Beispiel #1
def text_search(conn, search, *, language='english', case_sensitive=False,
                diacritic_sensitive=False, text_score=False, limit=0, table=None):
    """Return all the assets that match the text search.

    The results are sorted by text score.
    For more information about the behavior of text search on MongoDB see

        search (str): Text search string to query the text index
        language (str, optional): The language for the search and the rules for
            stemmer and tokenizer. If the language is ``None`` text search uses
            simple tokenization and no stemming.
        case_sensitive (bool, optional): Enable or disable case sensitive
        diacritic_sensitive (bool, optional): Enable or disable case sensitive
            diacritic search.
        text_score (bool, optional): If ``True`` returns the text score with
            each document.
        limit (int, optional): Limit the number of returned documents.

        :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`: a list of assets

        OperationError: If the backend does not support text search

    raise OperationError('This query is only supported when running '
                         'BigchainDB with MongoDB as the backend.')
def remove_replicas(connection, replicas):
    """Remove a set of replicas from the replicaset

        connection (:class:`~bigchaindb.backend.connection.Connection`):
            A connection to the database.
        replicas (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): replica addresses in the
            form "hostname:port".

        OperationError: If the reconfiguration fails due to a MongoDB
    # get the current configuration
    conf = connection.conn.admin.command('replSetGetConfig')

    # remove the nodes from the members list in the replica set
    conf['config']['members'] = list(
        filter(lambda member: member['host'] not in replicas,

    # increase the configuration version number
    conf['config']['version'] += 1

    # apply new configuration
        connection.conn.admin.command('replSetReconfig', conf['config'])
    except OperationFailure as exc:
        raise OperationError(exc.details['errmsg'])
Beispiel #3
def text_search_object(conn, search, text_score=False, limit=0):
    """Return all the assets that match the text search.

    The results are sorted by text score.
    For more information about the behavior of text search on MongoDB see

        search (str): Text search string to query the text index
        text_score (bool, optional): If ``True`` returns the text score with
            each document.
        limit (int, optional): Limit the number of returned documents.

        :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`: a list of assets

        OperationError: If the backend does not support text search

    raise OperationError('This query is only supported when running '
                         'BigchainDB with MongoDB as the backend.')
def add_replicas(connection, replicas):
    """Add a set of replicas to the replicaset

        connection (:class:`~bigchaindb.backend.connection.Connection`):
            A connection to the database.
        replicas (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): replica addresses in the
            form "hostname:port".

        OperationError: If the reconfiguration fails due to a MongoDB
    # get current configuration
    conf = connection.conn.admin.command('replSetGetConfig')

    # MongoDB does not automatically add an id for the members so we need
    # to choose one that does not exist yet. The safest way is to use
    # incrementing ids, so we first check what is the highest id already in
    # the set and continue from there.
    cur_id = max([member['_id'] for member in conf['config']['members']])

    # add the nodes to the members list of the replica set
    for replica in replicas:
        cur_id += 1
        conf['config']['members'].append({'_id': cur_id, 'host': replica})

    # increase the configuration version number
    # when reconfiguring, mongodb expects a version number higher than the one
    # it currently has
    conf['config']['version'] += 1

    # apply new configuration
        connection.conn.admin.command('replSetReconfig', conf['config'])
    except OperationFailure as exc:
        raise OperationError(exc.details['errmsg'])
def reconfigure(connection, *, table, shards, replicas,
                primary_replica_tag=None, dry_run=False,
    """Reconfigures the given table.

        connection (:class:`~bigchaindb.backend.connection.Connection`):
            A connection to the database.
        table (str): The name of the table to reconfigure.
        shards (int): The number of shards, an integer from 1-64.
        replicas (:obj:`int` | :obj:`dict`):
            * If replicas is an integer, it specifies the number of
              replicas per shard. Specifying more replicas than there
              are servers will return an error.
            * If replicas is a dictionary, it specifies key-value pairs
              of server tags and the number of replicas to assign to
              those servers::

                  {'africa': 2, 'asia': 4, 'europe': 2, ...}
        primary_replica_tag (str): The primary server specified by its
            server tag. Required if ``replicas`` is a dictionary. The
            tag must be in the ``replicas`` dictionary. This must not be
            specified if ``replicas`` is an integer. Defaults to
        dry_run (bool): If ``True`` the generated configuration will not
            be applied to the table, only returned. Defaults to
        nonvoting_replica_tags (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Replicas
            with these server tags will be added to the
            ``nonvoting_replicas`` list of the resulting configuration.
            Defaults to ``None``.

        dict: A dictionary with possibly three keys:

            * ``reconfigured``: the number of tables reconfigured. This
              will be ``0`` if ``dry_run`` is ``True``.
            * ``config_changes``: a list of new and old table
              configuration values.
            * ``status_changes``: a list of new and old table status

            For more information please consult RethinkDB's
            documentation `ReQL command: reconfigure

        OperationError: If the reconfiguration fails due to a
            RethinkDB :exc:`ReqlOpFailedError` or

    params = {
        'shards': shards,
        'replicas': replicas,
        'dry_run': dry_run,
    if primary_replica_tag:
    except (r.ReqlOpFailedError, r.ReqlQueryLogicError) as e:
        raise OperationError('Failed to reconfigure tables.') from e
Beispiel #6
def kv_search(conn, key, value, limit=0, table='assets'):
    raise OperationError('This query is only supported when running '
                         'BigchainDB with MongoDB as the backend.')