Beispiel #1
def get_rotation1(msg, pub):

    # establish a threshold for the wrap counter, in this case the threshold is 15 degrees
    # but the value must be converted to radians for use on the angles directly
    threshold = 15 * math.pi / 180

    # create a blank object of type Position()
    pos_msg = Position()

    # in python use of the "global" keyword inside a function indicates that use of the
    # specified variable names within that function should refer to the global instance
    # of variables with that same name, in this case within the function get_rotation
    # anytime we use "roll","pitch","yaw","wrapped_yaw","old_yaw","num_wraps" we are
    # referring to the global variables with these names (these variables are defined
    # at the global scope, outside of the calling function)
    global roll1, pitch1, yaw1, wrapped_yaw1, old_yaw1, num_wraps1

    # the following code is copied from an example on converting quaternions to euler angles
    # source:
    orientation_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
    orientation_list = [
        orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w
    (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)

    # the following block catches the yaw discontinuity and increments the wrap counter
    # valid yaw range is from -pi to pi
    if old_yaw < -threshold and yaw > threshold:  # from -pi to pi (increasing negative)
        num_wraps = num_wraps - 1
    elif old_yaw > threshold and yaw < -threshold:
        num_wraps = num_wraps + 1

    # establish the new value of wrapped_yaw using the updated num_wraps
    wrapped_yaw = yaw + 2 * math.pi * num_wraps

    # update old_yaw, this variable is used in the wrap catch block
    old_yaw = yaw

    # write the converted angles to the angular properties of the position message
    # also convert the radian positions to degrees
    pos_msg.angular.roll = roll * 180 / math.pi
    pos_msg.angular.pitch = pitch * 180 / math.pi
    pos_msg.angular.yaw = wrapped_yaw * 180 / math.pi

    # make sure we publish the message
def odom(data,pub):
  global x
  global y
  global old_yaw,num_wraps,yaw
  threshold = 15*math.pi/180
  pos_msg = Position()
  x = data.pose.pose.position.x
  y = data.pose.pose.position.y
  rot_quat = data.pose.pose.orientation
  (roll,pitch,yaw) = euler_from_quaternion ([rot_quat.x,rot_quat.y,rot_quat.z,rot_quat.w])
  if old_yaw < -threshold and yaw > threshold: # from -pi to pi (increasing negative)
    num_wraps = num_wraps - 1
  elif old_yaw > threshold and yaw < -threshold:
    num_wraps = num_wraps + 1
  wrapped_yaw = yaw + 2*math.pi*num_wraps
  old_yaw = yaw
  pos_msg.angular.roll  = roll * 180/math.pi
  pos_msg.angular.pitch = pitch * 180/math.pi
  pos_msg.angular.yaw   = wrapped_yaw * 180/math.pi
Beispiel #3
def callback_ori(data, data_out):
    data_out.angular.roll = data.angular.roll
    data_out.angular.pitch = data.angular.pitch
    data_out.angular.yaw = data.angular.yaw

def callback_cmd(data, data_out):
    data_out.linear.x = data.linear.x
    data_out.angular.yaw = data.angular.yaw

if __name__ == "__main__":


        position = Position()
        twist = Twist()
        rospy.Subscriber('/eul', Position, callback_ori, (position))
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, callback_pos, (position))
        rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, callback_cmd, (twist))

        rospy.init_node('LogFileNode', anonymous=True)
        # create a rate object for timing, the argument is in Hz
        r = rospy.Rate(100)  #HZ

        # this will constitute the header for the columns in the csv file, this is simply because
        # it is the first line which will be written
        myData = ["x", "y", "z", "roll", "pitch", "yaw", "CMD", "CMD2"]

        # the following code creates a base filename containing the data and time
        fileNameBase = "/home/reven/me_401/homework_ws/src/beginner_tutorials/scripts" +