Beispiel #1
def example_two_players_users():
    # Creating the ships MANUALLY for the 2 players Alice and Bob

    list_ships_player_alice = [
        Ship(coord_start=(3, 1), coord_end=(3, 5)),  # length = 5
        Ship(coord_start=(9, 7), coord_end=(9, 10)),  # length = 4
        Ship(coord_start=(1, 9), coord_end=(3, 9)),  # length = 3
        Ship(coord_start=(5, 2), coord_end=(6, 2)),  # length = 2
        Ship(coord_start=(8, 3), coord_end=(8, 3)),  # length = 1

    list_ships_player_bob = [
        Ship(coord_start=(5, 8), coord_end=(9, 8)),  # length = 5
        Ship(coord_start=(5, 4), coord_end=(8, 4)),  # length = 4
        Ship(coord_start=(3, 1), coord_end=(5, 1)),  # length = 3
            coord_str_end='G10'),  # Another way of creating a Ship
            coord_str_end='A4'),  # Another way of creating a Ship

    # Creating their boards
    board_player_alice = Board(list_ships_player_alice)
    board_player_bob = Board(list_ships_player_bob)

    # Creating the players
    player_alice = PlayerUser(board_player_alice, name_player="Alice")
    player_bob = PlayerUser(board_player_bob, name_player="Bob")

    # Creating and launching the game
    game = Game(player_1=player_alice, player_2=player_bob)
Beispiel #2
def test_overlapping_ships():
    dimensions = (10, 10)

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
        ships = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "h"), Ship(2, 0, 3, "v")}
        _ = Board(dimensions, ships)

    assert str(e_info.value).startswith("overlapping ships at (2, 1)")
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.ships = [
     self.game_board = self._generate_game_board(self.ships)
Beispiel #4
def test_no_winner():
    dims = (5, 5)
    s1 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))
    s2 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p2 = Player(Board(dims, s2))
    game = Game(p1, p2, dims)

    result = game.get_winner()

    assert result is None
Beispiel #5
def test_game_text():
    dims = (3, 3)
    s1 = {Ship(0, 0, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))
    s2 = {Ship(0, 0, 3, "v")}
    p2 = Player(Board(dims, s2))
    game = Game(p1, p2, dims)

    p1_lines = game.p1_lines()
    p2_lines = game.p2_lines()

    assert list(p1_lines) == [["s", ".", "."], ["s", ".", "."], ["s", ".", "."]]
    assert list(p2_lines) == [["s", ".", "."], ["s", ".", "."], ["s", ".", "."]]
Beispiel #6
def test_p2_winner():
    dims = (5, 5)
    s1 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))
    s2 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p2 = Player(Board(dims, s2))
    game = Game(p1, p2, dims)

    game.p2_move(1, 1)
    game.p2_move(1, 2)
    game.p2_move(1, 3)
    result = game.get_winner()

    assert result == 2
Beispiel #7
def test_misses_ship():
    ships = {Ship(1, 1, 2, "v")}
    record = DamageRecord(ships)

    ship = record.hit(3, 3)

    assert ship is None
Beispiel #8
def test_validate_exceeds_x_grid():
    dimensions = (1, 1)

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
        ships = {Ship(1, 1, 2, "h")}
        _ = Board(dimensions, ships)

    assert "exceeds size" == str(e_info.value)
Beispiel #9
def test_all_hit():
    ships = {Ship(1, 1, 2, "v")}
    record = DamageRecord(ships)

    record.hit(1, 1)
    record.hit(1, 2)

    assert record.is_all_hit()
Beispiel #10
def test_hitting_ship():
    expected = Ship(1, 1, 2, "v")
    ships = {expected}
    record = DamageRecord(ships)

    ship = record.hit(1, 1)

    assert ship == expected
Beispiel #11
def test_validate_negative_y_grid():
    dimensions = (1, 1)

