Beispiel #1
    feat_matrix1 = BCIw.compute_feature_matrix(eeg_epochs1, fs)

    [classifier, mu_ft, std_ft,
     score] = BCIw.train_classifier(feat_matrix0, feat_matrix1, 'SVM')

    print(str(score * 100) + '% correctly predicted')


    # Initialize the buffers for storing raw EEG and decisions
    eeg_buffer = np.zeros((int(fs * buffer_length), n_channels))
    filter_state = None  # for use with the notch filter
    decision_buffer = np.zeros((30, 1))

    plotter_decision = BCIw.DataPlotter(30, ['Decision'])

    # The try/except structure allows to quit the while loop by aborting the
    # script with <Ctrl-C>
    print('Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the while loop.')

        while True:
            """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """
            # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream
            eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk(timeout=1,
                                                       shift_length * fs))

            # Only keep the channel we're interested in
            ch_data = np.array(eeg_data)[:, index_channel]
    feature_names = BCIw.get_feature_names(ch_names)

    # Initialize raw EEG data buffer (for plotting)
    eeg_buffer = np.zeros((int(fs * buffer_length), 1))
    filter_state = None  # for use with the notch filter

    # Compute the number of epochs in "buffer_length" (used for plotting)
    n_win_test = int(
        np.floor((buffer_length - epoch_length) / shift_length + 1))

    # Initialize the feature data buffer (for plotting)
    feat_buffer = np.zeros((n_win_test, len(feature_names)))

    # Initialize the plots
    plotter_eeg = BCIw.DataPlotter(fs * buffer_length, ch_names, fs)
    plotter_feat = BCIw.DataPlotter(n_win_test, feature_names,
                                    1 / shift_length)
    """ 3. GET DATA """

    # The try/except structure allows to quit the while loop by aborting the
    # script with <Ctrl-C>
    print('Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the while loop.')

        # The following loop does what we see in the diagram of Exercise 1:
        # acquire data, compute features, visualize raw EEG and the features
        while True:
            """ 3.1 ACQUIRE DATA """
            # Obtain EEG data from the LSL stream
            eeg_data, timestamp = inlet.pull_chunk(timeout=1,
ch_names = [i-2 for i in indexes_channel]

# Filter
b, a = butter_bandpass(4.0, 35.0, fs, order=4)

#%% Initialize the buffers for storing raw EEG and features
# Initialize raw EEG data buffer (for plotting)
eeg_buffer = np.zeros((fs*eeg_buffer_secs, len(indexes_channel)))
# compute PSD for eeg_buffer
[eeg_buffer_psd, f_ax] = experiment.psd_fft(eeg_buffer, fs)

# Initialize the plots
plotter_time = BCIw.DataPlotter(fs * eeg_buffer_secs, ch_names, fs)
plotter_freq = BCIw.DataPlotter(eeg_buffer_psd.shape[0], ch_names, 1/f_ax[1])

#%% Start pulling data
mules_client.flushdata()  # Flush old data from MuLES

# The try/except structure allows to quit the while loop by aborting the
# script with <Ctrl-C>
print(' Press Ctrl-C in the console to break the While Loop')

    # The following loop does what we see in the diagram of Exercise 1:
    # acquire data, compute features, visualize the raw EEG and the features
    while True: