Beispiel #1
def main(dsList, dimsOfInterest, outputdir, info='', verbose=True):
    """Generate a table of ratio ERT/ERTbest vs target precision.
    1 table per dimension will be generated.

    Rank-sum tests table on "Final Data Points" for only one algorithm.
    that is, for example, using 1/#fevals(ftarget) if ftarget was
    reached and -f_final otherwise as input for the rank-sum test, where
    obviously the larger the better.

    #TODO: check that it works for any reference algorithm?
    #in the following the reference algorithm is the one given in
    #bestalg.bestalgentries which is the virtual best of BBOB
    dictDim = dsList.dictByDim()
    if info:
        info = '_' + info
        # insert a separator between the default file name and the additional
        # information string.

    dims = set(dictDim.keys())
    if not bestalg.bestalgentries2009:
    if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
        header = [r'\#FEs/D']
        for i in targetsOfInterest.labels():
                      % i) 

        header = [r'$\Delta f$']
        for i in targetsOfInterest.target_values:
                      % (int(np.log10(i))))

    for d in dimsOfInterest:
        table = [header]
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
            dictFunc = dictDim[d].dictByFunc()
        except KeyError:
        funcs = set(dictFunc.keys())
        nbtests = float(len(funcs)) # #funcs tests times one algorithm

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            bestalgentry = bestalg.bestalgentries2009[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targetsOfInterest((f,d)))
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest((f,d)))
            if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
                #write ftarget:fevals
                for i in xrange(len(bestalgdata[:-1])):
                    temp="%.1e" %targetsOfInterest((f,d))[i]
                    if temp[-2]=="0":
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textit{%s}:%s \quad}'
                                   % (temp,writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[i], 2)))
                temp="%.1e" %targetsOfInterest((f,d))[-1]
                if temp[-2]=="0":
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{\textit{%s}:%s }'
                               % (temp,writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))) 
                # write #fevals of the reference alg
                for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s \quad}'
                                   % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))
                               % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))

            # write the success ratio for the reference alg
            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = np.sum(np.isnan(tmp) == False) # count the nb of success
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))


            # generate all data for ranksum test
            assert len(dictFunc[f]) == 1
            entry = dictFunc[f][0] # take the first element
            ertdata = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest((f, d)))

            testresbestvs1 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entry,
                                              targetsOfInterest((f, d)))

            #for nb, entry in enumerate(entries):
            #curline = [r'\algshort\hspace*{\fill}']
            curline = ['']
            #data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
            evals = entry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest((f,d)))
            dispersion = []
            data = []
            for i in evals:
                succ = (np.isnan(i) == False)
                tmp = i.copy()
                tmp[succ==False] = entry.maxevals[np.isnan(i)]
                # TODO: what is the difference between data and ertdata? 
                data.append(toolsstats.sp(tmp, issuccessful=succ)[0])
                #if not any(succ):
                if any(succ):
                    tmp2 = toolsstats.drawSP(tmp[succ], tmp[succ==False],
                                            (10, 50, 90), samplesize)[0]
                    dispersion.append((tmp2[-1] - tmp2[0]) / 2.)
            assert data == ertdata
            for i, ert in enumerate(data):
                alignment = 'c'
                if i == len(data) - 1: # last element
                    alignment = 'c|'

                nbstars = 0
                z, p = testresbestvs1[i]
                if ert - bestalgdata[i] < 0. and not np.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                    evals = entry.detEvals([targetsOfInterest((f,d))[i]])[0] 
                    evals[np.isnan(evals)] = entry.maxevals[np.isnan(evals)]
                    bestevals = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetsOfInterest((f,d))[i]])
                    bestevals, bestalgalg = (bestevals[0][0], bestevals[1][0])
                    bestevals[np.isnan(bestevals)] = bestalgentry.maxevals[bestalgalg][np.isnan(bestevals)]
                    evals = np.array(sorted(evals))[0:min(len(evals), len(bestevals))]
                    bestevals = np.array(sorted(bestevals))[0:min(len(evals), len(bestevals))]

                #The conditions for significance are now that ERT < ERT_best and
                # all(sorted(FEvals_best) > sorted(FEvals_current)).
                if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and ert - bestalgdata[i] < 0.
                    and z < 0.
                    and (np.isinf(bestalgdata[i])
                         or all(evals < bestevals))):
                    nbstars = -np.ceil(np.log10(nbtests * p))
                isBold = False
                if nbstars > 0:
                    isBold = True

                if np.isinf(bestalgdata[i]): # if the best did not solve the problem
                    tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(float(ert), 2)
                    if not np.isinf(ert):
                        tmp = r'\textit{%s}' % (tmp)
                        if isBold:
                            tmp = r'\textbf{%s}' % tmp

                    tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                  % (alignment, tmp))
                    # Formatting
                    tmp = float(ert) / bestalgdata[i]
                    assert not np.isnan(tmp)
                    tableentry = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmp, 2)

                    if np.isinf(tmp) and i == len(data)-1:
                        tableentry = (tableentry
                                      + r'\textit{%s}' % writeFEvals2(np.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                        if isBold:
                            tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                        elif 11 < 3: # and significance0vs1 < 0:
                            tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                        tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                      % (alignment, tableentry))
                    elif tableentry.find('e') > -1 or (np.isinf(tmp) and i != len(data) - 1):
                        if isBold:
                            tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                        elif 11 < 3: # and significance0vs1 < 0:
                            tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                        tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                      % (alignment, tableentry))
                        tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                        if isBold:
                            tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                        elif 11 < 3: # and significance0vs1 < 0:
                            tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                        tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                        if len(tmp) == 1:
                            tableentry += '&'

                superscript = ''

                if nbstars > 0:
                    #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                    if z > 0:
                        superscript = r'\uparrow' #* nbstars
                        superscript = r'\downarrow' #* nbstars
                        # print z, linebest[i], line1
                    if nbstars > 1:
                        superscript += str(int(min((9, nbstars))))
                        # superscript += str(int(nbstars))

