Beispiel #1
# PART 4: Discretize and solve the equations ###################################
solver = lib.createDefaultIterativeSolver(lhsOp)
params = lib.defaultGmresParameterList(1e-8)
# Solve the equation
solution = solver.solve(rhs)
print solution.solverMessage()

# PART 5: Extract the solution #################################################
sol = solution.gridFunction()
print "************** k = ", k, " **********************"

slPot = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, k)
dlPot = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, k)
evalOptions = lib.createEvaluationOptions()

endpl = 0.5;
radpl = 0.1;
hwwing = 0.05;
angl = 0.3;
wings = 0.3;

xe = radpl*np.cos(angl)+wings;
ye = 0.0; #radpl*Sin(angl);
ze = 0.0; # : Middle of wing plane
potRes = slPot.evaluateAtPoints(sol, [[xe],[ye],[ze]], evalOptions)
negInci = -uIncData([xe,ye,ze])
print [[xe],[ye],[ze]], negInci, " = pt and neg of inc wave, approx and potential =", potRes, ", error = ", np.abs(potRes-negInci)
Beispiel #2
rhs = -uInc

# PART 4: Discretize and solve the equations ###################################
solver = lib.createDefaultIterativeSolver(lhsOp)
params = lib.defaultGmresParameterList(1e-8)
# Solve the equation
solution = solver.solve(rhs)
print solution.solverMessage()

# PART 5: Extract the solution #################################################
sol = solution.gridFunction()
print "************** k = ", k, " **********************"

slPot = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, k)
dlPot = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, k)
evalOptions = lib.createEvaluationOptions()

endpl = 0.5
radpl = 0.1
hwwing = 0.05
angl = 0.3
wings = 0.3

xe = radpl * np.cos(angl) + wings
ye = 0.0
ze = 0.0
# : Middle of wing plane
potRes = slPot.evaluateAtPoints(sol, [[xe], [ye], [ze]], evalOptions)
negInci = -uIncData([xe, ye, ze])
Beispiel #3
# Combine them with the incident wave to yield the traces of the scattered field
# (uSc) and the field transmitted into the object (uInt)

uSc = uExt - uInc
uScDeriv = uExtDeriv - uIncDeriv

uInt = uExt
uIntDeriv = rhoInt / rhoExt * uExtDeriv

# PART 6: Evaluate the total field on part of the xy plane #####################

# Create the potential operators entering the Green's representation formula

slPotInt = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kInt)
dlPotInt = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kInt)
slPotExt = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kExt)
dlPotExt = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kExt)

# Create a grid of points

nPointsX = 201
nPointsY = 201
x, y, z = np.mgrid[-5:5:nPointsX*1j, -5:5:nPointsY*1j, 0:0:1j]
points = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()))

# Split the points into those located inside and outside the scatterer

inside = lib.areInside(grid, points)
outside = np.logical_not(inside)
Beispiel #4
# Combine them with the incident wave to yield the traces of the scattered field
# (uSc) and the field transmitted into the object (uInt)

uSc = uExt - uInc
uScDeriv = uExtDeriv - uIncDeriv

uInt = uExt
uIntDeriv = rhoInt / rhoExt * uExtDeriv

# PART 6: Evaluate the total field on part of the xy plane #####################

# Create the potential operators entering the Green's representation formula

slPotInt = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kInt)
dlPotInt = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kInt)
slPotExt = lib.createHelmholtz3dSingleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kExt)
dlPotExt = lib.createHelmholtz3dDoubleLayerPotentialOperator(context, kExt)

# Create a grid of points

nPointsX = 201
nPointsY = 201
x, y, z = np.mgrid[-5:5:nPointsX*1j, -5:5:nPointsY*1j, 0:0:1j]
points = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()))

# Split the points into those located inside and outside the scatterer

inside = lib.areInside(grid, points)
outside = np.logical_not(inside)