Beispiel #1
def test_int_id_to_binary():
    """Test conversion of integer id representation to binary array representation."""
    bit_arr = int_id_to_binary(8)
    assert np.all(bit_arr == np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],

    bit_arr = int_id_to_binary(4095)
    assert np.all(bit_arr == np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

    beeid_digits = 12
    # test setting of single bits
    expected_result = np.zeros((beeid_digits, beeid_digits), int)
    np.fill_diagonal(expected_result, 1)
    expected_result = np.fliplr(expected_result)

    result = np.zeros_like(expected_result)
    for i in range(0, beeid_digits):
        result[i] = int_id_to_binary(2**i, nb_bits=beeid_digits)

    assert np.array_equal(result, expected_result)

    # correct conversion of all integers in range
    for i in range(0, 2**beeid_digits):
        bit_array = int_id_to_binary(i, nb_bits=beeid_digits)
        assert beeid_digits == len(bit_array)
        assert i == sum([m * 2**n for (n, m) in enumerate(bit_array[::-1])])

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception_information:  # to big value
        bit_arr = int_id_to_binary(8096)
    assert 'overflows' in str(exception_information.value)
def score_ids_best_fit(ids1, ids2, length=12):
    """Compares two lists of ids by choosing the pair with the best score.

    .. deprecated:: September 2016
        This scoring is used with data from the *old* Computer Vision Pipeline.

        ids1 (:obj:`list` of int): Iterable with ids as integers as base ids
        ids2 (:obj:`list` of int): Iterable with ids as integers to compare base to

    Keyword Arguments:
        length (Optional int): number of bits in the bit array used to compare ids

        float: Uses Hamming distance of best matching pair
    assert len(ids1) > 0
    assert len(ids2) > 0
    ids1, ids2 = set(ids1), set(ids2)

    # best case: we already have the same ids in both sets
    if ids1 & ids2:
        return 0

    best_score = float("inf")
    for id1 in ids1:
        id1 = int_id_to_binary(id1, nb_bits=length)
        for id2 in ids2:
            id2 = int_id_to_binary(id2, nb_bits=length)
            test_score = hamming(id1, id2)
            if test_score < best_score:
                best_score = test_score
    return best_score
Beispiel #3
def test_int_id_to_binary(int_bin_mapping):
    """Test conversion of integer id representation to binary array representation."""
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert np.all(int_id_to_binary(int_repr) == bin_repr)

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception_information:  # to big value
    assert 'overflows' in str(exception_information.value)
def test_int_id_to_binary(int_bin_mapping):
    """Test conversion of integer id representation to binary array representation."""
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert np.all(int_id_to_binary(int_repr) == bin_repr)

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception_information:  # to big value
    assert 'overflows' in str(exception_information.value)
def score_ids_and_orientation(id_orientation_tuple1,
    """Compares lists of ids by choosing the pair with the best score and considering orientation.

    The bonus is equal to the negative score of one non matching bit.

    .. deprecated:: September 2016
        This scoring is used with data from the *old* Computer Vision Pipeline.

        id_orientation_tuple1 (tuple): (Iterable with ids, Iterable with orientations)
        id_orientation_tuple2 (tuple): (Iterable with ids, Iterable with orientations)

    Keyword Arguments:
        length (int): number of bits in the bit array used to compare ids
        range_bonus_orientation (float): range in degrees, so that two orientations get a bonus

        float: Uses Hamming distance of best matching pair with bonus for same orientation
    ids1, orientations1 = id_orientation_tuple1
    ids2, orientations2 = id_orientation_tuple2
    assert len(ids1) > 0
    assert len(ids2) > 0
    assert len(ids1) == len(orientations1)
    assert len(ids2) == len(orientations2)

