Beispiel #1
def general_search():
        args = request.args
        parameters = {'collection': None, 'size': SEARCH_CHUNK_SIZE, 'from_': 0, 'q': None, 'sort': None, "with_persons": False}
        got_one_of_required_persons_params = False
        for param in parameters.keys():
            if param in args:
                if param == "with_persons":
                    parameters[param] = args[param].lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]
                    parameters[param] = args[param]
                    if param in PERSONS_SEARCH_REQUIRES_ONE_OF and parameters[param]:
                        got_one_of_required_persons_params = True
        if parameters["q"] or (parameters["collection"] == "persons" and got_one_of_required_persons_params):
                rv = es_search(**parameters)
            except Exception as e:
                return humanify({"error": e.message}, 500)
            for item in rv['hits']['hits']:
                enrich_item(item['_source'], collection_name=item['_type'])
            return humanify(rv)
            return humanify({"error": "You must specify a search query"}, 400)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.exception("unexpected error")
        return humanify(({"error": e.message}, 500))
Beispiel #2
def get_changes(from_date, to_date):
    rv = set()
    # Validate the dates
    dates = {'start': from_date, 'end': to_date}
    for date in dates:
            dates[date] = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(dates[date]))
        except ValueError:
            abort(400, 'Bad timestamp - {}'.format(dates[date]))

    log_collection = current_app.data_db['migration_log']
    query = {'date': {'$gte': dates['start'], '$lte': dates['end']}}
    projection = {'item_id': 1, '_id': 0}
    cursor = log_collection.find(query, projection)
    if not cursor:
        return humanify([])
        for doc in cursor:
            col, _id = doc['item_id'].split('.')
            # TODO: remove references to the genTreeIndividuals collection - it is irrelevant and not in use
            if col == 'genTreeIndividuals':
                if filter_doc_id(_id, col):
    return humanify(list(rv))
Beispiel #3
def get_items(slugs):
    if slugs:
        items_list = slugs.split(',')
    elif request.is_json:
        items_list = request.get_json()

    # Check if there are items from ugc collection and test their access control
    ugc_items = []
    for item in items_list:
        if item.startswith('ugc'):
    user_oid = current_user.is_authenticated and

    items = fetch_items(items_list)
    if len(items) == 1 and 'error_code' in items[0]:
        error = items[0]
        abort(error['error_code'],  error['msg'])
        # Cast items to list
        if type(items) != list:
            items = [items]
        # Check that each of the ugc_items is accessible by the logged in user
        for ugc_item_id in [i[4:] for i in ugc_items]:
            for item in items:
                if item['_id'] == ugc_item_id and item.has_key('owner') and item['owner'] != unicode(user_oid):
                    abort(403, 'You are not authorized to access item ugc.{}'.format(str(item['_id'])))
        return humanify(items)
Beispiel #4
def get_geocoded_places():
    args = request.args
    filters = SHOW_FILTER.copy()
    filters['geometry'] = {'$exists': True}
    filters['Header.En'] = {'$nin': [None, '']}
        filters['geometry.coordinates.1'] = {
            '$gte': float(args['sw_lat']),
            '$lte': float(args['ne_lat'])
        filters['geometry.coordinates.0'] = {
            '$gte': float(args['sw_lng']),
            '$lte': float(args['ne_lng'])
    except KeyError:
        abort(400, 'Please specify a box using sw_lat, sw_lng, ne_lat, ne_lng')
    except ValueError:
            'Please specify a box using floats in sw_lat, sw_lng, ne_lat, ne_lng'
    points = current_app.data_db['places'].find(filters, {
        'Header': True,
        'Slug': True,
        'geometry': True,
        'PlaceTypeDesc': True
    ret = humanify(list(points))
    return ret
Beispiel #5
def linkify():
        collections = ["places", "personalities", "familyNames"]
        res = {collection: [] for collection in collections}
            if request.method == "POST":
                html_lower = request.form["html"].lower()
                html_lower = request.args["html"].lower()
        except Exception as e:
        for i, item in enumerate(get_linkify_items(collections, html_lower)):
        return humanify(res)
    except Exception as e:
        return humanify({"error": e.message, "traceback": traceback.format_exc()}, 500)
Beispiel #6
def ftree_search():
    args = request.args
    keys = args.keys()
    if len(keys) == 0:
        em = "At least one search field has to be specified"
        abort (400, em)
    if len(keys) == 1 and keys[0]=='sex':
        em = "Sex only is not enough"
        abort (400, em)
    total, items = fsearch(**args)
    return humanify({"items": items, "total": total})
Beispiel #7
def get_suggestions(collection,string):
    This view returns a json with 3 fields:
    "complete", "starts_with", "phonetic".
    Each field holds a list of up to 5 strings.
    rv = {}
        unlistify_item = lambda i: " ".join(i) if isinstance(i, (tuple, list)) else i
        if collection == "*":
            rv['starts_with'], rv['phonetic'] = get_completion_all_collections(string)
            rv['contains'] = {}
            # make all the words in the suggestion start with a capital letter
            rv = {k: {kk: [unlistify_item(i).title() for i in vv] for kk, vv in v.items()} for k, v in rv.items()}
            return humanify(rv)
            rv['starts_with'], rv['phonetic'] = get_completion(collection, string)
            rv['contains'] = []
            # make all the words in the suggestion start with a capital letter
            rv = {k: [unlistify_item(i).title() for i in v] for k, v in rv.items()}
            return humanify(rv)
    except Exception, e:
        return humanify({"error": "unexpected exception getting completion data: {}".format(e), "traceback": traceback.format_exc()}, 500)
Beispiel #8
def wizard_search():
    We must have either `place` or `name` (or both) of the keywords.
    If present, the keys must not be empty.
    args = request.args
    must_have_keys = ['place', 'name']
    keys = args.keys()
    if not ('place' in keys) and not ('name' in keys):
        em = "Either 'place' or 'name' key must be present and not empty"
        abort(400, em)

