def on_value_list(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a value_list token

        Search with a list of values is the broadest search and
        searches all the mapper and the properties configured with
        # debug('values: %s' % tokens)
        # debug('  s: %s' % s)
        # debug('  loc: %s' % loc)
        # debug('  toks: %s' % tokens)

        # make searches case-insensitive, in postgres use ilike,
        # in other use upper()
        like = lambda table, col, val: \
            utils.ilike(table.c[col], ('%%%s%%' % val))

        for cls, columns in self._properties.iteritems():
            q = self._session.query(cls)
            cv = [(c,v) for c in columns for v in tokens]
            # as of SQLAlchemy>=0.4.2 we convert the value to a unicode
            # object if the col is a Unicode or UnicodeText column in order
            # to avoid the "Unicode type received non-unicode bind param"
            def unicol(col, v):
                mapper = class_mapper(cls)
                if isinstance(mapper.c[col].type, (Unicode,UnicodeText)):
                    return unicode(v)
                    return v
            mapper = class_mapper(cls)
            q = q.filter(or_(*[like(mapper, c, unicol(c, v)) for c,v in cv]))
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, t):
        logger.debug('IdentExpressionToken::__init__(%s)' % t)
        self.op = t[0][1]

        def not_implemented_yet(x, y):
            # raise an exception
            raise NotImplementedError

        # cfr: SearchParser.binop
        # = == != <> < <= > >= not like contains has ilike icontains ihas is
        self.operation = {
            '=': lambda x, y: x == y,
            '==': lambda x, y: x == y,
            'is': lambda x, y: x == y,
            '!=': lambda x, y: x != y,
            '<>': lambda x, y: x != y,
            'not': lambda x, y: x != y,
            '<': lambda x, y: x < y,
            '<=': lambda x, y: x <= y,
            '>': lambda x, y: x > y,
            '>=': lambda x, y: x >= y,
            'like': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y),
            'contains': not_implemented_yet,
            'has': not_implemented_yet,
            'ilike': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y),
            'icontains': not_implemented_yet,
            'ihas': not_implemented_yet,
        self.operands = t[0][0::2]  # every second object is an operand
 def plant_get_completions(text):
     # TODO: only return those plants with propagations
     from import Accession
     from import Plant
     query = self.session.query(Plant).join('accession').\
             filter(utils.ilike(Accession.code, u'%s%%' % text)).\
             filter( !=
     return query
Beispiel #4
    def invoke(self, search_strategy):
            if self.domain in search_strategy._shorthand:
                self.domain = search_strategy._shorthand[self.domain]
            cls, properties = search_strategy._domains[self.domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_('Unknown search domain: %s') % self.domain)

        query = search_strategy._session.query(cls)

        ## here is the place where to optionally filter out unrepresented
        ## domain values. each domain class should define its own 'I have
        ## accessions' filter. see issue #42

        result = set()

        # select all objects from the domain
        if self.values == '*':
            return result

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if self.cond in ('like', 'ilike'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%s' % val)
        elif self.cond in ('contains', 'icontains', 'has', 'ihas'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%%%s%%' % val)
        elif self.cond == '=':
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col] == utils.utf8(val)
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(self.cond)(val)

        for col in properties:
            ors = or_(*map(condition(col),

        if None in result:
            logger.warn('removing None from result set')
            result = set(i for i in result if i is not None)
        return result
Beispiel #5
    def invoke(self, search_strategy):
            if self.domain in search_strategy._shorthand:
                self.domain = search_strategy._shorthand[self.domain]
            cls, properties = search_strategy._domains[self.domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_('Unknown search domain: %s') % self.domain)

        query = search_strategy._session.query(cls)

        ## here is the place where to optionally filter out unrepresented
        ## domain values. each domain class should define its own 'I have
        ## accessions' filter. see issue #42

        result = set()

