Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, text=None, exc_cause=None):
        if not text and exc_cause:
            text = six.text_type(exc_cause)
        if exc_cause and six.PY2:
            # -- NOTE: Python2 does not show chained-exception causes.
            #    Therefore, provide some hint (see also: PEP-3134).
            cause_text = ExceptionUtil.describe(exc_cause,
                                                prefix="CAUSED-BY: ")
            text += "\n" + cause_text

        ValueError.__init__(self, text)
        if exc_cause:
            # -- CHAINED EXCEPTION (see: PEP 3134)
            ChainedExceptionUtil.set_cause(self, exc_cause)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, text=None, exc_cause=None):
        if not text and exc_cause:
            text = six.text_type(exc_cause)
        if exc_cause and six.PY2:
            # -- NOTE: Python2 does not show chained-exception causes.
            #    Therefore, provide some hint (see also: PEP-3134).
            cause_text = ExceptionUtil.describe(exc_cause,
                                                prefix="CAUSED-BY: ")
            text += u"\n" + cause_text

        ValueError.__init__(self, text)
        if exc_cause:
            # -- CHAINED EXCEPTION (see: PEP 3134)
            ChainedExceptionUtil.set_cause(self, exc_cause)