    validated_args = {'place': None, 'name': None}
    for k in must_have_keys:
        if k in keys:
            if args[k]:
                validated_args[k] = args[k]
                abort(400, "{} argument couldn't be empty".format(k))

    place = validated_args['place']
    name = validated_args['name']

    if place == 'havat_taninim' and name == 'tick-tock':
        return _generate_credits()

    place_doc = search_by_header(place, 'places', starts_with=False)
    name_doc = search_by_header(name, 'familyNames', starts_with=False)
    # fsearch() expects a dictionary of lists and returns Mongo cursor
    ftree_args = {}
    if name:
        ftree_args['last_name'] = [name]
    if place:
        ftree_args['birth_place'] = [place]

    # We turn the cursor to list in order to serialize it
    ''' TODO: restore family trees
    tree_found = list(fsearch(max_results=1, **ftree_args))
    if not tree_found and name and 'birth_place' in ftree_args:
        del ftree_args['birth_place']
        tree_found = list(fsearch(max_results=1, **ftree_args))
    rv = {'place': place_doc, 'name': name_doc}
    ''' TODO: restore family trees
    if tree_found:
        rv['ftree_args'] = ftree_args
    return humanify(rv)
Beispiel #9
def get_suggestions(collection, string):
    This view returns a json with 3 fields:
    "complete", "starts_with", "phonetic".
    Each field holds a list of up to 5 strings.
    rv = {}

    rv['starts_with'], rv['phonetic'] = get_completion(collection, string)
    rv['contains'] = []

    # make all the words in the suggestion start with a capital letter
    for k, v in rv.items():
        newv = []
        for i in v:
        rv[k] = newv

    return humanify(rv)
Beispiel #10
def general_search():
    args = request.args
    parameters = {
        'collection': None,
        'size': SEARCH_CHUNK_SIZE,
        'from_': 0,
        'q': None
    for param in parameters.keys():
        if param in args:
            parameters[param] = args[param]
    if not parameters['q']:
        abort(400, 'You must specify a search query')
        rv = es_search(**parameters)
        for item in rv['hits']['hits']:
        if not rv:
            abort(500, 'Sorry, the search cluster appears to be down')
        return humanify(rv)
Beispiel #11
def fetch_images(image_ids):
    """Validate the comma separated list of image UUIDs and return a list
    of links to these images.
    Will return only 10 first results.

    valid_ids = []
    image_urls = []
    image_id_list = image_ids.split(',')[:10]

    for i in image_id_list:
        if not i:
        except ValueError:
            current_app.logger.debug('Wrong UUID - {}'.format(i))

    image_urls = [get_image_url(i) for i in valid_ids]
    return humanify(image_urls)
Beispiel #12
def get_story(hash):
    user = get_user(hash)
    del user['email']
    return humanify (user)
Beispiel #13
def get_collection(name):
    items = collect_editors_items(name)
    return humanify ({'items': items})
Beispiel #14
def save_user_content():
    import magic

    if not request.files:
        abort(400, 'No files present!')

    must_have_key_list = ['title',

    form = request.form
    keys = form.keys()

