Beispiel #1
def loss_boxes(p_bbox, p_class, t_bbox, t_class, t_indices, p_indices, t_selector, p_selector):
    p_bbox = tf.gather(p_bbox, p_indices)
    t_bbox = tf.gather(t_bbox, t_indices)

    p_bbox_xy = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(p_bbox)
    t_bbox_xy = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(t_bbox)

    l1_loss = tf.abs(p_bbox-t_bbox)
    l1_loss = tf.reduce_sum(l1_loss) / tf.cast(tf.shape(p_bbox)[0], tf.float32)

    iou, union = bbox.jaccard(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy, return_union=True)

    _p_bbox_xy, _t_bbox_xy = bbox.merge(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy)
    top_left = tf.math.minimum(_p_bbox_xy[:,:,:2], _t_bbox_xy[:,:,:2])
    bottom_right =  tf.math.maximum(_p_bbox_xy[:,:,2:], _t_bbox_xy[:,:,2:])
    size = tf.nn.relu(bottom_right - top_left)
    area = size[:,:,0] * size[:,:,1]
    giou = (iou - (area - union) / area)
    loss_giou = 1 - tf.linalg.diag_part(giou)

    loss_giou = tf.reduce_sum(loss_giou) / tf.cast(tf.shape(p_bbox)[0], tf.float32)

    return loss_giou, l1_loss
Beispiel #2
def hungarian_matching(t_bbox,
                       slice_preds=True) -> tuple:
    if slice_preds:
        n_objs = tf.cast(
            t_bbox[0][0], tf.int32
        )  # this takes the num_bboxes from the padded header row, containing (say) [400, 0, 0, 0], hence n_objs would be 400
        t_bbox = tf.slice(
            t_bbox, [1, 0],
            [n_objs, 4
             ])  # slice begins at first row to get rid of the header row
        t_class = tf.slice(t_class, [1, 0], [n_objs, -1])

#        t_class = tf.squeeze(t_class, axis=-1)

# Convert from [xc, yc, w, h] to [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    p_bbox_xy = xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(p_bbox)
    t_bbox_xy = xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(t_bbox)
    #    t_bbox_xy = tf.cast(bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(t_bbox), tf.float64)

    # Classification cost for the Hungarian algorithom
    # On each prediction. We select the prob of the expected class
    sigmoid = tf.math.sigmoid(
        p_class)  # this is because detr has exclusive classes, we don't!
    _p_class, _t_class = merge(sigmoid, t_class)
    cost_class = tf.norm(_p_class - _t_class, ord=1, axis=-1)
    ## we could introduce different class weightings by writing a custom
    ## norm fucntion above, multipling classes separately before summing

    # L1 cost for the hungarian algorithm
    _p_bbox, _t_bbox = merge(p_bbox, t_bbox)
    cost_bbox = tf.norm(_p_bbox - _t_bbox, ord=1, axis=-1)

    # Generalized IOU
    iou, union = jaccard(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy, return_union=True)
    _p_bbox_xy, _t_bbox_xy = merge(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy)
    top_left = tf.math.minimum(_p_bbox_xy[:, :, :2], _t_bbox_xy[:, :, :2])
    bottom_right = tf.math.maximum(_p_bbox_xy[:, :, 2:], _t_bbox_xy[:, :, 2:])
    size = tf.nn.relu(bottom_right - top_left)
    area = size[:, :, 0] * size[:, :, 1]
    cost_giou = -(iou - (area - union) / area)

    # Final hungarian cost matrix
    #    loss_weights = [1, 2, 5] # label_cost, giou_loss, l1_loss
    cost_matrix = lwts[2] * cost_bbox + lwts[0] * cost_class + lwts[
        1] * cost_giou

    selectors = tf.numpy_function(np_tf_linear_sum_assignment, [cost_matrix],
                                  [tf.int64, tf.int64, tf.bool, tf.bool])
    target_indices = selectors[0]
    pred_indices = selectors[1]
    target_selector = selectors[2]
    pred_selector = selectors[3]
    return pred_indices, target_indices, pred_selector, target_selector, t_bbox, t_class
Beispiel #3
def get_model_inference(m_outputs: dict,

    predicted_bbox = m_outputs["pred_boxes"][0]
    predicted_labels = m_outputs["pred_logits"][0]

    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(predicted_labels)
    predicted_scores = tf.reduce_max(softmax, axis=-1)
    predicted_labels = tf.argmax(softmax, axis=-1)

    indices = tf.where(predicted_labels != background_class)
    indices = tf.squeeze(indices, axis=-1)

    predicted_scores = tf.gather(predicted_scores, indices)
    predicted_labels = tf.gather(predicted_labels, indices)
    predicted_bbox = tf.gather(predicted_bbox, indices)

    if bbox_format == "xy_center":
        predicted_bbox = predicted_bbox
    elif bbox_format == "xyxy":
        predicted_bbox = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(predicted_bbox)
    elif bbox_format == "yxyx":
        predicted_bbox = bbox.xcycwh_to_yx_min_yx_max(predicted_bbox)
        raise NotImplementedError()

    return predicted_bbox, predicted_labels, predicted_scores
def hungarian_matching(t_bbox, t_class, p_bbox, p_class, fcost_class=1, fcost_bbox=5, fcost_giou=2, slice_preds=True) -> tuple:

    if slice_preds:
        size = tf.cast(t_bbox[0][0], tf.int32)
        t_bbox = tf.slice(t_bbox, [1, 0], [size, 4])
        t_class = tf.slice(t_class, [1, 0], [size, -1])
        t_class = tf.squeeze(t_class, axis=-1)