        # select all objects from the domain
        if self.values == '*':
            return result

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if self.cond in ('like', 'ilike'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%s' % val)
        elif self.cond in ('contains', 'icontains', 'has', 'ihas'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%%%s%%' % val)
        elif self.cond == '=':
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col] == utils.utf8(val)
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(self.cond)(val)

        for col in properties:
            ors = or_(*map(condition(col),

        if None in result:
            logger.warn('removing None from result set')
            result = set(i for i in result if i is not None)
        return result
 def sp_get_completions(text):
     query = (
         .filter(utils.ilike(Genus.genus, "%s%%" % text))
         .filter( !=
         .order_by(Genus.genus, Species.sp)
     return query
Beispiel #7
 def plant_get_completions(text):
     # TODO: only return those plants with propagations
     from import Accession
     from import Plant
     query = self.session.query(Plant).join('accession').\
         filter(utils.ilike(Accession.code, u'%s%%' % text)).\
         filter( !=\
         order_by(Accession.code, Plant.code)
     return query
Beispiel #8
    def on_entry_changed(entry, presenter):
        logger.debug('on_entry_changed(%s, %s)', entry, presenter)
        text = utils.utf8(entry.props.text)

        if not text and not required:
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        # see if the text matches a completion string
        comp = entry.get_completion()
        compl_model = comp.get_model()

        def _cmp(row, data):
            return utils.utf8(row[0]) == data

        found = utils.search_tree_model(compl_model, text, _cmp)
        if len(found) == 1:
            comp.emit('match-selected', compl_model, found[0])
            return True
        # if text looks like '(code) name', then split it into the two
        # parts, then see if the text matches exactly a code or name
        match = re_code_name_splitter.match(text)
        if match:
            code, name = match.groups()
            code = name = text
        codes = presenter.session.query(Location).\
            filter(utils.ilike(Location.code, '%s' % utils.utf8(code)))
        names = presenter.session.query(Location).\
            filter(utils.ilike(, '%s' % utils.utf8(name)))
        if codes.count() == 1:
            logger.debug('location matches code')
            location = codes.first()
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        elif names.count() == 1:
            logger.debug('location matches name')
            location = names.first()
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
            logger.debug('location %s does not match anything' % text)
            presenter.add_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        return True
Beispiel #9
    def on_entry_changed(entry, presenter):
        logger.debug('on_entry_changed(%s, %s)', entry, presenter)
        text = utils.utf8(entry.props.text)

        if not text and not required:
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        # see if the text matches a completion string
        comp = entry.get_completion()
        compl_model = comp.get_model()

        def _cmp(row, data):
            return utils.utf8(row[0]) == data

        found = utils.search_tree_model(compl_model, text, _cmp)
        if len(found) == 1:
            comp.emit('match-selected', compl_model, found[0])
            return True
        # if text looks like '(code) name', then split it into the two
        # parts, then see if the text matches exactly a code or name
        match = re_code_name_splitter.match(text)
        if match:
            code, name = match.groups()
            code = name = text
        codes = presenter.session.query(Location).\
            filter(utils.ilike(Location.code, '%s' % utils.utf8(code)))
        names = presenter.session.query(Location).\
            filter(utils.ilike(, '%s' % utils.utf8(name)))
        if codes.count() == 1:
            logger.debug('location matches code')
            location = codes.first()
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        elif names.count() == 1:
            logger.debug('location matches name')
            location = names.first()
            presenter.remove_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
            logger.debug('location %s does not match anything' % text)
            presenter.add_problem(PROBLEM, entry)
        return True
Beispiel #10
    def on_domain_expression(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a domain_expression token.

        Searching using domain expressions is a little more magical
        and queries mapper properties that were passed to add_meta()

        To do a case sensitive search for a specific string use the
        double equals, '=='
        domain, cond, values = tokens
            if domain in self._shorthand:
                domain = self._shorthand[domain]
            cls, properties = self._domains[domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_('Unknown search domain: %s' % domain))

        result_key = self._result_keys[cls]
        query = self._session.query(cls)

        # select all objects from the domain
        if values == '*':
            self._results[result_key] = query.all()

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if cond in ('like', 'ilike', 'contains', 'icontains', 'has', 'ihas'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%%%s%%' % val)
        elif cond == '=':
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], val)
            #lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], utils.utf8(val))
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(cond)(val)

        ors = or_(*[
            condition(prop)(value) for value in values for prop in properties
        self._results[result_key] = query.filter(ors).all()
Beispiel #11
    def invoke(self, search_strategy):
        Called when the whole search string is a value list.

