def test_log_post_pred():

    # Data generated with np.random.seed(2); np.random.rand(11, 4)
    X = np.array([[0.4359949, 0.02592623, 0.54966248, 0.43532239],
                  [0.4203678, 0.33033482, 0.20464863, 0.61927097],
                  [0.29965467, 0.26682728, 0.62113383, 0.52914209],
                  [0.13457995, 0.51357812, 0.18443987, 0.78533515],
                  [0.85397529, 0.49423684, 0.84656149, 0.07964548],
                  [0.50524609, 0.0652865, 0.42812233, 0.09653092],
                  [0.12715997, 0.59674531, 0.226012, 0.10694568],
                  [0.22030621, 0.34982629, 0.46778748, 0.20174323],
                  [0.64040673, 0.48306984, 0.50523672, 0.38689265],
                  [0.79363745, 0.58000418, 0.1622986, 0.70075235],
                  [0.96455108, 0.50000836, 0.88952006, 0.34161365]])
    N, D = X.shape

    # Setup densities
    m_0 = X.mean(axis=0)
    k_0 = 0.05
    v_0 = D + 10
    S_0 = 0.5 * np.ones(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X, prior, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, -1])
    expected_log_post_pred = log_post_pred_unvectorized(gmm, 10)

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred(10), expected_log_post_pred)
def test_log_marg_k():


    # Generate data
    D = 10
    N_1 = 10
    X_1 = 5 * np.random.rand(N_1, D) - 1

    # Prior
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # Setup GMM
    assignments = np.concatenate([np.zeros(N_1)])
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X_1, prior, assignments=assignments)

    # Calculate marginal for component by hand
    k_N = k_0 + N_1
    v_N = v_0 + N_1
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N_1 * X_1.mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(X_1).sum(
        axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_log_marg = (-N_1 * D / 2. * math.log(np.pi) +
                         D / 2. * math.log(k_0) - D / 2. * math.log(k_N) +
                         v_0 / 2. * np.log(S_0).sum() -
                         v_N / 2. * np.log(S_N).sum() + D *
                         (gammaln(v_N / 2.) - gammaln(v_0 / 2.)))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_marg_k(0), expected_log_marg)
def test_3component_with_delete_post_pred_k():


    # Generate data
    D = 10
    N_1 = 10
    N_2 = 5
    N_3 = 5
    X = 5 * np.random.rand(N_1 + N_2 + N_3, D) - 1
    X_1 = X[:N_1]
    X_2 = X[N_1:N_1 + N_2]
    X_3 = X[N_1 + N_2:]

    # Prior
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # Setup GMM
    assignments = np.concatenate(
        [np.zeros(N_1), np.ones(N_2), 2 * np.ones(N_3)])
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X, prior, assignments=assignments)

    # Remove everything from component 2
    for i in range(N_1, N_1 + N_2):

    # Calculate posterior for first component by hand
    x_1 = X_1[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N_1
    v_N = v_0 + N_1
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N_1 * X_1.mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(X_1).sum(
        axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x_1[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x_1))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(0, 0), expected_posterior)

    # Calculate posterior for second component by hand
    x_1 = X_3[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N_3
    v_N = v_0 + N_3
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N_3 * X_3.mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(X_3).sum(
        axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x_1[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x_1))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(N_1 + N_2, 1),
def test_log_post_pred_k():


    # Prior
    D = 10
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # Data
    N = 12
    X = 5 * np.random.rand(N, D) - 1

    # Setup GMM
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X, prior)
    for i in range(N):
        gmm.add_item(i, 0)

    # Calculate posterior by hand
    x = X[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N
    v_N = v_0 + N
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N * X[:N].mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(
        X[:N]).sum(axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(0, 0), expected_posterior)
def test_2component_post_pred_k():


    # Generate data
    D = 10
    N_1 = 10
    N_2 = 5
    X = 5 * np.random.rand(N_1 + N_2, D) - 1
    X_1 = X[:N_1]
    X_2 = X[N_1:]

