def get_links(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID) -> List[Link]: """ Given a game/version/userid, find all links between this user and other users Parameters: game - String identifier of the game looking up the user. version - Integer version of the game looking up the user. userid - Integer user ID, as looked up by one of the above functions. Returns: A list of Link objects. """ sql = "SELECT type, other_userid, data FROM link WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND userid = :userid" cursor = self.execute(sql, {'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid}) links = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): links.append( Link( userid, result['type'], UserID(result['other_userid']), self.deserialize(result['data']), ) ) return links
def get_all_time_based_achievements(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, Achievement]]: """ Given a game/version, find all time-based achievements for all players. Parameters: game - String identifier of the game looking up the user. version - Integer version of the game looking up the user. Returns: A list of (UserID, Achievement) objects. """ sql = ( "SELECT AS id, time_based_achievement.type AS type, " " AS data, time_based_achievement.timestamp AS timestamp, " "refid.userid AS userid FROM time_based_achievement, refid WHERE = :game AND " "refid.version = :version AND refid.refid = time_based_achievement.refid" ) cursor = self.execute(sql, {'game': game, 'version': version}) achievements = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): achievements.append( ( UserID(result['userid']), Achievement( result['id'], result['type'], result['timestamp'], self.deserialize(result['data']), ), ) ) return achievements
def get_all_arcades(self) -> List[Arcade]: """ List all known arcades in the system. Returns: A list of Arcade objects. """ sql = "SELECT userid, arcadeid FROM arcade_owner" cursor = self.execute(sql) arcade_to_owners: Dict[int, List[UserID]] = {} for row in cursor.fetchall(): arcade = row['arcadeid'] owner = UserID(row['userid']) if arcade not in arcade_to_owners: arcade_to_owners[arcade] = [] arcade_to_owners[arcade].append(owner) sql = "SELECT id, name, description, pin, data FROM arcade" cursor = self.execute(sql) return [ Arcade( ArcadeID(result['id']), result['name'], result['description'], result['pin'], self.deserialize(result['data']), arcade_to_owners.get(result['id'], []), ) for result in cursor.fetchall() ]
def get_all_lobbies(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, ValidatedDict]]: """ Given a game and version, look up all active lobbies. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. Returns: A list of dictionaries representing lobby info stored by a game class. """ sql = ("SELECT userid, id, data FROM lobby " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND time > :time") cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) ret = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] ret.append((UserID(result['userid']), data)) return ret
def get_all_play_session_infos( self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, ValidatedDict]]: """ Given a game and version, look up all play session information. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. Returns: A list of Tuples, consisting of a UserID and the dictionary that would be returned for that user if get_play_session_info() was called for that user. """ sql = ("SELECT id, time, userid, data FROM playsession " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version " "AND time > :time") cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) ret = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] data['time'] = result['time'] ret.append((UserID(result['userid']), data)) return ret
def get_events( self, userid: Optional[UserID] = None, arcadeid: Optional[ArcadeID] = None, event: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, since_id: Optional[int] = None, until_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Event]: # Base query sql = "SELECT id, timestamp, userid, arcadeid, type, data FROM audit " # Lets get specific! wheres = [] if userid is not None: wheres.append("userid = :userid") if arcadeid is not None: wheres.append("arcadeid = :arcadeid") if event is not None: wheres.append("type = :event") if since_id is not None: wheres.append("id >= :since_id") if until_id is not None: wheres.append("id < :until_id") if len(wheres) > 0: sql = sql + f"WHERE {' AND '.join(wheres)} " # Order it newest to oldest sql = sql + "ORDER BY id DESC" if limit is not None: sql = sql + " LIMIT :limit" cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'userid': userid, 'arcadeid': arcadeid, 'event': event, 'limit': limit, 'since_id': since_id, 'until_id': until_id }) events = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): if result['userid'] is not None: userid = UserID(result['userid']) else: userid = None if result['arcadeid'] is not None: arcadeid = ArcadeID(result['arcadeid']) else: arcadeid = None events.append( Event( result['id'], result['timestamp'], userid, arcadeid, result['type'], self.deserialize(result['data']), ), ) return events
def get_all_profiles(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, ValidatedDict]]: """ Given a game/version, look up all user profiles for that game. Parameters: game - String identifier of the game we want all user profiles for. version - Integer version of the game we want all user profiles for. Returns: A list of (UserID, dictionaries) previously stored by a game class for each profile. """ sql = ( "SELECT refid.userid AS userid, refid.refid AS refid, extid.extid AS extid, AS data " "FROM refid, profile, extid " "WHERE = :game AND refid.version = :version " "AND refid.refid = profile.refid AND = AND extid.userid = refid.userid" ) cursor = self.execute(sql, {'game': game, 'version': version}) profiles = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): profile = { 'refid': result['refid'], 'extid': result['extid'], 'game': game, 'version': version, } profile.update(self.deserialize(result['data'])) profiles.append(( UserID(result['userid']), ValidatedDict(profile), )) return profiles