        Search with a list of values is the broadest search and
        searches all the mapper and the properties configured with

        # make searches case-insensitive, in postgres use ilike,
        # in other use upper()
        like = lambda table, col, val: \
            utils.ilike(table.c[col], ('%%%s%%' % val))

        result = set()
        for cls, columns in search_strategy._properties.iteritems():
            column_cross_value = [(c, v) for c in columns
                                  for v in]

            # as of SQLAlchemy>=0.4.2 we convert the value to a unicode
            # object if the col is a Unicode or UnicodeText column in order
            # to avoid the "Unicode type received non-unicode bind param"

            def unicol(col, v):
                table = class_mapper(cls)
                if isinstance(table.c[col].type, (Unicode, UnicodeText)):
                    return unicode(v)
                    return v

            table = class_mapper(cls)
            q = search_strategy._session.query(cls)  # prepares SELECT
            q = q.filter(
                    like(table, c, unicol(c, v)) for c, v in column_cross_value

        def replace(i):
                replacement = i.replacement()
                logger.debug('replacing %s by %s in result set' %
                             (i, replacement))
                return replacement
                return i

        result = set([replace(i) for i in result])
        logger.debug("result is now %s" % result)
        if None in result:
            logger.warn('removing None from result set')
            result = set(i for i in result if i is not None)
        return result
    def on_domain_expression(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a domain_expression token.

        Searching using domain expressions is a little more magical
        and queries mapper properties that were passed to add_meta()

        To do a case sensitive search for a specific string use the
        double equals, '=='
        domain, cond, values = tokens
            if domain in self._shorthand:
                domain = self._shorthand[domain]
            cls, properties = self._domains[domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_('Unknown search domain: %s' % domain))

	query = self._session.query(cls)

	# select all objects from the domain
        if values == '*':

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if cond in ('like', 'ilike', 'contains', 'icontains', 'has', 'ihas'):
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], '%%%s%%' % val)
        elif cond == '=':
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], utils.utf8(val))
            condition = lambda col: \
                lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(cond)(val)

        for col in properties:
            ors = or_(*map(condition(col), values))
        return tokens
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, t):
     self.op = t[0][1]
     self.operation = {'>': lambda x, y: x > y,
                       '<': lambda x, y: x < y,
                       '>=': lambda x, y: x >= y,
                       '<=': lambda x, y: x <= y,
                       '=': lambda x, y: x == y,
                       '!=': lambda x, y: x != y,
                       'is': lambda x, y: x is y,
                       'like': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y)
     self.operands = t[0][0::2]  # every second object is an operand
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, t):
        logger.debug("IdentExpressionToken::__init__(%s)" % t)
        self.op = t[0][1]

        def not_implemented_yet(x, y):
            # raise an exception
            raise NotImplementedError

        # cfr: SearchParser.binop
        # = == != <> < <= > >= not like contains has ilike icontains ihas is
        self.operation = {
            "=": lambda x, y: x == y,
            "==": lambda x, y: x == y,
            "is": lambda x, y: x == y,
            "!=": lambda x, y: x != y,
            "<>": lambda x, y: x != y,
            "not": lambda x, y: x != y,
            "<": lambda x, y: x < y,
            "<=": lambda x, y: x <= y,
            ">": lambda x, y: x > y,
            ">=": lambda x, y: x >= y,
            "like": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%s" % y),
            "contains": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%%%s%%" % y),
            "has": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%%%s%%" % y),
            "ilike": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%s" % y),
            "icontains": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%%%s%%" % y),
            "ihas": lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, "%%%s%%" % y),
        self.operands = t[0][0::2]  # every second object is an operand
Beispiel #15
        def plant_get_completions(text):
            # TODO: only return those plants with propagations
            from import Accession
            from import Plant

            query = (
                .filter(utils.ilike(Accession.code, u"%s%%" % text))
                .filter( !=
                .order_by(Accession.code, Plant.code)
            return query
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, t):
     self.op = t[0][1]
     self.operation = {
         '>': lambda x, y: x > y,
         '<': lambda x, y: x < y,
         '>=': lambda x, y: x >= y,
         '<=': lambda x, y: x <= y,
         '=': lambda x, y: x == y,
         '!=': lambda x, y: x != y,
         'is': lambda x, y: x is y,
         'like': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y)
     self.operands = t[0][0::2]  # every second object is an operand
Beispiel #17
    def on_domain_expression(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a domain_expression token.

