Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, world, config=None):
        Configure the Brain.

        There are some superficial parameters that individual worlds
        might like to choose, like how often to visualize and
        how often to back things up. These can be changed by passing
        the appropriate key-value pairs in a dictionary.

        world: World
            An environment with an appropriate step() function.
        config: dict
            Keys are brain parameters, values are desired values.

        Configuration parameters
        backup_interval: int
            How often the brain will save a pickle backup of itself,
            in timesteps.
        debug: boolean
            Print informative error messages?
        log_directory : str
            The full path name to a directory where information and
            backups for the world can be stored and retrieved.
        n_features: int
            The limit on the number of features passed to the model.
            If this is smaller, Becca will run faster. If it is larger
            Becca will have more capacity to learn. It's an important
            input for determining performance.
        name: str
            A descriptive string identifying the brain.
        reporting_interval: int
            How often the brain will report on performance.
        restore : bool, optional
            If restore is True, try to restore the brain
            from a previously saved
            version, picking up where it left off.
            Otherwise it create a new one.
        visualize_interval: int
            The number of time steps between creating a new performance
            calculation and visualization of the brain.
        defaults = {
            "backup_interval": 1e5,
            "debug": True,
            "log_directory": None,
            "n_features": None,
            "name": None,
            "reporting_interval": 1e3,
            "restore": True,
            "visualize_interval": 1e4,
        if config is None:
            config = {}

        if config.get("name") is not None:
   = config.get("name")
   = '{0}_brain'.format(

        if config.get("debug") is not None:
            self.debug = config.get("debug")
            self.debug = defaults.get("debug")

        if config.get("log_directory") is not None:
            self.log_dir = config.get("log_directory")
            # Identify the full local path of the module.
            # This trick is used to conveniently locate
            # other Becca resources.
            module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            # log_dir : str
            #     Relative path to the log directory.
            #     This is where backups
            #     and images of the brain's state and performance are kept.
            self.log_dir = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join(module_path, 'log'))

        # Check whether the directory is already there. If not, create it.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir):
        # pickle_filename : str
        #     Relative path and filename of the backup pickle file.
        self.pickle_filename = os.path.join(
            self.log_dir, '{0}.pickle'.format(

        # One of the few constraints on the world is that it has to have
        # n_actions and n_sensors members.
        # n_actions: int
        #     This is the total number of action outputs that
        #     the world is expecting.
        # n_sensors: int
        #     The number of distinct sensors that the world
        #     will be passing in to the brain.
        self.n_actions = world.n_actions
        self.n_sensors = world.n_sensors

        self.timestep = 0

        if config.get("restore") is not None:
            restore_flag = config.get("restore")
            restore_flag = defaults.get("restore")
        if restore_flag:
            restored_brain = restore(self)

        if restore_flag and restored_brain is not None:
            self.timestep = restored_brain.timestep
            self.input_activities = restored_brain.input_activities
            self.actions = restored_brain.actions
            self.n_features = restored_brain.n_features
            self.postprocessor = restored_brain.postprocessor
            self.n_commands = restored_brain.n_commands
            self.commands = restored_brain.commands
            self.preprocessor = restored_brain.preprocessor
            self.affect = restored_brain.affect
            self.satisfaction = restored_brain.satisfaction
            self.featurizer = restored_brain.featurizer
            self.model = restored_brain.model

            # Initialize everything.

            # The preprocessor takes raw sensors and commands and converts
            # them into discrete inputs.
            # Assume all actions are in a continuous space.
            # This means that it can be repeatedly subdivided to
            # generate actions of various magnitudes and increase control.
            self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(n_sensors=self.n_sensors)

            # The postprocessor converts actions to discretized actions
            # and back.
            self.postprocessor = Postprocessor(n_actions=self.n_actions)

            # actions: array of floats
            #     The set of actions to execute this time step.
            #     Initializing them to non-zero helps to kick start the
            #     act-sense-decide loop.
            self.actions = np.ones(self.n_actions) * .1

            self.affect = Affect()
            # satisfaction: float
            #     The level of contentment experienced by the brain.
            #     Higher contentment dampens curiosity and
            #     the drive to explore.
            self.satisfaction = 0.

            # n_commands: array of floats
            #     commands are discretized actions, suitable
            #     for use within becca. The postprocessor
            #     translates commands into actions.
            self.n_commands = self.postprocessor.n_commands
            self.commands = np.zeros(self.n_commands)

            if config.get("n_features") is not None:
                self.n_features = config.get("n_features")
                self.n_features = (2 * self.n_commands
                                   + 8 * self.n_sensors)

            self.input_activities = np.zeros(self.n_features)
            # The featurizer is an unsupervised learner that learns
            # features from the inputs.
            self.featurizer = Featurizer(
            # The model builds sequences of features and goals and reward
            # for making predictions about its world.
            self.model = Model(

            # The actor takes conditional predictions from the model and
            # uses them to choose new goals.
   = Actor(self.n_features, self)

        # Finish with the superficial configuration.
        # This might change from session to session.
        if config.get("backup_interval") is not None:
            self.backup_interval = config.get("backup_interval")
            self.backup_interval = defaults.get("backup_interval")

        if config.get("reporting_interval") is not None:
            self.reporting_interval = config.get("reporting_interval")
            self.reporting_interval = defaults.get("reporting_interval")

        if config.get("visualize_interval") is not None:
            self.visualize_interval = config.get("visualize_interval")
            self.visualize_interval = defaults.get("visualize_interval")

Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
        Configure the Brain.

        brain_name : str
            A descriptive string identifying the brain.
        log_directory : str
            The full path name to a directory where information and
            backups for the world can be stored and retrieved.
        num_actions : array of ints
            The total number of action outputs that the world is expecting.
        num_sensors : array of ints
            The total number of sensor inputs that the world is providing.
        # num_sensors : int
        #     The number of distinct sensors that the world will be passing in
        #     to the brain.
        self.num_sensors = num_sensors
        # num_actions : int
        #     The number of distinct actions that the brain can choose to
        #     execute in the world.
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        num_inputs = self.num_sensors + self.num_actions
        max_num_inputs = num_inputs
        max_num_features = 1 + 3 * max_num_inputs
        # actions : array of floats
        #     The set of actions to execute this time step.
        self.actions = np.ones(self.num_actions) * .1

        # timestep : int
        #     The age of the brain in discrete time steps.
        self.timestep = 0
        # backup_interval : int
        #     The number of time steps between saving a copy of the brain
        #     out to a pickle file for easy recovery.
        self.backup_interval = 1e5
        # name : str
        #     Unique name for this brain. = brain_name

        if log_directory is None:
            # Identify the full local path of the module.
            # This trick is used to conveniently locate other Becca resources.
            module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            # log_dir : str
            #     Relative path to the log directory. This is where backups
            #     and images of the brain's state and performance are kept.
            self.log_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(module_path, 'log'))
            self.log_dir = log_directory
        # Check whether the directory is already there. If not, create it.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir):
        # pickle_filename : str
        #     Relative path and filename of the backup pickle file.
        self.pickle_filename = os.path.join(self.log_dir,

        # affect : Affect
        #     See the pydocs in the module for the class Affect.
        self.affect = Affect()
        # satisfaction : float
        #     The level of contentment experienced by the brain.
        #     Higher contentment dampens curiosity and the drive to explore.
        self.satisfaction = 0.

        # featurizer : Featurizer
        #     The featurizer is an unsupervised learner that learns
        #     features from the inputs.
        self.featurizer = Featurizer(max_num_inputs, max_num_features)
        # model : Model
        #     The model builds sequences of features and goals and uses
        #     them to choose new goals.
        self.model = Model(max_num_features, self)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(
        Configure the Brain.

        backup_interval: int
            How often the brain will save a pickle backup of itself,
            in timesteps.
        brain_name: str
            A descriptive string identifying the brain.
        debug: boolean
            Print informative error messages?
        log_directory : str
            The full path name to a directory where information and
            backups for the world can be stored and retrieved.
        n_actions: int
            This is the total number of action outputs that
            the world is expecting.
        n_sensors: int
            The number of distinct sensors that the world will be passing in
            to the brain.
        n_features: int
            The limit on the number of features passed to the model.
            If this is smaller, Becca will run faster. If it is larger
            Becca will have more capacity to learn. It's an important
            input for determining performance.
        timestep: int
            The age of the brain in discrete time steps.
        visualize_interval: int
            How often to visualize the world, in time steps.
        self.debug = debug
        self.n_sensors = n_sensors
        self.n_actions = n_actions
        self.n_features = np.maximum(
            n_features, self.n_actions + 4 * self.n_sensors)

        self.input_activities = np.zeros(self.n_features)

        # actions: array of floats
        #     The set of actions to execute this time step.
        #     Initializing them to non-zero helps to kick start the
        #     act-sense-decide loop.
        self.actions = np.ones(self.n_actions) * .1

        # The postprocessor converts actions to discretized actions
        # and back.
        self.postprocessor = Postprocessor(n_actions=self.n_actions)

        # n_commands: array of floats
        #     commands are discretized actions, suitable for use within
        #     becca. The postprocessor translates commands into actions.
        self.n_commands = self.postprocessor.n_commands
        # previous_commands: array of floats
        #     The discretized actions executed on the previous time step.
        self.previous_commands = np.zeros(self.n_commands)
        self.commands = np.zeros(self.n_commands)

        # The preprocessor takes raw sensors and commands and converts
        # them into discrete inputs.
        # Assume all actions are in a continuous space.
        # This means that it can be repeatedly subdivided to
        # generate actions of various magnitudes and increase control.
        self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(

        self.affect = Affect()
        # satisfaction: float
        #     The level of contentment experienced by the brain.
        #     Higher contentment dampens curiosity and the drive to explore.
        self.satisfaction = 0.

        # The featurizer is an unsupervised learner that learns
        # features from the inputs.
        self.featurizer = Featurizer(
        # The model builds sequences of features and goals and reward
        # for making predictions about its world.
        self.model = Model(

        # The actor takes conditional predictions from the model and 
        # uses them to choose new goals. = Actor(self.n_features, self)

        self.timestep = timestep
        self.visualize_interval = visualize_interval
        self.backup_interval = backup_interval = brain_name

        if log_directory:
            self.log_dir = log_directory
            # Identify the full local path of the module.
            # This trick is used to conveniently locate other Becca resources.
            module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
            # log_dir : str
            #     Relative path to the log directory. This is where backups
            #     and images of the brain's state and performance are kept.
            self.log_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(module_path, 'log'))

        # Check whether the directory is already there. If not, create it.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir):
        # pickle_filename : str
        #     Relative path and filename of the backup pickle file.
        self.pickle_filename = os.path.join(
            self.log_dir, '{0}.pickle'.format(brain_name))