def __init__(self): self.sensor = BH1750(SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21))) self.max_level = 500 self.last_day_list = None self.list = [] self.last_measurement_time = 0 self.get_level()
def main(): c = simple.MQTTClient(clientID, broker, user=user, password=authToken, ssl=True) c.set_callback(sub_cb) c.connect() c.subscribe(colorCommandTopic) c.subscribe(ledCommandTopic) # init input button ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'U', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'D', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'L', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'R', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_MID, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'M', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'A', pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, lambda pressed: btn_cb(c, 'B', pressed)) # init BH1750 bh1750 = BH1750(i2c) print("Connected, waiting for event") lumi = {'d': {'luminance': {}}} try: while True: lumi['d']['luminance'] = bh1750.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) c.publish(lumiTopic, json.dumps(lumi)) time.sleep_ms(300) #c.wait_msg() c.check_msg() finally: c.disconnect() ugfx.input_init() print("Disonnected")
def final(sleeping): """ This is the final function, used for the outdoor measurements. The function uses one argument sleeping, which represents the interval between measurement cycles in seconds. """ x = 1 while True: print("7d58. Round ", x) time.sleep(2) aq1 = aq(20, 1) aq2 = aq(20, 2) time.sleep(2) th1 = th2 = i2c_light = machine.I2C(0, pins=("P21", "P22")) lightsensor = BH1750(i2c_light) luminance = lightsensor.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) time.sleep(2) print("Results: ") print("PMS5003 1: ", aq1[0:3]) print("PMS5003 2: ", aq2[0:3]) print("Temperature 1: ", th1.temperature) print("Temperature 2: ", th2.temperature) print("Humdity 1: ", th1.humidity) print("Humdity 2: ", th2.humidity) print("Light intensity: ", luminance) gc.collect() time.sleep(sleeping) gc.collect() x += 1 pms5003.fan_off()
def data_collect(self, header_length): #column 0, 0-90 by 5s column_degrees = np.arange(0, 95, 5, dtype='int') column_degrees = np.array([column_degrees]) column_degrees = column_degrees.T #create empty array #data_array = np.zeros((column_degrees.size,header_length)) data_array = np.zeros(column_degrees.size * header_length) # collect/store data bus = smbus2.SMBus(1) sensor = BH1750(bus) i = 0 while data_array[i] < data_array.size: print(sensor.measure_high_res2()) data_array[i] = float(sensor.measure_high_res2()) #data_array[i]=self.read_light() i = i + 1 time.sleep(self.delay) if (i == data_array.size): break #go from 1d array to 2d array data_array = np.resize(data_array, (column_degrees.size, header_length)) #combine column array and data array data_array = np.concatenate((column_degrees, data_array), axis=1) #turn numpy array to data_frame data_array = pd.DataFrame(data=data_array) return (data_array)
def read_bh1750(): """ Function to read externally connected BH1750 Light Sensor Returns: float: Light intensity in lumens """ bus = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000) s = BH1750(bus) return s.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1)
from machine import UART, Pin, I2C import time, binascii from bh1750 import BH1750 from bmp180 import BMP180 reset = Pin(23, Pin.OUT) led_onboard = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) #define pins 4 and 5 for UART because UART0 are used for USB and # UART1 are "used by Flash chip and cannot be used for other purposes."* #* scl1 = Pin(5, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) sda1 = Pin(4, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) i2c = I2C(0) i2c = I2C(1, scl=scl1, sda=sda1) s = BH1750(i2c) bmp180 = BMP180(i2c) bmp180.oversample_sett = 2 def pisca(tiempo): led_onboard.on() time.sleep(tiempo) time.sleep(tiempo) led_onboard.on() time.sleep(tiempo) time.sleep(tiempo)
from network import WLAN, STA_IF from bh1750 import BH1750 from bme280 import BME280, BME280_OSAMPLE_16 from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C from dht import DHT11 from math import floor import urequests import utime # set i2c bus i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(4), scl=Pin(5)) devices = i2c.scan() # setup all devices display = None if 0x3c not in devices else SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) light_sensor = None if 0x23 not in devices else BH1750(i2c) bme = None if 0x76 not in devices else BME280(i2c=i2c, mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_16) dht = DHT11(Pin(14)) # adc = ADC(0) adafruit_url = '' def show(method: str, *args): if display is not None: getattr(display, method)(*args) elif method == 'text': print(args[0]) def justify_right(value, y):