                #if superscript or significance0vs1:
                    #s = ''
                    #if significance0vs1 > 0:
                       #s = '\star'
                    #if significance0vs1 > 1:
                       #s += str(significance0vs1)
                    #s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'

                    #if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                        #tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                        #tableentry += s

                if dispersion[i]:
                    if not np.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                        tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                        tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i], 1)
                    tableentry += (r'${\scriptscriptstyle(%s)}$' % tmp)

                if superscript:
                    s = r'$^{' + superscript + r'}$'

                    if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                        tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                        tableentry += s


                #if dispersion[i] is None or np.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                    #tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 2)
                    #curline.append('(%s)' % tmp)

            tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                tmp = tmp[0]
                curline.append('%d' % np.sum(np.isnan(tmp) == False))
            except IndexError:
                curline.append('%d' % 0)
            curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())

        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'pptable_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
            spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{ }r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
            spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        #res = r'\providecommand{\algshort}{%s}' % alg1 + '\n'
        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res = tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile
Beispiel #2
def main(dsList0, dsList1, dimsOfInterest, outputdir, info='', verbose=True):
    """One table per dimension, modified to fit in 1 page per table."""

    #TODO: method is long, split if possible

    dictDim0 = dsList0.dictByDim()
    dictDim1 = dsList1.dictByDim()

    alg0 = set(i[0] for i in dsList0.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]
    alg1 = set(i[0] for i in dsList1.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]

    open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a'
         ).write(r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg0) + '\n' +
                 r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg1) + '\n')

    if info:
        info = '_' + info

    dims = set.intersection(set(dictDim0.keys()), set(dictDim1.keys()))
    if not bestalg.bestalgentries2009:

    header = [r'$\Delta f$']
    for i in targetsOfInterest:
        #header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{$10^{%d}$}' % (int(numpy.log10(i))))
        header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{1e%+d}' % (int(numpy.log10(i))))

    for d in dimsOfInterest: # TODO set as input arguments
        table = [header]
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
            dictFunc0 = dictDim0[d].dictByFunc()
            dictFunc1 = dictDim1[d].dictByFunc()
        except KeyError:
        funcs = set.union(set(dictFunc0.keys()), set(dictFunc1.keys()))

        nbtests = len(funcs) * 2. #len(dimsOfInterest)

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            bestalgentry = bestalg.bestalgentries2009[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest)

            for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))
            curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{%s}' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))

            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False)
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))


            rankdata0 = []  # never used

            # generate all data from ranksum test
            entries = []
            ertdata = {}
            for nb, dsList in enumerate((dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):
                    entry = dsList[f][0] # take the first DataSet, there should be only one?
                except KeyError:
                    warnings.warn('data missing for data set ' + str(nb) + ' and function ' + str(f))
                    print('*** Warning: data missing for data set ' + str(nb) + ' and function ' + str(f) + '***')
                    continue # TODO: problem here!
                ertdata[nb] = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)

            for _t in ertdata.values():
                for _tt in _t:
                    if _tt is None:
                        raise ValueError
            if len(entries) < 2: # funcion not available for *both* algorithms
                continue  # TODO: check which one is missing and make sure that what is there is displayed properly in the following
            testres0vs1 = significancetest(entries[0], entries[1], targetsOfInterest)
            testresbestvs1 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[1], targetsOfInterest)
            testresbestvs0 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[0], targetsOfInterest)

            for nb, entry in enumerate(entries):
                if nb == 0:
                    curline = [r'1:\:\algorithmAshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curline = [r'2:\:\algorithmBshort\hspace*{\fill}']

                #data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
                dispersion = []
                data = []
                evals = entry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest)
                for i in evals:
                    succ = (numpy.isnan(i) == False)
                    tmp = i.copy()
                    tmp[succ==False] = entry.maxevals[numpy.isnan(i)]
                    data.append(toolsstats.sp(tmp, issuccessful=succ)[0])
                    #if not any(succ):
                    if any(succ):
                        tmp2 = toolsstats.drawSP(tmp[succ], tmp[succ==False],
                                                (10, 50, 90), samplesize)[0]

                if nb == 0:
                    assert not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
                    data0 = data[:] # TODO: check if it is not an array, it's never used anyway?

                for i, dati in enumerate(data):  

                    z, p = testres0vs1[i] # TODO: there is something with the sign that I don't get
                    # assign significance flag, which is the -log10(p)
                    significance0vs1 = 0
                    if nb != 0:  
                        z = -z  # the test is symmetric
                    if nbtests * p < 0.05 and z > 0:  
                        significance0vs1 = -int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(min([1.0, nbtests * p]))))  # this is the larger the more significant

                    isBold = significance0vs1 > 0
                    alignment = 'c'
                    if i == len(data) - 1: # last element
                        alignment = 'c|'

                    if numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]): # if the 2009 best did not solve the problem

                        tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(float(dati), 2)
                        if not numpy.isinf(dati):
                            tmp = r'\textit{%s}' % (tmp)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = r'\textbf{%s}' % tmp

                        if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]):
                            tmp += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i], 1)
                        tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                      % (alignment, tmp))
                        # Formatting
                        tmp = float(dati)/bestalgdata[i]
                        assert not numpy.isnan(tmp)
                        isscientific = False
                        if tmp >= 1000:
                            isscientific = True
                        tableentry = writeFEvals2(tmp, 2, isscientific=isscientific)
                        tableentry = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmp, 2)

                        if numpy.isinf(tmp) and i == len(data)-1:
                            tableentry = (tableentry 
                                          + r'\textit{%s}' % writeFEvals2(numpy.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:  # cave: negative significance has no meaning anymore
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                          % (alignment, tableentry))