    # Prior
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # Setup GMM
    assignments = np.concatenate([np.zeros(N_1), np.ones(N_2)])
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X, prior, assignments=assignments)

    # Remove one item (as additional check)
    gmm.del_item(N_1 + N_2 - 1)
    X_2 = X_2[:-1]
    N_2 -= 1

    # Calculate posterior for first component by hand
    x_1 = X_1[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N_1
    v_N = v_0 + N_1
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N_1 * X_1.mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(X_1).sum(
        axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x_1[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x_1))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(0, 0), expected_posterior)

    # Calculate posterior for second component by hand
    x_1 = X_2[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N_2
    v_N = v_0 + N_2
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N_2 * X_2.mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(X_2).sum(
        axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x_1[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x_1))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(N_1, 1), expected_posterior)
Beispiel #6
def main():

    # Load data
    X = pickle.load(open(data_fn, "rb"))
    N, D = X.shape

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 4  # number of components
    mu_scale = 3.0
    covar_scale = 1.0

    # Sampling parameters
    n_runs = 2
    n_iter = 12

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    #  Initialize component assignment: this is not random for testing purposes
    z = np.array([i * np.ones(N / K) for i in range(K)],

    # Setup FBGMM
    fbgmm = FBGMM(X, prior, alpha, K, assignments=z)
    print("Initial log marginal prob:", fbgmm.log_marg())

    # Perform several Gibbs sampling runs and average the log marginals
    log_margs = np.zeros(n_iter)
    for j in range(n_runs):
        # Perform Gibbs sampling
        record = fbgmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)
        log_margs += record["log_marg"]
    log_margs /= n_runs

    # Plot results
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plot_mixture_model(ax, fbgmm)
    for k in range(fbgmm.components.K):
        mu, sigma = fbgmm.components.rand_k(k)
        plot_ellipse(ax, mu, sigma)

    # Plot log probability
    plt.plot(list(range(n_iter)), log_margs)
    plt.ylabel("Log prob")
Beispiel #7
def gmm(X,
    N, D = X.shape

    # Initialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.ones(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup FBGMM
    fbgmm = FBGMM(X, prior, alpha, K, "rand")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = fbgmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    K = fbgmm.components.K

    mus = np.zeros(shape=(K, D))
    covars = [np.zeros((D, D)) for i in range(0, K)]
    for k in range(fbgmm.components.K):
        mu, var = fbgmm.components.rand_k(k)
        mus[k, :] = mu
        covars[k] = np.diag(var)

    # Generate new points for posterior predictive check
    # Generate the same number of points as N
    if posterior_predictive_check:
        rstate = 1
        alphas = (alpha / K) + fbgmm.components.counts
        pis = dirichlet.rvs(alphas, random_state=rstate)[0]
        Z = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint32)
        X = np.zeros((N, D))
        for n in range(N):
            Z[n] = np.floor(np.argmax(multinomial(1, pis)))
            X[n] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mus[Z[n]], cov=covars[Z[n]])

        return fbgmm.components.assignments, mus, (X, Z)

    return fbgmm.components.assignments, mus
def test_log_post_pred_k():

    # Setup densities
    prior = NIW(m_0=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), k_0=2., v_0=5., S_0=5. * np.eye(2))
    gmm = GaussianComponents(np.array([[1.2, 0.9], [-0.1, 0.8], [0.5, 0.4]]),

    # Add data vectors to a single component
    gmm.add_item(0, 0)
    gmm.add_item(1, 0)

    # Calculate log predictave
    lp = gmm.log_post_pred_k(2, 0)

    lp_expected = -2.07325364088
    npt.assert_almost_equal(lp, lp_expected)
Beispiel #9
def main():

    # Data parameters
    D = 2  # dimensions
    N = 100  # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4  # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 3  # initial number of components
    n_iter = 20

