def settings(gui_output, path, board, port):
    "Configuring your project's settings..."
    return execute_bii('arduino:settings',
                       {'board': board,
                        'port': port},
def new(gui_output, path, name, hello=False):
    """creating a new block..."""
    if hello:
        command = "new %s --hello=arduino" % name
        command = "new %s" % name
    return execute_bii(command, gui_output, {}, path)
def upload(gui_output, path, firmware):
    "Building and Uploading your firmware..."
    if platform.system() == "Linux" and os.geteuid() != 0:
        raise PermissionException()
    return execute_bii('arduino:upload',
                       {'Firmware name': firmware},
def clean(gui_output, path):
    "Cleaning your project..."
    return execute_bii("clean", gui_output, {}, path)
def find(gui_output, path):
    "Finding your dependencies..."
    return execute_bii("find", gui_output, {}, path)
def setup(gui_output, path):
    """installing arduino tools..."""
    return execute_bii("setup:arduino", gui_output, {}, path)
def newproject(gui_output, path, name):
    "Initializing a new project..."
    return execute_bii("init %s" % name, gui_output, {}, path)
def publish(gui_output, path, request):
    "Publishing your block..."
    return execute_bii(request, gui_output, {}, path)
def build(gui_output, path, board, port):
    "Building your firmware..."
    return execute_bii('arduino:build', gui_output, 
                       {'board': board,
                        'port': port},
def monitor(gui_output, path):
    return execute_bii('arduino:monitor', gui_output, {}, path)
def configure(gui_output, path):
    "Configuring your project..."
    return execute_bii('arduino:configure', gui_output, {}, path)