Beispiel #1
def coin_filesystem(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals):

    :param str session:    The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param dict bidsmap:   The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param str bidsfolder: The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param dict personals: The dictionary with the personal information
    :return:               Nothing
    :rtype: NoneType

    global logfile
    bids.printlog('coin_filesystem is WIP!!!', logfile)
Beispiel #2
def bidscoiner(rawfolder,
               bidsmapfile='code' + os.sep + 'bidsmap.yaml'):
    Main function that processes all the subjects and session in the rawfolder and uses the
    bidsmap.yaml file in bidsfolder/code to cast the data into the BIDS folder.

    :param str rawfolder:     The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param str bidsfolder:    The name of the BIDS root folder
    :param list subjects:     List of selected sub-# names / folders to be processed. Otherwise all subjects in the rawfolder will be selected
    :param bool force:        If True, subjects will be processed, regardless of existing folders in the bidsfolder. Otherwise existing folders will be skipped
    :param bool participants: If True, subjects in particpants.tsv will not be processed (this could be used e.g. to protect these subjects from being reprocessed), also when force=True
    :param str bidsmapfile:   The name of the bidsmap YAML-file. If the bidsmap pathname is relative (i.e. no "/" in the name) then it is assumed to be located in bidsfolder/code/
    :return:                  Nothing
    :rtype: NoneType

    # Input checking
    rawfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rawfolder))
    bidsfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(bidsfolder))
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'code'), exist_ok=True)
    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bidsfolder, '.bidsignore')):
        with open(os.path.join(bidsfolder, '.bidsignore'), 'w') as bidsignore:
            bidsignore.write(bids.unknownmodality + os.sep)

    # Start logging
    global logfile
    logfile = os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'code', 'bidscoiner.log')
        '------------ START BIDScoiner {ver}: BIDS {bidsver} ------------\n>>> bidscoiner rawfolder={arg1} bidsfolder={arg2} subjects={arg3} force={arg4} participants={arg5} bidsmap={arg6}'
                arg6=bidsmapfile), logfile)

    # Create a dataset description file if it does not exist
    dataset_file = os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'dataset_description.json')
    if not os.path.isfile(dataset_file):
        dataset_description = {
            "REQUIRED. Name of the dataset",
            "RECOMMENDED. What license is this dataset distributed under?. The use of license name abbreviations is suggested for specifying a license",
            "Authors": [
                "OPTIONAL. List of individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of the dataset"
            "OPTIONAL. List of individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of the dataset",
            "OPTIONAL. Instructions how researchers using this dataset should acknowledge the original authors. This field can also be used to define a publication that should be cited in publications that use the dataset",
            ["OPTIONAL. List of sources of funding (grant numbers)"],
            "ReferencesAndLinks": [
                "OPTIONAL. List of references to publication that contain information on the dataset, or links"
            "OPTIONAL. The Document Object Identifier of the dataset (not the corresponding paper)"
        bids.printlog('Creating dataset description file: ' + dataset_file,
        with open(dataset_file, 'w') as fid:
            json.dump(dataset_description, fid, indent=4)

    # Create a README file if it does not exist
    readme_file = os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'README')
    if not os.path.isfile(readme_file):
        bids.printlog('Creating README file: ' + readme_file, logfile)
        with open(readme_file, 'w') as fid:
                'A free form text ( README ) describing the dataset in more details that SHOULD be provided'

    # Get the bidsmap heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    bidsmap = bids.get_heuristics(bidsmapfile,
                                  os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'code'),

    # Get the table with subjects that have been processed
    participants_file = os.path.join(bidsfolder, 'participants.tsv')
    if os.path.exists(participants_file):
        participants_table = pd.read_table(participants_file)
        participants_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['participant_id'])

    # Get the list of subjects
    if not subjects:
        subjects = bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, 'sub-*')
        subjects = [
            os.path.join(rawfolder, subject) for subject in subjects
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rawfolder, subject))

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions and convert them using the bidsmap entries
    for subject in subjects:

        if participants and subject in list(participants_table.participant_id):

        personals = dict()
        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, 'ses-*')
        if not sessions:
            sessions = subject
        for session in sessions:

            # Check if we should skip the session-folder
            if not force and os.path.isdir(
                    session.replace(rawfolder, bidsfolder)):

