def view_draw_image(self, context, width, height, raw): region = context.region view = context.region_data vmat = view.view_matrix.copy() vmat_inv = vmat.inverted() pmat = view.perspective_matrix * vmat_inv viewport = [region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height] self.update_view(vmat, pmat, viewport) #raw = [[255, 0, 0, 255]] * (width * height) pixel_count = width * height print("VIEW DRAW RAW:" + str(len(raw)) + " count:" + str(pixel_count * 4)) bitmap = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_BYTE, [pixel_count * 4], raw) # bgl.glBitmap(self.size_x, self.size_y, 0, 0, 0, 0, bitmap) scalex = 1.0 / width * 2 scaley = 1.0 / height * 2 bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) # bgl.glWindowPos2i(0,0) #bgl.glPixelZoom( scalex,-scaley ); bgl.glDrawPixels( width, height, # Blender.BGL.GL_BGRA, Blender.BGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, # 0x80E1 0x1908 0x1908, 0x1401, # bgl.GL_BGRA, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap)
def view_draw(self, context): print("LuxCore view_draw call") # Check if the size of the window is changed if (self.filmWidth != context.region.width) or (self.filmHeight != context.region.height): self.view_update(context) # Update statistics self.session.UpdateStats() stats = self.session.GetStats(); print("[Elapsed time: %3d][Samples %4d][Avg. samples/sec % 3.2fM on %.1fK tris]" % ( stats.Get("stats.renderengine.time").GetFloat(), stats.Get("stats.renderengine.pass").GetInt(), (stats.Get("").GetFloat() / 1000000.0), (stats.Get("stats.dataset.trianglecount").GetFloat() / 1000.0))) # Update the screen self.session.GetFilm().GetOutputFloat(pyluxcore.FilmOutputType.RGB_TONEMAPPED, self.imageBufferFloat) glBuffer = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, [self.filmWidth * self.filmHeight * 3], self.imageBufferFloat) bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.filmWidth, self.filmHeight, bgl.GL_RGB, bgl.GL_FLOAT, glBuffer); # Trigger another update self.tag_redraw()
def view_draw(self, context): print("LuxCore view_draw call") # Check if the size of the window is changed if (self.filmWidth != context.region.width) or (self.filmHeight != context.region.height): self.view_update(context) # Update statistics self.session.UpdateStats() stats = self.session.GetStats() print( "[Elapsed time: %3d][Samples %4d][Avg. samples/sec % 3.2fM on %.1fK tris]" % (stats.Get("stats.renderengine.time").GetFloat(), stats.Get("stats.renderengine.pass").GetInt(), (stats.Get("").GetFloat() / 1000000.0), (stats.Get("stats.dataset.trianglecount").GetFloat() / 1000.0))) # Update the screen self.session.GetFilm().GetOutputFloat( pyluxcore.FilmOutputType.RGB_TONEMAPPED, self.imageBufferFloat) glBuffer = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, [self.filmWidth * self.filmHeight * 3], self.imageBufferFloat) bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.filmWidth, self.filmHeight, bgl.GL_RGB, bgl.GL_FLOAT, glBuffer) # Trigger another update self.tag_redraw()
def processMessage(self, header_sizeBytes, header_messageType, data): if header_messageType == FromServer.Result: self.renderedView = True resolution = struct.unpack_from('=HH', memoryview(data)) imageSizeBytes = resolution[0] * resolution[1] * 4 glBuffer = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_BYTE, [imageSizeBytes], list(data[4:4 + imageSizeBytes])) bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(resolution[0], resolution[1], bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, glBuffer)
def view_draw_image(self, width, height, raw): # raw = [[0, 255, 0, 255]] * (width * height) pixel_count = width * height bitmap = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_BYTE, [pixel_count * 4], raw) # bgl.glBitmap(self.size_x, self.size_y, 0, 0, 0, 0, bitmap) bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(width, height, # Blender.BGL.GL_BGRA, Blender.BGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0x80E1, 0x1401, # bgl.GL_BGRA, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap )
def drawIcon(image_file, pos_x, pos_y): bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT|bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) buf = buffers[image_file] bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, buf) bgl.glPopClientAttrib()
def view_draw(self, context): region = context.region view_3d = context.region_data pixels = self.do_render( context.scene, region.width, region.height, view_3d.view_matrix, view_3d.window_matrix, view_3d.view_matrix.inverted().transposed()[3][:3]) pixel_count = region.width * region.height bitmap = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, [pixel_count * 3], pixels) bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(region.width, region.height, bgl.GL_RGB, bgl.GL_FLOAT, bitmap)
def view_draw(self, context): bgl.glRasterPos2i(0, 0) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.width, self.height, bgl.GL_RGB, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.glbuffer) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
