def updateContent(self, url):
     '''if new entries in article found, they are processing and add to list to save'''
     #print url[25:]
     #print ".",
     #log.debug("UPDATING data from - %s",url)
     page = getDataFrom(url, None, None)
     if page == None:
         return False
     pageParser = PageParser(page)
     notCached = pageParser.getEntriesList()
     #print notCached
     eToStore = self.pageCache.cacheAndReturnNew(url, notCached)
     for i in range(len(eToStore)):
         eToStore[i]["link"] = url
     #print "adding" + str(len(eToStore))  
     log.debug("ADD %d new entries", len(eToStore))
     return True
    def updateContent(self, url):
        '''if new entries in article found, they are processing and add to list to save'''
        #print url[25:]
        #print ".",
        #log.debug("UPDATING data from - %s",url)
        page = getDataFrom(url, None, None)

        if page == None:
            return False

        pageParser = PageParser(page)
        notCached = pageParser.getEntriesList()
        #print notCached
        eToStore = self.pageCache.cacheAndReturnNew(url, notCached)

        for i in range(len(eToStore)):
            eToStore[i]["link"] = url
        #print "adding" + str(len(eToStore))
        log.debug("ADD %d new entries", len(eToStore))


        return True