        Searching using domain expressions is a little more magical
        and queries mapper properties that were passed to add_meta()

        To do a case sensitive search for a specific string use the
        double equals, '=='
        domain, cond, values = tokens
            if domain in self._shorthand:
                domain = self._shorthand[domain]
            cls, properties = self._domains[domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_("Unknown search domain: %s" % domain))

        result_key = self._result_keys[cls]
        query = self._session.query(cls)

        # select all objects from the domain
        if values == "*":
            self._results[result_key] = query.all()

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if cond in ("like", "ilike", "contains", "icontains", "has", "ihas"):
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], "%%%s%%" % val)
        elif cond == "=":
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], val)
            # lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], utils.utf8(val))
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(cond)(val)

        ors = or_(*[condition(prop)(value) for value in values for prop in properties])
        self._results[result_key] = query.filter(ors).all()
Beispiel #18
    def invoke(self, search_strategy):
        Called when the whole search string is a value list.

        Search with a list of values is the broadest search and
        searches all the mapper and the properties configured with

        # make searches case-insensitive, in postgres use ilike,
        # in other use upper()
        like = lambda table, col, val: \
            utils.ilike(table.c[col], ('%%%s%%' % val))

        result = set()
        for cls, columns in search_strategy._properties.iteritems():
            column_cross_value = [(c, v) for c in columns
                                  for v in]
            # as of SQLAlchemy>=0.4.2 we convert the value to a unicode
            # object if the col is a Unicode or UnicodeText column in order
            # to avoid the "Unicode type received non-unicode bind param"

            def unicol(col, v):
                table = class_mapper(cls)
                if isinstance(table.c[col].type, (Unicode, UnicodeText)):
                    return unicode(v)
                    return v

            table = class_mapper(cls)
            q = search_strategy._session.query(cls)  # prepares SELECT
            q = q.filter(or_(*[like(table, c, unicol(c, v))
                               for c, v in column_cross_value]))

        def replace(i):
                replacement = i.replacement()
                logger.debug('replacing %s by %s in result set' %
                             (i, replacement))
                return replacement
                return i
        result = set([replace(i) for i in result])
        logger.debug("result is now %s" % result)
        if None in result:
            logger.warn('removing None from result set')
            result = set(i for i in result if i is not None)
        return result
Beispiel #19
    def invoke(self, search_strategy):
            if self.domain in search_strategy._shorthand:
                self.domain = search_strategy._shorthand[self.domain]
            cls, properties = search_strategy._domains[self.domain]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(_("Unknown search domain: %s") % self.domain)

        query = search_strategy._session.query(cls)

        ## here is the place where to optionally filter out unrepresented
        ## domain values. each domain class should define its own 'I have
        ## accessions' filter. see issue #42

        result = set()

        # select all objects from the domain
        if self.values == "*":
            return result

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)

        if self.cond in ("like", "ilike"):
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], "%s" % val)
        elif self.cond in ("contains", "icontains", "has", "ihas"):
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: utils.ilike(mapper.c[col], "%%%s%%" % val)
        elif self.cond == "=":
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: mapper.c[col] == utils.utf8(val)
            condition = lambda col: lambda val: mapper.c[col].op(self.cond)(val)

        for col in properties:
            ors = or_(*map(condition(col),

        return result
Beispiel #20
    def on_value_list(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a value_list token

        Search with a list of values is the broadest search and
        searches all the mapper and the properties configured with
        # print('values: %s' % tokens)
        # print('  s: %s' % s)
        # print('  loc: %s' % loc)
        # print('  toks: %s' % tokens)

        # make searches case-insensitive, in postgres use ilike,
        # in other use upper()
        like = lambda table, col, val: utils.ilike(table.c[col], ("%%%s%%" % val))

        for cls, columns in self._properties.items():
            q = self._session.query(cls)
            cv = [(c, v) for c in columns for v in tokens]
            mapper = class_mapper(cls)
            q = q.filter(or_(*(like(mapper, c, v) for c, v in cv)))
            self._results[self._result_keys[cls]] = q.all()
    def on_query(self, s, loc, tokens):
        Called when the parser hits a query token.

        Queries can use more database specific features.  This also
        means that the same query might not work the same on different
        database types. For example, on a PostgreSQL database you can
        use ilike but this would raise an error on SQLite.
        # The method requires that the underlying database support
        # union and intersect. At the time of writing this MySQL
        # didn't.