def draw_callback_px_moving_arrow(self, context): #print("drawing") DPI = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.dpi print("Rendering moving arrow with DPI " + str(DPI)) int_selection_num = int(self.selection_num) n_items = len(self.selectable_items) # Phylosophy # We try to use the fraction of the current heght of the area, but up to a maximum font size # Number of items to really display n_items_to_display = min(MAX_DISPLAY_ELEMENTS, len(self.selectable_items)) # Calculate the top point text_top_y = context.region.height * ( (1 + SELECTION_DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2) # calc the desired text area height desired_bottom_y = context.region.height * ( (1 - SELECTION_DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2) desired_text_area_height = text_top_y - desired_bottom_y # calc the desired the font size font_size = int(desired_text_area_height / n_items_to_display) # But limit the font size to their maximum font_size = min(font_size, self.FONT_MAX_SIZE) # The effective size of the text area, according to the chosen font size text_area_height = font_size * n_items_to_display # recompute the bottom point according to chosen font size text_bottom_y = text_top_y - text_area_height #print("Font_size = " + str(font_size)) bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) blf.size(0, font_size, DPI) # # Draw background max_text_width = 0 for item in self.selectable_items: item_w, item_h = blf.dimensions(0, item) if (item_w > max_text_width): max_text_width = item_w self.draw_bg(context=context, top_y=text_top_y, bottom_y=text_bottom_y, width=max_text_width * 1.5) # # Draw entries pos_x = 0 pos_y = text_top_y - font_size pos_y += self.selection_window_first_item * font_size for item_id in range(0, len(self.selectable_items)): item = self.selectable_items[item_id] item_w, item_h = blf.dimensions(0, item) pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) - item_w blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0) if (item_id == int_selection_num): bgl.glColor4f(*self.SELECTED_FONT_RGBA) else: bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) blf.draw(0, item) pos_y -= font_size bgl.glPopAttrib() # # Draw pointing finger bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) if (not self.selector_visible): pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) + self.ICON_SIZE pos_y = text_top_y - self.ICON_SIZE bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.ICON_SIZE, self.ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, icon_pointing_finger_missing) else: pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) pos_y = text_bottom_y + self.normalized_finger_y * text_area_height - ( self.ICON_SIZE * 0.625) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.ICON_SIZE, self.ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, icon_pointing_finger) bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pass
def draw_callback_px_moving_text(self, context): DPI = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.dpi #print("Rendering moving text with DPI "+str(DPI)) #print("selection= "+str(self.selection_num)) int_selection_num = int(self.selection_num) n_items = len(self.selectable_items) # Phylosophy # We try to use the fraction of the current heght of the area, but up to a maximum font size # Number of items to really display n_items_to_display = min(MAX_DISPLAY_ELEMENTS, len(self.selectable_items)) # Calculate the top point text_top_y = context.region.height * ( (1 + SELECTION_DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2) # calc the desired text area height desired_bottom_y = context.region.height * ( (1 - SELECTION_DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2) desired_text_area_height = text_top_y - desired_bottom_y # calc the desired the font size font_size = int(desired_text_area_height / n_items_to_display) # But limit the font size to their maximum font_size = min(font_size, self.FONT_MAX_SIZE) # The effective size of the text area, according to the chosen font size text_area_height = font_size * n_items_to_display # recompute the bottom point according to chosen font size text_bottom_y = text_top_y - text_area_height #print(str(self.FONT_MAX_SIZE)+" fs="+str(font_size)) central_y = text_bottom_y + int(text_area_height / 2) bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) # Set the font size now, because it will be needed to estimate the background size. blf.size(0, font_size, DPI) # # Draw background max_text_width = 0 for item in self.selectable_items: item_w, item_h = blf.dimensions(0, item) if (item_w > max_text_width): max_text_width = item_w self.draw_bg(context, top_y=text_top_y, bottom_y=text_bottom_y, width=max_text_width * 1.5, cover_pointer=True) # # Draw entries # pos_x = 0 # The first item will be drawn on the very top, according to the current selection and its position on screen # The offset uses (self.selection_num - 1) because the text is written with the y at the bottom line. # However, it is easier to calculate thinking of its beginning at the top. So we shift the text up of one line. pos_y = central_y + ((self.selection_num - 1) * font_size) for item_id in range(0, n_items): item = self.selectable_items[item_id] item_w, item_h = blf.dimensions(0, item) pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) - item_w blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0) if (item_id == int_selection_num): bgl.glColor4f(*self.SELECTED_FONT_RGBA) else: bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) #print("Drawing item at "+str(pos_x) + "\t" + str(pos_y)) blf.draw(0, item) pos_y -= font_size bgl.glPopAttrib() # # Draw pointing finger bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # The finger icon (64x64) has the finget tip at pixel 23 from the top, or 40 from the bottom pos_y = central_y - 40 if (not self.selector_visible): pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) + self.ICON_SIZE bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.ICON_SIZE, self.ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, icon_pointing_finger_missing) else: pos_x = (context.region.width / 2) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(self.ICON_SIZE, self.ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, icon_pointing_finger) bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pass