def from_extid(self, game: str, version: int, extid: int) -> Optional[UserID]: """ Given a generated ExtID, look up a user ID. Note that there is a unique RefID and ExtID for each profile, and both can be used to look up a user. When creating a new profile, we generate a unique RefID and ExtID. Parameters: game - String identifier of the game looking up the user. version - Integer version of the game looking up the user. extid - ExtID in question, most likely previously generated by this class. Returns: User ID as an integer if found, or None if not. """ # First, look up the user account sql = "SELECT userid FROM extid WHERE game = :game AND extid = :extid" cursor = self.execute(sql, {'game': game, 'extid': extid}) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # Couldn't find a user with this refid return None result = cursor.fetchone() return UserID(result['userid'])
def get_all_cards(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[UserID]]]: """ Look up all cards associated with any account. Returns: A list of Tuples representing representing card ID, user ID pairs. """ sql = "SELECT id, userid FROM card" cursor = self.execute(sql) return [(res['id'], UserID(res['userid']) if res['userid'] is not None else None) for res in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_all_cards(self) -> List[Tuple[str, UserID]]: """ Look up all cards associated with any account. Returns: A list of Tuples representing representing card ID, user ID pairs. """ sql = "SELECT id, userid FROM card" cursor = self.execute(sql) return [(str(res['id']).upper(), UserID(res['userid'])) for res in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_all_users(self) -> List[User]: """ Look up all users in the system. Returns: A list of User objects representing all users. """ sql = "SELECT id, username, email, admin FROM user" cursor = self.execute(sql) return [ User(UserID(result['id']), result['username'], result['email'], result['admin'] == 1) for result in cursor.fetchall() ]
def from_session(self, session: str) -> Optional[UserID]: """ Given a previously-opened session, look up a user ID. Parameters: session - String identifying a session that was opened by create_session. Returns: User ID as an integer if found, or None if the session is expired or doesn't exist. """ userid = self._from_session(session, 'userid') if userid is None: return None return UserID(userid)
def get_all_players(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[UserID]: """ Given a game/version, look up all user IDs that played this game/version. Parameters: game - String identifier of the game we want all user profiles for. version - Integer version of the game we want all user profiles for. Returns: A list of UserIDs for users that played this version of this game. """ sql = ("SELECT refid.userid AS userid FROM refid " "WHERE = :game AND refid.version = :version") cursor = self.execute(sql, {'game': game, 'version': version}) return [UserID(result['userid']) for result in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_score_by_key(self, game: str, version: int, key: int) -> Optional[Tuple[UserID, Score]]: """ Look up previous high score by key. Parameters: game - String representing a game series. version - Integer representing which version of the game. key - Integer representing a unique key fetched in a previous Score lookup. Returns: The optional data stored by the game previously, or None if no score exists. """ sql = ( "SELECT music.songid AS songid, music.chart AS chart, AS scorekey, score.timestamp AS timestamp, score.update AS `update`, " + "score.userid AS userid, score.lid AS lid, " + "(select COUNT(score_history.timestamp) FROM score_history WHERE score_history.musicid = AND score_history.userid = score.userid) AS plays, " + "score.points AS points, AS data FROM score, music WHERE = :scorekey AND score.musicid = " + "AND = :game AND music.version = :version") cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'scorekey': key, }, ) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # score doesn't exist return None result = cursor.fetchone() return (UserID(result['userid']), Score( result['scorekey'], result['songid'], result['chart'], result['points'], result['timestamp'], result['update'], result['lid'], result['plays'], self.deserialize(result['data']), ))
def from_username(self, username: str) -> Optional[UserID]: """ Given a username, look up a user ID. Parameters: username - A string representing the user's username. Returns: User ID as an integer if found, or None if not. """ sql = "SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = :username" cursor = self.execute(sql, {'username': username}) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # Couldn't find this username return None result = cursor.fetchone() return UserID(result['id'])