        # TODO: support 'not' a boolean op as well, e.g sp where
        # genus.genus=Maxillaria and not
        domain, expr = tokens
        check(domain in self._domains or domain in self._shorthand,
              'Unknown search domain: %s' % domain)
        if domain in self._shorthand:
            domain = self._shorthand[domain]
        cls = self._domains[domain][0]
        main_query = self._session.query(cls)
        mapper = class_mapper(cls)
        expr_iter = iter(expr)
        boolop = None
        for e in expr_iter:
            idents, cond, val = e
            # debug('cls: %s, idents: %s, cond: %s, val: %s'
            #       % (cls.__name__, idents, cond, val))
            if val == 'None':
                val = None
            if cond == 'is':
                cond = '='
            elif cond == 'is not':
                cond = '!='
            elif cond in ('ilike', 'icontains', 'ihas'):
                cond = lambda col: \
                    lambda val: utils.ilike(col, '%s' % val)

            if len(idents) == 1:
                # we get here when the idents only refer to a property
                # on the mapper table..i.e. a column
                col = idents[0]
                msg = _('The %(tablename)s table does not have a '\
                       'column named "%(columname)s"') % \
                check(col in mapper.c, msg)
                if isinstance(cond, str):
                    clause = getattr(cls, col).op(cond)(utils.utf8(val))
                    clause = cond(getattr(cls, col))(utils.utf8(val))
                query = self._session.query(cls).filter(clause).order_by(None)
                # we get here when the idents refer to a relation on a
                # mapper/table
                relations = idents[:-1]
                col = idents[-1]
                query = self._session.query(cls)
                query = query.join(*relations)

                # NOTE: SA07 - this depends on Query._joinpoint not changing,
                # it changed in SA05 which broke this
                local_table = query._joinpoint['prev'][0][1].local_table
                if isinstance(cond, str):
                    clause = local_table.c[col].op(cond)(utils.utf8(val))
                    clause = cond(local_table.c[col])(utils.utf8(val))
                query = query.filter(clause).order_by(None)

            if boolop == 'or':
                main_query = main_query.union(query)
            elif boolop == 'and':
                main_query = main_query.intersect(query)
                main_query = query

                boolop =
            except StopIteration:

 def sp_get_completions(text):
     query = self.session.query(Species).join('genus').\
         filter(utils.ilike(Genus.genus, '%s%%' % text)).\
         filter( !=\
         order_by(Genus.genus, Species.sp)
     return query
 def gen_get_completions(text):
     clause = utils.ilike(Genus.genus, '%s%%' % unicode(text))
     return self.session.query(Genus).filter(clause).\
Beispiel #24
 def sp_get_completions(text):
     query = self.session.query(Species).join('genus').\
         filter(utils.ilike(Genus.genus, '%s%%' % text)).\
         filter( !=\
         order_by(Genus.genus, Species.sp)
     return query
Beispiel #25
 def gen_get_completions(text):
     clause = utils.ilike(Genus.genus, '%s%%' % unicode(text))
     return self.session.query(Genus).filter(clause).\
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, t):
        logger.debug('IdentExpressionToken::__init__(%s)' % t)
        self.op = t[0][1]

        def not_implemented_yet(x, y):
            # raise an exception
            raise NotImplementedError

        # cfr: SearchParser.binop
        # = == != <> < <= > >= not like contains has ilike icontains ihas is
        self.operation = {'=': lambda x, y: x == y,
                          '==': lambda x, y: x == y,
                          'is': lambda x, y: x == y,
                          '!=': lambda x, y: x != y,
                          '<>': lambda x, y: x != y,
                          'not': lambda x, y: x != y,
                          '<': lambda x, y: x < y,
                          '<=': lambda x, y: x <= y,
                          '>': lambda x, y: x > y,
                          '>=': lambda x, y: x >= y,
                          'like': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y),
                          'contains': not_implemented_yet,
                          'has': not_implemented_yet,
                          'ilike': lambda x, y: utils.ilike(x, '%s' % y),
                          'icontains': not_implemented_yet,
                          'ihas': not_implemented_yet,
        self.operands = t[0][0::2]  # every second object is an operand