def draw_highlight(self, leap_modal, context): #print("Callback draw") if (s_registration_active_space != None): if (not (s_registration_active_space.as_pointer() == #print("Skipping...") return #glDrawPixels(width, height, format, type, pixels) #Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer # #height (width,) – Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer. #format (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the format of the pixel data. #type (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the data type for pixels. #pixels (bgl.Buffer object) – Specifies a pointer to the pixel data. # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) ICON_SIZE = 64 GRID_SIZE = 3 BORDER_SIZE = 5 # The number of the cell to highlight has been passed (as string) in the userData from the Keymaps if (leap_modal.userData == "" ): # in case we didn't call this, just jump out #print("No Userdata, skipping") return highlight_cell_num = int(leap_modal.userData) # Cycle to draw all the cells cell_num = 0 pos_y = context.region.height - ICON_SIZE - BORDER_SIZE for buffers_line in self.buffers: #pos_x = (context.region.width - (ICON_SIZE * GRID_SIZE) - (BORDER_SIZE * (GRID_SIZE-1)) ) / 2 pos_x = context.region.width - ( (ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) for buf in buffers_line: #print("Drawing icon for pos "+ str(cell_num)) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) #bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, buf) # eventually, draw the highlight contour for the selected operation if (cell_num == highlight_cell_num): bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.highlight_buf) cell_num += 1 pos_x += ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE pos_y -= ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE # # Draw the usage hint icons #pos_x = (context.region.width - ICON_SIZE ) / 2 pos_x = context.region.width - ( (ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE) * (GRID_SIZE - 1)) #- (ICON_SIZE/2) pos_y = context.region.height - (ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE) * ( GRID_SIZE + 2) #- (BORDER_SIZE*2) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) if (leap_modal.translationUseFinger or leap_modal.rotationUseFinger or leap_modal.isElbowSwivelRotating): bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.one_finger_buf) else: bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.five_fingers_buf) if (leap_modal.isTranslating): bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.translate_arrows_buf) if (leap_modal.isRotating or leap_modal.isElbowSwivelRotating): bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, self.rotate_arrows_buf) pass
def drawIcons(self): global s_registration_active_space #print("Callback drawIcons") context = bpy.context #print("Drawing Icons in active space "+str( if (s_registration_active_space != None): if (not (s_registration_active_space.as_pointer() == #print("Skipping...") return #print("Drawing icons on context " + str(context) + "\tarea is " + str(context.area) + "(" + context.area.type +")") #glDrawPixels(width, height, format, type, pixels) #Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer # #height (width,) – Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer. #format (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the format of the pixel data. #type (Enumerated constant) – Specifies the data type for pixels. #pixels (bgl.Buffer object) – Specifies a pointer to the pixel data. bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CURRENT_BIT | bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) # transparence bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glBlendFunc(bgl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, bgl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) ICON_SIZE = 64 GRID_SIZE = 3 BORDER_SIZE = 5 blf.size(0, self.FONT_SIZE, 72) #bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) blf.blur(0, 1) #bgl.glScalef(0.5,0.5,0.5) # Cycle to draw all the cells cell_num = 0 pos_y = context.region.height - ICON_SIZE - BORDER_SIZE for buffers_line in self.buffers: #pos_x = (context.region.width - (ICON_SIZE * GRID_SIZE) - (BORDER_SIZE * (GRID_SIZE-1)) ) / 2 pos_x = context.region.width - ( (ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) for buf in buffers_line: #print("Drawing icon for pos "+ str(cell_num)) bgl.glRasterPos2f(pos_x, pos_y) bgl.glDrawPixels(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, buf) # Print the char blf.position(0, pos_x, pos_y, 0) #bgl.glPushClientAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) #CURRENT_BIT|bgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT) bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS) blf.size(0, self.FONT_SIZE, 72) #blf.blur(0, 10) #blf.shadow(0, 3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2) #blf.shadow_offset(0, int(self.FONT_SIZE/10), int(self.FONT_SIZE/10)) bgl.glColor4f(*self.FONT_RGBA) blf.draw(0, self.shortcut_keys[cell_num]) bgl.glPopAttrib() #bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pos_x += ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE cell_num += 1 pos_y -= ICON_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE bgl.glPopClientAttrib() pass