    # Check that we have a full language specific set of fields

    must_have_keys = {
        '_en': {'missing': None, 'error': None},
        '_he': {'missing': None, 'error': None}
    for lang in must_have_keys:
        must_have_list = [k+lang for k in must_have_key_list]
        must_have_set = set(must_have_list)
        must_have_keys[lang]['missing'] = list(must_have_set.difference(set(keys)))
        if must_have_keys[lang]['missing']:
            missing_keys = must_have_keys[lang]['missing']
            must_have_keys[lang]['error'] = gen_missing_keys_error(missing_keys)

    if must_have_keys['_en']['missing'] and must_have_keys['_he']['missing']:
        em_base = 'You must provide a full list of keys in English or Hebrew. '
        em = em_base + must_have_keys['_en']['error'] + ' ' +  must_have_keys['_he']['error']
        abort(400, em)

    # Set metadata language(s) to the one(s) without missing fields
    md_languages = []
    for lang in must_have_keys:
        if not must_have_keys[lang]['missing']:

    user_oid =

    file_obj = request.files['file']
    filename = secure_filename(file_obj.filename)
    metadata = dict(form)
    metadata['user_id'] = str(user_oid)
    metadata['original_filename'] = filename
    metadata['Content-Type'] = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]

    # Pick the first item for all the list fields in the metadata
    clean_md = {}
    for key in metadata:
        if type(metadata[key]) == list:
            clean_md[key] = metadata[key][0]
            clean_md[key] = metadata[key]

    # Make sure there are no empty keys for at least one of the md_languages
    empty_keys = {'_en': [], '_he': []}
    for lang in md_languages:
        for key in clean_md:
            if key.endswith(lang):
                if not clean_md[key]:

    # Check for empty keys of the single language with the full list of fields
    if len(md_languages) == 1 and empty_keys[md_languages[0]]:
        abort(400, "'{}' field couldn't be empty".format(empty_keys[md_languages[0]][0]))
    # Check for existence of empty keys in ALL the languages
    elif len(md_languages) > 1:
            if (empty_keys['_en'] and empty_keys['_he']):
                abort(400, "'{}' field couldn't be empty".format(empty_keys[md_languages[0]][0]))

    # Create a version of clean_md with the full fields only
    full_md = {}
    for key in clean_md:
        if clean_md[key]:
            full_md[key] = clean_md[key]

    # Get the magic file info
    file_info_str = magic.from_buffer(
    if not _validate_filetype(file_info_str):
        abort(415, "File type '{}' is not supported".format(file_info_str))

    # Rewind the file object
    # Convert user specified metadata to BHP6 format
    bhp6_md = _convert_meta_to_bhp6(clean_md, file_info_str)
    bhp6_md['owner'] = str(user_oid)
    # Create a thumbnail and add it to bhp metadata
        binary_thumbnail = binarize_image(file_obj)
        bhp6_md['thumbnail'] = {}
        bhp6_md['thumbnail']['data'] = urllib.quote(binary_thumbnail.encode('base64'))
    except IOError as e:
        current_app.logger.debug('Thumbnail creation failed for {} with error: {}'.format(
            file_obj.filename, e.message))

    # Add ugc flag to the metadata
    bhp6_md['ugc'] = True
    # Insert the metadata to the ugc collection
    new_ugc = Ugc(bhp6_md)
    file_oid =

    bucket = ugc_bucket
    saved_uri = upload_file(file_obj, bucket, file_oid, full_md, make_public=True)
    user_email =
    user_name =
    if saved_uri:
        console_uri = '{}/o/{}'
        http_uri = console_uri.format(bucket, file_oid)
        mjs = current_user.get_mjs()['mjs']
        if mjs == {}:
            current_app.logger.debug('Creating mjs for user {}'.format(user_email))
        # Add main_image_url for images (UnitType 1)
        if bhp6_md['UnitType'] == 1:
            ugc_image_uri = '' + saved_uri.split('gs://')[1]
            new_ugc['ugc']['main_image_url'] = ugc_image_uri
        # Send an email to editor
        subject = 'New UGC submission'
        with open('templates/editors_email_template') as fh:
            template = jinja2.Template(
        body = template.render({'uri': http_uri,
                                'metadata': clean_md,
                                'user_email': user_email,
                                'user_name': user_name})
        sent = send_gmail(subject, body, editor_address, message_mode='html')
        if not sent:
            current_app.logger.error('There was an error sending an email to {}'.format(editor_address))
        clean_md['item_page'] = '/item/ugc.{}'.format(str(file_oid))

        return humanify({'md': clean_md})
        abort(500, 'Failed to save {}'.format(filename))