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true) * mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N) * covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.ones(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup IGMM
    igmm = IGMM(X,
    # igmm = IGMM(X, prior, alpha, assignments="one-by-one", K=K)

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = igmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    # Plot results
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plot_mixture_model(ax, igmm)
    for k in xrange(igmm.components.K):
        mu, sigma = igmm.components.rand_k(k)
        plot_ellipse(ax, mu, np.diag(sigma))
Beispiel #10
def test_sampling_2d_assignments():


    # Data parameters
    D = 2           # dimensions
    N = 100         # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4      # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 3           # number of components
    n_iter = 10

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true)*mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N)*covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2/mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2*v_0*np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup FBGMM
    fbgmm = FBGMM(X, prior, alpha, K, "rand")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = fbgmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    assignments_expected = np.array([
        0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
        2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2,
        0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1,
        2, 0, 0, 2
    assignments = fbgmm.components.assignments

    npt.assert_array_equal(assignments, assignments_expected)
def test_del_item():


    # Prior
    D = 10
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # Data
    N = 12
    X = 5 * np.random.rand(N, D) - 1

    # Setup GMM
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(X, prior)
    for i in range(N):
        gmm.add_item(i, 0)

    # Remove 5 random items
    del_items = set(np.random.randint(1, N, size=5))
    for i in del_items:
    indices = list(set(range(N)).difference(del_items))

    # Calculate posterior by hand
    X = X[indices]
    N, _ = X.shape
    x = X[0]
    k_N = k_0 + N
    v_N = v_0 + N
    m_N = (k_0 * m_0 + N * X[:N].mean(axis=0)) / k_N
    S_N = S_0 + np.square(
        X[:N]).sum(axis=0) + k_0 * np.square(m_0) - k_N * np.square(m_N)
    var = S_N * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N)
    expected_posterior = np.sum([
        students_t(x[i], m_N[i], S_N[i] * (k_N + 1) / (k_N * v_N), v_N)
        for i in range(len(x))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_post_pred_k(0, 0), expected_posterior)
def test_log_prior_3d():

    # Data
    X = np.array([[-0.3406, -0.0593, -0.0686]])
    N, D = X.shape

    # Setup densities
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = 0.05
    v_0 = D + 1
    S_0 = 0.001 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)
    gmm = GaussianComponents(X, prior)

    # Calculate log predictave under prior alone
    lp = gmm.log_prior(0)

    lp_expected = -0.472067277015
    npt.assert_almost_equal(lp, lp_expected)
Beispiel #13
def test_sampling_2d_log_marg_deleted_components():


    # Data parameters
    D = 2           # dimensions
    N = 10          # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4      # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 6           # number of components
    n_iter = 1

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true)*mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N)*covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2/mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2*v_0*np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup FBGMM
    fbgmm = FBGMM(X, prior, alpha, K, "rand")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = fbgmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    expected_log_marg = -60.1448630929
    log_marg = fbgmm.log_marg()


    npt.assert_almost_equal(log_marg, expected_log_marg)
Beispiel #14
def main():

    # Data parameters
    D = 2  # dimensions
    N = 100  # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4  # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 4  # number of components
    n_iter = 20

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true) * mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N) * covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup FBGMM
    fbgmm = FBGMM(X, prior, alpha, K, "rand")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = fbgmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    # Plot results
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plot_mixture_model(ax, fbgmm)
    for k in range(fbgmm.components.K):
        # mu, sigma =
        mu, sigma = fbgmm.components.rand_k(k)
        plot_ellipse(ax, mu, sigma)
Beispiel #15
def test_sampling_2d_log_marg_deleted_components():


    # Data parameters
    D = 2  # dimensions
    N = 5  # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4  # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 3  # initial number of components
    n_iter = 1

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true) * mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N) * covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup IGMM
    igmm = IGMM(X, prior, alpha, assignments="each-in-own")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = igmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    expected_log_marg = -30.771535771
    log_marg = igmm.log_marg()

    npt.assert_almost_equal(log_marg, expected_log_marg)
def test_map():