def get_attempt_by_key(self, game: str, version: int, key: int) -> Optional[Tuple[UserID, Attempt]]: """ Look up a previous attempt by key. Parameters: game - String representing a game series. version - Integer representing which version of the game. key - Integer representing a unique key fetched in a previous Attempt lookup. Returns: The optional data stored by the game previously, or None if no score exists. """ sql = ( "SELECT music.songid AS songid, music.chart AS chart, AS scorekey, score_history.timestamp AS timestamp, score_history.userid AS userid, " + "score_history.lid AS lid, score_history.new_record AS new_record, score_history.points AS points, AS data FROM score_history, music " + "WHERE = :scorekey AND score_history.musicid = AND = :game AND music.version = :version" ) cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'scorekey': key, }, ) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # score doesn't exist return None result = cursor.fetchone() return (UserID(result['userid']), Attempt( result['scorekey'], result['songid'], result['chart'], result['points'], result['timestamp'], result['lid'], True if result['new_record'] == 1 else False, self.deserialize(result['data']), ))
def get_balances(self, arcadeid: ArcadeID) -> List[Tuple[UserID, int]]: """ Given an arcade ID, look up all user's PASELI balances for that arcade. Parameters: arcadeid - The arcade in question. Returns: The PASELI balance for each user at this arcade. """ sql = "SELECT userid, balance FROM balance WHERE arcadeid = :arcadeid" cursor = self.execute(sql, {'arcadeid': arcadeid}) balances = [] for entry in cursor.fetchall(): balances.append(( UserID(entry['userid']), entry['balance'], )) return balances
def from_cardid(self, cardid: str) -> Optional[UserID]: """ Given a 16 digit card ID, look up a user ID. Note that this is the E004 number as stored on the card. Not the 16 digit ASCII value on the back. Use CardCipher to convert. Parameters: cardid - 16-digit card ID to look for. Returns: User ID as an integer if found, or None if not. """ # First, look up the user account sql = "SELECT userid FROM card WHERE id = :id" cursor = self.execute(sql, {'id': cardid}) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # Couldn't find a user with this card return None result = cursor.fetchone() return UserID(result['userid'])
def card_to_userid(cardid: str) -> UserID: return UserID(int(cardid, 16))
def get_all_attempts( self, game: str, version: Optional[int] = None, userid: Optional[UserID] = None, songid: Optional[int] = None, songchart: Optional[int] = None, timelimit: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Optional[UserID], Attempt]]: """ Look up all of the attempts to score for a particular game. Parameters: game - String representing a game series. version - Integer representing which version of the game. Returns: A list of UserID, Attempt objects representing all score attempts for a game, sorted newest to oldest attempts. """ # First, construct the queries for grabbing the songid/chart if version is not None: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score_history.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score_history.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) else: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score_history.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score_history.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) # Now, construct the inner select statement so we can choose which scores we care about innerselect = ('SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM music WHERE game = :game') if version is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND version = :version' if songid is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND songid = :songid' if songchart is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND chart = :songchart' # Finally, construct the full query sql = ( "SELECT ({}) AS songid, ({}) AS chart, id AS scorekey, timestamp, points, new_record, lid, data, userid " "FROM score_history WHERE musicid IN ({})").format( songidquery, chartquery, innerselect) # Now, limit the query if userid is not None: sql = sql + ' AND userid = :userid' if timelimit is not None: sql = sql + ' AND timestamp >= :timestamp' sql = sql + ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC' if limit is not None: sql = sql + ' LIMIT :limit' if offset is not None: sql = sql + ' OFFSET :offset' # Now, query itself cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'songid': songid, 'songchart': songchart, 'timestamp': timelimit, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, }) # Now objectify the attempts attempts = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): attempts.append( (UserID(result['userid']) if result['userid'] > 0 else None, Attempt( result['scorekey'], result['songid'], result['chart'], result['points'], result['timestamp'], result['lid'], True if result['new_record'] == 1 else False, self.deserialize(result['data']), ))) return attempts
def get_all_records( self, game: str, version: Optional[int] = None, userlist: Optional[List[UserID]] = None, locationlist: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[UserID, Score]]: """ Look up all of a game's records, only returning the top score for each song. For score ties, king-of-the-hill rules are in effect, so for two players with an identical top score, the player that got the score last wins. If a list of user IDs is given, we will only look up records pertaining to those users. So if another user has a higher record, we will ignore this. This can be used to display area-local high scores, etc. Parameters: game - String representing a game series. version - Integer representing which version of the game. userlist - List of UserIDs to limit the search to. locationlist - A list of location IDs to limit searches to. Returns: A list of UserID, Score objects representing all high scores for a game. """ # First, construct the queries for grabbing the songid/chart if version is not None: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) else: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) # Next, get a list of all songs that were played given the input criteria musicid_sql = ( "SELECT DISTINCT(score.musicid) FROM score, music WHERE score.musicid = AND = :game" ) params: Dict[str, Any] = {'game': game} if version is not None: musicid_sql = musicid_sql + ' AND music.version = :version' params['version'] = version # Figure out where the record was earned if locationlist is not None: if len(locationlist) == 0: # We don't have any locations, but SQL will shit the bed, so lets add a default one. locationlist.append(-1) location_sql = "AND score.lid IN :locationlist" params['locationlist'] = tuple(locationlist) else: location_sql = "" # Figure out who got the record if userlist is not None: if len(userlist) == 0: # We don't have any users, but SQL will shit the bed, so lets add a fake one. userlist.append(UserID(-1)) user_sql = f"SELECT userid FROM score WHERE score.musicid = played.musicid AND score.userid IN :userlist {location_sql} ORDER BY points DESC, timestamp DESC LIMIT 1" params['userlist'] = tuple(userlist) else: user_sql = f"SELECT userid FROM score WHERE score.musicid = played.musicid {location_sql} ORDER BY points DESC, timestamp DESC LIMIT 1" records_sql = f"SELECT ({user_sql}) AS userid, musicid FROM ({musicid_sql}) played" # Now, join it up against the score and music table to grab the info we need sql = ( "SELECT ({}) AS songid, ({}) AS chart, score.points AS points, score.userid AS userid, AS scorekey, AS data, " + "score.timestamp AS timestamp, score.update AS `update`, " + "score.lid AS lid, (select COUNT(score_history.timestamp) FROM score_history WHERE score_history.musicid = score.musicid) AS plays " + "FROM score, ({}) records WHERE records.userid = score.userid AND records.musicid = score.musicid" ).format(songidquery, chartquery, records_sql) cursor = self.execute(sql, params) scores = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): scores.append((UserID(result['userid']), Score( result['scorekey'], result['songid'], result['chart'], result['points'], result['timestamp'], result['update'], result['lid'], result['plays'], self.deserialize(result['data']), ))) return scores
def get_all_scores( self, game: str, version: Optional[int] = None, userid: Optional[UserID] = None, songid: Optional[int] = None, songchart: Optional[int] = None, since: Optional[int] = None, until: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[UserID, Score]]: """ Look up all of a game's high scores for all users. Parameters: game - String representing a game series. version - Integer representing which version of the game. Returns: A list of UserID, Score objects representing all high scores for a game. """ # First, construct the queries for grabbing the songid/chart if version is not None: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game AND version = :version' ) else: songidquery = ( 'SELECT songid FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) chartquery = ( 'SELECT chart FROM music WHERE = score.musicid AND game = :game ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' ) # Select statement for getting play count playselect = ( 'SELECT COUNT(timestamp) FROM score_history WHERE score_history.musicid = score.musicid AND score_history.userid = score.userid' ) # Now, construct the inner select statement so we can choose which scores we care about innerselect = ('SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM music WHERE game = :game') if version is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND version = :version' if songid is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND songid = :songid' if songchart is not None: innerselect = innerselect + ' AND chart = :songchart' # Finally, construct the full query sql = ( "SELECT ({}) AS songid, ({}) AS chart, id AS scorekey, points, timestamp, `update`, lid, data, userid, ({}) AS plays " "FROM score WHERE musicid IN ({})").format(songidquery, chartquery, playselect, innerselect) # Now, limit the query if userid is not None: sql = sql + ' AND userid = :userid' if since is not None: sql = sql + ' AND score.update >= :since' if until is not None: sql = sql + ' AND score.update < :until' # Now, query itself cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'songid': songid, 'songchart': songchart, 'since': since, 'until': until, }) # Objectify result scores = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): scores.append((UserID(result['userid']), Score( result['scorekey'], result['songid'], result['chart'], result['points'], result['timestamp'], result['update'], result['lid'], result['plays'], self.deserialize(result['data']), ))) return scores
def test_is_remote(self) -> None: self.assertTrue(RemoteUser.is_remote(UserID(2**64 - 1))) self.assertTrue(RemoteUser.is_remote(UserID(2**32))) self.assertFalse(RemoteUser.is_remote(UserID(2**32 - 1))) self.assertFalse(RemoteUser.is_remote(UserID(0))) self.assertFalse(RemoteUser.is_remote(UserID(1)))
def test_get_league_scores(self) -> None: data = Mock() data.local = Mock() data.local.user = Mock() # Test correct behavior on empty input self.assertEqual( JubeatProp._get_league_scores( None, 999, [] ), ( [], [], ), ) # Test that we can load last week's score if it exists for a user data.local.user.get_achievement = Mock(return_value={'score': [123, 456, 789]}) self.assertEqual( JubeatProp._get_league_scores( data, 999, [(UserID(1337), {})], ), ( [(1337, 1368)], [], ), ) data.local.user.get_achievement.assert_called_once_with(, JubeatProp.version, 1337, 998, 'league', ) data.local.user.get_achievement.reset_mock() # Test that if it doesn't exist last week they get marked as absent data.local.user.get_achievement = Mock(return_value=None) self.assertEqual( JubeatProp._get_league_scores( data, 999, [(UserID(1337), {})], ), ( [], [1337], ), ) data.local.user.get_achievement.assert_called_once_with(, JubeatProp.version, 1337, 998, 'league', ) data.local.user.get_achievement.reset_mock()