Beispiel #1
 def on_modify_effectiveness(self, user, move, target, effectiveness):
     if not self.suppressed:
         if Type.FLYING in target.types and type_effectiveness(move.type, Type.FLYING) == 2:
             if __debug__:
                 log.i("DeltaStream suppressed %s's %s type move", user, move.type)
             return effectiveness * 0.5
     return effectiveness
Beispiel #2
 def on_modify_effectiveness(self, user, move, target, effectiveness):
     if move.type in (Type.FIGHTING, Type.NORMAL) and Type.GHOST in target.types:
         return type_effectiveness(
             move.type, target.types[not target.types.index(Type.GHOST)] or Type.NOTYPE)
     return effectiveness