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e_info:
        ships = {Ship(0, -5, 2, "h")}
        _ = Board(dimensions, ships)

    assert "cannot be a negative coordinate" == str(e_info.value)
Beispiel #12
def test_get_floating_positions():
    ship = Ship(1, 1, 2, "v")
    ships = {ship}
    record = DamageRecord(ships)

    positions = record.get_floating_positions(ship)

    assert positions == {(1, 1), (1, 2)}
Beispiel #13
def test_opponent_move_guessed():
    dims = (5, 5)
    s1 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="already guessed"):
        p1.opponent_move(1, 1)
        p1.opponent_move(1, 1)
Beispiel #14
    def generate_ship(self, size, taken_coordinates) -> Ship:
        # Method that generates a ship of specific size, while making sure it does not conflict
        # with the coordinates of other ships defined in an array called taken_coordinates.

        # Loops until it finds a ship that fits all the selection criteria (coordinates in bounds of board, no conflicts)

        while (1):
            # seedx and seedy are random coordinates that act as seed from which ship grows either backwards or downwards
            seedx = random.randint(1, 10)
            seedy = random.randint(1, 10)
            # array that stores coordinates of ship so they can be checked against taken_coordinates later
            ship_coords = []
            # offset is the offset from seed representing the size of the ship
            offset = size - 1

            # first randomly selects vertical or horizontal
            if random.choice([True,
                              False]):  # True = Horizontal, False = Vertical
                if 1 <= seedx - offset <= 9:  # checks if ships start position (seed - offset) is on the board
                    # defines start and end coordinates, and adds them to ship_coords
                    xstart = seedx - offset
                    xend = seedx
                    ystart = seedy
                    yend = seedy
                    for coord in range((seedx - offset), seedx + 1):
                        coordinates = (coord, seedy)
                else:  # start coordinate for ship is outside board, starts loop again
                if 1 <= seedy - offset <= 9:  # checks if ships start position (seed - offset) is on the board
                    # defines start and end coordinates, and adds them to ship_coords
                    xstart = seedx
                    xend = seedx
                    ystart = seedy - offset
                    yend = seedy
                    for coord in range((seedy - offset), seedy + 1):
                        coordinates = (seedx, coord)
                else:  # start coordinate for ship is outside board, starts loop again

            # checks if coordinates of ship conflict with other previously created ships
            coords_taken = False
            for coord in ship_coords:
                if coord in taken_coordinates:
                    coords_taken = True

            if not coords_taken:  # if no conflict exists, creates ship and adds coordinates to taken_coordinates
                for coord in ship_coords:
                GeneratedShip = Ship(coord_start=(xstart, ystart),
                                     coord_end=(xend, yend))
                break  # selection criteria met, exits loop
                continue  # if conflict exists, starts loop again

        return GeneratedShip
Beispiel #15
def test_player_is_defeated():
    dims = (5, 5)
    s1 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))

    for i in range(3):
        p1.opponent_move(1, 1 + i)

    assert p1.is_defeated
Beispiel #16
 def has_no_ships_left(self) -> bool:
     :return: True if and only if all the ships on the board have sunk.
     # If there is a single ship that hasnt sunk, returns false
     for Ship in list_ships:
         if not Ship.has_sunk():
             return false
     # if the code can go through the loop without returning false, then all ships have sunk
     return True
Beispiel #17
def test_player():
    dims = (5, 5)
    s1 = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    p1 = Player(Board(dims, s1))

    for i in range(3):
        p1.opponent_move(1, 1 + i)

    assert list(p1.text) == [
        [".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
        [".", "h", ".", ".", "."],
        [".", "h", ".", ".", "."],
        [".", "h", ".", ".", "."],
        [".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
Beispiel #18
def example_user_manual_board_vs_full_automatic():
    # Creating the ships MANUALLY for the User (Alice)

    list_ships_player_alice = [
        Ship(coord_start=(3, 1), coord_end=(3, 5)),  # length = 5
        Ship(coord_start=(9, 7), coord_end=(9, 10)),  # length = 4
        Ship(coord_start=(1, 9), coord_end=(3, 9)),  # length = 3
        Ship(coord_start=(5, 2), coord_end=(6, 2)),  # length = 2
        Ship(coord_start=(8, 3), coord_end=(8, 3)),  # length = 1