    # best case: we already have the same ids in both sets
    if set(ids1) & set(ids2):
        return 0

    best_score = float("inf")
    for id1, or1 in zip(ids1, orientations1):
        id1 = int_id_to_binary(id1, nb_bits=length)
        for id2, or2 in zip(ids2, orientations2):
            id2 = int_id_to_binary(id2, nb_bits=length)
            # bonus for orientation
            orientation_score = 0.0
            if distance_orientations(or1, or2) <= range_bonus_orientation:
                orientation_score = -1. / length
            test_score = hamming(id1, id2) + orientation_score
            if test_score < best_score:
                best_score = test_score
                if best_score <= 0:
                    return best_score
    return best_score
Beispiel #6
def run(gt_file,
    Converts bb_binary ground truth Cap'n Proto files to hdf5 files and
    extracts the corresponding rois from videos or images.
    def get_filenames(f):
        if f is None:
            return []
            return [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]

    gen_factory = FrameGeneratorFactory(get_filenames(videos),
    if os.path.exists(output):

    distribution = DistributionCollection([('bits', Bernoulli(), nb_bits)])
    dset = DistributionHDF5Dataset(output, distribution)
    camIdxs = []
    periods = []
    for fname in gt_file:
        fc = load_frame_container(fname)
        camIdx, start_dt, end_dt = parse_video_fname(fname)
        if fix_utc_2014 and start_dt.year == 2014:
            start_dt -= timedelta(hours=2)
        gt_frames = []
        gen = gen_factory.get_generator(camIdx, start_dt)
        for frame, (video_frame, video_filename) in zip(fc.frames, gen):
            gt = {}
            np_frame = convert_frame_to_numpy(frame)
            rois, mask, positions = extract_gt_rois(np_frame, video_frame,
            for name in np_frame.dtype.names:
                gt[name] = np_frame[name][mask]
            bits = [int_id_to_binary(id)[::-1] for id in gt["decodedId"]]
            gt["bits"] = 2 * np.array(bits, dtype=np.float) - 1
            gt["tags"] = 2 * (rois / 255.).astype(np.float16) - 1
            gt['filename'] = os.path.basename(video_filename)
            gt['camIdx'] = camIdx
            print('.', end='', flush=True)
        gt_period = GTPeriod(camIdx, start_dt, end_dt, fname, gt_frames)

        append_gt_to_hdf5(gt_period, dset)

    dset.attrs['periods'] = np.array(periods)
    dset.attrs['camIdxs'] = np.array(camIdxs)
    visualize_detection_tiles(dset, os.path.splitext(output)[0])
def score_ids_best_fit_rotating(ids1, ids2, rotation_penalty=1, length=12):
    """Compares two lists of ids by choosing the pair best score by rotating the bits.

    .. deprecated:: September 2016
        This scoring is used with data from the *old* Computer Vision Pipeline.

        ids1 (:obj:`list` of int): Iterable with ids as integers as base ids
        ids2 (:obj:`list` of int): Iterable with ids as integers to compare base to

    Keyword Arguments:
        rotation_penalty (Optional float): the penalty that is added for a rotation
            of 1 to the left or right
        length (Optional int): number of bits in the bit array used to compare ids

        float: Uses Hamming distance of best matching (rotated) pair
    assert len(ids1) > 0
    assert len(ids2) > 0

    # best case: we already have the same ids in both sets
    if set(ids1) & set(ids2):
        return 0

    rotation_penalty = float(rotation_penalty) / length
    best_score = float("inf")
    for id1 in ids1:
        id1 = int_id_to_binary(id1, nb_bits=length)
        for id2 in ids2:
            id2 = int_id_to_binary(id2, nb_bits=length)
            # rotate left and right
            for direction in [-1, 1]:
                for i in range(int(math.ceil(float(length / 2))) + 1):
                    if i * rotation_penalty >= best_score:
                    test_score = hamming(id1, np.roll(
                        id2, direction * i)) + i * rotation_penalty
                    if test_score < best_score:
                        best_score = test_score
                        if best_score <= 0:
                            return best_score

    return best_score
def test_binary_id_to_int(int_bin_mapping):
    """Test conversion of binary array representation to interger id."""
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr) == int_repr

    # test with floats
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr / 2) == int_repr

    # change endianess
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        bin_repr = bin_repr[::-1]
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr / 2, endian='little') == int_repr