                        elif tableentry.find('e') > -1 or (numpy.isinf(tmp) and i != len(data) - 1):
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                          % (alignment, tableentry))
                            tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                            if len(tmp) == 1:
                                tableentry += '&'
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)

                    superscript = ''

                    if nb == 0:
                        z, p = testresbestvs0[i]
                        z, p = testresbestvs1[i]

                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best
                    if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and dati - bestalgdata[i] < 0.
                        and z < 0.):
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                        if z > 0:
                            superscript = r'\uparrow' #* nbstars
                            superscript = r'\downarrow' #* nbstars
                            # print z, linebest[i], line1
                        if nbstars > 1:
                            superscript += str(int(nbstars))

                    if superscript or significance0vs1:
                        s = ''
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            s = '\star'
                        if significance0vs1 > 1:
                            s += str(significance0vs1)
                        s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'

                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                            tableentry += s


                    #if dispersion[i] is None or numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                        #tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 2)
                        #curline.append('(%s)' % tmp)

                tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                    tmp = tmp[0]
                    curline.append('%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                except IndexError:
                    curline.append('%d' % 0)
                curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())


            extraeol[-1] = r'\hline'
        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'pptable2_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        res = r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg0) + '\n'
        res += r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg1) + '\n'
        # open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').write(res)
        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res += tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile
Beispiel #3
def main(dsList0, dsList1, dimsOfInterest, outputdir, info='', verbose=True):
    """One table per dimension, modified to fit in 1 page per table."""

    #TODO: method is long, split if possible

    dictDim0 = dsList0.dictByDim()
    dictDim1 = dsList1.dictByDim()

    alg0 = set(i[0] for i in dsList0.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]
    alg1 = set(i[0] for i in dsList1.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]

    open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').write(
        r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg0) + '\n' +
        r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg1) + '\n')

    if info:
        info = '_' + info

    dims = set.intersection(set(dictDim0.keys()), set(dictDim1.keys()))
    if not bestalg.bestalgentries2009:

    header = []
    if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
        header = [r'\#FEs/D']
        for label in targetsOfInterest.labels():
            header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' % label)
        header = [r'$\Delta f_\mathrm{opt}$']
        for label in targetsOfInterest.labels():
            header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{\,}c@{\,}}{%s}' % label)

    for d in dimsOfInterest:  # TODO set as input arguments
        table = [header]
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
            dictFunc0 = dictDim0[d].dictByFunc()
            dictFunc1 = dictDim1[d].dictByFunc()
        except KeyError:
        funcs = set.union(set(dictFunc0.keys()), set(dictFunc1.keys()))

        nbtests = len(funcs) * 2.  #len(dimsOfInterest)

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            targets = targetsOfInterest((f, d))
            targetf = targets[-1]

            bestalgentry = bestalg.bestalgentries2009[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targets)
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(targets)

            if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
                # write ftarget:fevals
                for i in xrange(len(bestalgdata[:-1])):
                    temp = "%.1e" % targetsOfInterest((f, d))[i]
                    if temp[-2] == "0":
                        temp = temp[:-2] + temp[-1]
                        r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textit{%s}:%s \quad}' %
                        (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[i], 2)))
                temp = "%.1e" % targetsOfInterest((f, d))[-1]
                if temp[-2] == "0":
                    temp = temp[:-2] + temp[-1]
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{\textit{%s}:%s }' %
                               (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2)))
                # write #fevals of the reference alg
                for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s \quad}' %
                                   writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{%s}' %
                               writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))

            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False)
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))


            rankdata0 = []  # never used

            # generate all data from ranksum test
            entries = []
            ertdata = {}
            for nb, dsList in enumerate((dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):
                    entry = dsList[f][
                        0]  # take the first DataSet, there should be only one?
                except KeyError:
                    warnings.warn('data missing for data set ' + str(nb) +
                                  ' and function ' + str(f))
                    print('*** Warning: data missing for data set ' + str(nb) +
                          ' and function ' + str(f) + '***')
                    continue  # TODO: problem here!
                ertdata[nb] = entry.detERT(targets)

            for _t in ertdata.values():
                for _tt in _t:
                    if _tt is None:
                        raise ValueError

            if len(entries) < 2:  # funcion not available for *both* algorithms
                continue  # TODO: check which one is missing and make sure that what is there is displayed properly in the following

            testres0vs1 = significancetest(entries[0], entries[1], targets)
            testresbestvs1 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[1],
            testresbestvs0 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[0],

            for nb, entry in enumerate(entries):
                if nb == 0:
                    curline = [r'1:\:\algorithmAshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curline = [r'2:\:\algorithmBshort\hspace*{\fill}']

                #data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
                dispersion = []
                data = []
                evals = entry.detEvals(targets)
                for i in evals:
                    succ = (numpy.isnan(i) == False)
                    tmp = i.copy()
                    tmp[succ == False] = entry.maxevals[numpy.isnan(i)]
                    data.append(toolsstats.sp(tmp, issuccessful=succ)[0])
                    #if not any(succ):
                    if any(succ):
                        tmp2 = toolsstats.drawSP(tmp[succ], tmp[succ == False],
                                                 (10, 50, 90), samplesize)[0]
                        dispersion.append((tmp2[-1] - tmp2[0]) / 2.)

                if nb == 0:
                    assert not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
                    data0 = data[:]  # TODO: check if it is not an array, it's never used anyway?

                for i, dati in enumerate(data):

                    z, p = testres0vs1[
                        i]  # TODO: there is something with the sign that I don't get
                    # assign significance flag, which is the -log10(p)
                    significance0vs1 = 0
                    if nb != 0:
                        z = -z  # the test is symmetric
                    if nbtests * p < 0.05 and z > 0:
                        significance0vs1 = -int(
                                1.0, nbtests * p
                            ]))))  # this is the larger the more significant

                    isBold = significance0vs1 > 0
                    alignment = 'c'
                    if i == len(data) - 1:  # last element
                        alignment = 'c|'

                    if numpy.isinf(
                    ):  # if the 2009 best did not solve the problem