            # Update / append the dicom mapping
            if bidsmap['DICOM']:
                coin_dicom(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the PAR/REC mapping
            if bidsmap['PAR']:
                coin_par(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the P7 mapping
            if bidsmap['P7']:
                coin_p7(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the nifti mapping
            if bidsmap['Nifti']:
                coin_nifti(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the file-system mapping
            if bidsmap['FileSystem']:
                coin_filesystem(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the plugin mapping
            if bidsmap['PlugIn']:
                coin_plugin(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

        # Write the collected personals to the participants_file
        if personals:
            for key in personals:
                if key not in participants_table.columns:
                    participants_table[key] = None
            participants_table = participants_table.append(
                personals, ignore_index=True, verify_integrity=True)
            bids.printlog('Writing subject data to: ' + participants_file,

    bids.printlog('------------ FINISHED! ------------', logfile)
Beispiel #3
def coin_dicom(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals):
    Converts the session dicom-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the dicom header

    :param str session:    The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param dict bidsmap:   The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param str bidsfolder: The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param dict personals: The dictionary with the personal information
    :return:               Nothing
    :rtype: NoneType

    global logfile
    TE = [None, None]

    # Get a valid BIDS subject identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'].endswith('>>'):
        subid = 'sub-' + bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']:
        subid = 'sub-' + bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']
        subid = 'sub-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'sub-', 1)[1].split(
            os.sep + 'ses-', 1)[0]
    if subid == 'sub-':
            'Error: No valid subject identifier found for: ' + session,

    # Get a BIDS session identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'].endswith('>>'):
        sesid = 'ses-' + bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']:
        sesid = 'ses-' + bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']
    elif os.sep + 'ses-' in session:
        sesid = 'ses-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'ses-')[1]
        sesid = ''

    # Create the BIDS session-folder
    bidsses = os.path.join(
        bidsfolder, subid, sesid
    )  # NB: This gives a trailing '/' if ses=='', but that should be ok
    os.makedirs(bidsses, exist_ok=True)

    # Process all the dicom series subfolders
    for series in bids.lsdirs(session):

        bids.printlog('Processing dicom-folder: ' + series, logfile)

        # Get the cleaned-up bids labels from a dicom-file and bidsmap
        dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
        result = bids.get_matching_dicomseries(dicomfile, bidsmap)
        series_ = result['series']
        modality = result['modality']

        # Create the BIDS session/modality folder
        bidsmodality = os.path.join(bidsses, modality)
        os.makedirs(bidsmodality, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the bids labels and run-index
        runindex = series_['run_index']
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(bidsmodality, bidsname)
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,

        # Convert the dicom-files in the series folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
        command = '{path}dcm2niix {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{infolder}"'.format(
        bids.printlog('$ ' + command, logfile)
        process =
        )  # TODO: investigate shell=False and capture_output=True
        bids.printlog(process.stdout.decode('utf-8'), logfile)
        if process.returncode != 0:
            errormsg = 'Error: Failed to process {} (errorcode {})'.format(
                series, process.returncode)
            bids.printlog(errormsg, logfile)

        # Rename all files ending with _c%d, _e%d and _ph: These are produced by dcm2niix for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data, respectively
        jsonfiles = [
        ]  # Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later)
        for suffix in ('_c', '_e', '_ph'):
            for filename in sorted(
                        os.path.join(bidsmodality, bidsname + suffix + '*'))):
                basepath, ext1 = os.path.splitext(filename)
                basepath, ext2 = os.path.splitext(
                    basepath)  # Account for .nii.gz files
                basepath, index = basepath.rsplit(suffix, 1)

                if suffix == '_e' and bids.set_bidslabel(basepath,
                                                         'echo') and index:
                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(basepath, 'echo', index)

                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in [
                        'magnitude1', 'magnitude2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + index
                    # Read the echo times that need to be added to the json-file (see below)
                    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.json':
                        with open(filename, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        TE[int(index) - 1] = data['EchoTime']
                            'Reading EchoTime{} = {} from: {}'.format(
                                index, data['EchoTime'], filename), logfile)
                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit(
                        '_', 1
                )[1] == 'phasediff' and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'

                elif suffix == '_ph' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in [
                        'phase1', 'phase2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap' (TODO: untested)
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + index
                        'WARNING: Untested dcm2niix "_ph"-filetype: ' +
                        basepath, logfile)