    # Convert frpm [xc, yc, w, h] to [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    p_bbox_xy = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(p_bbox)
    t_bbox_xy = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(t_bbox)

    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(p_class)

    # Classification cost for the Hungarian algorithom 
    # On each prediction. We select the prob of the expected class
    cost_class = -tf.gather(softmax, t_class, axis=1)

    # L1 cost for the hungarian algorithm
    _p_bbox, _t_bbox = bbox.merge(p_bbox, t_bbox)
    cost_bbox = tf.norm(_p_bbox - _t_bbox, ord=1, axis=-1)

    # Generalized IOU
    iou, union = bbox.jaccard(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy, return_union=True)
    _p_bbox_xy, _t_bbox_xy = bbox.merge(p_bbox_xy, t_bbox_xy)
    top_left = tf.math.minimum(_p_bbox_xy[:,:,:2], _t_bbox_xy[:,:,:2])
    bottom_right =  tf.math.maximum(_p_bbox_xy[:,:,2:], _t_bbox_xy[:,:,2:])
    size = tf.nn.relu(bottom_right - top_left)
    area = size[:,:,0] * size[:,:,1]
    cost_giou = -(iou - (area - union) / area)

    # Final hungarian cost matrix
    cost_matrix = fcost_bbox * cost_bbox + fcost_class * cost_class + fcost_giou * cost_giou

    selectors = tf.numpy_function(np_tf_linear_sum_assignment, [cost_matrix], [tf.int64, tf.int64, tf.bool, tf.bool] )
    target_indices = selectors[0]
    pred_indices = selectors[1]
    target_selector = selectors[2]
    pred_selector = selectors[3]

    return pred_indices, target_indices, pred_selector, target_selector, t_bbox, t_class
Beispiel #5
def tf_send_batch_log_to_wandb(images,
                               m_outputs: dict,

    # Warning: In graph mode, this class is init only once. In eager mode, this class is init at each step.
    img_sender = WandbSender()

    predicted_bbox = m_outputs["pred_boxes"]
    for b in range(predicted_bbox.shape[0]):
        # Select within the batch the elements at indice b
        image = images[b]

        elem_m_outputs = {
            key: m_outputs[key][b:b + 1] if
            (m_outputs[key] is not None
             and not isinstance(m_outputs[key], list)) else m_outputs[key]
            for key in m_outputs

        # Target
        t_bbox, t_class = target_bbox[b], target_class[b]

        if not RAGGED:
            size = tf.cast(t_bbox[0][0], tf.int32)
            t_bbox = tf.slice(t_bbox, [1, 0], [size, 4])
            t_bbox = bbox.xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(t_bbox)
            t_class = tf.slice(t_class, [1, 0], [size, -1])
            t_class = tf.squeeze(t_class, axis=-1)

        # Predictions
        predicted_bbox, predicted_labels, predicted_scores = get_model_inference(
            elem_m_outputs, config.background_class, bbox_format="xyxy")

        np_func_params = {
            "image": image,
            "p_bbox": np.array(predicted_bbox),
            "p_scores": np.array(predicted_scores),
            "t_bbox": np.array(t_bbox),
            "p_labels": np.array(predicted_labels),
            "t_labels": np.array(t_class),
            "class_name": class_name

    img_sender.send(step=step, prefix=prefix)
Beispiel #6

# test on a batch
logits = model(images)
losses = batched_loss_closure([t_bbox, t_class], logits, loss_weights,
total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
    tf.gather(losses, [tf.shape(losses)[1] - 1], axis=1))
#total_loss = calc_loss_alone([t_bbox, t_class], logits)

from bbox import xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max
import cv2

bboxes = [
    xcycwh_to_xy_min_xy_max(logits[0][b, :, :])
    for b in range(logits[0].shape[0])
p_is = tf.math.sigmoid(logits[1])

norm_std = train_datagen.norm_std
norm_mean = train_datagen.norm_mean
for ba in range(images.shape[0]):
    img = (255 * (images[ba] * norm_std + norm_mean)).astype(np.uint8)
    bbx_ij = bboxes[ba].numpy()
    p_i = p_is[ba, :, :].numpy()
    for j in range(p_i.shape[0]):
        bbx_j = img.shape[0] * bbx_ij[j]
        pi_j = np.round(p_i[j], 2)
        x = int(bbx_j[0])
        y = int(bbx_j[1])