                        tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(float(dati), 2)
                        if not numpy.isinf(dati):
                            tmp = r'\textit{%s}' % (tmp)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = r'\textbf{%s}' % tmp

                        if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]):
                            tmp += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(
                                dispersion[i], 1)
                        tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                      (alignment, tmp))
                        # Formatting
                        tmp = float(dati) / bestalgdata[i]
                        assert not numpy.isnan(tmp)
                        isscientific = False
                        if tmp >= 1000:
                            isscientific = True
                        tableentry = writeFEvals2(tmp,
                        tableentry = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmp, 2)

                        if numpy.isinf(tmp) and i == len(data) - 1:
                            tableentry = (
                                tableentry + r'\textit{%s}' %
                                writeFEvals2(numpy.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:  # cave: negative significance has no meaning anymore
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                          (alignment, tableentry))

                        elif tableentry.find('e') > -1 or (numpy.isinf(tmp) and
                                                           i != len(data) - 1):
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                          (alignment, tableentry))
                            tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                            if len(tmp) == 1:
                                tableentry += '&'
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(
                                    dispersion[i] / bestalgdata[i], 1)

                    superscript = ''

                    if nb == 0:
                        z, p = testresbestvs0[i]
                        z, p = testresbestvs1[i]

                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best
                    if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and dati - bestalgdata[i] < 0.
                            and z < 0.):
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                        if z > 0:
                            superscript = r'\uparrow'  #* nbstars
                            superscript = r'\downarrow'  #* nbstars
                            # print z, linebest[i], line1
                        if nbstars > 1:
                            superscript += str(int(nbstars))

                    if superscript or significance0vs1:
                        s = ''
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            s = '\star'
                        if significance0vs1 > 1:
                            s += str(significance0vs1)
                        s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'

                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                            tableentry += s


                    #if dispersion[i] is None or numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                    #tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 2)
                    #curline.append('(%s)' % tmp)

                tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                    tmp = tmp[0]
                    curline.append('%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                except IndexError:
                    curline.append('%d' % 0)
                curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())


            extraeol[-1] = r'\hline'
        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                  'pptable2_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(
            targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        res = r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(
            alg0) + '\n'
        res += r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(
            alg1) + '\n'
        # open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').write(res)

        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res += tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile
Beispiel #4
def mainnew(dsList0,
    """Still in shambles: new cleaned up version.
    One table per dimension...

    dictDim0 = dsList0.dictByDim()
    dictDim1 = dsList1.dictByDim()

    alg0 = set(i[0] for i in dsList0.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]
    alg1 = set(i[0] for i in dsList1.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]

    if info:
        info = '_' + info

    dims = set.intersection(set(dictDim0.keys()), set(dictDim1.keys()))
    if not bestalg.bestalgentries:

    header = [r'$\Delta f$']
    for i in targetsOfInterest:
        #header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{$10^{%d}$}' % (int(numpy.log10(i))))
        header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{1e%+d}' %

    for d in dimsOfInterest:  # TODO set as input arguments
        table = [header]
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
        dictFunc0 = dictDim0[d].dictByFunc()
        dictFunc1 = dictDim1[d].dictByFunc()
        funcs = set.union(set(dictFunc0.keys()), set(dictFunc1.keys()))

        nbtests = len(funcs) * 2.  #len(dimsOfInterest)

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            bestalgentry = bestalg.bestalgentries[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(

            for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                #if numpy.isnan(i):
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' %
                               writeFEvals2(i, 2))
            curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{%s}' %
                           writeFEvals2(bestalgdata[-1], 2))

            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False)
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))


            rankdata0 = []

            # generate all data from ranksum test
            entries = []
            ertdata = {}
            for nb, dsList in enumerate((dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):
                    entry = dsList[f][0]  # take the first element
                except KeyError:
                    continue  # TODO: problem here!
                ertdata[nb] = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)

            testres0vs1 = significancetest(entries[0], entries[1],
            testresbestvs1 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[1],

            for nb, entry in enumerate(entries):
                if nb == 0:
                    curline = [r'0:\:\algzeroshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curline = [r'1:\:\algoneshort\hspace*{\fill}']

                #curline = [r'\alg%sshort' % tmp]
                #curline = [r'Alg%d' % nb]
                #curline = [r'%.3s%d' % (entry.algId, nb)]

                data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)

                if nb == 0:
                    assert not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
                    data0 = data[:]  # check if it is not an array

                for i, j in enumerate(
                        data):  # is j an appropriate identifier here?
                    #if numpy.isnan(float(j)/bestalgdata[i]):
                    #    set_trace()

                    z, p = testres0vs1[
                        i]  #TODO: there is something with the sign that I don't get
                    # assign significance flag
                    significance0vs1 = 0
                    if nb == 0:
                        istat0 = 0
                        istat1 = 1
                        z = -z
                        istat0 = 1
                        istat1 = 0
                    # TODO: I don't understand the thing with the sign of significance0vs1
                    if (nbtests * p < 0.05 and z > 0
                            and not numpy.isinf(ertdata[istat0][i])
                            and z * (ertdata[istat1][i] - ertdata[istat0][i]) >
                            0):  # z-value and ERT-ratio must agree
                        significance0vs1 = -int(
                            numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p)))
                    elif nbtests * p < 0.05 and z < 0 and z * (
                            ertdata[istat1][i] - ertdata[istat0][i]) > 0:
                        significance0vs1 = int(
                            numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p)))

                    alignment = 'c'
                    if i == len(data) - 1:  # last element
                        alignment = 'c|'
                    if numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                        tableentry = (
                            % (alignment, writeFEvals2(float(j), 2)))
                        # TODO: is this the desired behaviour?
                        # Formatting
                        tmp = float(j) / bestalgdata[i]
                        assert not numpy.isnan(tmp)
                        isscientific = False
                        if tmp >= 1000:
                            isscientific = True
                        tableentry = writeFEvals2(tmp,