print("Lost connection to host") self.state_machine.current_state = state_network break utime.sleep(5) wifi = WiFi(secrets.network_ssid, secrets.network_password) led = NetworkLed(33) state_machine = StateMachine() state_no_network = NoNetworkState(state_machine, wifi) state_network = NetworkState(state_machine, wifi) state_connected = ConnectedState(state_machine, wifi) state_machine.current_state = state_no_network TEMP_IO = const(39) adc = ADC(Pin(TEMP_IO, Pin.IN)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) I2C0_SCL = const(26) I2C0_SDA = const(25) scl = Pin(I2C0_SCL, Pin.IN) sda = Pin(I2C0_SDA, Pin.OUT) i2c = I2C(-1, scl=scl, sda=sda) light_sensor = BH1750(i2c)
from machine import I2C, Pin from bh1750 import BH1750 import time bus = I2C(scl=Pin(17), sda=Pin(16)) sensor = BH1750(bus) while True: for mode, name in BH1750.res_mod: #print(mode, name) lux = sensor.do_measurement(mode) print("mode : %-30s, lux: %d" % (name, lux)) print("\n") time.sleep(1)
BIGSLEEP = 800 # 800 seconds for 15 minutes intervals. ROUND = 1 TICKER = 1 while True: f = open("data/data.csv", "a") print("862c. Round ", ROUND) time.sleep(2) insert_one_1 = aq(5, 1) insert_two_1 = aq(5, 2) time.sleep(2) temphum1 = temphum2 = i2c_light = machine.I2C(0, pins=("P21", "P22")) # (P21 is SDA, P22 is clock) lightsensor = BH1750(i2c_light) luminance = lightsensor.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) time.sleep(2) timesec = time.time() f.write( str(ROUND) + '; ' + str("862c") + '; ' + str(insert_one_1[0]) + '; ' + str(insert_one_1[1]) + '; ' + str(insert_one_1[2]) + '; ' + str(insert_two_1[0]) + '; ' + str(insert_two_1[1]) + '; ' + str(insert_two_1[2]) + '; ' + str(temphum1.temperature) + '; ' + str(temphum2.temperature) + '; ' + str(temphum1.humidity) + '; ' + str(temphum2.humidity) + '; ' + str(luminance) + '; ' + str(timesec) + '\n') f.close() pms5003.fan_off() ROUND += 1 TICKER += 1
# micropython script to get lux values from BH1750 sensor import time import machine from bh1750 import BH1750 scl = machine.Pin(5) sda = machine.Pin(4) # for esp32 use machine.I2C(-1, scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=100000) i2c = machine.SoftI2C(scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=100000) sensor = BH1750(i2c, 0x23) # secondary address is 0x5c try: while True: # get sensor light intensity (lux) and store value in variable 'lux' lux = sensor.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) # print value to console. # {} is used in conjunction with format() for substitution. # .2f - format to 2 decimal places. # end='\r' - curser will go to the start of the current line instead of making a new line. print("Light intensity is {:.2f} lx".format(lux), end='\r') time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('script stopped by user') finally: print('Goodbye!')
# Refer to README at head of repository for HOW to upload the script to the board import machine import time # Micropython BH1750 Library # from bh1750 import BH1750 # Declare the pins that we are going to use for the I2C # Then set up I2C scl = machine.Pin(1) # defines D1 as I2C SCL sda = machine.Pin(2) # defines D2 as I2C SDA i2c = machine.I2C(scl, sda) s = BH1750(i2c) # addr defaults to 0x23, or #s = BH1750(i2c, 0x23) # specify addr explicitly, or #s = BH1750(i2c, 0x5c) # pull ADDR pin high and use alternate i2c address while True: lux = s.luminance(BH1750.CONT_HIRES_1) # see notes below for reading type print(f"Light: {lux} lx") time.sleep(1) # delay for 1s before repeating loop # Other modes for luminance sensor reading (CONT_HIRES_1 is default) # CONT_LOWRES Continuous, low resolution (4lx), sampling takes ~24ms, sensor remains on after reading. # CONT_HIRES_1 Continuous, high resolution (1lx), sampling takes ~180ms, sensor remains on after reading. # CONT_HIRES_2 Continuous, very high resolution (.5lx), sampling takes ~180ms, sensor remains on after reading. # ONCE_HIRES_1 One-shot, low resolution (4lx), sampling takes ~24ms, sensor powered down after reading # ONCE_HIRES_2 One-shot, high resolution (1lx), sampling takes ~180ms, sensor powered down after reading