    # different threshold
    bit_array = np.arange(0, 1.2, 0.1)
    assert len(bit_array) == 12
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array))) == 12 - 5
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array, threshold=0))) == 12
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array, threshold=1))) == 2
def test_bit_array_to_int_v():
    """Tests the conversion of bit arrays to integers (vectorized)."""
    expected_ids, detections = [], []
    for i in range(2**12):
        detections.append(make_detection(beeid=int_id_to_binary(i)[::-1] / 2))

    calculated_ids = bit_array_to_int_v(detections)
    assert len(expected_ids) == len(calculated_ids)
    assert set(expected_ids) == set(calculated_ids)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        bit_array_to_int_v([make_detection(beeid=[1] * 13)])
Beispiel #10
def test_binary_id_to_int(int_bin_mapping):
    """Test conversion of binary array representation to interger id."""
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr) == int_repr

    # test with floats
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr / 2) == int_repr

    # change endianess
    for int_repr, bin_repr in int_bin_mapping:
        bin_repr = bin_repr[::-1]
        assert binary_id_to_int(bin_repr / 2, endian='little') == int_repr

    # different threshold
    bit_array = np.arange(0, 1.2, 0.1)
    assert len(bit_array) == 12
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array))) == 12 - 5
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array,
                                                    threshold=0))) == 12
    assert np.sum(int_id_to_binary(binary_id_to_int(bit_array,
                                                    threshold=1))) == 2
Beispiel #11
def run(bb_gt_files, video_dir, image_dir, visualize_debug, force, output):
    Converts bb_binary ground truth Cap'n Proto files to hdf5 files and
    extracts the corresponding rois from videos or images.
    gen_factory = FrameGeneratorFactory(video_dir, image_dir)
    if force and os.path.exists(output):
    dset = HDF5Dataset(output)
    camIdxs = []
    periods = []
    for fname in bb_gt_files:
        fc = load_frame_container(fname)
        camIdx, start_dt, end_dt = parse_video_fname(fname)
        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        gt_frames = []
        gen = gen_factory.get_generator(camIdx, start_dt)
        first = True
        for frame, (video_frame, video_filename) in zip(fc.frames, gen):
            gt = {}
            np_frame = convert_frame_to_numpy(frame)
            rois, mask, positions = extract_gt_rois(np_frame, video_frame,
            for name in np_frame.dtype.names:
                gt[name] = np_frame[name][mask]
            gt["bits"] = np.array(
                [int_id_to_binary(id)[::-1] for id in gt["decodedId"]])
            gt["tags"] = rois
            gt['filename'] = os.path.basename(video_filename)
            if first and visualize_debug:
                visualize_detections(gt, positions, video_frame)
                first = False

            print('.', end='')
        gt_period = GTPeriod(camIdx, start_dt, end_dt, fname, gt_frames)

        append_gt_to_hdf5(gt_period, dset)

    dset.attrs['periods'] = np.array(periods)
    dset.attrs['camIdxs'] = np.array(camIdxs)
Beispiel #12
def run(bb_gt_files, video_dir, image_dir, visualize_debug, force, output):
    Converts bb_binary ground truth Cap'n Proto files to hdf5 files and
    extracts the corresponding rois from videos or images.
    gen_factory = FrameGeneratorFactory(video_dir, image_dir)
    if force and os.path.exists(output):
    dset = HDF5Dataset(output)
    camIdxs = []
    periods = []
    for fname in bb_gt_files:
        fc = load_frame_container(fname)
        camIdx, start_dt, end_dt = parse_video_fname(fname)
        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        gt_frames = []
        gen = gen_factory.get_generator(camIdx, start_dt)
        first = True
        for frame, (video_frame, video_filename) in zip(fc.frames, gen):
            gt = {}
            np_frame = convert_frame_to_numpy(frame)
            rois, mask, positions = extract_gt_rois(np_frame, video_frame, start_dt)
            for name in np_frame.dtype.names:
                gt[name] = np_frame[name][mask]
            gt["bits"] = np.array([int_id_to_binary(id)[::-1] for id in gt["decodedId"]])
            gt["tags"] = rois
            gt['filename'] = os.path.basename(video_filename)
            if first and visualize_debug:
                visualize_detections(gt, positions, video_frame)
                first = False

            print('.', end='')
        gt_period = GTPeriod(camIdx, start_dt, end_dt, fname, gt_frames)

        periods.append([int(gt_period.start.timestamp()), int(gt_period.end.timestamp())])
        append_gt_to_hdf5(gt_period, dset)

    dset.attrs['periods'] = np.array(periods)
    dset.attrs['camIdxs'] = np.array(camIdxs)