                        isBold = False
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            isBold = True

                        if numpy.isinf(tmp) and i == len(data) - 1:
                            tableentry = (
                                tableentry + r'\textit{%s}' %
                                writeFEvals2(numpy.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                          (alignment, tableentry))
                        elif tableentry.find('e') > -1 or (numpy.isinf(tmp) and
                                                           i != len(data) - 1):
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                          (alignment, tableentry))
                            tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                            if len(tmp) == 1:
                                tableentry += '&'

                    superscript = ''

                    z, p = testresbestvs1[i]
                    #z, p = ranksums(rankdatabest[i], currankdata)
                    #if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05
                    #    and ((numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]) and numpy.isinf(j))
                    #         or z * (j - bestalgdata[i]) > 0)):  # z-value and ERT-ratio must agree
                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best and
                    # all(sorted(FEvals_best) > sorted(FEvals_current)).
                    if j - bestalgdata[i] < 0. and not numpy.isinf(
                        evals = entry.detEvals([targetsOfInterest[i]])[0]
                        evals[numpy.isnan(evals)] = entry.maxevals[numpy.isnan(
                        bestevals = bestalgentry.detEvals(
                        bestevals, bestalgalg = (bestevals[0][0],
                            bestevals)] = bestalgentry.maxevals[bestalgalg][
                        evals = numpy.array(
                            sorted(evals))[0:min(len(evals), len(bestevals))]
                        bestevals = numpy.array(sorted(
                            bestevals))[0:min(len(evals), len(bestevals))]

                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best and
                    # all(sorted(FEvals_best) > sorted(FEvals_current)).
                    if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and j - bestalgdata[i] < 0.
                            and z < 0. and (numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i])
                                            or all(evals < bestevals))):
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                        if z > 0:
                            superscript = r'\uparrow'  #* nbstars
                            superscript = r'\downarrow'  #* nbstars
                            # print z, linebest[i], line1
                        if nbstars > 1:
                            superscript += str(int(nbstars))

                    addition = ''
                    if superscript or significance0vs1:
                        s = ''
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            s = '\star'
                        if significance0vs1 > 1:
                            s += str(significance0vs1)
                        s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'

                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                            tableentry += s


                # Two cases: both tabular give an overfull hbox
                # AND generate a LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 16.9236pt on input line 421. (noisy)
                # OR  generate a LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 33.57658pt on input line 421. (noisy)

                tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                    tmp = tmp[0]
                    curline.append('%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                except IndexError:
                    curline.append('%d' % 0)
                curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())


            extraeol[-1] = r'\hline'
        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                  'cmptable_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(
            targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        res = r'\providecommand{\algzeroshort}{%s}' % alg0 + '\n'
        res += r'\providecommand{\algoneshort}{%s}' % alg1 + '\n'
        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res += tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile
Beispiel #5
def main2(dsList0, dsList1, dimsOfInterest, outputdir, info='', verbose=True):
    """Generate comparison tables.
    One table per dimension...

    dictDim0 = dsList0.dictByDim()
    dictDim1 = dsList1.dictByDim()

    alg0 = set(i[0] for i in dsList0.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]
    alg1 = set(i[0] for i in dsList1.dictByAlg().keys()).pop()[0:3]

    if info:
        info = '_' + info

    dims = set.intersection(set(dictDim0.keys()), set(dictDim1.keys()))
    if not bestalg.bestalgentries:

    header = [r'$\Delta f$']
    for i in targetsOfInterest:
        #header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{$10^{%d}$}' % (int(numpy.log10(i))))
        header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{1e%+d}' %

    for d in dimsOfInterest:  # TODO set as input arguments
        table = [header]
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
        dictFunc0 = dictDim0[d].dictByFunc()
        dictFunc1 = dictDim1[d].dictByFunc()
        funcs = set.union(set(dictFunc0.keys()), set(dictFunc1.keys()))

        nbtests = len(funcs) * 2.  #len(dimsOfInterest)

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            bestalgentry = bestalg.bestalgentries[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(

            for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' %
                               writeFEvals2(i, 2))
            curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{%s}' %
                           writeFEvals2(bestalgdata[-1], 2))
            rankdatabest = []
            for i, j in enumerate(bestalgevals):
                if bestalgalgs[i] is None:
                    tmp = -bestalgentry.finalfunvals[bestalgentry.algs[-1]]
                    tmp = numpy.power(j, -1.)
                    tmp[numpy.isnan(tmp)] = -bestalgentry.finalfunvals[

            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False)
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))


            rankdata0 = []

            # generate all data for ranksum test
            rankdata = {}  # rankdata[nb +/- 1,i] is of interest later
            ertdata = {}
            for nb, entries in enumerate(
                (dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):  # copy paste of loop below
                    entry = entries[f][0]  # take the first element
                except KeyError:
                ertdata[nb] = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
                evals = entry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest)
                for i, tmp in enumerate(ertdata[nb]):
                    # print i
                    rankdata[nb, i] = numpy.power(evals[i], -1.)
                    rankdata[nb, i][numpy.isnan(
                        rankdata[nb, i])] = -entry.finalfunvals[numpy.isnan(
                            rankdata[nb, i])]

            for nb, entries in enumerate((dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):
                    entry = entries[f][0]  # take the first element
                except KeyError:
                if nb == 0:
                    curline = [r'0:\:\algzeroshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curline = [r'1:\:\algoneshort\hspace*{\fill}']

