 % and so forth.
    cam.get_node_map()["AutoTargetBrightness"] = 0.3

    # We are going to try GainAuto = Continuous.
    print("ExposureAuto 'GainAuto = Continuous'.")
    print("Initial exposure time = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["ExposureTime"]))

    cam.get_node_map()["ExposureAuto"] = "Continuous"

    #When "continuous" mode is selected, the parameter value is adjusted repeatedly while images are acquired.
    # Depending on the current frame rate, the automatic adjustments will usually be carried out for
    # every or every other image, unless the cameras microcontroller is kept busy by other tasks.
    # The repeated automatic adjustment will proceed until the "once" mode of operation is used or
    # until the auto function is set to "off", in which case the parameter value resulting from the latest
    # automatic adjustment will operate unless the value is manually adjusted.
    # For demonstration purposes, we will use only 20 images.
    for i in range(20):
        grabResult = BaslerUsbGrabResult()
        cam.grab_one(5000, grabResult)

    cam.get_node_map()["ExposureAuto"] = "Off"
    print("Final exposure time  = " + str(cam.get_node_map()["ExposureTime"]))