    # Creating her boards
    board_player_alice = Board(list_ships_player_alice)

    # Creating her player
    player_alice = PlayerUser(board_player_alice, name_player="Alice")

    # Creating a Random Player Bob, its board is automatically created randomly
    player_bob = PlayerRandom(name_player="Bob")

    # Creating and launching the game
    game = Game(player_1=player_alice, player_2=player_bob)
Beispiel #19
    def create_ship_of_certain_length(self, length):
        """Here I create chips depending on the length given. Then I make sure the ships
        are either horizonal or vertical"""

        orientation = random.choice(['horizontal', 'vertical'])

        if orientation == 'horizontal':
            self.x_random_start = random.randint(1, self.SIZE_X - length + 1)
            self.y_random_start = random.randint(1, self.SIZE_Y)
            self.x_random_end = self.x_random_start + length - 1
            self.y_random_end = self.y_random_start
            self.x_random_start = random.randint(1, self.SIZE_X)
            self.y_random_start = random.randint(1, self.SIZE_Y - length + 1)
            self.x_random_end = self.x_random_start
            self.y_random_end = self.y_random_start + length - 1

        self.coord_start = self.x_random_start, self.y_random_start
        self.coord_end = self.x_random_end, self.y_random_end
        self.ship = Ship(coord_start=self.coord_start,

        return self.ship
Beispiel #20
from import Game, Player
from battleship.ship import Ship

def print_game(p1_lines, p2_lines):
    print("Player 1:")
    for line in p1_lines:
    print("Player 2:")
    for line in p2_lines:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dimensions = (10, 10)
    p1_board = Board(dimensions, {Ship(1, 1, 9, "h"), Ship(3, 5, 4, "v")})
    p1 = Player(p1_board)

    p2_board = Board(dimensions, {Ship(1, 2, 2, "v"), Ship(5, 6, 2, "h")})
    p2 = Player(p2_board)

    game = Game(p1, p2, dimensions)
    game.p1_move(3, 1)
    game.p1_move(3, 7)
    game.p2_move(1, 1)
    # win
    game.p1_move(1, 2)
    game.p1_move(1, 3)
    game.p1_move(5, 6)
    game.p1_move(6, 6)
Beispiel #21
        coord_random_x = random.randint(1, self.board.SIZE_X)
        coord_random_y = random.randint(1, self.board.SIZE_Y)

        coord_random = (coord_random_x, coord_random_y)

        return coord_random

    def _is_position_near_previously_sunk_ship(self, coord: tuple) -> bool:
        for ship_opponent in self.list_ships_opponent_previously_sunk:  # type: Ship
            if ship_opponent.has_sunk() and ship_opponent.is_near_coordinate(
                return True
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # SANDBOX for you to play and test your functions

    list_ships = [
        Ship(coord_start=(1, 1), coord_end=(1, 1)),
        Ship(coord_start=(3, 3), coord_end=(3, 4)),
        Ship(coord_start=(5, 3), coord_end=(5, 5)),
        Ship(coord_start=(7, 1), coord_end=(7, 4)),
        Ship(coord_start=(9, 3), coord_end=(9, 7)),

    board = Board(list_ships)
    player = PlayerUser(board)
    print(player.is_attacked_at(5, 4))
Beispiel #22
def test_ships_vertical():
    ship = Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")

    assert ship.positions == {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)}
Beispiel #23
def test_invalid_orientation():
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="invalid orientation x"):
        _ = Ship(1, 1, 3, "x")
Beispiel #24
def test_get_position():
    ship = Ship(1, 1, 3, "h")

    assert ship.get_position() == (1, 1)
Beispiel #25
def test_ships_horizontal():
    ship = Ship(1, 1, 3, "h")

    assert ship.positions == {(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)}
Beispiel #26
def test_hits_still_left():
    ships = {Ship(1, 1, 3, "v")}
    record = DamageRecord(ships)

    assert not record.is_all_hit()