                #curline = [r'\alg%sshort' % tmp]
                #curline = [r'Alg%d' % nb]
                #curline = [r'%.3s%d' % (entry.algId, nb)]

                data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
                evals = entry.detEvals(targetsOfInterest)
                if nb == 0:
                    assert not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
                    data0 = data[:]  # check if it is not an array

                for i, j in enumerate(
                        data):  # is j an appropriate identifier here?
                    #if numpy.isnan(float(j)/bestalgdata[i]):
                    #    set_trace()

                    # assign significance flag
                    significance0vs1 = 0
                    if nb == 0:
                        istat0 = 0
                        istat1 = 1
                        istat0 = 1
                        istat1 = 0
                    z, p = ranksums(rankdata[istat0, i], rankdata[istat1, i])
                    if (nbtests * p < 0.05 and z > 0
                            and not numpy.isinf(ertdata[istat0][i])
                            and z * (ertdata[istat1][i] - ertdata[istat0][i]) >
                            0):  # z-value and ERT-ratio must agree
                        significance0vs1 = -int(
                            numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p)))
                    if nbtests * p < 0.05 and z < 0 and z * (
                            ertdata[istat1][i] - ertdata[istat0][i]) > 0:
                        significance0vs1 = int(
                            numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p)))

                    alignment = 'c'
                    if i == len(data) - 1:  # last element
                        alignment = 'c|'
                    if numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                        tableentry = (
                            % (alignment, writeFEvals2(float(j), 2)))
                        # TODO: is this the desired behaviour?
                        # Formatting
                        assert not numpy.isnan(float(j) / bestalgdata[i])
                        tmp = float(j) / bestalgdata[i]
                        tableentry = writeFEvals2(tmp, 2)
                        isBold = False
                        if 11 < 3 and tmp <= 3:
                            isBold = True

                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            isBold = True

                        if tableentry.find('e') > -1:
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                            elif significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}' %
                                          (alignment, tableentry))
                            tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            elif significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                            tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                            if len(tmp) == 1:
                                tableentry += '&'

                    currankdata = numpy.power(evals[i], -1.)
                    )] = -entry.finalfunvals[numpy.isnan(currankdata)]

                    if 11 < 3 and nb == 0:
                        addition = ''
                    elif 11 < 3:  #nb==1
                        z, p = ranksums(rankdata0[i], currankdata)
                        tmp = '.'
                        #addition = '' # Uncomment to gain space. Meanwhile it displays the worst case scenario
                        if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and
                            ((numpy.isinf(data0[i]) and numpy.isinf(j)) or z *
                             (j - data0[i]) > 0)
                            ):  # z-value and ERT-ratio must agree
                            nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                            if z > 0:
                                tmp = r'\uparrow'  #* nbstars
                                tmp = r'\downarrow'  #* nbstars
                                # print z, linebest[i], line1
                            if nbstars > 1:
                                tmp += str(int(nbstars))
                            #addition = tmp # uncomment to gain space.
                        addition = r'/' + tmp  # Comment and uncomment line above to gain space
                        #addition = tmp # Comment and uncomment line above to gain space

                    superscript = '\uparrow'
                    superscript = ''
                    #if addition:
                    #superscript = '.'

                    z, p = ranksums(rankdatabest[i], currankdata)
                    if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and
                        ((numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]) and numpy.isinf(j))
                         or z * (j - bestalgdata[i]) > 0)
                        ):  # z-value and ERT-ratio must agree
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                        if z > 0:
                            superscript = r'\uparrow'  #* nbstars
                            superscript = r'\downarrow'  #* nbstars
                            # print z, linebest[i], line1
                        if nbstars > 1:
                            superscript += str(int(nbstars))

                    addition = ''
                    if superscript or significance0vs1:
                        s = ''
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            s = '\star'
                        if significance0vs1 > 1:
                            s += str(significance0vs1)
                        s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'

                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                            tableentry += s

                    if 11 < 3 and (superscript or addition):
                        isClosingBrace = False
                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            isClosingBrace = True
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1]
                        #tableentry += r'$^{' + superscript + '}_{' + addition + '}$'
                        tableentry += r'$^{' + superscript + addition + '}$'
                        if isClosingBrace:
                            tableentry += '}'


                # Two cases: both tabular give an overfull hbox
                # AND generate a LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 16.9236pt on input line 421. (noisy)
                # OR  generate a LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 33.57658pt on input line 421. (noisy)

                tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                    tmp = tmp[0]
                    curline.append('%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                except IndexError:
                    curline.append('%d' % 0)
                curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())


            extraeol[-1] = r'\hline'
        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir,
                                  'cmptable_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(
            targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        res = r'\providecommand{\algzeroshort}{%s}' % alg0 + '\n'
        res += r'\providecommand{\algoneshort}{%s}' % alg1 + '\n'
        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res += tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile
Beispiel #6
def main(dsList0, dsList1, dimsOfInterest, outputdir, info='', verbose=True):
    """One table per dimension, modified to fit in 1 page per table."""