    # Setup densities
    prior = NIW(m_0=np.array([0.0, 0.0]),
                S_0=5.0 * np.eye(2))
    gmm = GaussianComponents(np.array([[1.2, 0.9], [-0.1, 0.8]]), prior)
    gmm.add_item(0, 0)
    gmm.add_item(1, 0)

    mu_expected = np.array([0.275, 0.425])
    sigma_expected = np.array([[0.55886364, 0.04840909],
                               [0.04840909, 0.52068182]])

    # Calculate the posterior MAP of the parameters
    mu, sigma =

    npt.assert_almost_equal(mu, mu_expected)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(sigma, sigma_expected)
Beispiel #17
def test_sampling_2d_assignments_deleted_components():


    # Data parameters
    D = 2  # dimensions
    N = 20  # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4  # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 3  # initial number of components
    n_iter = 1

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true) * mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N) * covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = 5
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup IGMM
    igmm = IGMM(X, prior, alpha, assignments="each-in-own")

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = igmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    assignments_expected = np.array(
        [5, 2, 4, 3, 2, 7, 2, 7, 1, 0, 4, 6, 4, 1, 6, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0])
    assignments = igmm.components.assignments

    npt.assert_array_equal(assignments, assignments_expected)
def test_log_marg_k():

    # Data
    X = np.array([[-0.3406, -0.3593, -0.0686], [-0.3381, 0.2993, 0.925],
                  [-0.5, -0.101, 0.75]])
    N, D = X.shape

    # Setup densities
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = 0.05
    v_0 = D + 3
    S_0 = 0.5 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)
    gmm = GaussianComponents(X, prior, [0, 0, 0])

    log_marg_expected = -8.42365141729

    # Calculate log marginal of data
    log_marg = gmm.log_marg_k(0)

    npt.assert_almost_equal(log_marg, log_marg_expected)
Beispiel #19
def test_sampling_2d_log_marg():


    # Data parameters
    D = 2  # dimensions
    N = 100  # number of points to generate
    K_true = 4  # the true number of components

    # Model parameters
    alpha = 1.
    K = 3  # initial number of components
    n_iter = 10

    # Generate data
    mu_scale = 4.0
    covar_scale = 0.7
    z_true = np.random.randint(0, K_true, N)
    mu = np.random.randn(D, K_true) * mu_scale
    X = mu[:, z_true] + np.random.randn(D, N) * covar_scale
    X = X.T

    # Intialize prior
    m_0 = np.zeros(D)
    k_0 = covar_scale**2 / mu_scale**2
    v_0 = 5
    S_0 = covar_scale**2 * v_0 * np.eye(D)
    prior = NIW(m_0, k_0, v_0, S_0)

    # Setup IGMM
    igmm = IGMM(X, prior, alpha, K=K)

    # Perform Gibbs sampling
    record = igmm.gibbs_sample(n_iter)

    expected_log_marg = -411.811711231
    log_marg = igmm.log_marg()

    npt.assert_almost_equal(log_marg, expected_log_marg)
def test_log_prod_students_t():


    # Prior
    D = 10
    m_0 = 5 * np.random.rand(D) - 2
    k_0 = np.random.randint(15)
    v_0 = D + np.random.randint(5)
    S_0 = 2 * np.random.rand(D) + 3
    prior = NIW(m_0=m_0, k_0=k_0, v_0=v_0, S_0=S_0)

    # GMM we will use to access `_log_prod_students_t`
    x = 3 * np.random.rand(D) + 4
    gmm = GaussianComponentsDiag(np.array([x]), prior)

    expected_prior = np.sum([
        students_t(x[i], m_0[i], S_0[i] * (k_0 + 1) / (k_0 * v_0), v_0)
        for i in range(len(x))

    npt.assert_almost_equal(gmm.log_prior(0), expected_prior)