                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(
                        basepath, 'dummy',
                        suffix.upper() + index
                    )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data

                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        bidsmodality, os.path.basename(basepath), ext2 + ext1
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                    newbidsname = os.path.basename(basepath)
                newfilename = os.path.join(bidsmodality,
                                           newbidsname + ext2 + ext1)
                    'Found dcm2niix {} suffix, renaming\n{} ->\n{}'.format(
                        suffix, filename, newfilename), logfile)
                os.rename(filename, newfilename)
                if ext1 == '.json':
                        os.path.join(bidsmodality, newbidsname + '.json'))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json files (every nifti file comes with a json file)
        if not jsonfiles:
            jsonfiles = [os.path.join(bidsmodality, bidsname + '.json')]

        for jsonfile in jsonfiles:

            # Add a dummy b0 bval- and bvec-file for any file without a bval/bvec file (e.g. sbref, b0 scans)
            if modality == 'dwi':
                bvecfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bvec'
                bvalfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bval'
                if not os.path.isfile(bvecfile):
                    with open(bvecfile, 'w') as bvec_fid:
                        bids.printlog('Adding dummy bvec file: ' + bvecfile,
                if not os.path.isfile(bvalfile):
                    with open(bvalfile, 'w') as bval_fid:
                        bids.printlog('Adding dummy bval file: ' + bvalfile,

            # Add the TaskName to the func json-file
            elif modality == 'func':
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if not 'TaskName' in data:
                    bids.printlog('Adding TaskName to: ' + jsonfile, logfile)
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        data['TaskName'] = series_['task_label']
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Add the EchoTime(s) used to create the difference image to the fmap json-file. NB: This assumes the magnitude series have already been parsed (i.e. their nifti's had an _e suffix) -- This is normally the case for Siemens (phase-series being saved after the magnitude series
            elif modality == 'fmap':
                if series_['suffix'] == 'phasediff':
                        'Adding EchoTime1 and EchoTime2 to: ' + jsonfile,
                    with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                        data = json.load(json_fid)
                    data['EchoTime1'] = TE[0]
                    data['EchoTime2'] = TE[1]
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)
                    if TE[0] > TE[1]:
                            'WARNING: EchoTime1 > EchoTime2 in: ' + jsonfile,

    # Search for the IntendedFor images and add them to the json-files. This has been postponed untill all modalities have been processed (i.e. so that all target images are indeed on disk)
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap'] is not None:
        for fieldmap in bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap']:
            if 'IntendedFor' in fieldmap and fieldmap['IntendedFor']:
                jsonfile = os.path.join(
                    bidsses, 'fmap',
                    bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, 'fmap', fieldmap, '1') +
                )  # TODO: Assumes that there is only 1 fieldmap acquired for each bidsmap entry / series
                if not os.path.isfile(jsonfile):
                intendedfor = fieldmap['IntendedFor']
                if intendedfor.startswith('<<') and intendedfor.endswith('>>'):
                    intendedfor = intendedfor[2:-2].split('><')
                    intendedfor = [intendedfor]
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                niifiles = [
                    niifile.split(os.sep + subid + os.sep, 1)[1]
                    for niifile in sorted(
                                bidsses, '**' + os.sep + '*' +
                                '*'.join(intendedfor) + '*.nii*')))
                ]  # Use a relative path
                data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                bids.printlog('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile, logfile)
                with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                    json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

                # Catch magnitude2 files produced by dcm2niix
                if jsonfile.endswith('magnitude1.json'):
                    jsonfile2 = jsonfile.rsplit('1.json', 1)[0] + '2.json'
                    if os.path.isfile(jsonfile2):
                        with open(jsonfile2, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                        bids.printlog('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile2,
                        with open(jsonfile2, 'w') as json_fid:
                            json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

    # Collect personal data from the DICOM header
    dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
    personals['participant_id'] = subid
    if sesid:
            'session_id'] = sesid  # TODO: Check if this can be in the participants.tsv file according to BIDS
    personals['age'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientAge', dicomfile)
    personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', dicomfile)
    personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', dicomfile)
    personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', dicomfile)