    #TODO: method is long, split if possible

    dictDim0 = dsList0.dictByDim()
    dictDim1 = dsList1.dictByDim()

    alg0 = set(i[0] for i in dsList0.dictByAlg().keys()).pop().replace(genericsettings.extraction_folder_prefix, '')[0:3]
    alg1 = set(i[0] for i in dsList1.dictByAlg().keys()).pop().replace(genericsettings.extraction_folder_prefix, '')[0:3]

    open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a'
         ).write(r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg0) + '\n' +
                 r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg1) + '\n')

    if info:
        info = '_' + info

    dims = set.intersection(set(dictDim0.keys()), set(dictDim1.keys()))
    bestalgentries = bestalg.loadBestAlgorithm(dsList0.isBiobjective())
    header = []
    if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
        header = [r'\#FEs/D']
        headerHtml = ['<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>#FEs/D</th>\n']
        for label in targetsOfInterest.labels():
            header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s}' % label) 
            headerHtml.append('<td>%s</td>\n' % label)
        header = [r'$\Delta f_\mathrm{opt}$']
        headerHtml = ['<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>&#916; f</th>\n']
        for label in targetsOfInterest.labels():
            header.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{\,}c@{\,}}{%s}' % label)
            headerHtml.append('<td>%s</td>\n' % label)
    for d in dimsOfInterest: # TODO set as input arguments
        table = [header]
        tableHtml = headerHtml
        extraeol = [r'\hline']
            dictFunc0 = dictDim0[d].dictByFunc()
            dictFunc1 = dictDim1[d].dictByFunc()
        except KeyError:
        funcs = set.union(set(dictFunc0.keys()), set(dictFunc1.keys()))

        nbtests = len(funcs) * 2. #len(dimsOfInterest)

        for f in sorted(funcs):
            targets = targetsOfInterest((f, d))
            targetf = targets[-1]
            bestalgentry = bestalgentries[(d, f)]
            curline = [r'${\bf f_{%d}}$' % f]
            curlineHtml = ['<th><b>f<sub>%d</sub></b></th>\n' % f]
            bestalgdata = bestalgentry.detERT(targets)
            bestalgevals, bestalgalgs = bestalgentry.detEvals(targets)

            if isinstance(targetsOfInterest, pproc.RunlengthBasedTargetValues):
                # write ftarget:fevals
                for i in xrange(len(bestalgdata[:-1])):
                    temp = "%.1e" % targetsOfInterest((f, d))[i]
                    if temp[-2]=="0":
                        temp = temp[:-2]+temp[-1]
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textit{%s}:%s \quad}'
                                   % (temp,writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[i], 2)))
                                       % (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[i], 2)))
                temp = "%.1e" % targetsOfInterest((f, d))[-1]
                if temp[-2]=="0":
                    temp = temp[:-2]+temp[-1]
                curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}|}{\textit{%s}:%s }'
                               % (temp,writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))) 
                                   % (temp, writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))) 
                # write #fevals of the reference alg
                for i in bestalgdata[:-1]:
                    curline.append(r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{%s \quad}'
                                   % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%s</td>\n' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(i, 2))

                               % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))
                curlineHtml.append('<td>%s</td>\n' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(bestalgdata[-1], 2))

            tmp = bestalgentry.detEvals([targetf])[0][0]
            tmp2 = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False)
            curline.append('%d' % (tmp2))
            if tmp2 > 0:
                curline.append('/%d' % len(tmp))
                curlineHtml.append('<td>%d/%d</td>\n' % (tmp2, len(tmp)))
                curlineHtml.append('<td>%d</td>\n' % (tmp2))


            rankdata0 = []  # never used

            # generate all data from ranksum test
            entries = []
            ertdata = {}
            for nb, dsList in enumerate((dictFunc0, dictFunc1)):
                    entry = dsList[f][0] # take the first DataSet, there should be only one?
                except KeyError:
                    warnings.warn('data missing for data set ' + str(nb) + ' and function ' + str(f))
                    print('*** Warning: data missing for data set ' + str(nb) + ' and function ' + str(f) + '***')
                    continue # TODO: problem here!
                ertdata[nb] = entry.detERT(targets)

            for _t in ertdata.values():
                for _tt in _t:
                    if _tt is None:
                        raise ValueError
            if len(entries) < 2: # funcion not available for *both* algorithms
                continue  # TODO: check which one is missing and make sure that what is there is displayed properly in the following
            testres0vs1 = significancetest(entries[0], entries[1], targets)
            testresbestvs1 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[1], targets)
            testresbestvs0 = significancetest(bestalgentry, entries[0], targets)

            for nb, entry in enumerate(entries):
                if nb == 0:
                    curline = [r'1:\:\algorithmAshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curlineHtml = ['<th>1: %s</th>\n' % alg0]
                    curline = [r'2:\:\algorithmBshort\hspace*{\fill}']
                    curlineHtml = ['<th>2: %s</th>\n' % alg1]

                #data = entry.detERT(targetsOfInterest)
                dispersion = []
                data = []
                evals = entry.detEvals(targets)
                for i in evals:
                    succ = (numpy.isnan(i) == False)
                    tmp = i.copy()
                    tmp[succ==False] = entry.maxevals[numpy.isnan(i)]
                    data.append(toolsstats.sp(tmp, issuccessful=succ)[0])
                    #if not any(succ):
                    if any(succ):
                        tmp2 = toolsstats.drawSP(tmp[succ], tmp[succ==False],
                                                (10, 50, 90), samplesize)[0]

                if nb == 0:
                    assert not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
                    data0 = data[:] # TODO: check if it is not an array, it's never used anyway?

                for i, dati in enumerate(data):  

                    z, p = testres0vs1[i] # TODO: there is something with the sign that I don't get
                    # assign significance flag, which is the -log10(p)
                    significance0vs1 = 0
                    if nb != 0:  
                        z = -z  # the test is symmetric
                    if nbtests * p < 0.05 and z > 0:  
                        significance0vs1 = -int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(min([1.0, nbtests * p]))))  # this is the larger the more significant

                    isBold = significance0vs1 > 0
                    alignment = 'c'
                    if i == len(data) - 1: # last element
                        alignment = 'c|'

                    if numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]): # if the 2009 best did not solve the problem

                        tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(float(dati), 2)
                        if not numpy.isinf(dati):
                            tmpHtml = '<i>%s</i>' % (tmp)
                            tmp = r'\textit{%s}' % (tmp)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = r'\textbf{%s}' % tmp
                                tmpHtml = '<b>%s</b>' % tmpHtml

                        if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]):
                            tmp += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i], 1)
                        tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                      % (alignment, tmp))
                        tableentryHtml = (' (%s)' % tmp)
                        # Formatting
                        tmp = float(dati)/bestalgdata[i]
                        assert not numpy.isnan(tmp)
                        isscientific = False
                        if tmp >= 1000:
                            isscientific = True
                        tableentry = writeFEvals2(tmp, 2, isscientific=isscientific)
                        tableentry = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmp, 2)
                        tableentryHtml = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(tmp, 2)

                        if numpy.isinf(tmp) and i == len(data)-1:
                            tableentry = (tableentry 
                                          + r'\textit{%s}' % writeFEvals2(numpy.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                            tableentryHtml = (tableentryHtml
                                          + ' <i>%s</i>' % writeFEvals2(numpy.median(entry.maxevals), 2))
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                                tableentryHtml = '<b>%s</b>' % tableentryHtml
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:  # cave: negative significance has no meaning anymore
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                                tableentryHtml = '<i>%s</i>' % tableentryHtml
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                                tableentryHtml += ' (%s)' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                          % (alignment, tableentry))

                        elif tableentry.find('e') > -1 or (numpy.isinf(tmp) and i != len(data) - 1):
                            if isBold:
                                tableentry = r'\textbf{%s}' % tableentry
                                tableentryHtml = '<b>%s</b>' % tableentryHtml
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tableentry = r'\textit{%s}' % tableentry
                                tableentryHtml = '<i>%s</i>' % tableentryHtml
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                                tableentryHtml += ' (%s)' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                            tableentry = (r'\multicolumn{2}{@{}%s@{}}{%s}'
                                          % (alignment, tableentry))
                            tmp = tableentry.split('.', 1)
                            tmpHtml = tableentryHtml.split('.', 1)
                            if isBold:
                                tmp = list(r'\textbf{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                                tmpHtml = list('<b>%s</b>' % i for i in tmpHtml)
                            elif 11 < 3 and significance0vs1 < 0:
                                tmp = list(r'\textit{%s}' % i for i in tmp)
                                tmpHtml = list('<i>%s</i>' % i for i in tmpHtml)
                            tableentry = ' & .'.join(tmp)
                            tableentryHtml = '.'.join(tmpHtml)
                            if len(tmp) == 1:
                                tableentry += '&'
                            if dispersion[i] and numpy.isfinite(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i]):
                                tableentry += r'${\scriptscriptstyle (%s)}$' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)
                                tableentryHtml += ' (%s)' % writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 1)

                    superscript = ''
                    superscriptHtml = ''

                    if nb == 0:
                        z, p = testresbestvs0[i]
                        z, p = testresbestvs1[i]

                    #The conditions are now that ERT < ERT_best
                    if ((nbtests * p) < 0.05 and dati - bestalgdata[i] < 0.
                        and z < 0.):
                        nbstars = -numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(nbtests * p))
                        #tmp = '\hspace{-.5ex}'.join(nbstars * [r'\star'])
                        if z > 0:
                            superscript = r'\uparrow' #* nbstars
                            superscriptHtml = '&uarr;'
                            superscript = r'\downarrow' #* nbstars
                            superscriptHtml = '&darr;'
                            # print z, linebest[i], line1
                        if nbstars > 1:
                            superscript += str(int(nbstars))
                            superscriptHtml += str(int(nbstars))

                    if superscript or significance0vs1:
                        s = ''
                        shtml = ''
                        if significance0vs1 > 0:
                            s = '\star'
                            shtml = '&#9733;'
                        if significance0vs1 > 1:
                            s += str(significance0vs1)
                            shtml += str(significance0vs1)
                        s = r'$^{' + s + superscript + r'}$'
                        shtml = '<sup>' + shtml + superscriptHtml + '</sup>' 

                        if tableentry.endswith('}'):
                            tableentry = tableentry[:-1] + s + r'}'
                            tableentry += s
                        tableentryHtml += shtml

                    tableentryHtml = tableentryHtml.replace('$\infty$', '&infin;')                
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%s</td>\n' % tableentryHtml)

                    #if dispersion[i] is None or numpy.isinf(bestalgdata[i]):
                        #tmp = writeFEvalsMaxPrec(dispersion[i]/bestalgdata[i], 2)
                        #curline.append('(%s)' % tmp)

                tmp = entry.evals[entry.evals[:, 0] <= targetf, 1:]
                    tmp = tmp[0]
                    curline.append('%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%d' % numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(tmp) == False))
                except IndexError:
                    curline.append('%d' % 0)
                    curlineHtml.append('<td>%d' % 0)
                curline.append('/%d' % entry.nbRuns())
                curlineHtml.append('/%d</td>\n' % entry.nbRuns())


            extraeol[-1] = r'\hline'
        extraeol[-1] = ''

        outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'pptable2_%02dD%s.tex' % (d, info))
        spec = r'@{}c@{}|' + '*{%d}{@{}r@{}@{}l@{}}' % len(targetsOfInterest) + '|@{}r@{}@{}l@{}'
        res = r'\providecommand{\algorithmAshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg0) + '\n'
        res += r'\providecommand{\algorithmBshort}{%s}' % writeLabels(alg1) + '\n'
        # open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'bbob_pproc_commands.tex'), 'a').write(res)
        #res += tableLaTeXStar(table, width=r'0.45\textwidth', spec=spec,
        res += tableLaTeX(table, spec=spec, extraeol=extraeol)
        f = open(outputfile, 'w')
        res = ("").join(str(item) for item in tableHtml)
        res = '<p><b>%d-D</b></p>\n<table>\n%s</table>\n' % (d, res)

        filename = os.path.join(outputdir, genericsettings.two_algorithm_file_name + '.html')
        lines = []
        with open(filename) as infile:
            for line in infile:
                if '<!--pptable2Html-->' in line:
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            for line in lines:

        if verbose:
            print "Table written in %s" % outputfile